Google Analytics UA and GA4 together with firebase Existing Project - firebase

I am new for firebase please pardon if I don't understand something.
I have two apps running for Android and IOS and both are configured with Google Analytics UA as well as Tag manager and now I have created a new property for Analytic 4 and tag manager is there.
My firebase is linked with Universal analytics already but need to connect GA4 as well for both apps so i don't lose connecting with my universal property as well as the GA4 should also work.
Anyone here with good understanding of firebase and Analytics can help me.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Many Thanks

You can find documentation to connect GA4 to Firebase here:
[GA4] Firebase integration. Link Google Analytics 4 properties to Firebase.
Anyway, you don't want to worry too much about not losing the link. I have personally noticed that the old Analytics Properties for mobile always exist however Google has announced their deletion (except for 360):
As of February 4th 2020, Google Analytics properties that fit the
criteria below will have been permanently deleted. We recommend
transitioning to measuring your apps with the Firebase SDKs.


Google Analytics: tracking offline mobile apps

We're tracking our web apps using GTM (Google Tag Manager) and GA360 (the paid version of GA).
We also have hybrid mobile apps (mobile apps built with web frontend) that are intended for our users to work mostly offline (they are kind of reader apps).
I've been doing some research and there's a lot of information but I'm not sure yet of what's the best approach to connect my mobile apps to GA when they're mostly offline.
I've found Google Analytics for Firebase which is a free service but seems to be a separate service from GA and I would end up with half of the analytics in GA and the other half in Firebase.
I also read about using Workbox to support Offline Google Analytics:
What's actually the best approach for this kind of problem?
What service(s) can I use to solve this problem?
Thank you.
I'm not sure if either of the other two approaches mentioned above are better or even work in this context, but I wanted to mention a third approach, linked below.
It is not simple, involving writing custom google analytics calls to check online status, and either queue requests yourself when offline, or post them when online.
It should work well though, and end up keeping all of your analytics in one console.
Simo Ahava Blog: Track users who are offline in Google Analytics.

Firebase+GTM SDK - tracking exceptions and crashes in Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows collection of a basic contextual information and crash and exception in app. This has been done using GA library. I am currently upgrading the implementation to use Google Tag Manager by utilising latest version Firebase+Tag Manager SDK.
I wonder how can I make sure crashes from my app are registered within GA? Firebase crashlitycs is a different tool. I really need those crashes and exceptions in Google Analytics as exceptions/crashes rather than just events.
Please advice. Thank you
You can create a tag in GTM (exception type) and use the event 'app_exception' (in firebase) as a trigger, sending that information to GA.

Google anlytics or Firebase analytics for web/native platforms?

Our app was hybrid app and we also have a website.
So we just used 'web' google analytics so far.
Now we are converting some pages to react native.
I see there are several options available for unified (web/native) reporting.
I'd like to use 'web' google analytics with react native if I could, but not sure if I could do that.
use screenview or pageview hit-type from both web and native, although I'm not sure If one could send pageview hit-type from native (or react-native)
connect firebase to GA ( not sure what it actually does.
use bigquery ( although I don't want to go this route because it's seems too much work to set up..
How do you organize analytics when you have both web and app ?

What properties to use admob or Google play account properties?

I just linked my admob account to google analytics (I think it is called universal analytics now). After the linking the system created 2 different accounts (one based on admob account and the other on my google play account) for the same application. Which one should I use? Does it really matter?
P.D. I did not mentioned it but the accounts are related to an android mobile application.

Universal Analytics Not Giving Me Updated Code

My job is to upgrade the current analytics to universal analytics. Hunting around, I could not find that annoying universal analytics upgrade notification in the property settings. Checking the documentation, I can confirm that this platform was already on UA!
I head over to "Tracking Info" (not "Tracking Code" as the old one used to be), and it says UA-123456-1 with the classic tracking code.
Problems: The tracking code is classic and not universal. I have no idea to confirm that its universal or classic.
Completely confused on what's going on inside of it.
Ben, not sure if all of the accounts were offered the upgrade -- maybe you are still on the waiting list:
The option to upgrade Universal Analytics will roll out to standard
accounts. Once this option is available in your account, it will
appear in the Admin section.
Also, keep in mind that if you are using Retargeting (dc.js) -- it is not supported by Universal Analytics as of yet and those account should not upgrade:
Universal Analytics does not currently support the the dc.js
JavaScript and related features (Remarketing, Google Display Network
Impression Reporting, DoubleClick Campaign Manager Integration, and
the Google Analytics Demographics and Interests Reports). If you use
any of these features, upgrade to Universal Analytics after dc.js is
All needed information should be available in the Analytics Upgrade Center, check it out...
Hope this helps.
