Flutter: How can I create repeating push notifications? - firebase

how can I create repeating push notifications? I want to be able to schedule those at least a little bit flexible (e. g. every year, every 3 months, every month, ... nothing too fancy).
I already tried the package flutter_local_notifications but for me it looks like I just can create repeating notifications for every week or every day.
I am already using firebase so I would be open to any solutions which are based on that.
My goal is the following: The users of my app should be able to create a (repeating) reminder in form of a push notification.

A Firebase-based solution: Assuming you are on the Blaze plan, you could create a scheduled cloud function using PubSub, like here. Such methods are billed based on the number of total functions, not invocations, so you have some flexibility, though if you need this to be a per-user feature, it might not be a viable solution. If you can provide a minimal granularity (for example, 5 minutes), you could deploy a single scheduled function to notify all pending "tasks" to users, while the users can schedule a reminder by saving an entity in Cloud Firestore, which describes the exact time and date when they would receive a reminder. The scheduled function then maps all currently pending tasks, and deleted handled tasks.
For example, in TypeScript you might do something like:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'
const serviceAccount = require("path/to/serviceAccountKey.json")
// Initialize the app with a service account, granting admin privileges
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: "https://databaseName.firebaseio.com"
// Declare the exported PubSub function
export const checkPendingNotifications = = functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun(async (context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!')
const db = admin.firestore()
const scheduledTasks = await db.collection('s').get();
scheduledTasks.forEach(taskSnapshot => {
const data = taskSnapshot.data()
// ... TODO Check for user-submitted dates in data
return null;


gcp cloud function queue

I have written a GCP Cloud Function with a http trigger ("REST API") that invokes a Cloud Function with a Firebase Realtime Database trigger (onCreate).
The Cloud Function with a Firebase Realtime Database trigger performs REST calls to other services based on received data from the REST API.
I have noticed that the called services sometimes returns http 429 (too many calls) since my REST API does not have a limit to how many calls can be received.
The REST API has security measures in place to prevent unauthorised calls to invoke the Cloud Function with a Firebase Realtime Database trigger (onCreate). I do not wish to limit the amount of calls to my API, but rather place all requests in a queue and process them in sequence.
It is important that all calls are processed as promptly as possible. I do not wish to process transactions in 60 second intervals.
In my current solution all calls to the GCP HTTP http REST API immediately triggers the GCP Cloud Function via Firebase Realtime Database insert (onCreate event).
What I would like is to maybe have a queue in between my REST API and the Firebase Realtime Database insert (onCreate event) to ensure that only one GCP Cloud Function can execute simultaneously.
What is the best way to achieve this functionality?
Kind regards /K
Might Maximum instances be a solution here?
You can Trigger Cloud Functions using Cloud Tasks. Here's an example I use whereby emails are placed inside of the Cloud Task queue I created and they are then processed by the task runner one-after-another:
import { CloudTasksClient } from '#google-cloud/tasks';
// define and use the following for your task:
const client = new CloudTasksClient({ projectId: PROJECT_ID });
* Build the Cloud Task
* In the below example we take a POST body and
* stringify it before converting to base64.
const convertedPayload = JSON.stringify(payload);
const body = Buffer.from(convertedPayload).toString('base64');
const task: TaskT = {
httpRequest: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': TASK_CONTENT_TYPE,
oidcToken: {
serviceAccountEmail: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL,
scheduleTime: {
seconds: Date.now() / 1000, // <--- start the task now (in unix time)
return client.createTask({
parent: client.queuePath(PROJECT_ID, REGION, QUEUE_NAME),
You'll also need to configure some IAM permissions for your development and app IAM users like Cloud Functions Invoker and Cloud Functions Viewer.

Is it possible to assert the number of reads/writes in a Firebase Cloud Function test?

I have a test suite that runs integration tests for my Firebase Cloud Functions against a locally running Firebase emulator, is it possible to assert the number of reads/writes made to the emulated Firestore instance?
E.g. for the following function I would want to assert that 1 write occurs & 0 reads
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const original = data.query.text;
const snapshot = await admin.firestore().collection("/messages").add({ original: original });
return { code: 200, message: "Success" };
Currently, Its not possible to assert the number of reads and writes in a Firebase Cloud Function test.
I would suggest that the best way would be is to write the test data to the Firebase Emulator, then read it back and also count the number of collections/documents as well using Client SDK.
If you want to assert data coming from the Firebase Emulator, then you can use Requests Monitor. We used Client SDK for this purpose as Admin SDK requests and access calls will not be listed because it bypass Security Rules. It's a current limitation according to this Blog.
The Firebase emulator has a log that shows requests as shown in example below.
Note: I don't think that you should have a dependency on it, since Firebase Emulator Request Monitor is a new feature that its implementation may change and Admin SDK can be included over time.

Firebase Cloud Function schedule on Spark plan [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to schedule Cloud Functions for Firebase or in other words trigger them on a specific time.
Update 2019-04-18
There is now a very simple way to deploy scheduled code on Cloud Functions through Firebase.
You can either use a simple text syntax:
export scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =
functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
Or the more flexible cron table format:
export scheduledFunctionCrontab =
functions.pubsub.schedule('5 11 * * *').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every day at 11:05 AM UTC!');
To learn more about this, see:
The Scheduling Cloud Functions for Firebase blog post introducing the feature.
The documentation on scheduled functions.
Note that your project needs to be on a Blaze plan for this to work, so I'm leaving the alternative options below for reference.
If you want to schedule a single invocation of a Cloud Function on a delay from within the execution of another trigger, you can use Cloud Tasks to set that up. Read this article for an extended example of how that can work.
Original answer below...
There is no built-in runat/cron type trigger yet.
For the moment, the best option is to use an external service to trigger a HTTP function periodically. See this sample in the functions-samples repo for more information. Or use the recently introduced Google Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Functions through PubSub or HTTPS:
I also highly recommend reading this post on the Firebase blog: How to Schedule (Cron) Jobs with Cloud Functions for Firebase and this video: Timing Cloud Functions for Firebase using an HTTP Trigger and Cron.
That last link uses cron-job.org to trigger Cloud Functions, and works for projects that are on a free plan. Note that this allows anyone to call your function without authorization, so you may want to include some abuse protection mechanism in the code itself.
What you can do, is spin up an AppEngine instance that is triggered by cron job and emits to PubSub. I wrote a blog post specifically on that, you might want to take a look:
It is important to first note that the default timezone your functions will execute on is America/Los_Angeles according to the documentation. You may find a list of timezones here if you'd like to trigger your function(s) on a different timezone.
NB!!: Here's a useful website to assist with cron table formats (I found it pretty useful)
Here's how you'd go about it:
(Assuming you'd like to use Africa/Johannesburg as your timezone)
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.timeZone('Africa/Johannesburg').onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Johannesburg Time!!");
Otherwise if you'd rather stick to the default:
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Los Angeles Time!!");

Firebase how to schedule hourly operation [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to schedule Cloud Functions for Firebase or in other words trigger them on a specific time.
Update 2019-04-18
There is now a very simple way to deploy scheduled code on Cloud Functions through Firebase.
You can either use a simple text syntax:
export scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =
functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
Or the more flexible cron table format:
export scheduledFunctionCrontab =
functions.pubsub.schedule('5 11 * * *').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every day at 11:05 AM UTC!');
To learn more about this, see:
The Scheduling Cloud Functions for Firebase blog post introducing the feature.
The documentation on scheduled functions.
Note that your project needs to be on a Blaze plan for this to work, so I'm leaving the alternative options below for reference.
If you want to schedule a single invocation of a Cloud Function on a delay from within the execution of another trigger, you can use Cloud Tasks to set that up. Read this article for an extended example of how that can work.
Original answer below...
There is no built-in runat/cron type trigger yet.
For the moment, the best option is to use an external service to trigger a HTTP function periodically. See this sample in the functions-samples repo for more information. Or use the recently introduced Google Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Functions through PubSub or HTTPS:
I also highly recommend reading this post on the Firebase blog: How to Schedule (Cron) Jobs with Cloud Functions for Firebase and this video: Timing Cloud Functions for Firebase using an HTTP Trigger and Cron.
That last link uses cron-job.org to trigger Cloud Functions, and works for projects that are on a free plan. Note that this allows anyone to call your function without authorization, so you may want to include some abuse protection mechanism in the code itself.
What you can do, is spin up an AppEngine instance that is triggered by cron job and emits to PubSub. I wrote a blog post specifically on that, you might want to take a look:
It is important to first note that the default timezone your functions will execute on is America/Los_Angeles according to the documentation. You may find a list of timezones here if you'd like to trigger your function(s) on a different timezone.
NB!!: Here's a useful website to assist with cron table formats (I found it pretty useful)
Here's how you'd go about it:
(Assuming you'd like to use Africa/Johannesburg as your timezone)
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.timeZone('Africa/Johannesburg').onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Johannesburg Time!!");
Otherwise if you'd rather stick to the default:
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Los Angeles Time!!");

Where to sync redux store and firebase?

I recently started learning react and redux and am confused as how to sync the data? I'm using create-react-app and redux-thunk.
Suppose I'm making a todolist. So should I add a task into redux and update the entire store to firebase using store.subscribe in index.js?
Or should I update the firebase store and then update the redux store? I think this would be the better method as the application would move only in response to the firebase store. But this approach slows the application re-render as the data change has to wait for the async request to finish which isn't good on a slow internet connection. And would make the user experience slow.
Like this.
export const startAddTaskAction = (task) => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
.then(() => {
Or do I update both simultaneously in the redux store and in firebase in the dispatch? But then what if the users internet connection fails? Firebase won't be able to write to itself but redux would show the task as saved?
Like this:
export const startAddTaskAction = (task) => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
Which way should I do this and why is it better then the others?
Go with First one you should wait until you push the data into firebase that is the best practice to do.
Let me explain the cases why you should do in this way
What if there is no connection at all user able to add all tasks but at the end when he reload the page he will be surprised that there is no data at all.
For all crud we use _id which is generated by databases if you don't hit the server you don't even get data at all.
Rather than giving unpredictable results to users it's better to let him wait put some time interval to api if it exceeds show some message net connection is slow
