I am developing an application with React-native and I am using firebase in the backend. the problem is that I am not able to recover the elements of my Realtime database in order of arriving. each time I launch my application the order of loading data is always different. I have thought of implementing the sorted quick to try to sort the object array received from firebase before display in my app but I received this error code: '' TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'array.length') ''. here is the code recovery of firebase objects
`import database from
'# react-native-firebase / database';
export const getAllPublications = async () => {
let list = [];
await database ()
.ref ('/ publications')
.once ('value')
.then (snapshot => {
for (const pub in snapshot.val ()) {
if (snapshot.val (). hasOwnProperty (pub)) {
const element = snapshot.val () [pub];
if (element) {
list.push ({id: pub, ... element});
return list;
} `
here my function to try to sort the table received from firebase
`export const quickSort = (array) => {
if (array.length <2) {
return array;
var pivot = array [0];
var lesserArray = [];
var greaterArray = [];
var date1 = new Date (pivot.timeago);
for (var i = 1; i <array.length; i ++) {
var date2 = new Date (array [i] .timeago);
if (date2.getTime ()> = date1.getTime ()) {
greaterArray.push (array [i]);
} else {
lesserArray.push (array [i]);
return quicksort (greaterArray) .concat (pivot, quicksort (lesserArray));
} `
after having received the elements of the base here is how I tried to sort them before having the error:TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'array.length')
const [publications, setPublications] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then((pubs) => {
here is an image of how my database is structured :
click here to see image
If transforming objects to arrays is something you do often when querying Firebase, you can make a short util function.
So you could do something like:
const transformFirebaseSnapshot = snapshot =>
.map(([id, fields]) => ({ id, ...fields }));
And use it as follows:
const getAllPublications = () => database()
Finally, put the pieces together:
const [publications, setPublications] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then(pubs => {
}, []);
Give that a try and see if anything changes.
Good luck ;)
I am doing an Image Upload feature with Cloudinary. I'm providing an array which may contains base64coded or uploaded image which is a url :
"https://res.cloudinary.com/\[userName\]/image/upload/v167xxxx4/luxxxfsgasxxxxxx7t9.jpg", "https://res.cloudinary.com/doeejabc9/image/upload/v1675361225/rf6adyht6jfx10vuzjva.jpg",
".......", "......."
I'm using this function to upload the "un-uploaded", which returns the all uploaded version:
export async function uploadImage(el: string[]) {
const partition = el.reduce(
(result: string[][], element: string) => {
? result[0].push(element)
: result[1].push(element);
return result;
[[], []]
for (let i = 0; i < partition[0].length; i++) {
const data = new FormData();
data.append("file", partition[0][i]);
data.append("upload_preset", "my_preset_name");
const res = await fetch(
method: "POST",
body: data,
const file = await res.json();
return partition[1];
Then I will use the return value to update the state and call the api to update database:
const uploaded = await uploadImage(el[1])
[chosenDocument[el[0]]]: uploaded,
However, it always updates the useState before the console.log(uploaded). I thought async/await would make sure the value is updated before moving on.
The GitHub repo is attached for better picture. The fragment is under EditModal in the 'component/document' folder:
Thanks a lot!
I am hoping to make the upload happen before updating the state.
The function is correct, but you are trying to await the promise inside the callback function of a forEach, but await inside forEach doesn't work.
This doesn't work:
async function handleEdit() {
const entries = Object.entries(chosenDocument);
entries.forEach(async (el) => { // <------ the problem
if (Array.isArray(el[1])) {
const uploaded = await uploadImage(el[1]);
el[1].splice(0, el[1].length, uploaded);
If you want to have the same behaviour (forEach runs sequentially), you can use a for const of loop instead.
This works (sequentially)
(execution order guaranteed)
async function handleEdit() {
const entries = Object.entries(chosenDocument);
for (const el of entries) {
// await the promises 1,2,...,n in sequence
if (Array.isArray(el[1])) {
const uploaded = await uploadImage(el[1]);
el[1].splice(0, el[1].length, uploaded);
This also works (in parallel)
(execution order not guaranteed)
async function handleEdit() {
const entries = Object.entries(chosenDocument);
await Promise.all(entries.map(async (el) => {
// map returns an array of promises, and await Promise.all() then executes them all at the same time
if (Array.isArray(el[1])) {
const uploaded = await uploadImage(el[1]);
el[1].splice(0, el[1].length, uploaded);
If the order in which your files are uploaded doesn't matter, picking the parallel method will be faster/better.
How do I get all the comments from the subcollection?
This is mine reusable function to get comments collection.
import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import { projectFirestore } from '../firebase/config';
const getCollection = (collection, id, subcollection) => {
const comments = ref(null);
const error = ref(null);
// register the firestore collection reference
let collectionRef = projectFirestore
const unsub = collectionRef.onSnapshot(
snap => {
let results = [];
snap.docs.forEach(doc => {
doc.data().createdAt && results.push(doc.data());
// update values
comments.value = results;
error.value = null;
err => {
comments.value = null;
error.value = 'could not fetch the data';
watchEffect(onInvalidate => {
onInvalidate(() => unsub());
return { error, comments };
export default getCollection;
And this is mine Comments.vue where i passing arguments in setup() function (composition API)
const { comments } = getAllComments('posts', props.id, 'comments');
When i console.log(comments) its null, in snapshot doc.data() is good but somehow results too is empty array even if i push doc.data() to results array and pass it to comments.value.
Can someone help me how to get that subcollection?
This is my Comment.vue component
export default {
props: ['id'],
setup(props) {
const { user } = getUser();
const content = ref('');
const { comments } = getAllComments('posts', props.id, 'comments');
const ownership = computed(() => {
return (
comments.value && user.value && user.value.uid == comments.value.userId
return { user, content, handleComment, comments, ownership };
const getCollection = (collection, id, subcollection) => {
const comments = ref(null);
const error = ref(null);
// Firestore listener
return { error, comments };
The initial value of comments here is null and since Firebase operations are asynchronous, it can take a while before the data loads and hence it'll log null. If you are using comments in v-for then that might throw an error.
It'll be best if you set initial value to an empty array so it'll not throw any error while the data loads:
const comments = ref([]);
Additionally, if you are fetching once, use .get() instead of onSnapshot()
I am using firebase for my app and the data i read i want to put that in state to use it in different places.
it kinda works but when i want to console.log the state it updates like 30 times a second, am i doing something wrong?
this is my code
const db = firebase.firestore();
const [PBS1Detail, setPBS1Detail] = useState();
db.collection('Track').get().then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.docs.forEach(doc => {
const renderTracks = (doc) => {
let data = doc.data().data[0].Module;
return setPBS1Detail(data);
i already tried to store it in a variable instead of state but thats not working for me, i can't get the variable from the function global
i am a noob i get it xd
You don't need a return statement when setting state. Also, it looks like you're performing some async function which means that when your component renders for the first time, PBS1Detail will be undefined since the db is a pending Promise.
You could/should put your async functions in useEffect hook:
useEffect(()=> {
db.collection('Track').get().then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.docs.forEach(doc => {
}, [])
const renderTracks = (doc) => {
let data = doc.data().data[0].Module;
Finally, your renderTracks function doesn't seem correct as it appears you're looping over docs and resetting your state each time.
Instead, maybe consider having an array for PBS1Detail
const [PBS1Detail, setPBS1Detail] = useState([]);
Then modify your async call:
useEffect(()=> {
db.collection('Track').get().then((snapshot) => {
let results = []
snapshot.docs.forEach(doc => {
}, [])
const renderTracks = (doc) => {
return doc.data().data[0].Module;
This way you're only setting state once and thus avoiding unnecessary re-renders and you're saving all of your docs instead of overwriting them.
I have a Firebase Cloud Function that assigns a number to a user on onWrite. The following code works but something is wrong because the console logs state Function returned undefined, expected Promise or value.
I'm also not sure how to refer to the root from inside the onWrite so I've created several "parent" entries that refer to each other. I'm sure there is a better way.
onWrite triggers on this:
The trigger counts the children in /usernumbers and then writes an entry here with the uid and the child count + 1:
/usernumbers/uoNEKjUDikJlkpLm6n0IPm7x8Zf1 : 5
Cloud Function:
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.setCount = functions.database.ref('/users/{uid}/username').onWrite((change, context) => {
const uid = context.params.uid;
const parent1 = change.after.ref.parent; //uid
const parent2 = parent1.ref.parent; //users
const parent3usernumbers = parent2.ref.parent.child('/usernumbers/');
const parent3usernumbersuid = parent2.ref.parent.child('/usernumbers/'+uid);
.then(function(snapshot) {
var a = snapshot.numChildren();
return parent3usernumbersuid.transaction((current) => {
return (a + 1);
}).then(() => {
return console.log('User Number Written', uid, a);
Is there a better way to do this? How can I get the Function Returned Undefined error to go away?
I should also mention it takes a few seconds for the 'usernumber' entry to be written. I'm guessing it's waiting for the function to return something.
Your function have to return a Promise :
exports.setCount = functions.database.ref('/users/{uid}/username').onWrite((change, context) => {
const uid = context.params.uid;
const parent1 = change.after.ref.parent; //uid
const parent2 = parent1.ref.parent; //users
const parent3usernumbers = parent2.ref.parent.child('/usernumbers/');
const parent3usernumbersuid = parent2.ref.parent.child('/usernumbers/'+uid);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
parent3usernumbers.once("value").then(function(snapshot) {
var a = snapshot.numChildren();
return parent3usernumbersuid.transaction((current) => {
return (a + 1);
}).then(() => {
console.log('User Number Written', uid, a);
resolve({uid : uid, a : a})
}).catch(function(e) {
Hello, above is my simple data structure in firebase's realtime db. I'm working on a simple cloud function that will listen to update in a user node 'score' property and update the 'averageScore' field that sits higher up the hierarchy.
Here's my onWrite callback:
.onWrite((change, context) => {
if (!change.before.exists() || !change.after.exists()) {
return null;
const beforeScore = parseFloat(change.before.val()['score']);
const afterScore = parseFloat(change.after.val()['score']);
const userRef = change.after.ref;
var promises = [
return userRef.transaction(() => {
return Promise.all(promises).then((snapshots) => {
const userCount = snapshots[0].val();
const averageScore = snapshots[1].val();
const currentAverage = (( ( averageScore * userCount ) - beforeScore + afterScore ) / userCount ).toFixed(2);
return userRef.parent.parent.child('averageScore').set(currentAverage);
If I update userId 1234's score, the averageScore field is updated correctly per this code. However, the whole user Id node 1234 gets DELETED following this update. This is quite a head scratcher and hoping to get some insight from the community on what I might be doing wrong.
.onWrite((change, context) => {
if ( !change.before.exists() || !change.after.exists()) {
return null;
const beforeScore = parseFloat(change.before.val()['score']);
const afterScore = parseFloat(change.after.val()['score']);
const crowdStatsRef = change.after.ref.parent.parent.child('crowdStats');
return Promise.all( [
]).then((snapshots) => {
return crowdStatsRef.transaction((crowdStatsNode) => {
if (crowdStatsNode) {
const userCount = snapshots[0].val();
const averageScore = snapshots[1].val();
const currentAverage = (( ( averageScore * userCount ) - beforeScore + afterScore ) / userCount ).toFixed(2);
crowdStatsNode.score = parseFloat(currentAverage);
return crowdStatsNode;
}, (error, committed, snapshot) => {
if (error) {
Misunderstood how transactions worked. The object you're locking onto must be returned in the callback function. Also, a null check in that callback function is essential here.
Examples are noted here: