Calculate landscape metrics over other raster column in R (landscapemetrics package) - r

In R and using the landscapemetrics package, I am wanting to calculate landscape metrics of a raster file that I have that contains different vegetation types. When I import the raster file into R using the stack function, the file contains one layer with multiple levels (see attached image). enter image description here
Subsequently, when I run a function to calculate a landscape metric, or plot the raster, it works with the "Value" level/column (see second image attached). enter image description here. Rather, I want it to calculate the metric over the "Vegetation_Type" level/column directly. However, I do not know how to do this. Currently, when I calculate for example the amount of core area for each vegetation type, it gives me the result in the form of a table that presents "class = 1-7" with the specific core area of that class, rather than "Vegetation_Type = Hummock". I want to have the "class" column with numbers 1-7 to be substituted by the vegetation types (e.g. Hummock, N, K etc.). Is there anyone who knows how to do this who can maybe help me?
Thank you so much in advance, and sorry for the unlogical post. I am still new here and do not really know how to best structure my questions!

The lanscapemetrics package will always use the numeric ID of each class to make sure the output is type stable, i.e, always identical regardless of the input.
But, since the output is simply a tibble, you should be able to just join the information using e.g. dplyr::left_join().


GEE obtain bands from image collection

I'm currently working on my bachelor's thesis and I am trying to work with Sentinel 5 - P's aerosol data.
I am trying to obtain Aerosol Layer Height (L3__AER_LH) data but I do not know the bands, which I need to 'select'.
The README file on L3__AER_LH reads as follows:
The data file contains the aerosol_mid_pressure and aerosol_mid_height which provide the
air pressure at the center of the aerosol layer and the height at the center of the aerosol layer relative
to the geoid, respectively.
But when I try running: .select('absorbing_aerosol_index'); I get no results.
Therefore, I have tried using print(collection.bandNames); but I recieve an 'undefined'.
Could someone help me obtain L3__AER_LH data from GEE?
Thank you for your time.
Therefore, I have tried using print(collection.bandNames); but I recieve an 'undefined'.
The best way to find out about bands programmatically is to look at the band names of one image, because band information for a collection is sometimes incomplete.
That said, for datasets from the Earth Engine Data Catalog, you'll get documentation as well as the names by looking at their catalog pages (example), so doing so is a better option in that case.
That page tells you that the band names for L3_AER_LH (as provided by Earth Engine) include aerosol_pressure and aerosol_height.

How to plot the data I read from a file in R?

Our instructor assigned us with typing a R script. We don't have any study paper or source for the codes that the instructor typed on class so I'm trying to get help from the articles on internet but I still couldn't find a guide for what I need. Please don't get me wrong, I don't request for someone to do my homework I'm just looking for some tips or any guide links that can help me. When I search on google, not all of the results are related to this and they are usually not helping me or too complicated. The assignment is:
Read data from a .txt file. (I researched and learned how to read data but my problem is I don't know which type of data should I type on the text file to make it plottable by average, standart deviation, histogram etc.)
On the first screen, plot the data, plot the average and plot the standart deviation as line
on the second screen, plot a line from corner to corner and sort the values on it
third screen, plot the data as histogram and plot the distribution function on it
4th screen, plot the anomaly and anomaly line = 0, then make the values that are higher than the anomaly line with different pch than the ones that is lower
finally get the png of 4 screens (i found how to do this)
Which type of data?
You should use metric data. For example the height/age of pople.
For example let's assuhe you have a dataframe yourDataframe:
On the first screen, plot the data
You can use R's standard plot function there: lines(yourDataframe$height)
plot the average and plot the standart deviation
There are already function for those things (for example mean(yourDataframe$height)). Just ask Google.
You can add those values to your linechart using points(mean(yourDataframe$height)).
I think after you did this you will be able to solve the rest of your assignment by yourself. R has quite a big community and you will find everything you need by googling. I guess this is how most people learn R.

Power View - Tables with columns of the similar data

Apologies in advance if my question is obvious but I'm new to this and having spent days searching and experimenting I cannot achieve the result I'm after.
I have a big table of data that I want to plot some graphs for, namely stacked columns and then filter these using other criteria such as date. I came across Power View and have been learning to use it hoping it will let me produce the reports I'm after rather than standard Excel graphs which are very clunky.
An example of the sort of data my tables contains is as follows although I have a lot of other columns and about 20 of the similar metric columns:
And this is the sort of graph I want to plot:
Where the red sections correspond to "R0" values, the orange "R1" and the green "R2" - they're essentially a rating; poor, ok and good. I can plot a single metric versus the items column with the stacked bar fine but cannot find a way to plot the metrics long the x axis for say a given item or sum of all items.
I've created measures using CALCULATE to filter by the rating but when I try and plot these my only option in power view is a clustered column graph where the x axis is the rating and the legend is the metrics.
I also created another small table with a single column of R0, R1 and R2 but can only link that to one metric column whereas I need it to link to all of them.
I think it's potentially a many to many mapping issue and have found a lot of links covering bridge tables and the magic CALCULATE function.
However as I'm trying to map values in a column to several other columns it doesn't seem to quite fit the many to many problem or if it does I can't see it.
I feel like what I'm after should be quite simple but I either end up with all my metric columns being made to show identical values or there's loads of cross filtering that I don't want. The "ratings" for each metric are essentially independent and I don't want to combine them in any way.
Any help is greatly appreciated and if my solution is in the links I've listed above then I'd really appreciate a bit of help with seeing it.
Thanks in advance

How do I plot two values against each other in tableau

I have two values I wish to plot against each other in tableau. They are two totals aggregated around the same date. I can get them to the point where they are plotted on a dual access against the date like so:
but any attempt to plot them against each other for correlation has come to nothing. I've tried simple conversion to scatterplot, using calculated fields, using a cross tab with subtitles and attempting to only plot the subtotals against each other all of which have failed. I could do it in Excel but have to do it in tableau.
I have consulted the official Tableau 9.0 guide, google and existing questions on Stack Overflow all to no avail. If I was doing this in BOXI, I could just select the columns and chart them. How do I do the equivalent visualisation in Tableau?
You aren't clear about what type of chart you want to make.
Do you want a scatter plot? If so, put one measure on the row shelf, the other measure on the column shelf, and one or more dimensions (such as your date) on the detail shelf to define how finely to aggregate the data. Check the aggregation functions you use (SUM, AVG) and the aggregation level for your date fields (YEAR, MONTH ...) as desired. You probably want to use the second block of date aggregations on the menu unless you want to group all January data together regardless of year.
If you want a connected scatter plot, set the mark type from automatic to line and move the date field from the detail to the path shelf. You might also then want to put the date on size, color or legend to visually show the direction of time on the line. You might need to change that field to attribute in some cases to avoid creating multiple lines.
Tableau is fantastic once you learn how it works, and get a strong understanding of how choices about treating fields as dimensions or measures, or discrete or continuous impacts the behavior. If you skim over those details, you can still make beautiful charts by following recipes, mimicking examples (and asking StackOverflow), but Tableau's behavior will seem mysterious and arbitrary.
If you take some time to learn the fundamentals about how Tableau works, it will repay your time investment. I recommend Joshua Milligan's book Learning Tableau for a good way to start, along with the training videos on the Tableau website.

Need a fast dataset 2D-viewer/plotter for large datasets

I'm searching a data viewer/plotter for some data I've generated.
First some facts about the data I've generated:
There are several datasets with about 3 million data points each.
Each dataset currently is stored in ascii format.
Every line represents a point and consists of multiple columns.
The first two columns determine the position of the point (i.e. x and y value) whereas the first column is a timestamp and the second is a normalized float between 0 and 1.
The other columns contain additional data which may be used to colorize the plot or filter the data.
An example data point:
2012-08-08T01:02:03.040 0.0165719281 foobar SUCCESS XX:1
Current Approach
Currently I am generating multiple png files (with gnuplot) with different selection criteria like the following ones for each data set:
Display all points in grey.
Display all points in grey, but SUCCESS in red.
Display all points in grey, but SUCCESS in red, XX:-1 in green; if both SUCCESS and XX:-1 match use blue as coloring.
With the current approach there are some drawbacks I'd like to have addressed:
I can't easily switch on/off some filters or colorings because I have to generate a new png file every time.
I need to use a limited resolution in my image file because the higher the resolution the slower is the viewer. So I can only zoom in to a limited level of detail.
I don't have the raw data available in the png viewer for each point. Ideally I'd like to have the data visible on selection of a point.
Already tested
I've already tested some other approaches:
Gnuplot itself has a viewer but it can't handle that amount of points efficiently - it is too slow and consumes too much memory.
I've had a quick look at KST, but I couldn't find a way to display 2D data and I don't think it will meet my wishes.
I'd like to have a viewer which can operate on the raw data, can displays the points quickly if zoomed out, can also zoom in quickly and as well should resolve the aforementioned drawbacks.
So finally, does anybody know of such a viewer or has another suggestion?
If there isn't a viewer some recommendations for programming it myself are welcome, too.
Thanks in advance
