Intel xdk - Convert Windows zip to exe - intel

On Intel XDK , after "create Windows package" , I want to convert the zip file to exe file via Phonegap or some other program. Is it possible to do that inside Intel Xdk, with config.txt or name.xdk or name.xdke?


'Command not found' when running .NET Core console in Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux

I have downloaded .NET Core 3 (preview) and I have in Visual Studio 2019 (preview) created a hello world project consisting of class library and a console program. The program runs on Windows.
I have Windows Subsystem for Linux running Ubuntu 16.04 and I install dot net so that dotnet --info returns something (non error). Are there any other steps required?
If I go to my console apps binary folder and then shift+right mouse button click to get the 'Open Linux shell here' menu item and take that option then my Ubuntu window opens in the same directory as the console app executable.
From the bash prompt if I type the executable name (either with or without.exe) and of the correct casing it just reports 'Command not found'.
I am wondering what step I have missed.
The executable name is not a known command to the shell. You need dotnet <EXECUTABLENAME>

Install Intel OpenCL SDK on Ubuntu 16.04

I'd like to ask for help on installing Intel OpenCL SDK as described here Linux with IntelĀ® SDK for OpenCL
I have followed those steps but then I need to run SDK installer or use this archive to run installer from which I have downloaded from IntelĀ® SDK for OpenCL
This file is not executable and I have mounted it as archive with "Archive Mounter" but executing the install I was quit.
ubuntu#ubuntu:/run/user/1000/gvfs/archive:host=file%253A%252F%252F%252Fhome%252Fubuntu%252FDownloads%252Fintel%252Fintel_sdk_for_opencl_2017_7.0.0.2568_x64/intel_sdk_for_opencl_2017_7.0.0.2568_x64$ ./
Error: Incorrect path to setup script. Setup can not be started
if the path contains ':, ~, #, #, %, &, [, ], $, =, ), (, *' symbols.
Anyone has experience on how to install Intel OpenCL SDK under Linux (Ubuntu)?
As the error says, the script is unhappy about the symbols (like %) in the working directory. Just use a file manager to copy the contents from the mounted volume to your home folder. Then launch the install from there.

Deploying JavaFx for different OS

I' m using netbeans IDE for create JavaFx application on ubuntu.My question that can i deploy installer for MAC Os and Windows OS on ubuntu?
For Mac OS you can look into Bundle Java program for Mac users with maven from GNU/Linux
For Windows look into Inno setup.

Icons doesn't show up with Qt 4.8.6 on Win CE

currently i'm developing an app with qt for a handheld with some kind of win ce 5.0 as os. In my QMainFrame inheriting class i've got some actions. Theese actions have icons from the .qrc file. My problem is that theese icons show up if i view the .ui file in qt-creator but they don't show up when running the .exe file on the device no metter if i take a .jpg, .png or .svg as resource. What am i missing?
I'm developing on a win xp sp3 32-bit machine with microsoft visual studio 2005 standard edition. As sdk i'm using the ms standard sdk for win ce 5.0.
I've installed the qt vs addin v1.1.11. Qt version is 4.8.6 which i build from sources using msvc and configured it with
-platform win32-msvc2005 -xplatform wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2005 -D QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP -D QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER -D QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY -D QT_NO_CURSOR -D QT_NO_CLIPBOARD
The .qrc file is located in the project's directory and contains the icons
which are located in the project directory too. In the .pro the .qrc file
is included via
As modules i use
QT += core gui
in the .pro file.
I can see how the icons get transformed into an array in the qrc_mainwindow.cpp. When debugging the .exe with msvc while running on the device there's no message about failures due to theese icons.

Dev Story - Hack the Code can't open DevStory.xdk in Intel XDK

I am running Ubuntu Trusty Tahr, and I successfully installed Intel XDK program on my machine.
To open it though, I need to run a shell script. This is not good, as I need to run an existing .xdk file which I got from:
throug the Intel XDK.
What am I doing wrong, and how can I fix this? I would really like to start hacking this project.
Please see this post regarding installing the XDK.
How to install Intel XDK on ubuntu linux - is missing
The .xdk file should be opened within the XDK itself.
