Adobe Lightroom Catalog API returns code+JSON - adobe

When using the Adobe Lightroom Catalog API to access the catalogs in a Lightroom account, the resulting data is a combination of code and JSON starting with:
while (1) {}\n{\"base\":\"\",\"id\":\"7afe....
This is different from the documentation which only specifies the JSON.
Can I safely trim the "while (1) {} at the beginning
Should I modify my request
Should I do other changes to GET response string as well?

Yes, you can safely trim off the while (1) {} part.
It is simply a security measure to prevent automatic execution of malicious code hidden inside the json structure.
Unfortunately, this can make your code more complicated. Instead of a simple
const data = await fetch('')
.then((response) => response.json());
you must do something like this:
const data = await fetch('')
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((text) => text.replace('while (1) {}', ''))
.then((json) => JSON.parse(json.trim()));


How to make Next-Auth-session-token-dependent server queries with React Query in Next JS?

I am trying to make an API GET request, using React Query's useInfiniteQuery hook, that uses data from a Next Auth session token in the query string.
I have a callback in /api/auth/[...nextauth.ts] to send extra userData to my session token.
There are two relevant pages on the client side. Let's call them /pages/index.tsx and /hooks/useApiData.ts. This is what they look like, for all intents and purposes:
// pages/index.tsx
export default function Page() {
const {data, fetchNextPage, isLoading, isError} = useCourseData()
if (isLoading) return <main />
return <main>
<InfiniteScroller fetchMore={fetchNextPage}>
{data?.pages?.map(page => page?.results?.map(item: string => item))}
// hooks/useApiData.ts
async function fetchPage(pageParam: string) {
const response = await fetch(pageParam)
return await response.json()
export default function useApiData() {
const {data: session} = useSession()
const init = `/api?userData=${session?.user?.userData}`
return useInfiniteQuery('query',
({pageParam = init}) => fetchPage(pageParam),
{getNextPageParam: prevPage => ?? undefined}
My initial request gets sent to the API as /api?userData=undefined. The extra data is definitely making its way into the token.
I can place the data from my session in the DOM via the render function of /pages/index.tsx, so I figure the problem is something to do with custom hooks running before the session context is ready, or something like that... I don't understand the mechanics of hooks well enough to figure that out.
I've been looking for answers for a long time, and I'm surprised not to have found a single person with the same issue. These are not unpopular packages and I guess a lot of people are using them in conjunction to achieve what I'm attempting here, so I figure I must be doing something especially dumb. But what?!
How can I get the data from my Next Auth session into my React Query request? And for bonus points, why is the session data not available when the request is sent in my custom hook?

openapi-generator-cli typescript-axios get only

I am using openapi-generator-cli typescript-axios for generating client from swagger and generated clients functions returns full request data(header, config, url, etc) but i want only that real function returns).
I do not want to wrap client's functions in a new function like wrapperFunction(response =>
Is there any config or anything different to get only
Sorry if I misunderstood the question.
You can get a portion of object like this
const {data} = axios.get(url)
This way you can retrieve data value of object returned by "axios" request.
You can change name of variable
const {data: myVarName} = axios.get(url)

Combine two arrays on Firebase Cloud Function

I have these two nodes that I need to get on a single http call. I am trying to achieve this by using async/await to get the two nodes and then combine them using concat or forEach. But it seems that even though I am awaiting responses, inside the function they are still promises and not the data itself. This is my basic example:
exports.searchVisit = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
const today = new Date(;
let todayVisits = await admin.database().ref('/visits/').once('value');
let frequentVisits = await admin.database().ref('/frequent_visits/').once('value');
console.log(todayVisits); // Prints an object (I guess it is a promise)
res.status(200).send(todayVisits); // Returns correctly the data on visits collection
How could I achieve to return todayVisits and frequentVisits combined? Thanks in advance.
In your code, todayVisits is a DataSnapshot type object. It is not a promise. Logging that DataSnapshot object is not likely to be useful. If you want to see the raw data inside that snapshot, call val() on it to get a JavaScript object with the entire set of data in that snapshot. This is also what you probably want to send to the client (not the entire contents of the DataSnapshot).
The following code, merging the two JavaScript objects obtained with val(), as explained by Doug, should do the trick:
exports.searchVisit = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
const today = new Date(;
let todayVisits = admin.database().ref('/visits/').once('value');
let frequentVisits = admin.database().ref('/frequent_visits/').once('value');
const [todayVisitsSnap, frequentVisitsSnap] = await Promise.all([
res.status(200).send({ ...todayVisitsSnap.val(), ...frequentVisitsSnap.val() });

Querying Firestore documents by Array or Map fields values in Firebase console

Here, I want to query by the value "ministoreid1" in Firebase console. But I am not able to figure out. Here, I am trying to do the query in console not using codes.
I have filed the feature request at Alex' suggestion. And the reply I received from Firebase Support:
Currently, there is no query similar to array-contains available in the Firestore Console. I can file a feature request ticket on your behalf. However, I can't guarantee anything at the moment, so please watch out for any updates on our blog or release notes for now. For the map field, you can try to filter on the console using the format: 'mapFieldName.keyName' in the field text box
So we can query for map values by 'mapFieldName.keyName'. I didn't know this before.
Here, I am trying to do the query in console not using codes.
Unfortunately, there is currently no way you can filter your documents in the Firebase console according to a value that exist in an array. As you can see, there are only the following operators:
== is equal to
> is after
>= is after and includes
< is before
<= is before and includes
But an whereArrayContains option it is not present yet. I recommend you file a feature request for that. It might be also useful for other developers.
The query that you perform in the console does't return any results because you are checking if the mini_stores_assigned is equal to ministoreid1, which obviously is not since the mini_stores_assigned property is an array and not a String so you can compare them.
For future use, Firebase has added the feature request by Ssuburat. You can now can filter your documents in the Firebase console according to a value that exist in an array.
for example if you have two collections (one to many)
blog and user has these schemes:
blog: { name,date,user:{myusername:true}}
//notice that user is a map or object and document blog has id itself wich you can use in user document and viceversa.
user:{name,lastname,blogs:{idblog1:true,idblog2:true}} //blogs is a map or object
if you want to filter by map object you can do this:
import firebase from "firebase/compat/app";
import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore";
const appFirebase = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
export const dbFirebase = getFirestore(appFirebase);
const myuser= "myusername"
const q = query(collection(dbFirebase, "blogs"), where(`user.${myuser}`, "==", true));
const blogsSnapshot = await getDocs(q);
blogsSnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
// is never undefined for query doc snapshots
console.log(, " => ",;

Is there a method to iterate through all documents in a collection in firestore

I'm using the firestore of firebase and I want to iterate through the whole collection. Is there something like:
db.collection('something').forEach((doc) => {
// do something
Yes, you can simply query the collection for all its documents using the get() method on the collection reference. A CollectionReference object subclasses Query, so you can call Query methods on it. By itself, a collection reference is essentially an unfiltered query for all of its documents.
Android: Query.get()
iOS/Swift: Query.getDocuments()
JavaScript: Query.get()
In each platform, this method is asynchronous, so you'll have to deal with the callbacks correctly.
See also the product documentation for "Get all documents in a collection".
db.collection("cities").get().then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
// is never undefined for query doc snapshots
console.log(, " => ",;
If you know that there aren't too many docs in the collection (e.g. thousands or millions) then you can just use collectionRef.get() as described in the top-voted answer here and explained in Firebase docs.
However, in many cases, a collection can contain large numbers of documents that you can't just "get" at once, as your program's memory usage will explode. In these cases you need to implement a different traversal logic that will go through the entire collection by batches. You also need to ensure that you don’t miss any documents or process any of them multiple times.
This is why I wrote Firecode, an open-source Node.js library that solves precisely this problem. It is an extremely light, robust, well-typed, and well-documented library that provides you with configurable traverser objects that walk you through a given collection.
You can find the Github repo here and the docs site here. Also, here's a short snippet that shows you how you would traverse a users collection with Firecode.
const usersCollection = firestore().collection('users');
const traverser = createTraverser(usersCollection);
const { batchCount, docCount } = await traverser.traverse(async (batchDocs, batchIndex) => {
const batchSize = batchDocs.length;
await Promise.all( (doc) => {
const { email, firstName } =;
await sendEmail({ to: email, content: `Hello ${firstName}!` });
console.log(`Batch ${batchIndex} done! We emailed ${batchSize} users in this batch.`);
console.log(`Traversal done! We emailed ${docCount} users in ${batchCount} batches!`);
