LinkedIn Share API (missing r_member_social permission) - linkedin

I'm trying to use the Share API in Linkedin in order to retrieve posts from an user.
I get the following error making the call:
Field Value validation failed in PARAMETER: Data Processing Exception while processing fields [/authors]
From all my digging I saw that probably I need r_member_social permission, but there is no way I can see how I can get that for my application.
Can anyone guide me how I can get that for my application so I can retrieve one's shares with some statistics.


Request to retrieve by an API the profile URL (vanity name)

We're applaime - developing an AI driven product which will help job seekers to manage more effectively the job application process.
The product will enable Linkedin oauth authentication after which it is expected to retieve the current user's basic profile.
Hence we would like to apply for this permission (r_basicprofile). How can we get this process in motion?
Trying to fetch the basic profile via an API. Need permission for that.
This page describes how to get access to the various APIs:

Error 87 in Authorize.Net payment gateway

I am trying to integrate Authorize.Net in WooCommerce, using the following plugin for it:
I set all user IdTransaction Key md5 Hash, but it gives me error 87, I don't understand where I need to put x_market_type as per the support document said.
This is the error I am getting:
From the Authorize.Net documentation about error code 87:
Response Reason Code: 87
Response Reason Text: Transactions of this market type cannot be
processed on this system.
Notes: The server is not configured to process the product type
derived from the market type of this transaction.
This can happen for four reasons:
You are attempting to process a type of transaction that your account
is not designed to process. For example, you attempt to use a card
swipe machine with an account that is enabled for Card Not Present
Your software integration is passing an incorrect value
for the field x_market_type. If you are using a Retail account,
x_market_type should be set to a value of "2". The integration guide
for Card Present transactions can be found at
Your Merchant Service
Provider may be incorrectly set up for this account.
The product type
(SIC code) is incorrect for this account.
It is recommended to check
the posting URL that is being used for your integration. Please
consult the guide for the integration method you are using to verify
the correct posting URL.
To help troubleshoot this issue, you can confirm the Product Type for
your account using the following steps:
Log in to your account at
Click Account from the main toolbar.
Click Merchant Profile.
Refer to the Product Type listed under Business Information.

How can I get linkedin contacts through API and send messages to them?

I had created app that used to get authenticated by users for their contacts, sending messages to those contacts etc. When linked in changed their API access system in May, suddenly our application stopped working.
In the doc there is nothing clearly written about these kind of permissions now or with what kind of membership program I can get access to these again. There is one section where contacts info can be fetched when we apply for partnership program with Apply with LinkedIn button. But I am not sure its of my use.
Access to r_contactinfo permission:
As per the Linkedin website,
The r_contactinfo member permission will now be associated exclusively
with Apply with LinkedIn. As a result, you will only be able to
request this member permission if your application has been approved
by LinkedIn for this particular use.
What you need to do:
Apply for partner status with LinkedIn (Apply with Linkedin), explaining what your integration is and how it works. If it meets their criteria, then you will get access to the above endpoint.
Check this link for further details.

We need rw_nus and r_network scope permissions again, is it even possible

Our site is using rw_nus and r_network permissions from Linkedin to work properly. We were fetching feeds from Linkedin and were able to post comments and likes. But now we are getting following error:
We found the following link that says:
Linkedin deprecating rw_nus from API
Is it now even possible to get these permissions once again or its over now? If yes, then how to get approval for them?
Deprecation of rw_nus permission:
The rw_nus member permission will be deprecated as of May 12, 2015 Linkedin API changes. Going forward, if your application shares content on behalf of a LinkedIn member, your application will require the w_share member permission to be granted.
The new w_share permission will grant you the permission to share content on LinkedIn as you could previously, however you will no longer be able to read shared content from a user's LinkedIn feed using the API.
So, if you were using the following link to request an Authorization code
Now, you’ll have to ue –
How to fix invalid scope authorization error:
To correct this issue, ensure that the scope parameter in your authorization workflow is no longer requesting any of the following member permissions:
r_fullprofile, r_network, r_contactinfo, rw_nus, rw_groups, w_messages
For access to these permissions, you will have to apply to become a member of a relevant Partner Program that provides the necessary API access to the required endpoints.
So apply for partner status with LinkedIn, explaining what your integration is and how it works. If it meets the criteria of "we feel that they’re providing value to members, developers and LinkedIn," then one or more endpoints will remain open for that app, and ONLY that app.
For further details, check this link.

How to get three-current-positions & three-past-positions?

I want to find out profile's previous employment details. I have tried as per the LinkedIn's API given below.{id}:(id,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,public-profile-url,industry,three-current-positions,three-past-positions,positions)?format=json&oauth2_access_token={tokenvalue}"
Here in above request, "id" is 1st degree connection. Then also I am never returns with the desired information after tried many times.
Can any one guide me what should I do?
Dharmesh Solanki
LinkedIn says here that it only supports retrieving the r_basicprofile fields from an application.
For members other than the ones using your application, you may only
retrieve the profile fields available with the r_basicprofile member
Since three-current-positions and three-past-positions is part of the Full Profile (r_fullprofile), I don't think it's currently possible to get those fields for a user using the Profile API.
Unless it's for the current requesting user, ie:,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,public-profile-url,industry,three-current-positions,three-past-positions,positions

