Webflow Onboarding Redirect | (Using Memberstack) - spring-webflow

I have a Dashboard Application in Webflow and I use Memberstack for User and Permissions.
Now the Issue I have is the following: I'm creating a new Memberstack User with Zapier, then I'm logging into Webflow with the new created User and it opens the Dashboard page. The Issue is, that I want, if a user loggs in for the first time, to redirect them to another page called "Onboarding".
My approach was to solve it in Memberstack, but it doesn't seem to work when I create the User with Zapier. Then I tried to find a solution in Webflow, to create a redirect if a Variable in the CMS Item is not set (For example "onboarding" = false).
Can someone help me to make this work?

Let me know if this works! I adapted some code I had which also will add the first time the member logged in to their Memberstack metadata.
Try adding this code before the site-wide </ body > tag:
MemberStack.onReady.then(async function(member) {
// if member is logged in
var first_logged_in_timestamp = member["first-logged-in-timestamp"];
if(first_logged_in_timestamp === undefined || first_logged_in_timestamp == null || first_logged_in_timestamp.length < 1)
{ // set first-logged-in-timestamp
var first_logged_in_timestamp = timestamp;
"first-logged-in-timestamp": timestamp,
}, false)

I am having the same problem here. It seems Memberstack doesn't have an off-the-shelf solution for that, but there are people setting timeouts to let Zapier to its thing before redirecting the user. As you can see right here:
I've tried their suggestions in this post but they're not working.


Remove user and all its posts

I need to use WordPress Rest API to delete a user and all its own (maybe custom) posts.
I tried to call <url_base>/wp/v2/users/<id> and I have to provide a further parameter ?reassign=USER_ID to reassign its posts to another user.
A silly solution should be adding a "garbage" user to the system and assign him all deleted posts. Then I can create a job to delete all posts. It seems a very stupid way to me.. :(
I just want to delete them. I can do it from WP admin panel... why I can't via Rest Api?
Passing "reassign" as an empty params (null is not accepted...) the API informs me that I'm not able to delete my own profile. I'm testing it as a subscriber (end user), but I need to be able to manage and delete my own data... Am I wrong?!
This is my solution... maybe not the best one, but it seems to work.
I added delete_users and remove_users capabilities to the Subscriber role (for my convenience).
My /DeleteUsers rest endpoint check for the user ID encrypted inside the JWT token that is sent in header and compare it with the user_id params. If they match, I can delete the user.
Now I just have to avoid that a user can access the WP Admin panel and make some mess!
This is the code:
function myDeleteProfile($data) {
$headers = getallheaders();
if(!isset($headers['Authorization']) || !$headers['Authorization']) {
return array('esito'=>'ko', 'descrizione'=>'Fail message!');
$jwt_parts = preg_split('/\./', $headers['Authorization']);
$jwt_decoded = json_decode(base64_decode($jwt_parts[1]));
$jwt_user = $jwt_decoded->data->user->id;
if( intval($data['user_id']) != intval($jwt_user) ) {
return array('esito'=>'ko', 'descrizione'=>'User cannot delete.');
else {
if( wp_delete_user($jwt_user,null) ){
return array('esito'=>'ok', 'descrizione'=>'Deleting...');
else {
return array('esito'=>'ko', 'descrizione'=>'Error.');

Best way to force user to log in before accessing my website

I'm getting started with Firebase and I would like to have a suggestion concerning the best way to force a user to be logged to use my website.
I'm building a very simple app but i have to guarantee that content can be displayed only to logged people
Thank you!
Use auth().onAuthStateChanged
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
var displayName = user.displayName;
var email = user.email;
var emailVerified = user.emailVerified;
var photoURL = user.photoURL;
var isAnonymous = user.isAnonymous;
var uid = user.uid;
var providerData = user.providerData;
// ...
} else {
// User is signed out.
// ...
I assume you are using PHP to build your firebase website, in php there are session tokens that can be used to auto log in. once you got a session login you could use that to redirect them to the login page if they are not logged in. here a snip of code from one of my old college projects.
header("Location: ../login.php");
if($_SESSION['user_logged_in'] != true){
header("Location: ../login.php");
its been a while but this checks if I remember correctly the first line checks if there is no session token and the second line checks to see if that person is logged in. if either of this isn't true it will load the login page instead of the page they wanted and cause its all done in php they can't get around this. we put all this in an authentication template, I have uploaded the PHP file to google drive if you wish to example how logins are done, this is using an MYOB database so you will have to convert it but the code in here should be a good example.
hope this helps

I am noticing double entry (cpc and organic) for the same user ? little confused

I'm noticing double entry in google analytics. I have multiple ocurrences where it looks like the user came from the CPC campaign (which always has a 0s session duration) but that very same user also has an entry for "organic" and all the activities are logged under that.
My site is not ranked organically for those keywords. Unless a so many users come to my site, leave, and google for my "brand name" on google and revisits, this doesn't make sense.
I'm a little confused. Here's the report:
preview from google analytics dashboard
Based on the additional information in your comment, that the sites is a Single Page Application (SPA), you are most likely facing the problem of 'Rogue Referral'.
If this is the case, what happens, is that you overwrite the location field in the Analytics hit, losing the original UTM parameters, whereas referral is still sent with the hit, so Analytics recognizes the second hit as a new traffic source. One of the solutions is to store the original page URL and send it as the location, while sending the actual visited URL in the page field.
A very good article on this topic with further tips, by Simo Ahava, is available for your help.
Also please note, that as you have mentioned, that the first hit shows 0 second time on page, you might need to check, whether the first visited page is sent twice. E.g. sending a hit on the traditional page load event, and sending a hit for the same page as a virtual page view.
I have come up with a solution to this problem in a Gatsby website (a SPA), by writing the main logic in the gatsby-browser.js file, inside the onRouteUpdate function.
You can use this solution in other contexts, but please note that the code needs to run at the first load of the page and at every route change.
If you want the solution to work in browsers that do not support URLSearchParams I think you can easily find a polyfill.
Function to retrieve the parameters
// return the whole parameters only if at least one of the desired parameters exists
const retrieveParams = () => {
let storedParams;
if ('URLSearchParams' in window) {
// Browser supports URLSearchParams
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const params = new URLSearchParams(url.search);
const requestedParams = ['utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_content', 'gclid'];
const hasRequestedParams = requestedParams.some((param) => {
// true if it exists
return !!params.get(param);
if (hasRequestedParams) {
storedParams = params;
return storedParams;
Create the full URL
// look at existing parameters (from previous page navigations) or retrieve new ones
const storedParams = window.storedParams || retrieveParams();
let storedParamsUrl;
if (storedParams) {
// update window value
window.storedParams = storedParams;
// create the url
const urlWithoutParams = document.location.protocol + '//' + document.location.hostname + document.location.pathname;
storedParamsUrl = `${urlWithoutParams}?${storedParams}`;
Send the value to analytics (using gtag)
// gtag
gtag('config', 'YOUR_GA_ID', {
// ... other parameters
page_location: storedParamsUrl ?? window.location.href
gtag('event', 'page_view', {
// ... other parameters
page_location: storedParamsUrl ?? window.location.href,
send_to: 'YOUR_GA_ID'

Meteor: How to assign different roles to users during sign up process

I am using the meteor package ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 for accounts and alanning:roles for assigning roles.
On the sign up form I have two options one for Doctor and one for Advisor. I want to assign the selected option as a role to that user. Can someone let me know how to do this?
I have just started learning meteor and don't know much about its flow. I can assign roles to a user if I create the user manually like this:
var adminUser = Meteor.users.findOne({roles:{$in:["admin"]}});
adminUser = Accounts.createUser({
email: "mohsin.rafi#mail.com",
password: "admin",
profile: { name: "admin" }
Roles.addUsersToRoles(adminUser, [ROLES.Admin]);
But I want to assign a roll automatically as a user signs up and select one of the options and that option should be assigned as his role.
You shouldn't need a hack for this. Instead of using Accounts.onCreateUser you can do it with the following hook on the Meteor.users collection. Something along the lines of the following should work:
Meteor.users.after.insert(function (userId, doc) {
if (doc.profile.type === "doctor") {
Roles.addUsersToRoles(doc._id, [ROLES.Doctor])
} else if (doc.profile.type === "advisor") {
Roles.addUsersToRoles(doc._id, [ROLES.Advisor])
To get around having to check on login every time it's possible to directly set the roles on the user object instead of using the Roles API.
A hack? Yep, you probably need to make sure the roles have already been added to roles... not sure if there's anything else yet.
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){
_.set(user, 'roles.__global_roles__', ['coach', options.roles]);
return user;
Note: _.set is a lodash method not in underscorejs.
There's no pretty solution because:
There's no server side meteor callback post complete account creation.
In onCreateUser the user hasn't been added to the collection.
Accounts.createUser's callback is currently only for use on the client. A method could then be used from that callback but it would be insecure to rely on it.
The roles package seems to grab the user from the collection and in onCreateUser it's not there yet.
you can use the Accounts.onCreateUser hook to manage that.
Please keep in mind the code below is fairly insecure and you would probably want to do more checking beforehand, otherwise anyone can assign themselves admin. (from docs):
options may come from an untrusted client so make sure to validate any values you read from it.
Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
user.profile = options.profile || {};
if (_.has(options, 'role')) {
Roles.addUserToRoles(user._id, options.role);
return user;
Thanks for your response. I tried but it doesn't work for me.
I used Accounts.onLogin hook to to manage this. Below code works for me:
Accounts.onLogin(function (info) {
var user = info.user;
if(user.profile.type === "doctor"){
Roles.addUsersToRoles(user, [ROLES.Doctor])
if(user.profile.type === "advisor"){
Roles.addUsersToRoles(user, [ROLES.Advisor])
return user;

Refreshing page with meteor iron router

Here is the problem :
I am currently programming a chatapp based on what i found on github (https://github.com/sasikanth513/chatDemo)
I am refactoring it with iron-router.
When I go to the page (clicking on the link) I get an existing chatroom (that's what I want)
When I refresh the page (F5) I get a new created chatroom ! (what i want is getting the existing chatroom ...)
Here is the code in ironrouter :
Router.route('/chatroom', {
name: 'chatroom',
data: function() {
var currentId = Session.get('currentId'); //id of the other person
var res=ChatRooms.findOne({chatIds:{$all:[currentId,Meteor.userId()]}});
var newRoom= ChatRooms.insert({chatIds:[currentId, Meteor.userId()],messages:[]});
You can find my github repo with the whole project : https://github.com/balibou/textr
Thanx a lot !
Your route data depends on Session variables which will be erased after a refresh. You have a few options but the easiest would be to put the room id directly into the route: '/chatroom/:_id'. Then you can use this.params._id to fetch the appropriate ChatRooms document. Note that you could still keep '/chatroom' for cases where the room doesn't exist, however you'd need to redirect to '/chatroom/:_id' after the insert.
In meteor, the Session object is empty when the client starts, and loading/refreshing the page via HTTP "restarts" the client. To deal with this issue, you could persist the user's correspondent id in a Meteor.user attribute, so that you could easily do:
Router.route('/chatroom', {
name: 'chatroom',
data: function() {
var currentId = Meteor.user().profile.correspondentId;
var res=ChatRooms.findOne({chatIds:{$all:[currentId,Meteor.userId()]}});
var newRoom= ChatRooms.insert({chatIds:[currentId, Meteor.userId()],messages:[]});
This would work, with the proper permissions, but I would recommend not allowing the direct update of that value on the client (I don't know if you want users to be able to override their correspondentId). So if you want to secure this process, replace all that code with a server method call, where your updates are safer.
Another (and more common case) solution was given by David Weldon, if you don't mind having ids in your URL (and therefore not a single url)
