Can't track in Google Analytics data from GetResponse - google-analytics

Our email marketer is sending email from GetResponse with a tracking code generated from another tool,
but we can't see if the users are coming from the email source.
Is it possible, because it is with tracking code generated from other tool, GA to mark it as direct traffic and is there a way to know it is coming from the email campaign? Also, I am not sure it is tracking it at all, becouse I don't see much traffic in the landing page. The GA is fired, I checked!
The tracking code includes the main domain and it redirects to a specific page.

You have to check in Landing Pages report (or All pages report), filtering by aff_id, if there are any sessions.
To track in correct mode the source you have to use UTMs parameters. You can build your URL with UTM parameters using this tool. It allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. Then you can find those sessions in source / medium report.


How to create a Google Analytics report on a specific query string?

I have hunted around a bit and only found how to setup the site search parameter in a site's admin section. This is not what I want. Also looked through some Google Search Console videos - no go.
Given a URL,
As some background, what I have setup here is a simple page that says "Loading..." and is used for external links I want to track analytics on, from platforms that I may not have access to the link's analytics. For example:
Rather than having a redirect setup on the page itself, I injected custom JavaScript through Google Tag Manager that records analytics data in Google Universal Analytics (anyone want to recommend how to do this in G4A?) then performs the redirect.
My question is, in Google Analytics, how do I setup a custom report where the query string parameter = redirect and/or the specific page URL?

Tracking UTM paramaters in iframe with own Google Analytics

I'm having issues with tracking the UTM parameters in Google Analytics on an iframe.
My website is embedded in an iframe on and The visitors go straight to the two links (either dutch or french). No visitors go straight to my own domain.
In the overview page form analytics I can view the amount of visitors/views but not the UTM parameters. I can only see it's a referal.
Any ideas on how to get the UTM url's working in the iframe so I can see where my visitors come from?
Since your frame content is located on a different domain you can not track url parameters from the hosting page without support from the domain owners - they would either have to append the parameters to the frame url, or send a message using the postMessage interface which allows cross-domain communication between pages and embedded frames.
So the page has to send the information to the frame, you cannot simply access it (for security reasons). If the owners of the domain do not support that then you are out of luck.

How to filter by query string in Google Analytics?

This is a question about Google Analytics state 06/2016.
We run a site and have decided to try out Facebook Ads. Now in Facebook ads we have defined a custom parameter src=fb.
I'd like to create a custom Analytics report that shows
How many visitors visited the site via Facebook Ads
and then which pages they viewed and if they clicked on Adsense ads and the usual Adsense statistics like cpc, rpm.
How do I create a filter for this src=fb query string so I can follow what they did on the target site?
Please be detailed, a "create a custom filter" doesn't cut it. How, where, what content? The target uri is /?src=fb.
Edit: More clear information
There is a target site:
There is a Ad campaign. To know that people came to the target site using this Ad campaign there is a parameter src=fb e.g.
Because we know the parameter we could filter visitors who landed on the target site through the ad campaign.
GET /?src=fb HTTP/1.1
This way we know people who clicked the ad came from the campaign.
People who did not click the ad visited the site from other sources. They don't matter in this context.
Now as the first step I'd like to display everyone who visited the site using /?src=fb uri. I could grep server logs but I wouldn't know if they clicked ads on the target site.
First, you should probably be using UTM parameters for offsite campaigns. Google Analytics automatically pulls UTM campaigns into standard campaign reports so you'd have to do only minimal sorting and filtering to analyze your Facebook ad performance.
But since you used a custom query string instead of UTMs you'll probably have to create a Custom Segment: Advanced > Conditions, and Include only Users (or Sessions, up to you) who hit a Landing Page that contains 'src=fb'. Like so:
Save that segment and view your reports through it and as long as your property is configured properly (you may have to define goals), you should see how your users behaved after hitting the ad.

Google Analytics : How to track image/PDF URL is accessed?

I am sending an marketing Email attaching an image or PDF URL.
Is there is any way to track how may users viewed/clicked this page via google analytics ? I could see the number of page view who accessed html pages but seeking for a way to find how many of them accessed image or PDF URL?
Including a link directly to a pdf or image will simply open the resource without JavaScript tracking or cookies required for Google Analytics.
You would need to send a GA hit from your server in response to the request for those files - neither trivial nor recommended in this case
Rather send the link to a page on your site containing the content.
Tracking that in GA is trivial and is likely already set up on your site.
If you need to have the content in a PDF rather than on the web page directly, have a link to the PDF and track that as an event or Virtual Page View
I would also recommend tagging the link in your email with GA UTM Campaign Parameters to identify the traffic from that link
If your question is about tracking the email itself, please restate the question.

Google Analytics Campaign Tracking Issues

A client of mine is having some issues with regards to tracking campaigns in Google Analytics that I was hoping one of you can advise me on.
They have recently sent out an email with the Google Analytics campaign information in the links back to the site from a button in the email (link created with the URL builder).
As well as the Google Analytics information they also send their own parameter for tracking using a bespoke system of theirs. In the end the url that visitors would go to after clicking the button in the email was something along these lines:
Looking at Acquisitions in the Google Analytics report I can see in the past this page has been viewed and has the correct Source/Medium set as email_pure/email.
However, there was a lead gen form that was filled out on the site after landing on this particular page that sends an event action that the form was filled out. When trying to view the campaign information for these events I do not see any information regarding the Source / Medium for that event being the correct information from the URL.
The Salesforce model in place to receive these leads took the referrer URL correctly, containing the Google Analytics parameters, but there was no record in Analytics to suggest one of the form events had the Source/Medium of email_pure/email.
Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this and potential fixes?
