New to statnet in r, error in .Call message - r

I'm using statnet and R for the first time, and keep coming across this error message:
Error in .Call(getEdgeAttribute_R, el, attrname, na.omit,, deleted.edges.omit) :
NULL value passed as symbol address
I have not had this problem in any other packages that I've used. And I have not been able to locate any other threads/questions with this error in statnet.
Any help and/or suggestions is greatly appreciated!


Warning message within R function seems to make the function not work?

Using the syuzhet package in R, the following works but returns a warning message:
object <- get_text_as_string("path/name.txt")
When I put this in a function, it returns the same warning error but does NOT change the value of object:
gen <- function(file){
object <- get_text_as_string(file)
This is the warning message, if it matters:
Warning message:
In readLines(path_to_file) :
incomplete final line found on 'path/name.txt'
...but again, I get that from get_text_as_string() when used outside of the function, but it DOES change the value of object.
Anyone have any advice? There must be something I don't understand about functions?
(I've looked for similar questions/answers, if I've missed the right one I'd be happy to just be directed there.)

Error msg in R: Error in unlist_as_integer(x#subscript) : object 'fancy_mseq' not found

I am reading 2 vcf files in to R. They load fine (I have used 3 different methods to do this (read.vcf, readVCF, and fread) and all are fine) however when I go on to try and do anything with 1 of the vcf files, the msg reads:
Error in unlist_as_integer(x#subscript) : object 'fancy_mseq' not found
Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'from': object 'fancy_mseq' not found
Usually I just google error msgs but I can not find anything online about this. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this error message? Whilst it's hard to be 100% sure because of the vcf format, I can't see anything wrong with the file when I call str(), head() or any other ways of looking at the data.
Thank you!

Troubleshooting with MetaboAnalyst

I am trying to run MetaboAnalyst 3.0.3 Pathway Analysis on R (see session information below), and I am getting an error when I try to run the second line of code.
Pathway Analysis Tutorial
I keep getting this error:
> mSet<-InitDataObjects(data.type = "conc", anal.type = "pathora", FALSE)
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Session Info
I tried following this advice but will no luck. I would really appreciate guidance on this seemingly trivial problem!

methylSigCalc function error

Trying to use the latest version of methylSig package (0.3.2), and getting an error when using the methylSigCalc function.
I get a cryptic error message after it figures out the number of loci:
Total number of bases: 2.59m
Error in result[, 3] : subscript out of bounds”
I tried running the code of the methylSigCalc function line by line, and the first error I encounter is when it gets to the methylSig_dataProcess function (below is the error after specifying just one core to try to get a useful error message):
Error in, lapply(which(validLoci),
methylSig_dataProcess, : error in evaluating the argument 'args' in
selecting a method for function '': Error in :
object 'methylSig_dataProcess' not found
It does seem that methylSig_dataProcess is now missing from the package.
Any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?
Many thanks,

Bloomberg data retrieval in R : Invalid override field id specified error

I would like to retrieve power hedging data using Rbbg bloomberg package in R and I know this formula works in excel :
But when I try this in R :
I get the following error message :
Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, :
org.findata.blpwrapper.WrapperException: response error: Invalid override field id specified [nid:217]
What should I change in the formula to make it work ?
Edit: Indeed it is BI_PCT_ELECTRIC_POWER_HEDGED, however the problem does not come from here but from the overrides.
This returns an empty variable for me, but it doesn't throw an error so it might get you on the right track.
The way you specify options is different in the current version it seems.
data<-bdh(conn,"VATT SS Equity", "BI_PER_ELECTRIC_POWER_HEDGED","20000101","",
The doc where I found the correct syntax is here: RBloomberg. It was written in 2010 for the predecessor package (before Bloomberg complained about using their name) but I guess it works! I think the convention of enumerating the list of option names then the option values is odd compared to your assumption that OPTION=VALUE was correct, but there you go.
