Google Maps Javascript API - places.AutocompleteService - getPlacePredictions returns wrong distance_meters, when certain criteria are met - google-maps-api-3

Google Maps Javascript API version 3.44.5
I call getPlacePredictions to get predictions from some user input, 'origin' biased, and 'address' type. The prediction distance_meters is wrong under certain circumstances: When the input doesn't correspond to an existent street number, but is closed enough so the engine is able to estimate location. Proof of wrong distance: Take the returned place_id, use Geocoder to obtain geometry.location, finally calc distance between coords. In this example we get 547 vs 2481 meters.
Also, please conside that Villate 250 returns 547 meters (wrong), the same distance of Villate 280, and the same of Villate 350... But Villate 456 returns 2390 meters (correct)... And then again Villate 480 returns 547 meters (wrong) and so on...
Bug ? Am i misinterpreting something ? Thanks
const OriginLat = -34.52211;
const OriginLon = -58.499669;
const exampleInput = "villate 250";
var service = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
service.getPlacePredictions({ input: exampleInput
, type: ["address"]
, componentRestrictions: { country: 'ar' }
, origin: new google.maps.LatLng( OriginLat, OriginLon )
, radius: 1
}, displaySuggestions);
const displaySuggestions = function(predictions, status) {
// Values
// EkBDYXJsb3MgVmlsbGF0ZSAyNTAsIE9saXZvcywgUHJvdmluY2lhIGRlIEJ1ZW5vcyBBaXJlcywgQXJnZW50aW5hIlESTwo0CjIJc8WRg0SxvJURdeB0wGKPz_caHgsQ7sHuoQEaFAoSCb-oQzIdsbyVEYvJh6S0OZzZDBD6ASoUChIJz6lHjCixvJURF-aUHiYnCg4
// 547m
geocoder.geocode({placeId: place_id}, geocoderResult);
const geocoderResult = function(results, status) {
let resultPos = results[0].geometry.location;
// -34.51032,-58.476673
// Distance Recalc
distance_meters = fncLocalDistance(, resultPos.lng(), OriginLat, OriginLon);
// 2481m
// Distance between coords
function fncLocalDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
if ((lat1 == lat2) && (lon1 == lon2)) {return 0}
let radlat1 = Math.PI * lat1/180;
let radlat2 = Math.PI * lat2/180;
let theta = lon1-lon2;
let radtheta = Math.PI * theta/180;
let dist = Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta);
if (dist > 1) {dist = 1}
dist = Math.acos(dist);
dist = dist * 180/Math.PI;
dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
dist = dist * 1.609344 * 1000;
return dist;


Always display network nodes in a ring in Vis.js

I tried reading the documentation but couldn't find what I was looking for. This is what I want, how can I do it? Thank you.
You can use the initRedraw event to calculate and to set the node coordinates for a circular layout:
var radius = 150
network.on('initRedraw', function () {
var ids = data.nodes.getIds()
var d = 2 * Math.PI / ids.length // Angular pitch
ids.forEach(function(id, i) {
var x = radius * Math.cos(d * i)
var y = radius * Math.sin(d * i)
network.moveNode(id, x, y)

Sun's position in Swift

I am trying to implement this solution for calculating the sun's position in Swift3. I then wrap this in another function that simply cycles through a day from midnight stepping every 10 minutes until 23:50.
I do not really understand R and there are some details of the answer I do not fully comprehend, notably what appears to be some sort of if/clamp function with the square brackets. I did my best, comparing with the Python version when I got confused. Otherwise the only differences are due to the use of NSDate, which simplified some of the code at the top.
Some of the values I get back seem correct and I can see the basis of a curve when I plot the results. However, the result from one call, say 7AM, and then the next, 7:10, are wildly different.
I strongly suspect I did something wrong with the clamping, and that minor changes in the inputs get mod/trunced in different ways and swing the output. But I can't spot it. Can anyone who understands this algo help?
Here's a sample of the output I'm getting:
2017-06-21 00:10:00 +0000 -16.0713262209521 31.7135341633943
2017-06-21 00:20:00 +0000 61.9971433936385 129.193513530349
2017-06-21 00:30:00 +0000 22.5263575559266 78.5445189561018
2017-06-21 00:40:00 +0000 29.5973897349096 275.081637736092
2017-06-21 00:50:00 +0000 41.9552795956374 262.989819486864
As you can see, it swings wildly between iterations. The Earth does not turn that way! My code follows, this version simply sends the results to the log:
class func julianDayFromDate(_ date: Date) -> Double {
let ti = date.timeIntervalSince1970
return ((ti / 86400.0) + 2440587)
class func sunPath(lat: Double, lon: Double, size: CGSize) -> UIImage {
var utzCal = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
utzCal.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!
let year = utzCal.component(.year, from: Date())
let june = DateComponents(calendar: utzCal, year: year, month: 6, day: 21).date!
// now we loop for every 10 minutes (2 degrees) and plot those points
for time in stride(from:0, to:(24 * 60), by: 10) {
let calcdate = june.addingTimeInterval(Double(time) * 60.0)
let (alt, az) = sun(date: calcdate, lat: lat, lon: lon)
print(calcdate, alt, az)
class func sun(date: Date, lat: Double, lon: Double) -> (altitude: Double, azimuth: Double) {
// these come in handy
let twopi = Double.pi * 2
let deg2rad = Double.pi / 180.0
// latitude to radians
let lat_radians = lat * deg2rad
// the Astronomer's Almanac method used here is based on Epoch 2000, so we need to
// convert the date into that format. We start by calculating "n", the number of
// days since 1 January 2000
let n = julianDayFromDate(date) - 2451545.0
// it continues by calculating the position in ecliptic coordinates,
// starting with the mean longitude of the sun in degrees, corrected for aberation
var meanlong_degrees = 280.460 + (0.9856474 * n)
meanlong_degrees = meanlong_degrees.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0)
// and the mean anomaly in degrees
var meananomaly_degrees = 357.528 + (0.9856003 * n)
meananomaly_degrees = meananomaly_degrees.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0)
let meananomaly_radians = meananomaly_degrees * deg2rad
// and finally, the eliptic longitude in degrees
var elipticlong_degrees = meanlong_degrees + (1.915 * sin(meananomaly_radians)) + (0.020 * sin(2 * meananomaly_radians))
elipticlong_degrees = elipticlong_degrees.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0)
let elipticlong_radians = elipticlong_degrees * deg2rad
// now we want to convert that to equatorial coordinates
let obliquity_degrees = 23.439 - (0.0000004 * n)
let obliquity_radians = obliquity_degrees * deg2rad
// right ascention in radians
let num = cos(obliquity_radians) * sin(elipticlong_radians)
let den = cos(elipticlong_radians)
var ra_radians = atan(num / den)
ra_radians = ra_radians.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: Double.pi)
if den < 0 {
ra_radians = ra_radians + Double.pi
} else if num < 0 {
ra_radians = ra_radians + twopi
// declination is simpler...
let dec_radians = asin(sin(obliquity_radians) * sin(elipticlong_radians))
// and from there, to local coordinates
// start with the UTZ sidereal time
let cal = Calendar.current
let h = Double(cal.component(.hour, from: date))
let m = Double(cal.component(.minute, from: date))
let f: Double
if h == 0 && m == 0 {
f = 0.0
} else if h == 0 {
f = 60.0 / m
} else if h == 0 {
f = 24.0 / h
} else {
f = (24.0 / h) + (60.0 / m)
var utz_sidereal_time = 6.697375 + 0.0657098242 * n + f
utz_sidereal_time = utz_sidereal_time.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 24.0)
// then convert that to local sidereal time
var localtime = utz_sidereal_time + lon / 15.0
localtime = localtime.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 24.0)
var localtime_radians = localtime * 15.0 * deg2rad
localtime_radians = localtime.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: Double.pi)
// hour angle in radians
var hourangle_radians = localtime_radians - ra_radians
hourangle_radians = hourangle_radians.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: twopi)
// get elevation in degrees
let elevation_radians = (asin(sin(dec_radians) * sin(lat_radians) + cos(dec_radians) * cos(lat_radians) * cos(hourangle_radians)))
let elevation_degrees = elevation_radians / deg2rad
// and azimuth
let azimuth_radians = asin( -cos(dec_radians) * sin(hourangle_radians) / cos(elevation_radians))
// now clamp the output
let azimuth_degrees: Double
if (sin(dec_radians) - sin(elevation_radians) * sin(lat_radians) < 0) {
azimuth_degrees = (Double.pi - azimuth_radians) / deg2rad
} else if (sin(azimuth_radians) < 0) {
azimuth_degrees = (azimuth_radians + twopi) / deg2rad
} else {
azimuth_degrees = azimuth_radians / deg2rad
return (elevation_degrees, azimuth_degrees)
Ok, after downloading an R interpreter for OSX, finding that it had no debugger, discovering that there are multiple ways to do a print all with their own caveats, etc etc, I found the problem I was looking for. It was indeed clamping one of the values incorrectly. Here is a working Swift3 version that should be easy to convert to any C-like language and easier to read than the originals. You will have to provide your own versions of the first two functions that work with the date format of your target platform. And the truncatingRemainer is someone's ferbile idea that there shouldn't be a % operator on Double, it's a normal MOD.
// convinience method to return a unit-epoch data from a julian date
class func dateFromJulianDay(_ julianDay: Double) -> Date {
let unixTime = (julianDay - 2440587) * 86400.0
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: unixTime)
class func julianDayFromDate(_ date: Date) -> Double {
//==let JD = Integer(365.25 * (Y + 4716)) + Integer(30.6001 * (M +1)) +
let ti = date.timeIntervalSince1970
return ((ti / 86400.0) + 2440587.5)
// calculate the elevation and azimuth of the sun for a given date and location
class func sun(date: Date, lat: Double, lon: Double) -> (altitude: Double, azimuth: Double) {
// these come in handy
let twopi = Double.pi * 2
let deg2rad = Double.pi / 180.0
// latitude to radians
let lat_radians = lat * deg2rad
// the Astronomer's Almanac method used here is based on Epoch 2000, so we need to
// convert the date into that format. We start by calculating "n", the number of
// days since 1 January 2000. So if your date format is 1970-based, convert that
// a pure julian date and pass that in. If your date is 2000-based, then
// just let n = date
let n = julianDayFromDate(date) - 2451545.0
// it continues by calculating the position in ecliptic coordinates,
// starting with the mean longitude of the sun in degrees, corrected for aberation
var meanlong_degrees = 280.460 + (0.9856474 * n)
meanlong_degrees = meanlong_degrees.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0)
// and the mean anomaly in degrees
var meananomaly_degrees = 357.528 + (0.9856003 * n)
meananomaly_degrees = meananomaly_degrees.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0)
let meananomaly_radians = meananomaly_degrees * deg2rad
// and finally, the eliptic longitude in degrees
var elipticlong_degrees = meanlong_degrees + (1.915 * sin(meananomaly_radians)) + (0.020 * sin(2 * meananomaly_radians))
elipticlong_degrees = elipticlong_degrees.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0)
let elipticlong_radians = elipticlong_degrees * deg2rad
// now we want to convert that to equatorial coordinates
let obliquity_degrees = 23.439 - (0.0000004 * n)
let obliquity_radians = obliquity_degrees * deg2rad
// right ascention in radians
let num = cos(obliquity_radians) * sin(elipticlong_radians)
let den = cos(elipticlong_radians)
var ra_radians = atan(num / den)
ra_radians = ra_radians.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: Double.pi)
if den < 0 {
ra_radians = ra_radians + Double.pi
} else if num < 0 {
ra_radians = ra_radians + twopi
// declination is simpler...
let dec_radians = asin(sin(obliquity_radians) * sin(elipticlong_radians))
// and from there, to local coordinates
// start with the UTZ sidereal time, which is probably a lot easier in non-Swift languages
var utzCal = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
utzCal.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!
let h = Double(utzCal.component(.hour, from: date))
let m = Double(utzCal.component(.minute, from: date))
let f: Double // universal time in hours and decimals (not days!)
if h == 0 && m == 0 {
f = 0.0
} else if h == 0 {
f = m / 60.0
} else if m == 0 {
f = h
} else {
f = h + (m / 60.0)
var utz_sidereal_time = 6.697375 + 0.0657098242 * n + f
utz_sidereal_time = utz_sidereal_time.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 24.0)
// then convert that to local sidereal time
var localtime = utz_sidereal_time + lon / 15.0
localtime = localtime.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 24.0)
let localtime_radians = localtime * 15.0 * deg2rad
// hour angle in radians
var hourangle_radians = localtime_radians - ra_radians
hourangle_radians = hourangle_radians.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: twopi)
// get elevation in degrees
let elevation_radians = (asin(sin(dec_radians) * sin(lat_radians) + cos(dec_radians) * cos(lat_radians) * cos(hourangle_radians)))
let elevation_degrees = elevation_radians / deg2rad
// and azimuth
let azimuth_radians = asin( -cos(dec_radians) * sin(hourangle_radians) / cos(elevation_radians))
// now clamp the output
let azimuth_degrees: Double
if (sin(dec_radians) - sin(elevation_radians) * sin(lat_radians) < 0) {
azimuth_degrees = (Double.pi - azimuth_radians) / deg2rad
} else if (sin(azimuth_radians) < 0) {
azimuth_degrees = (azimuth_radians + twopi) / deg2rad
} else {
azimuth_degrees = azimuth_radians / deg2rad
// all done!
return (elevation_degrees, azimuth_degrees)

WebSQL/SQLite calculating distance using latitude and longitude?

I have a PhoneGap app and have shifted everything to a local DB, I now need to calculate the users location form the points in the DB.
Does anyone have any pointed how to do this, I was using the Google API but now focusing on this working offline so have to query the DB.
You want to calculate the distance from longtitude and lattitude (offline), right??
Look at this link
var lat1 = //start latitude
var lon1 = //start longitude
var lat2 = //end latitude
var lon2 = //end longitude
var R = 6371; // now in km (change for get miles)
var dLat = (lat2-lat1) * Math.PI / 180;
var dLon = (lon2-lon1) * Math.PI / 180;
var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.cos(lat1 * Math.PI / 180 ) * Math.cos(lat2 * Math.PI / 180 ) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
var d = R * c;
if (d>1)
return Math.round(d);//+"km";
else if (d<=1)
return Math.round(d*1000)+"m";
return d;

Rotate point from a given center in Flex

I'm trying to rotate a point in my Canvas from a given point (center). In my MouseDown handler, I save the point where user click (oldPos), and in my MouseMove handler, I'm doing this:
private function onMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void
// Where the user pointer right now
var endPoint:Point = new Point(event.localX,event.localY);
// Calculate angle in radians from the user pointer
var angle:Number = getLineAngleFromHorizontal(oldPos,endPoint);
var rad:Number = Math.PI * (angle / 180);
// Point which I want to rotate
pTop = new Point(oldPos.x,oldPos.y - 30);
var distance:Number = Point.distance(oldPos,pTop);
// Calculate the translation point from previously distance and angle
var translatePoint:Point = Point.polar(distance, rad);
// New point coordinates (in theory)
pTop.x += translatePoint.x;
pTop.y += translatePoint.y;
// Then, draw the line...
Where getLineAngleFromHorizontal is a function that returns the angle formed by a center and a give point:
private function getLineAngleFromHorizontal(p1:Point,p2:Point):Number
var RotVecOrigen:Point = new Point((p2.x-p1.x),(p2.y-p1.y));
var ModRot:Number = Math.sqrt((RotVecOrigen.x*RotVecOrigen.x)+(RotVecOrigen.y*RotVecOrigen.y));
var ret:Number;
if(((RotVecOrigen.x < 0) && (RotVecOrigen.y <= 0))||((RotVecOrigen.x >= 0) && (RotVecOrigen.y < 0)))
ret = Math.round((180.0*(Math.acos(RotVecOrigen.x/ModRot))/Math.PI));
ret = Math.round((180.0*(-Math.acos(RotVecOrigen.x/ModRot))/Math.PI));
return ret;
To see an example, watch the image below:
But I don't know why isn't work. I mean, pTop point isn't move where I want, and I think that my calcs are correct.
Can anybody help me? (maybe someone with Math knowledge)
I'm not entirely sure what you want to accomplish. Do you want your new point to be at an 330 degree offset from your center point?
If you want to move your point 330 degrees, use this:
function directionalDistance($start:Point, $direction:Number, $distance:Number, $zeroDegreesUp:Boolean = false):Point{
if($zeroDegreesUp) $direction = ( $direction + 270)%360;
var x:Number = Math.cos($direction * Math.PI / 180) * $distance;
var y:Number = Math.sin($direction * Math.PI / 180) * $distance;
return new Point($start.x +x, $start.y + y);
var newPoint:Point = directionalDistance(new Point(event.localX,event.localY), 330, 50, true);

Get direction (compass) with two longitude/latitude points

I'm working on a "compass" for a mobile-device. I have the following points:
point 1 (current location): Latitude = 47.2246, Longitude = 8.8257
point 2 (target location): Latitude = 50.9246, Longitude = 10.2257
Also I have the following information (from my android-phone):
The compass-direction in degree, which bears to the north.
For example, when I direct my phone to north, I get 0°
How can I create a "compass-like" arrow which shows me the direction to the point?
Is there a mathematic-problem for this?
EDIT: Okay I found a solution, it looks like this:
* Params: lat1, long1 => Latitude and Longitude of current point
* lat2, long2 => Latitude and Longitude of target point
* headX => x-Value of built-in phone-compass
* Returns the degree of a direction from current point to target point
function getDegrees(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, headX) {
var dLat = toRad(lat2-lat1);
var dLon = toRad(lon2-lon1);
lat1 = toRad(lat1);
lat2 = toRad(lat2);
var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) -
var brng = toDeg(Math.atan2(y, x));
// fix negative degrees
if(brng<0) {
return brng - headX;
O forgot to say I found the answer eventually. The application is to determine compass direction of a transit vehicle and its destination. Essentially, fancy math for acquiring curvature of Earth, finding an angle/compass reading, and then matching that angle with a generic compass value. You could of course just keep the compassReading and apply that as an amount of rotation for your image. Please note this is an averaged determination of the vehicle direction to the end point (bus station) meaning it can't know what the road is doing (so this probably best applies to airplanes or roller derby).
//example obj data containing lat and lng points
//stop location - the radii end point = 44.9631;
endpoint.lng = -93.2492;
//bus location from the southeast - the circle center = 44.95517;
startpoint.lng = -93.2427;
function vehicleBearing(endpoint, startpoint) { = x1;
endpoint.lng = y1; = x2;
startpoint.lng = y2;
var radians = getAtan2((y1 - y2), (x1 - x2));
function getAtan2(y, x) {
return Math.atan2(y, x);
var compassReading = radians * (180 / Math.PI);
var coordNames = ["N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW", "N"];
var coordIndex = Math.round(compassReading / 45);
if (coordIndex < 0) {
coordIndex = coordIndex + 8
return coordNames[coordIndex]; // returns the coordinate value
vehicleBearing(mybus, busstation)
might return "NW" means its travelling northwesterly
I found some useful gps coordinates formula in math here.
For this case, here my solution
private double getDirection(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2) {
double PI = Math.PI;
double dTeta = Math.log(Math.tan((lat2/2)+(PI/4))/Math.tan((lat1/2)+(PI/4)));
double dLon = Math.abs(lng1-lng2);
double teta = Math.atan2(dLon,dTeta);
double direction = Math.round(Math.toDegrees(teta));
return direction; //direction in degree
I couldn't understand your solution well, calculating the slope worked for me.
To modify on efwjames's and your answer. This should do -
import math
def getDegrees(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2,head):
dLat = math.radians(lat2-lat1)
dLon = math.radians(lon2-lon1)
bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(dLon, dLat))
return head-bearing
You'd need to calculate an Euclidean vector between your start point and end point, then calculate its angle (let's say relative to positive X) which would be the angle you want to rotate your arrow by.
