Custom Web Components setting properties in connectedCallback - web-component

I have posted a similar question on Salesforce stack where the context is Lightning Web Components(which is just an extension of HTML Web Components). I am asking here because I would like to reach a wider audience.
In their documentation they say that it is not recommended to get/set properties of a custom component in the connectedCallback() hook. Does anyone here know why would this recommendation be given, as I use this hook specifically for getting/setting properties.

There is no problem with reading or setting properties with connectedCallback callback handler. The original guidelines has to do with the fact that props can change after connectedCallback and this function is executed only when component is attached to the DOM tree. It means that your code will not be able to properly handle the reactivity.
It is not a technical constraint per se; it more like good architectural guidelines when dealing with web components.
General rule of thumb:
Use connectedCallback for one time stuff like templates, setting up observations (ensure that observations are cleaned up in disconnectedCallback.
Use getters and setters for managing the property watchers. Also, do not handle async workflows within setters. Example Promise.then(), etc. The reason for this is to properly handle the cancellation for already running requests when prop changes. Thus use observables preferably set in connectedCallback.


On the discouragement of getInitialProps

I'm currently implementing a POC project in NextJs 12 to check whether it is possible for us to integrate it. I'm not able to update to 13 yet since I cannot support React 18 due to some in-house packages that we use, so for the purposes of this discussion let's pretend that Next 13 does not exist yet.
We all know that Next officially discourages the use of getInitialProps and recommends using getServerSideProps wherever possible. I'm aware of all the downsides of getInitialProps as opposed to getServerSideProps, main one being the constant client/server context switch which you have to be mindful of.
However, I cannot understand the easiness with which this is discouraged. Apart from NextJs itself I've seen a lot of blog posts calling it the worst thing ever and such. It seems to me like people who say stuff like that have not had some realistic use cases, and that the opinion mostly comes from toy projects (notes app, todo app, blog app etc).
Anyway the purpose of this question is twofold. One, to verify if it is at all possible in my case to avoid getInitialProps, and two, to see if anyone else thinks that this discouragement is somewhat unfounded and not based on reality.
The reason I've decided to use Next at all was to achieve SSR in React. The entire point of that, at least I believe so, is to enable SSR and still preserve some main benefits of React, such as a seamless SPA-like navigation in certain pages. If that was not the case I would have gone for a traditional SSR framework such as Ruby on Rails, Django, etc.
The reason why I need to use getInitialProps, and why I believe I cannot possibly avoid it, is based on two aspects:
Every single page that I have requires certain global data, which I don't want to refetch on every route.
The perfect example of this is the page header. The header of every one of my page depends on user data and translations (i18n). Both of these things I fetch from an external API. If I were to use GSSP then every route and every sub-route of every page would have to re-perform this data fetching which seems like a huge performance kill. I have no way to properly persist this data through GSSP navigation without conforming to some hacks such as sending hidden query parameters which check if data was already fetched. If we were to assume that the user always comes into contact with a page solely through its root URL, then this would work, but this assumption is extremely unrealistic.
By using getInitialProps in combination with redux and next-redux-wrapper, it is very easy to check if data was already fetched (even better if using RTKQ you don't even have to explicitly check it).
Big pages where I want SPA-like behaviour are not possible.
In my case I have one page which has about 5 sub-routes. On its homepage, we display a list of certain entities, which is fetched from the API. The API is such that entities can only be fetched as a list, and you cannot fetch entities individually. Then, for each entity, when you click on it, you can go to a sub-page where you see its specific info.
The only natural way to do this is to have the entire data fetched on the first page visit and then reused throughout the page as we navigate. Re-fetching the whole data on every page navigation is also a performance kill. The only way I was able to implement this and preserve a seamless SPA-like navigation was with getInitialProps.
What's interesting about this use case is that hacks with sending hidden query params would actually not do the trick, since even though I can force GSSP to be aware that the data is already fetched, I cannot access that data, therefore I cannot do any server-side route validation. What I mean is that if a user was to land on the home page, where all the entities are fetched, then somehow visit an entity page, like page/123, where an entity with id 123 does not exist, I cannot validate that and properly handle it in GSSP without re-fetching the entire list of entities again which is, once more, a performance kill.
So, in conclusion, I'd like to hear opinions on the discouragement of getInitialProps. For me it seems borderline impossible to completely migrate to getSeverSideProps if your app is at all realistic, uses translations, global data, etc.
Thanks in advance.

What is redux and what problem does it solve?

When I searched for Redux most of the time I get the answer
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript and comes as an
external library which can be used together with front-end frameworks
like React, Angular, Ember.js, Backbone, etc.
I did not get the definition actually. What does it mean by **predictable state container **?
And as a new tool, it should solve some problems with web development. So, what redux does and how it facilitates us?
I think when someone says that Redux is a predictable state container it means that redux has a very strict way how to change the data, sometimes called unidirectional data flow.
I mostly used it in React application, so I can tell which problem it solves in this case. While your application is small, you probably will not see the reason to use Redux, but when it grows, when you have lots of components which use the same data and have to communicate with each other, it becomes really painful to store all state somewhere in the root components and pass it through all the children. There may be performance issues as well, all components between a root one a chield which needs some part of your state will be re-rendered.
So using Redux easily connect your components and select those parts of the state which they need. Also, communication between components becomes much easier, instead of passing callbacks to props, your components just listed to state and represent it, any time you need to change a state just send an action.
Regarding predictable state management, Redux is some kind of event sourcing, instead of changing a state directly, so send actions (events) which describe how to modify the state and reducer applies these changes.
There are way more things to say about Redux, at least middlewares, if you are familiar with Rx, you can try to use redux-observable which are really powerful, you can listen to some actions or a state changes to combine it with others. I recommend you to take a look at redux documentation and some article like this, I believe you will find an answer to your question.

What is a good way to create a shared context for Web Components in a parent-child situation using Redux?

When using Redux with React we're able to use react-redux which internally uses React's context API to make the store available to all HoCs created with connect.
I'm playing around with Web Components to evaluate how feasible it is to use primarily Web Components for building your application but still wanted a way to deal with state management (in Polymer they recommed using the mediator pattern and Redux is a type of global mediator).
So far I'm able to have a component create the store and pass it to a child component to use. This has the limitation that I will need to pass around the store to every container component, and even pass it through presentational components if they need to then pass it to another container.
So what I want to achieve is a way to make the store available to all container components that live under the Store component in the tree, preferably without making the store a global variable.
I imagined creating something similar to the react-redux connect component but since that one relies on React context I'm trying to find ideas for how to create a shared object.
Wrapping your class in an iife function and declaring a variable outside of the scope of the class as well as assigning a property of the class to the external variable will create a singleton mechanism for sharing data between instances of an element. You would then include that element inside of the template of any other element and bind to it normally. Here's an example:

Multiple instances of a component with redux

Assuming I want to reuse a component with redux, what are my options?
In more detail:
Let's assume I have a generic list component with items and filter input. I want to use this component in 2 places. The component needs to be closed API, meaning it should dispatch and reduce the actions all within itself. It needs to handle state changes and show the filtered items as well.
Let's assume the reducers are exposed publicly to build the store.
What would be the best approach of building the state object, the reducer and the action.
The main issue is how to 'bind' each component to a different items property on the store state.
Here is a discussion very similar to my qiestion:
Using Redux in reusable React component. I commented on the discussion with a proposal I found. If it will be accepted I will post it here. Meanwhile you can answer my question with your proposals.
I'm new to Redux, and haven't tried the library yet, but MrEfrem/redux-fly seems to me as a very interesting answer to this problem.

Symfony2 inject an array of services into a controller from config.yml

How I can inject an array of services from config.yml giving class names (with namespaces) to a controller? I need to run a function from each of this services in the controller. At the moment I use $this->get('service'); in the controller, but I need to make controller independent from services. Is there a way to do this?
I don't know names and how many services will be injected, though all of them implement an Interface.
Well, probably I did not express correctly my thoughts. I have a bundle named Widgets. It has an array of widget names, display widget holders for each widget and with AJAX I get the content and display it. At the moment I have in the Widget controller hardcoded some widget deffinitions (title and id for Ajax) and some are retrieved by calling getWidgetList from some controllers from another bundle. Well I need that the list of the widgets wont be hardcoded itself in the widget bundle. I need a way to pass this list from the config.yml. Any ideas?
Injecting an array of services is, generally speaking, not the right approach (even if there was a way to do it, which I don't think there is)
The whole reason you don't want to write container-dependent code is to keep your codebase flexible, lithe, and testable. A variable array of services is, in practice, just a mini container, so if you implemented that you'd just be shrinking the scope of the problem, not eliminating it. You'd still be making your code dependent on an arbitrary bucket of services.
I strongly recommend explicitly defining each service your controllers need (as outlined by the links in the comments from Rufinus and Cerad) or look into using something like the jms/di-extra-bundle.
Maybe you need to do more research on the configuration options available?
How to Create Friendly Configuration for a Bundle
The Config Component
