Customizing Signature fields in Document using adobe sign API - adobe

I'm using adobe sign api's to send document for signatures, in current behaviour signature fields are being added to end of document. Can we customize the location and appearance of signature fields? and have found some relevent information from this link: but is seems like outdated implementation and not working currently. Any help? Thanks In Advance.

I have found two solution, there is two ways we can control form fields:
Using text tag that we should put in our document and adobe automatically convert it to signature filed
       Here is the link
Other way is using v6 api endpoint, the link mentioned in question is not for V6 api. Here is the link through which we can update form filed.
Out of above two approach, I found the first one best. It also provide lot of other flexibility.


Setting up Google Recaptcha with Mobius Forms

I'm trying to create a reasonably simple Mobious Form to gather new client information for a counselling service.
I want to implement Recaptcha, but I'm not getting very far. It points me to Global Settings, and I'm assuming I have to create some custom settings, but I've got not idea what settings to create, or then how to implement the recaptcha in the form. Some pointers to some up to date doco would be really helpful, if any exist.
These are very normal settings in each form:
You won't see the recaptcha, as V3 of Recaptcha can be made invisible ;)

Custom Report in Google Analytics

I am new to Google Analytics.I want to create custom report which should look like this What will be my custom metrics and custom dimensions and what changes i need to do in my tracking code to generate such kind of report.
I second faridghar answer. However, to get a straight response to your question I will suggest creating a custom report and using other tools to accomplish what you want to achieve. Simply follow this youtube video steps. It will explain everything except the email ID issue, you can still follow their instructions to implement a similar solution as they did with the user's names.
It is forbidden to collect personally identifiable information (PII) in Google Analytics. In your example, "Client Name", "Email ID" and "Address" are all PII. Therefore, while it may be technically possible to achieve this, you would be violating Google Analytics policy. More info here.
One way around this would be to hash the data before you send it to GA. This would only really make sense for the email field as your other fields are probably not unique.

Custom Google Form? Example of Google Form API?

I'm trying to make a google form look like my own site. I found examples of how to do this on How to style Google Forms and google-custom-form (GitHub project), but I tried both of the examples they give and they seem to fail now.
I had a look at Class Form - Google Apps Script which seems to be like an API, but I can't get my head around the documentation. Does anyone have an example of it working. Or has found another way of getting this to work? It would be really handy to do as embedded forms look really out of sync with the rest of the site.
The API you're linking to is an apps script API. This is needed if you want to create dynamic forms (dynamic amount of questions, dynamic answers,...) but not for custom styling. An intro to appscript can be found on this page:
You could just create a form manually on
You can change the styling and colors in the top-right of the page. When you are ready to embed the form on your own page you have to press "SEND", an select the embed icon <> at the top.
I've worked with this a ton, and still have issues with it. Been learning the new api v4 for sheets but still having trouble, it is still in beta too. For now I can recommend this solution though by heaversm on github.
The example fully works as long as you find the entry.xxxxxxx for each field and replace in the appropriate js. To avoid the embed issues, give your form submit on a click function that has the event as the input and then preventDefault on the event like so:
$('#submit-button').on('click', function(event){
// continue code from heaversm
Hope this works for you. Cheers

search text box utility

I have a requirement where user will have an option to search
the data and should match the feature same as google has provided
i.e. whatever char user types in the search box - user will be prompted with matching string below - same as google search text box - you type something and get the options
what control or strategy we should follow in C# ?
Thanks in advance.
What you are looking for is called "autocomplete". The Ajax Control Toolkit has such a control. You can find it here.
what you are trying to achieve is basically AJAX based Google like "suggest" feature, I would recommend having a look at this : Google like search
Plus there are ample other such links that will help you in your quest.

API for word definitions

i'm trying to implement a little app which basically only hs a label, textbox and a button and when the user enters a word, i want to connect to some online api to retrieve the word's definition and display it in the label. is this possible? all i keep finding is api's related to other stuff on google/other se's. but i have seen this in practice before so i know they are out there, i just don't know where.
I suggest you try WordNet. It has got an API that you can use over the web.
Check it out here:
If you search more probably you will find, but let me give you a hint:
You can make a http web request to any website who handles word definitions. You can even search for "define: " + word in google and get the response.
