Does a heavy document take much time in load from Firestore? - firebase

I am using both Firebase Database and Firestore in my app. I store users data like name, email, uid etc small details in documents of a collection as Users in firestore. It works perfectly. I made a node as Friends in firebase database to store friends list of a user. So whenever user open the app, it calls his information from Users from firestore and also his friends list from Friends from firebase database.
Now the thing is by this way it calls data from the Firestore and the Firebase database. So it means they are 2 requests/reads, one to Friends node and other to a document from Users collection. I think it would be better if i store friends list in Users document as an Array. So i will get only 1 read in Firestore. But i think that when the arrays of his friends list increases by 100+ elements. And also there are one or two more array lists like that. So will it take much time in retrieving a document from Users collection? or not? And which will be a better approach?
Here are the images of my current database structure as Users and Friends.

As per the Firestore usage and limits, the maximum size of a document is 1 MiB.
It means that as long as your user documents don't exceed the size limit, you can store friends data in arrays without a problem.
If you are planning to exceed the threshold, you may want to look for other options like creating subcollections to scale better as size of the subcollection doesn't affect the parent document's size in any way.

I built a chat app in flutter with firebase using mapping for each chat Text(only one doc was used in chat between 2 users). I observed that after I filled 1MB of data in doc, my mobile downloaded the chat history at 10-12 kbps from firebase.
Maybe the speed was a coincidence but I am sure that as your data grows in a single firestore doc, the mobile app does not bursty download the whole document simultaneously, instead it downloads at a much slower speed.
Please correct me If I am wrong.


How to optimize firestore read per app launch

Understand firestore charge based on read / write operation.
But I notice that the firestore read from server per app launch, it will cause a big read count if many user open the app quite frequent.
Q1 Can I just limit user read from server for first time login. After that it just read for those update document per app launch?
For example there's a chat app group.
100 users
100 message
100 app launch / user / day
It will become 1,000,000 read count per day?
Which is ridiculous high.
Q2 Read is count per document, doesn't matter is root collection / sub collection, right?
For example, I read from a root collection that contain 10 subcollection and each of them having 10 documents, which will result 100 read count, am i right?
That’s correct, Cloud Firestore cares less about the amount of downloaded data and more about the number of performed operations.
As Cloud Firestore’s pricing depends on the number of reads, writes, and deletes that you perform, it means that if you had 100 users communicating within one chat room, each of the users would get an update once someone sends a message in that chat, therefore, increasing the number of read operations.
Since the number of read operations would be very much affected by the number of people in the same chatroom, Cloud Firestore suits best (price-wise) for a person-to-person chat app.
However, you could structure your app to have more chat rooms in order to decrease the volume of reads. Here you can see how to store different chat rooms, while the following link will guide you to the best practices on how to optimize your Cloud Firestore realtime updates.
Please keep in mind that Cloud Firestore itself does not have any rate limiting by default. However, Google Cloud Platform, has configurable billing alerts that apply to your entire project.
You can also limit the billing to $25/month by using the Flame plan, and if there is anything unclear in your bill, you can always contact Firebase support for help.
Regarding your second question, a read occurs any time a client gets data from a document. Remember, only the documents that are retrieved are counted - Cloud Firestore does searching through indexes, not the documents themselves.
By using subcollections, you can still retrieve data from a single document, which will count only as 1 read, or you can use a collection group query that will retrieve all the documents within the subcollection, counting into multiple reads depending on the amount of documents (in the example you put, it would be 10x10 = 100).

Firebase Firestore database structure

I'm building an app using flutter and firebase and was wondering what the best firestore database structure.
I want the ability for users to post messages and then search by both the content of the post and the posters username.
Does it make sense to create one collection for users with each document storing username and other info and a separate collection for the posts with each document containing the post and the username of the poster?
In the unlikely event where the number of posts exceeds a million or more, is there an additional cost of querying this kind of massive collection?
Would it make more sense to store each user's posts as a sub-collection under their user document? I believe this would require additional read operations to access each document's sub-collection. Would this be cheaper or more expensive if I end up getting a lot of traffic?
is there an additional cost of querying this kind of massive collection?
The cost and performance of reading from Firestore are purely based on the amount of data (number of documents and their size) you retrieve, and not in any way on the number of documents in the collection.
But what is limited in Firestore is the number of writes you can do to data that is "close to each other". That intentionally vague definition means that it's typically better for write scalability to spread the data over separate subcollections, if the data naturally lends itself to that (such as in your case).
To get a great introduction to Firestore, and to data modeling trade-offs, watch Getting to know Cloud Firestore.

Cloud Firestore Payments

I have a question regarding payment at the Cloud Firestore compared to the Realtime Database. At Firestore you pay per read/write per document, right? In other words: If I display a list of 1000 documents in a collection, do I pay for 1000 reads?
I have a few collections in my app with many (200-300) documents, which unfortunately all have to be displayed on one page. My app has about 10,000 active users. After the calculation I am definitely financially broke... :-)
Therefore my question: Are 300 elements also 300 reads taken into account if I save the 300 elements in ONE document as an Array and retrieve them? Is then only the one document calculated as a read? Or also the 300 elements from the created array?
If I display a list of 1000 documents in a collection, do I pay for 1000 reads?
You only pay for documents that are read on/from the server. Most Firestore SDKs implement a client-side cache, which may significantly reduce the number of documents that are read on/from the server.
I have a few collections in my app with many (200-300) documents, which unfortunately all have to be displayed on one page
One way to reduce the number of read operations is to model the data for that one page into a separate single document. This document is essentially the data for a single page in your app, meaning that you update it whenever any of the underlying data updates. That leads to more code when you write updates to the database, but it saves you 299 document reads for every user accessing the page.
Also see:
Cloud Firestore Pricing | Get to Know Cloud Firestore #3
Firestore: How are "reads" calculated for the quota?
Firebase firestore pricing for querying
Understanding Firestore Pricing

Complicated data structuring in firebase/firestore

I need an optimal way to store a lot of individual fields in firestore. Here is the problem:
I get json data from some api. it contains a list of users. I need to tell if those users are active, ie have been online in the past n days.
I cannot query each user in the list from the api against firestore, because there could be hundreds of thousands of users in that list, and therefore hundreds of thousands of queries and reads, which is way too expensive.
There is no way to use a list as a map for querying as far as I know in firestore, so that's not an option.
What I initially did was have a cloud function go through and find all the active users maybe once every hour, and place them in firebase realtime database in the structure:
uid1: true
uid2: true
uid2: true
and every time I need to check which users are active, I get all fields under activeUsers (which is constrained to a maximum of 100,000 fields, approx 3~5 mb.
Now i was going to use that as my final mechanism, but I just realised that firebase charges for amount of bandwidth used, not number of reads. Therefore it could get very expensive doing this over and over whenever a user makes this request. And I cannot query every single result from firebase database as, while it does not charge per read (i think), it would be very slow to carry out hundreds of thousands of queries.
Now I have decided to use cloud firestore as my final hope, since it charges for number of reads and writes primarily as opposed to data downloaded and uploaded. I am going to use cloud functions again to check every hour the active users, and I'm going to try to figure out the best way to store that data within a few documents. I was thinking 10,000 fields per document with all the active users, then when a user needs to get the active users, they get all the documents (would be
10 if there are 100,000 total active users) and maps those client side to filter the active users.
So I really have 2 questions. 1, If I do it this way, what is the best way to store that data in firestore, is it the way I suggested? And 2, is there an all around better way to be performing this check of active users against the list returned from the api? Have I got it all wrong?
You could use firebase storage to store all the users in a text file, then download that text file every time?
Well this is three years old, but I'll answer here.
What you have done is not efficient and not a good approach. What I would do is as follows:
Make a separate collection, for all active users.
and store all the active users unique field such as ID there.
Then query that collection. Update that collection when needed.

Firestore feed/timeline modeling

I am trying to make feed/timeline where a user can follow - Category,Album or another User. Every time a picture is added to Category,Album,User it should appear on the timeline. I am trying to model my database so it requires 1-2 get requests only.
One idea for the solution is fan-out structure, But how do i make the multi-path update in Firestore? How can i update all the followers timelines when someone uploads a photo ?
How do i structure the database when i cant query on sub-collections? Should i just make one collection which contains all user timeline posts as separate documents, which will be ridiculous amount of duplicated data.
Is there any other way instead of fan-out to structure a user timeline ?
But how do I make the multi-path update in Firestore?
The equivalent of Firebase Realtime Database's multi-path updates, are called batched writes in Cloud Firestore. You can read more in the documentation on batches writes.
created: 1529333679449
created: 1529333679300
Querying and security rules are then easy as pie. You can add indexing and it's very scalable.
Re multipath writes, use batched writes.
