GA4 dimension "Signed in with user ID" disabled - google-tag-manager

After configure the google analytics property using GA4 instead of UA, I've seen there is something wrong with the user Id dimension.
As you can see in the following image seems like GA4 is not receiving data with the user_id property so it is unable to filter by the property.
By the way I'm referring to this property I'm using a Reporting identity option called By User-ID and device.
Seems like I have something wrong on my configuration, however when I use the DebugView tool of GA4 I can see the user_id is properly sent:
So I'm not sure what's going on here.
Why is Signed in with user ID dimension disabled?

One day after "Signed in with user ID" is enabled without any additional configuration change. So it seems like it just needed some time to fit with data I guess.


Accessing User ID as a variable in Google Tag Manager for mobile

I'm getting started with Google Tag Manager for Android/iOS, and can't find a way to access the User ID as a variable. I can access Firebase User Properties and Event Parameters just fine.
So far, I've tried setting it using FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId and trying to access it as a User Property called user_id / userId.
Some workarounds I've thought of:
Using a CustomVariableProvider (preferred)
Setting the User ID as an Event Parameter (this wouldn't work with built-in events)
I'm just trying to make sure there's no built-in way of doing this before I resort to workarounds. Thanks!
I was not able to find the User ID (or UID) in the list of built-in variables, see this screenshot
There is a built-in way, but it requires quite a sophisticated setup.
In GA version 4 the path is changed comparing to the previous version, where the same could be done much easier via "Tracking Info".
Here are the starting steps in GA4:
Bottom-left corner -> Admin -> Setup Assistant -> Advanced setup -> User ID
Follow the instruction
After that UserID will be available in GTM.
Video guide for exact steps:

Using Google Calendar API with secondary calendars resulting in "Invalid Value" error

I am unable to do the /clear action using Google Calendar API with a secondary calendar. I get the same error using either a javascript implementation or directly from their own API explorer at
To reproduce this, please try the following:
Create a secondary calendar using the calendar subdomain (or whatever method you prefer)
Note the ID of the calendar (looks like
Go to their API Explorer for the call:
Enter your calendar id in the field on the right labeled "calenderId".
Enable "OAuth 2", Disable "API Key".
Tap the EXECUTE button at the bottom.
I get the error 400 "Invalid Value". I've tried this on multiple unrelated accounts with the same result. This seems to be a serious flaw. Has anyone had success with the /clear endpoint for secondary calendars as specified by the calendarId?
Right at the top it clearly says "Primary Calendar", but then it seems a little nuts to also need to provide a calendar ID. sigh

Why can't I create a Google Analytics property view?

I'm trying to use Google Analytics as a data stream for Google Data Studio but it requires me to have a property view. There is no option for me to create a view in my property in the administration page:
There is no column named Views:
Is there something I need to do to be able to create new views?
OBS.: My Google Analytics account was imported directly from Firebase.
Google Analytics is changing and it is a bit confusing. I will try to clarify it for you. As far as I have gone, evolution has been:
1.- "App + web property" (Beta phase)
2.- "Universal Analytics" (*) (until 14-Oct-2020): It is identified because the account number is preceded by "UA-" eg. UA-123456789 (Attention, sometimes it is not very obvious and you have to create a new user to see the UA prefix). This option is only suitable for the monitoring and analysis of Web pages and has the option of analysis using "Views" enabled. If you don't have it, you should:
2.a.- Create a new "Property"
2.b.- "Show advanced options"
2.c.- Activate "Create an Analytics Property"
2.d.- Create only one "Universal Analytics" Property
3.- "Google Analytics 4": It is identified because the account number is preceded by "GA4-" eg. GA4-123456789. In this case, the analysis is not done through "View" but through "Data Stream" (** incorporating a series of improvements) although Google offers the possibility of creating two "Properties" one in UA format with Views and another in GA4 format with Data Stream
In all cases, you must place the corresponding gtag provided by Google Analytics within the tag of the page you want to analyze.
This is a good answer to that question. I had the same problem. In case the URL doesn't load, essentially,...
"If you set up a Google Analytics 4 property with a Web data stream, you have a Measurement ID (which begins with "G-").
If you set up a Universal Analytics ("Web") property (Universal Analytics properties have views instead of data streams), you have a Tracking ID (which begins with "UA-")."
You cannot have the property be a Google Analytics 4 property with a web data stream and have a view page as well. If you want the View page, then when you create the property, make sure its Universal Analytics.
Hope this helps, I'm new to this game.

GCal API: responseStatus "forces" invitee accept?

Our app is creating calendar events. Trying different combinations of parameters, it looks like when responseStatus is set = true for a given invitee (and that invitee is a GCal user) the accept of the event is "forced" -- ie, if I was the invitee the event just shows up on my calendar as accepted without me having acknowledged the invite in any way.
Can this possibly how things are supposed to work? On the face of it, it looks like I can use API to fill up peoples' calendars with events, causing them to get alerts, lose their free-time, etc.
FYI, in my settings for "Automatically add invitations to my calendar:" I have "No, only show invitations to which I have responded". My calendar is also shared with everyone in my company.
You need to set responseStatus to needsAction.
Take a look at : and search for responseStatus.

Google Analytics User Id doesn't take utm_ (acquisition) parameters into account

I have implemented the following process to track User ID on my website:
If the user is not yet logged in, track a pageview
Once he registers or logs in, set user id and keep setting it on every page
I have session unification turned on.
It works OK except that in the "user id" view, I see 100% of acquisition surce/medium as (direct) / (none), but in "all data" though, the utm_ parameters for the same session have been tracked correctly.
I would like to see which campaign was each given user acquired by, but because of this, I am not seeing that.
What am I doing wrong?
Ok, I found the answer in the docs eventually:
Session unification is completed during daily data processing. Processing begins at 5am each day, based on the western most timezone selected in any reporting view that is associated with the property.
Looks like I have everything set up right, just need to wait for the recalculation.
