Can Roboframework user keyword contain Regexp? - robotframework

It is very common to have a keyword that tests a similar behaviour, with a slightly different semantic like so:
The ${element_a} (gets updated with reference|has a reference) to the ${element_b}
However I wasn't able to find this feature documented anywhere. I know other libraries for testing such as Cucumber support matching steps through regexp, and I imagine since robotframework support embedded arguments in keyword names this can also work in robot.
Is there a way to write a keyword once and re-use it in slightly different situations?

*** Keywords ***
The ${element_a} ${updated_or_has} to the ${element_b}
IF """${update_or_has}""" == 'gets updated with reference'
Do Actions For Updated
ELSE IF """${update_or_has}""" == 'has a reference'
Do Other Actions
Fail Unsupported value
That's one way to do it, branch the execution based on what string was part of the keyword name.
Calling it The element_a gets updated with reference to the element_b will have the keyword take one path, while The element_y has a reference to the element_z - a different one.
By the way, you might reconsider changing the verbing slightly, as the framework will have a bit hard time distinguishing what substring goes in the variable ${element_a} and what in ${updated_or_has} - put a static word, that'll be a part of the keyword name & act as a separator b/n the two vars.
Based on the comments, the branching is not needed, just a confirmation the caller used one of the two possible/supported values. This can be done with this check:
Run Keyword If """${update_or_has}""".lower() not in ('gets updated with reference', 'has a reference', ) Fail Unsupported value

You can specify an argument with a regular expression. So, you could treat part you want to match against as if it was an argument.
From the official user guide, in a section titled Using custom regular expressions:
A custom embedded argument regular expression is defined after the base name of the argument so that the argument and the regexp are separated with a colon.
In your particular case it might look something like this:
The ${element_a} ${foo:gets updated with reference|has a reference} to the ${element_b}
${foo} will be a variable that has whatever that little part is, which you can just ignore.
Here is a working example:
*** Keywords ***
The ${element_a} ${foo:gets updated with reference|has a reference} to the ${element_b}
log the foo argument is '${foo}'
*** Test Cases ***
The foo gets updated with reference to the bar
The bar has a reference to the foo
# verify that the keyword only matches those two variations
Run keyword and expect error
... No keyword with name 'The something blah blah to the yada' found.
... The something blah blah to the yada


How and why is a GNAT.Strings.String_List use clause disallowed? How can you use System.Strings.String_List."&" with infix notation?

Posting for two reasons: (1) I was stuck on unhelpful compiler errors for far too long for such a simple issue and I want the next person to google those messages to come upon my (or other) answers, and (2) I still don't understand disallowing a use clause, so my own answer is really incomplete.
In order to call a program in two places with mostly the same arguments, I want to use the '&' to append to a default list inline:
Exit_Code : constant Integer := GNAT.OS_Lib.Spawn (Program_Name => "gprbuild", Args => (Default_GPR_Arguments & new String'(File_Name_Parameter)));
if Exit_Code /= 0 then
raise Program_Error with "Exit code:" & Exit_Code'Image;
end if;
However, the compiler complains that System.Strings.String_List needs a use clause:
operator for type "System.Strings.String_List" is not directly visible
use clause would make operation legal
But inserting use System.Strings.String_List yields:
"System.Strings.String_List" is not allowed in a use clause
I also got this warning:
warning: "System.Strings" is an internal GNAT unit
warning: use "GNAT.Strings" instead
So I substituted GNAT for System in the with and the use clause and got an extra error in addition to the original 'you need a use clause for System.Strings.String_List' one:
"GNAT.Strings.String_List" is not allowed in a use clause
Why is GNAT.Strings.String_List not allowed in a use clause? Section 8.5 on use clauses doesn't seem to state anything on disallowed packages, so is this a compiler bug? Is it possible to define a new package that cannot have a use clause?
In a use clause of the form
use Name;
Name must be a package name. GNAT.Strings.String_List is a subtype name, not a package name.
There are a number of ways to invoke "&" for String_List. The simplest is to use the full name:
GNAT.Strings."&" (Left, Right)
but presumably you want to be able to use it as an operator in infix notation, Left & Right. Ways to achieve this, in decreasing specificity:
function "&" (Left : GNAT.Strings.String_List; Right : GNAT.Strings.String_List) return GNAT.Strings.String_List renames GNAT.Strings."&"; This makes this specific function directly visible.
use type GNAT.Strings.String_List; This makes all primitive operators of the type directly visible.
use all type GNAT.Strings.String_List; This makes all primitive operations of the type (including non-operator operations) directly visible.
use GNAT.Strings; This makes everything in the package directly visible.
Looks like it is a design decision. And many other packages in System follows this rule. From the (package specification for System.String):
-- Note: this package is in the System hierarchy so that it can be directly
-- be used by other predefined packages. User access to this package is via
-- a renaming of this package in GNAT.String (file
My guess why this is done in that way: because it isn't in the Ada specification, but extension from GNAT.

robotframework - get all the variables/arguments passed to an execution

Is there a way to access all the variables/arguments passed through the command line or variable file (-V option) during robotframework execution. I know in python the execution can access it with 'sys.args' feature.
The answer for getting the CLI arguments is inside your question - just look at the content of the sys.argv, you'll see everything that was passed to the executor:
${args}= Evaluate sys.argv sys
Log To Console ${args}
That'll return a list, where the executable itself ( is the 1st member, and all arguments and their values present the in the order given during the execution:
['C:/my_directories/rf-venv/Lib/site-packages/robot/', '--outputdir', 'logs', '--variable', 'USE_BROWSERSTACK:true', '--variable', 'IS_DEV_ENVIRONMENT:false', '--include', 'worky', 'suites\\test_file.robot']
You explicitly mention variable files; that one is a little bit trickier - the framework parses the files itself, and creates the variables according to its rules. You naturally can see them in the CLI args up there, and the other possibility is to use the built-in keyword Get Variables, which "Returns a dictionary containing all variables in the current scope." (quote from its documentation). Have in mind though that these are all variables - not only the passed on the command line, but also the ones defined in the suite/imported keywords etc.
You have Log Variables to see their names and values "at current scope".
There is no possibility to see the arguments passed to robot.

How to suppress function return

Suppose I have a function that has multiple returned values (shown below). However, this output is not informative as users do not know what each value stands for unless they look up the function definition. So I would like to use println() to print the results with appropriate names to the screen, while suppressing the the actual returned values from being printed on the screen. In R, the function invisible() does that, but how do you do the same thing in Julia?
function trimci(x::Array; tr=0.2, alpha=0.05, nullvalue=0)
ci=[tmean(x, tr=tr)-qt(1-alpha./2, df).*se, tmean(x, tr=tr)+qt(1-alpha./2, df).*se]
return ci, tmean(x, tr=tr), test, se, sig
In addition to what Harlan and Stefan said, let me share an example from the ODBC.jl package (source here).
One of my favorite features of Julia over other languages is how dead simple it is to create custom types (and without performance issues either!). Here's a custom type, Metadata, that simply holds several fields of data that describe an executed query. This doesn't necessarily need its own type, but it makes it more convenient passing all this data between functions as well as allowing custom formatting of its output by overloading the function.
type Metadata
function show(io::IO,meta::Metadata)
if meta == null_meta
print(io,"No metadata")
println(io,"Resultset metadata for executed query")
println(io,"Columns: $(meta.cols)")
println(io,"Rows: $(meta.rows)")
println(io,"Column Names: $(meta.colnames)")
println(io,"Column Types: $(meta.coltypes)")
println(io,"Column Sizes: $(meta.colsizes)")
println(io,"Column Digits: $(meta.coldigits)")
println(io,"Column Nullable: $(meta.colnulls)")
print(io,"Query: $(meta.querystring)")
Again, nothing fancy, but illustrates how easy it really is to define a custom type and produce custom output along with it.
One thing you could do would be to define a new type for the return value for this function, call it TrimCIResult or something. Then you could define appropriate methods to show that object in the REPL. Or you may be able to generalize that solution with a type hierarchy that could be used for storing the results from and displaying any statistical test.
The value nothing is how you return a value that won't print: the repl specifically checks for the value nothing and prints nothing if that's the value returned by an expression. What you're looking to do is to return a bunch of values and not print them, which strikes me as rather odd. If a function returns some stuff, I want to know about it – having the repl lie to users seems like a bad idea. Harlan's suggesting would work though: define a type for this value with the values you don't want to expose to the user as fields and customize its printing so that the fields you don't want to show people aren't printed.

How to stop evaluating if the first condion has been passed

I try to evaluate a field in my report but it fails every time :
= IIf(Fields!lectcrs_hrs.IsMissing,
Round(Fields!lectcrs_fee.Value * "1.00", 2),
Round(Fields!lectcrs_fee.Value * Fields!lectcrs_hrs.Value, 2))
in the case of Fields!lectcrs_hrs.IsMissing = true my field is empty and i find that the reason that the second case Round(Fields!lectcrs_fee.Value * Fields!lectcrs_hrs.Value, 2) contains a missing field Fields!lectcrs_hrs .why it checks the second case if it passes the first one !
How to fix this problem ?
The behavior you are looking for is called "short-circuiting" and, unfortunately, the IIf function in Visual Basic does not offer that. The reason being is that IIf() is a ternary function and, as such, all arguments passed into it are evaluated before the function call occurs. A ternary operator (If() in VB 9+), on the other hand, does support conditional evaluation. However, I do not believe that the If() operator can be used as a part of an expression in SSRS.
Given the fact that you are trying to use a field which may or may not exist at run time, I suggest that you create a custom function in your report to handle the proper checking and return values. For reference, take a look at this blog post, which covers the same scenario.

How does zope/plone evaluate variables?

Imagine this scenario:
I have a ZPT in Zope where I define, into a metal block, a global variable.
This variable takes its value from an expression like this
global myVar id | nothing;
global anotherVar 1;
where nothing could be replaced with python:0 or python:False or None and so on.
Now imagine that into another block, I'll do something like
global myVar2 myVar | anotherVar | nothing;
where nothing could be everything that I specified above.
Now suppose that id hasn't a value and so myVar took nothing (or the other possible values; it's makes not difference at all).
What I expected was that myVar2 took anotherVar's value, since anotherVar has a value. But with great surprise, I notice that this isn't true and myVar2 took myVar value; that means nothing.
If I understand what is happening, I'll suppose that this kind of statement only control over existence of that variable and not over it's value.
Obviously I can make that kind of statement into a pythonic way and, of course, it works "well" (namely, as I expected)
So, someone can confirm or disprove what I suppose there ?
What you are asking is not Plone or Zope specific, you are dealing with a TALES statement here, which, together with TAL and METAL form the page template language implemented by Zope Page Templates (and, incidentally, also by chameleon, plus several other implementations in different programming languages).
You are using a TALES path expression when you use the | character, and it is not the same as a Python or expression. Each path named in the expression will by resolved, and only if it doesn't exist will the next path be used. From the specification:
When a TALES path expression is evaluated, it attempts to traverse each path, from left to right, until it succeeds or runs out of paths.
Since all your paths resolve to existing variable names, they all exist and the first one will be used, regardless of it's value.
You want to use a python: expression instead:
myVar2 python:myVar or anotherVar or None;
Note that in TAL there rarely is a need for the global keyword. You probably want to define these items on your root element of your document instead; variables are visible within the same scope as the XML or HTML element they are defined on:
<html tal:define="myVar id | nothing; anotherVar 1;">
<!-- myVar and anotherVar are visible in the whole HTML document -->
