how to use openssh keys with paramiko [duplicate] - paramiko

I am trying connect to server using following spinet
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ip = ['x.x.x.x']
key_file = "/Users/user/.ssh/id_rsa"
key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(key_file)
ssh.connect(ips, port=22, username='XYZ', pkey=key, timeout=11)
But I am getting an error:
not a valid RSA private key file

I faced a similar situation and ssh-keygen comes to my help. You should make a copy of id_rsa and convert it to RSA type with ssh-keygen.
ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Recent versions of OpenSSH (7.8 and newer) generate keys in new OpenSSH format by default, which starts with:
That format is fully supported by the Paramiko since version 2.7.1 (2019-12-09) only.
If you are stuck with an older version of Paramiko, you can use ssh-keygen to convert the key to the classic OpenSSH format:
ssh-keygen -p -f file -m pem -P passphrase -N passphrase
(if the key is not encrypted with a passphrase, use "" instead of passphrase)
For Windows users: Note that ssh-keygen.exe is now built-in in Windows 10. And can be downloaded from Microsoft Win32-OpenSSH project for older versions of Windows.
On Windows, you can also use PuTTYgen (from PuTTY package):
Start PuTTYgen
Load the key
Go to Conversions > Export OpenSSH key.
For RSA keys, it will use the classic format.
If you are creating a new key with ssh-keygen, just add -m PEM to generate the new key in the classic format:
ssh-keygen -m PEM
Note that you can get the error, also when you are trying to use a completely different key format, like or PuTTY .ppk. Then you will have to convert the key in any case.
For format, see Paramiko: "not a valid DSA private key file".
For PuTTY .ppk format, use PuTTYgen as shown above.

The paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file method requires the private key file to be in "PEM" format. Examine the file you're trying to read and see if it begins with a line that says:
If it doesn't have that line then it's not PEM.
If it's not PEM then you'll have to find some way to create a PEM version of the private key. (EDIT: the original poster used PuTTY's puttygen utility to export the private key into a PEM-format file.)
Make sure that the new file has the same ownership and limited access permissions that the original id_rsa file has, so that nobody can steal the key by reading the file. Then, obviously, modify your paramiko call to read the key from the new PEM-format file.

I have encountered the same error while I was connected with ssh to an Ubuntu VM.
In my terminal SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable is not defined, and paramiko throws the not a valid RSA private key file error.
However, if I am connected in a graphical session to the same machine, the graphical terminal has got SSH_AUTH_SOCK defined, and Paramiko is happy.
As a workaround, I have copied the content of SSH_AUTH_SOCK in my SSH terminal and it works better.

As I checked, there was no issue with the path as well permissions(only read permission on the RSA file will work), so the problem was with the Paramiko version.
I updated it using the below command and it resolved the issue for me.
pip3 install paramiko update


How do I derive a SHA256 fingerprint from either a public key or MD5 fingerprint?

I received a public key generated by "SAP SuccessFactors" from someone who needs to connect to an SFTP, but in order for me to import the public key, I need to provide a SHA256 fingerprint.
Apparently "SAP SuccessFactors" can only produce an MD5 fingerprint. I've tried running the command
ssh-keygen -lf <path>
but I get an error is not a public key file
In opening up the public key file, the header says
begin ssh2 public key
whereas I'm used to seeing something along the lines of ssh-rsa.
Apologies in advance if this seems immediately obvious, but I would sincerely appreciate some guidance or advice.
Thanks very much!
You can use ssh-keygen. First you would need to convert the file to pem format first
ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f pubkey.pem > NEWpubkey.pem
Next get the fingerprint
and then you can get the sha256 value from it:
ssh-keygen -lf NEWpubkey.pem
for reference see this post:get SHA256 hash of public key
Edit: For Pub files this could work ssh-keygen -E sha256 -lf see How to Calculate Fingerprint From SSH RSA Public Key in Java?

Moving a private key without passphrase from a server to another causes request of passphrase by GPG

I generated a key pair using GPG by following command in Debian 8.
gpg --gen-key
I left the passphrase step of key generation empty and just hit the Enter key. After that, I exported private and public key using following commands.
gpg --export-secret-key -a "X" > private.key
gpg --export-key -a "X" > public.key
Then I tried to encrypt a folder using the private key. It was successful and without asking any passphrase the encrypted file was generated.
But When I transferred the public key to another computer with Ubuntu OS 14.04 and import it using following command, gpg requested passphrase. Even, by giving empty passphrase to gpg, it says that passphrase is incorrect.
gpg --import public.key
Furthermore, when I imported the private key in the second computer for encryption, it asks me passphrase again.
Does anyone have any idea what is the problem?
There is no need to export and import keys. Just copy the key files located in ~/.ssh/ on your source machine to the other system.
It was because there exist other keyring in second system before. Indeed, it is required to clear all keys before import

decrypt encrypted gpg file using external secret key

I encryptd a file using gpg, now I want to decrypt the file.
Is there any way to decrypt the file without need to import the secret file?
We have the secret key in a file called key.sec; can we pass the secret file to gpg as a parameter (when we run the decrypt command from the bash command line) to use when decrypting the encrypted file? Or must we import the secret key then decrypt the encrypted files?
You must add the secret key to a keyring. From the gpg(1) documentation:
Do not add the default keyrings to the list of
keyrings. Note that GnuPG will not operate without any
keyrings, so if you use this option and do not provide
alternate keyrings via --keyring or --secret-keyring,
then GnuPG will still use the default public or secret
You could --import --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring temporary to import the key, use --secret-keyring temporary when decrypting the content, then delete the ~/.gnupg/temporary.gpg file when you're done. But that's just a work-around.
You have to import the secret key to use it but the way that secret keys are managed by GnuPG version 2.x has changed. There is a gpg-agent daemon that handles secret keys access and its use is mandatory from version 2.1.
Here is a way that you can quickly create a temporary keyring to decrypt with a secret key that is contained in a file:
$ mkdir -m 700 ~/.gnupg-temp
$ gpg --homedir .gnupg-temp --import key.sec
$ gpg --homedir .gnupg-temp -d an_ecrypted_file
If you want to clean up afterwards, stop the agent and remove the directory:
$ gpg-connect-agent --homedir .gnupg-temp KILLAGENT /bye
$ rm -r ~/.gnupg-temp
There used to be an option --secret-keyring about which the documentation for version 2.1 has this to say:
This is an obsolete option and ignored. All secret keys are stored in the private-keys-v1.d directory below the GnuPG home directory.
The private-keys-v1.d directory (wthin the --homedir or ~/.gnupg) is owned and operated by the agent.
The objective of the OP Mohammed appears to be keeping his PUBLIC and SECRET key apart. After all, do we want to keep the Secret key with the data it was used to encrypt? Thus, Mohammed's and 10,650+ others (at the time I write this) are interested in if/how it's possible. Indeed it is, and this is how you do it:
The publicly-facing host only has two keys: Both are Public Keys
Your GPG Public key used to encrypt data
Your SSH Public key in .ssh/authorized_keys to facilitate non-interactive logins.
Round-tripping an encrypted file using Public-Secret key separation:
The following bash snippet when executed on the host with the Secret Key will fetch the crypted file from the DMZ host via scp, and squirt the gpg decrypted standard output back onto the DMZ host into a file so it can be read/operated upon. This code is tested and known to work correctly:
echo "$(gpg -d $(scp myuser# .;ls ./test-gpg.txt.asc))" | ssh myuser# 'cat > /home/myuser/test-gpg.txt'
Note that you will still be prompted for a password once decryption begins. But once the password is supplied, the script continues and injects the decrypted gpg stream into a file on DMZ host.
And don't forget to do an rm test-gpg.txt of the decrypted file once the operation that required it's contents to be readable has been completed.
So yes, very possible to keep your secret key apart from the publicly accessible host where encryption occurs and your secret key tucked safely away in a host outside of that DMZ. HTH- Terrence Houlahan

Openssl command line troubles

Edit: Haven't solved my problems, but I've moved on to new and more exciting problems.
Leaving this here in case anyone has and insightful that'll help someone who stumbles on to this question in the future.
I'm attempting to send an encrypted email from php to outlook. As such, I need to generate a certificate to import into outlook. I had no problem generating a set of keys using openssl and the script that comes with it, but when I try to run the command to generate the PKCS12 file to import into outlook it complains about a missing "demoCA" directory. It appears this directory is a part of openssl, and is referenced in the openssl config... but i have no idea where it is. I've searched the drive in many ways from grep to spotlight (on os x, though i really wasn't expecting spotlight to find anything), and can't come up with anything.
The command I was trying to run is:
$ openssl ca -cert newcert.pem -ss_cert newcert.pem
Using configuration from /sw/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
./demoCA/private/cakey.pem: No such file or directory trying to load CA private key
19918:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:245:fopen('./demoCA/private/cakey.pem','r')
19918:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:bss_file.c:247:
I am a bit of a noob when it comes to encryption / SSL, so I might be missing something stupid (I'm sure if it, haha).
You should create a new CA by means of the script provided, which is easier than just handle all the openssl options. You can do this be means of openssl bundled with Cygwin inside Windows itself or use your favourite Unix distro. I will show you how to do it with bash scripts (but perl scripts should be the same).
$ ./ -newca
This creates demoCA directory with the CA certificate inside it. As you invoke above command you will be prompt about the fields of the CA certificate (CN, OU, etc.) and CA private key passphrase.
Now you can create certificate requests or certificates from certificate requestes.
$ ./ -newreq
This prompts for a new certificate request fields and the passphrase to encrypt the private key generated. By default the request is left in the same directory as (newreq.pem). It is important that you use as CN (Common Name) the email address you have.
Now you only need to sign it and you have a full blown certificate.
$ ./ -sign
This will generate newcert.pem which is the signed certificate request. You have your certificate, you only need to pack the certificate and the private key inside a PFX or P12 file, that Microsoft CSP recognizes.
Then copy the contents of newreq.pem and newcert.pem into a file.
$ cat newreq.pem > keypair.pem
$ cat newcert.pem >> keypair.pem
And now generate P12 file by means of openssl shell (this time we don't have the help of any script). It will prompt you for the passphrase you used when request was generated and then the export password (to encrypt private key inside p12 file).
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in keypair.pem -out mykeypair.p12
Enter pass phrase for keypair.pem:
Enter Export Password:
Verifying - Enter Export Password:
Et voilĂ . You have a PKCS#12 file that you can double click in Windows and import it to your keystore and use it as a mail signing certificate (I don't remember if default options are enough or you need to specify some additional attributes when creating the certificate so Outlook recognizes as a e-mail signing certificate). You will also need to import CA certificate as a trusted CA (copy cacert.pem to cacert.cer that is inside demoCA directory and double click it to import).

How do I remove the passphrase for the SSH key without having to create a new key?

I set a passphrase when creating a new SSH key on my laptop. But, as I realise now, this is quite painful when you are trying to commit (Git and SVN) to a remote location over SSH many times in an hour.
One way I can think of is, delete my SSH keys and create new. Is there a way to remove the passphrase, while still keeping the same keys?
Short answer:
$ ssh-keygen -p
This will then prompt you to enter the keyfile location, the old passphrase, and the new passphrase (which can be left blank to have no passphrase).
If you would like to do it all on one line without prompts do:
$ ssh-keygen -p [-P old_passphrase] [-N new_passphrase] [-f keyfile]
Important: Beware that when executing commands they will typically be logged in your ~/.bash_history file (or similar) in plain text including all arguments provided (i.e. the passphrases in this case). It is, therefore, is recommended that you use the first option unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.
Notice though that you can still use -f keyfile without having to specify -P nor -N, and that the keyfile defaults to ~/.ssh/id_rsa, so in many cases, it's not even needed.
You might want to consider using ssh-agent, which can cache the passphrase for a time. The latest versions of gpg-agent also support the protocol that is used by ssh-agent.
$ ssh-keygen -p worked for me
Opened git bash. Pasted : $ ssh-keygen -p
Hit enter for default location.
Enter old passphrase
Enter new passphrase - BLANK
Confirm new passphrase - BLANK
BOOM the pain of entering passphrase for git push was gone.
You might want to add the following to your .bash_profile (or equivalent), which starts ssh-agent on login.
if [ -f ~/.agent.env ] ; then
. ~/.agent.env > /dev/null
if ! kill -0 $SSH_AGENT_PID > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Stale agent file found. Spawning new agent… "
eval `ssh-agent | tee ~/.agent.env`
echo "Starting ssh-agent"
eval `ssh-agent | tee ~/.agent.env`
On some Linux distros (Ubuntu, Debian) you can use:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ username#host
This will copy the generated id to a remote machine and add it to the remote keychain.
You can read more here and here.
To change or remove the passphrase, I often find it simplest to pass in only the p and f flags, then let the system prompt me to supply the passphrases:
ssh-keygen -p -f <name-of-private-key>
For instance:
ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa
Enter an empty password if you want to remove the passphrase.
A sample run to remove or change a password looks something like this:
ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa
Enter old passphrase:
Key has comment 'bcuser#pl1909'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.
When adding a passphrase to a key that has no passphrase, the run looks something like this:
ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa
Key has comment 'charlie#elf-path'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.
On the Mac you can store the passphrase for your private ssh key in your Keychain, which makes the use of it transparent. If you're logged in, it is available, when you are logged out your root user cannot use it. Removing the passphrase is a bad idea because anyone with the file can use it.
ssh-keygen -K
Add this to ~/.ssh/config
UseKeychain yes
On windows, you can use PuttyGen to load the private key file, remove the passphrase and then overwrite the existing private key file.
In windows for me it kept saying
"id_ed25135: No such file or directory" upon entering above commands. So I went to the folder, copied the path within folder explorer and added "\id_ed25135" at the end.
This is what I ended up typing and worked:
ssh-keygen -p -f C:\Users\john\.ssh\id_ed25135
This worked. Because for some reason, in Cmder the default path was something like this C:\Users\capit/.ssh/id_ed25135 (some were backslashes: "\" and some were forward slashes: "/")
If you have set a passphrase before and is using mac, use the keychain instead, you'll need to enter your passpharase for the last time and that's it
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Enter passphrase for /Users/{{user_name}}/.ssh/id_rsa:
Identity added: /Users/{{user_name}}/.ssh/id_rsa(/Users/{{user_name}}/.ssh/id_rsa)
If you are using Mac
Go to .ssh folder
update config file by adding "UseKeychain yes"
