How do I make tpot dashboard work in kibana? - kibana

I have recently deployed the Tpot honeypot, on my google cloud instance but when I click one of the dashboards to view it shows me an error as shown in the image attached, I have tried everything possible, but unlucky. Could anyone here guide/help me? Thanks
enter image description here

tpot is behavior a server
after tried a installing tpot, you cannot start another service like elasticsearch/kibana/logstash manually
tpot have already deploy inbuild elasticsearch,kibana,logstashenter image description here
after installing tpot browse>login credential->kibana


I'm having a problem with firebase when i deploy my project

I made an application and finished it, and wanted to upload it to firebase. When I type in the terminal "firebase deploy", everything appears fine, then the link to the site appears in the terminal normally.
But when I click on it to open the site, a message appears saying:
Firebase Hosting Setup Complete
You're seeing this because you've successfully setup Firebase Hosting. Now it's time to go build something extraordinary!
As you can see in the attached picture!
Make sure that index.html inside build folder and the one outside the build folder must be the same.
If they are same then try reloading after some time. When I was having the same issue it worked without doing anything and reloading after sometime (in my case around 10-15 minutes)
Here is a github issue that has detailed discussion on this.

Unable to Connect to Box API in R

all. I am trying to set up boxr to read files from Box's API.
The set up seems pretty simple. I created a Box app. I then copy/pasted the client secret and client ID into box_auth()
box_auth(client_id = "<placeholder>", client_secret = "<placeholder>")
When I do this I am taken to a new page that says:
There seems to be a problem with this app.
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
Because there are so few steps, I am a little lost on what could be going wrong.
Advice is appreciated.
Ran into this same issue after months of boxr working as expected - the steps and explanation outlined here resolved the issue on my end.
Going to the dev console for your Box account, and then to the "Configuration" tab, add http://localhost:1410/ as a Redirect URI:

How do I launch The Littlest JupyterHub as admin?

I'm trying to get up to speed with The Littlest JupyterHub.
I've followed the documentation and added myself as an admin with the following.
Updated my config file with my key and cert then launched the hub with jupyterhub -f ./
I then get to this screen:
My issue is that I dont see the control panel described here:
Can anyone suggest where I've gone wrong?

Using Vimeo with Aframe

I am attempting to get the vimeo plugin working with a-frame, but no success. I followed the GitHub steps at -> I have a vimeo pro account, generated key, updated .env file, edited basic.html to show my video ID. When I attempt to play it, I just get a black screen. I also downloaded the aframe-vimeo-component.min.js locally and created a .env file in my base html folder, and same result. Any ideas?
Are you running the Node.js server (i.e yarn run start)?
There is a Getting Started guide you can use that walks through all the options of using the component.
If you are not sure where to start, you can remix the Glitch example, add your token to the .env file, and swap the id parameter in the basic (examples/basic.html) example to your Vimeo video id 🚀
Feel free to open a Github issue if something isn't working properly so we can try and solve it

Firebase Hosting not updating connected domain

I'm hosting a web app with Firebase hosting service.
I build my app and then deploy it using firebase command tools.
The build is successful and the firebase domain shows the update:
But the connected domain doesn't show the update:
You can see the difference in these two links by the Settings (cog) button on the top right. has the settings button while does not
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I thought this would be automatic.
DNS seem to be working alright. I don't see any error in firebase
I had this same issue. It was caused by doing back to back ng-build and firebase deploy commands in the terminal.
Turns out chrome was caching my connected site. If I opened it in a different browser (safari) it would update. Another way to fix it in chrome is to clear recent browsing data by going to your browser toolbar, clicking More and then More Tools and then Clear Browsing Data.
Short answer, Clear caching browse and try again or open another browser.
Hope this help.
Just do a hard refresh (cmd + shift + r) on your website on Chrome. That worked for me.
