I'm taking the Programming Languages course on Coursera and I'm having trouble understanding the following examples regarding static and dynamic scopes.
Consider the code sample and the quiz associated with it
fun f g = let val x = 9 in g() end
val x = 7
fun h() = x+1
val y = f h
What value does y have under lexical scope (like in ML) and under
dynamic scope (unlike in ML)?
The answer to the question is "8 under lexical scope and 10 under dynamic scope" and the reason given is "Under dynamic scope, the body of function h would end up "seeing" the local binding of x to 9 and if we removed this local binding (since it appears to have no purpose), then dynamic scope would lead to an undefined variable."
Consider the following code snippet and the explanation given as to why dynamic scope wouldn't work for this case.
fun f y =
let val q = y+1
in fn z => q + y + z
val g = f 4
val y = 5
val z = g 6
Under dynamic scope, now the call to g 6 will make no sense: we will try to look up q, but there is no q in the environment at the call-site.
In the first example, the local val binding in the let expression "val x = 9" was considered while in the second example "val q = y+1" is not considered. What is the reason behind this?
In the first example val x = 9 is in scope when g() is called, so g can see it under dynamic scoping rules.
In the second example, val q = y+1 is only in scope inside f. It is not in scope when g is called on the line val z = g 6.
I would like to do something like this:
Base.#kwdef mutable struct Setup
# physics
lx = 20.0
dc = 1.0
n = 4
# inital condition
ic(x) = exp(-(x-lx/4)^2)
# numerics
nx = 200
nvis = 50
# derived numerics
dx = lx/nx
dt = dx^2/dc/10
nt = nx^2 ÷ 5
# arrays
xc = LinRange(dx/2,lx-dx/2,nx)
C0 = ic.(xc)
C = copy(C)
q = zeros(nx-1)
# collections for easy use
The problem here is that it says ic was undefined. Makes sense, because ic is not in the global scope.
Then I tried writing an outside constructor instead (I am not writing an inside constructor as that would overwrite the default constructor).
Base.#kwdef mutable struct Setup
# physics
lx = 20.0
dc = 1.0
n = 4
# inital condition
ic(x) = exp(-(x-lx/4)^2)
# numerics
nx = 200
nvis = 50
# derived numerics
dx = lx/nx
dt = dx^2/dc/10
nt = nx^2 ÷ 5
# arrays
xc = LinRange(dx/2,lx-dx/2,nx)
# C0 = ic.(xc)
C = copy(C)
q = zeros(nx-1)
# collections for easy use
function Setup()
But now it says DataType has no field ic which of course makes sense, I want the ic of the object itself. However there appears to be no selfor this keyword in julia.
Strangely enough the above seems to work fine with dx or dt which are also depending on other variables
Normally the design is to have multiple dispatch and functions outside of the object
When creating structs always provide the datatype of elements
For this large structs usually you will find out that using Parameters package will be more convenient when later debugging
The easiest way to circumvent the limitation is to have a lambda function in a field such as (this is however not the recommended Julia style):
#with_kw mutable struct Setup
lx::Float64 = 20.0
ic::Function = x -> lx * x
This can be now used as:
julia> s = Setup(lx=30)
lx: Float64 30.0
ic: #10 (function of type var"#10#14"{Int64})
julia> s.ic(10)
Actually, it is not in the design to have what in Java or C++ you would call "member functions". Part of this is Julia's will to benefit from the multiple dispatch programming paradigm. In Julia, mutables are pointers, so you pass them directly to a function, e.g.
function ic(setup::Setup, x)
return exp(-(x-setup.lx/4)^2)
That said, there is still a way to have more Java-esque classes, though not super recommended. Check this thread and, particularly, the answered marked as solution, given by one of Julia's authors themself.
Okay, I found the solution.
This does not work, because there are no methods in julia:
Base.#kwdef mutable struct S
n = 5
f(x) = x + 100
A = f.(randn(n,m))
s = S(m=5) # ERROR: UndefVarError: f not defined
But this does work, because here f is a variable and not a function
Base.#kwdef mutable struct S
n = 5
f= x-> x + 100
A = f.(randn(n,m))
s = S(m=5)
I found a workaround to make composite function, but I believe there should be a better way to do this:
? f = x^2
%1 = x^2
? g = x^3
%2 = x^3
? x = g
%3 = x^3
? fog = eval(f)
%4 = x^6
? x = 2
%5 = 2
? result = eval(fog)
%6 = 64
In this method, I need to assign x many times and I don't want to use eval function. The code is not readable and maintainable.
You can simplify Piotr's nice answer to
comp(f, g) = x->f(g(x));
Indeed, you do not need to assign to the (global) variable h in the comp function itself. Also, the braces are not necessary for a single-line statement, and neither are type annotations (which are meant to optimize the byte compiler output or help gp2c; in this specific case they do not help).
Finally the parentheses around the argument list are optional in the closure definition when there is a single argument, as (x) here.
I would modify the examples as follows
f(x) = x^2;
g(x) = x^3;
h = comp(f, g);
? h('x) \\ note the backquote
%1 = x^6
? h(2)
%2 = 64
The backquote in 'x makes sure we use the formal variable x and not whatever value was assigned to the GP variable with that name. For the second example, there is no need to assign the value 2 to x, we can call h(2) directly
P.S. The confusion between formal variables and GP variables is unfortunate but very common for short names such as x or y. The quote operator was introduced to avoid having to kill variables. In more complicated functions, it can be cumbersome to systematically type 'x instead of x. The idiomatic construct to avoid this is my(x = 'x). This makes sure that the x GP variable really refers to the formal variable in the current scope.
PARI/GP supports the anonymous closures. So you can define the function composition on your own like this:
comp(f: t_FUNC, g: t_FUNC) = {
h = (x) -> f(g(x))
Then your code can be transformed to a more readable form:
f(x) = x^2;
g(x) = x^3;
h = comp(f, g);
? x^6
x = 2; h(x)
? 64
Hope, this helps.
So I am writing a database that contains the rule waywest(X,Y). waywest takes 2 buildings that are along a street and returns where or not the building X is more than one building west of building Y. I have:
waywest(X,Y) :- not(west(X,Y)).
waywest(X,Y) :- not(west(X,Z)) , waywest(Z,Y).
This is a method that recursively loops through using the fact west(X,Y), where building X is west of building Y. I keep getting this existence error and debugging doesn't work either.
The way you programmed it, you can only use it to disprove facts, according to the documentation of not in swi-prolog:
True if Goal cannot be proven. Retained for compatibility only. New code should use +/1.
Moreover I would discourage the use of NOT at all at the beginning of Prolog, because it's not (sic!) working as you might intend/expect in the beginning.
If I understood you problem correctly, this should also do the trick:
waywest(X,Z) :-
waywest(X,Z) :-
If we now check it we get as expected:
?- waywest(X,Y).
X = a, Y = c ;
X = b, Y = d ;
X = c, Y = e ;
X = a, Y = d ;
X = a, Y = e ;
X = b, Y = e ;
Is there a macro f that allows to apply string interpolation within a given context?
#f("abc$x", x=3) == "abc3"
Or maybe a function g
g("abc\$x", x=3)
You can introduce a new context with a let block. Here is a macro that does that:
macro f(s, args...)
args = [:($(esc(a.args[1])) = $(esc(a.args[2]))) for a in args]
let $(args...)
z = 5
x = 1
#f("abc$x, $(2y), $z", x=3, y = 2x)
# "abc3, 12, 5"
Note the difference to a function, where y = 2x would refer to x in the scope of the caller, i.e., to x=1. So I'm not sure if this is what you need.
I have a little problems here that I don't 100% understand:
let x = 1 in let x = x+2 in let x = x+3 in x
I know the result of this expression is 6, but just want to make sure the order of calculating this expression; which part is calculated first?
You asked about the order of the evaluation in the expression let x=1 in let x=x+2 in .... The order is "left-to-right"! When you have a chain of let a=b in let c=d in ..., the order of evaluation is always left-to-right.
However, in your example there is a confusing part: you used the same variable name, x, in every let construct. This is confusing because you then see things like let x=x+1, and this looks like you are "redefining" x or "changing the value of x". But no "changing" of "x" actually happens here in OCAML! What happens here, as already pointed out above, is that a new variable is introduced every time, so your example is entirely equivalent to
let x = 1 in let y = x+2 in let z = y+3 in z;;
Note that here the order of evaluation is also left-to-right. (It is always left-to-right in every chain of let constructs.) In your original question, you chose to call all these new variables "x" rather than x, y, and z. This is confusing to most people. It is better to avoid this kind of coding style.
But how do we check that we renamed the variables correctly? Why "let x=1 in let y=x+2" and not "let x=1 in let x=y+2"? This x=x+2 business is quite confusing! Well, there is another way of understanding the evaluation of let x=aaa in bbb. The construct
let x=aaa in bbb
can be always replaced by the following closure applied to aaa,
(fun x -> bbb) aaa
Once you rewrite it in this way, you can easily see two things: First, OCAML will not evaluate "bbb" inside the closure until "aaa" is evaluated. (For this reason, the evaluation of let x=aaa in bbb proceeds by first evaluating aaa and then bbb, that is, "left-to-right".) Second, the variable "x" is confined to the body of the closure and so "x" cannot be visible inside the expression "aaa". For this reason, if "aaa" contains a variable called "x", it must be already defined with some value before, and it has nothing to do with the "x" inside the closure. For reasons of clarity, it would be better to call this variable by a different name.
In your example:
let x=1 in let x=x+2 in let x=x+3 in x
is rewritten as
(fun x -> let x=x+2 in let x=x+3 in x) 1
Then the inner let constructs are also rewritten:
(fun x -> (fun x -> let x=x+3 in x) x+2 ) 1
(fun x -> (fun x -> (fun x-> x) x+3) x+2 ) 1
Now let us rename the arguments of functions inside each function, which we can always do without changing the meaning of the code:
(fun x -> (fun y -> (fun z -> z) y+3) x+2 ) 1
This is the same as
let x=1 in let y=x+2 in let z=y+3 in z
In this way, you can verify that you have renamed the variables correctly.
Imagine parens:
let x = 1 in (let x = (x+2) in (let x = (x+3) in x))
Then substitute (x=1) where x it's not covered by another declaration of x and eliminate outermost let:
let x = (1+2) in (let x = (x+3) in x)
let x = 3 in (let x = (x+3) in x)
let x = (3+3) in x
let x = 6 in x
(This is a little long for a comment, so here's a smallish extra answer.)
As Chuck points out, there is no closure involved in this expression. The only complexity at all is due to the scoping rules. OCaml scoping rules are the usual ones, i.e., names refer to the nearest (innermost) definition. In the expression:
let v = e1 in e2
The variable v isn't visible (i.e., cannot be named) in e1. If (by chance) a variable of that name appears in e1, it must refer to some outer definition of (a different) v. But the new v can (of course) be named in e2. So your expression is equivalent to the following:
let x = 1 in let y = x+2 in let z = y+3 in z
It seems to me this is clearer, but it has exactly the same meaning.