Authentication for SPA hosted on same domain as API leveraging SameSite cookies -

I am thinking about how I will implement authentication in my react application and even after hours of reading I still have few questions. Please provide any information you think could benefit me I would like to really understand the problem it could be that my line of reasoning somewhere implies I don't fully understand something I would appreciate if you could point out where I am wrong.
SSR React app served behind reverse proxy on <domain_name>
.NET 5.0 api server using identity served behind reverse proxy on api.<domain_name>
Reverse proxy provides SSL so https:// on both
General information:
I need to support external logins (Google, Facebook etc)
Paying for Auth0, Okta etc is not an option
No 3rd party apps are going to authenticate against me
Client is web browser
I don't need to support outdated browsers
Do I need IdentityServer4 at all? I am never going to act as an authentication authority for 3rd party apps.
I can still support external logins without using IS4 right? I just need to handle redirect callback I can see there are methods such as GetExternalLoginInfoAsync, ExternalLoginSignInAsync which should make the job easier.
The reason why every SPA authentication tutorial recommends Auth Code + PKCE is because they assume you want to be authentication authority, don't have API on the same domain, or were written before SameSite cookies existed?
My plan is to write a custom login route assigning SameSite cookie and that's it. This makes client-side code super simple no shenanigans with adding access tokens to headers before making calls.
Is it possible? I found few articles describing something very similar but I am not sure.
With a setup like that is there something that is just not going to be possible? Like remote logout, banning users, or whatever you can think of.

You don't have to implement IS4 if you don't want to (especially since IS4 will have its support shut down in November 2022). You can just read the OAUTH2 documentation and implement the routes you need and still be OAUTH2 compliant.
You will have only one client (your react app) so no dynamic client registration, just the 2 following routes:
the authorization endpoint to get an authorization code when the user successfully authenticated himself using an external provider. This authorization code has to be used ONLY ONCE in the next route.
the token endpoint to get an access token and a refresh token using the authorization code given above or a refresh token given before. If the same authorization code or refresh token is used twice, you have to revoke the tokens given in the first call because this should not happen.
With a setup like that is there something that is just not going to be possible? Like remote logout, banning users, or whatever you can think of.
Besides these 2 routes you are free to implement whatever you want. Like a route to allow user to revoke all of his sessions.
To answer more precisely to your questions:
Do I need IdentityServer4 at all? I am never going to act as an authentication authority for 3rd party apps.
No you don't need it if you don't know exactly why you need it. It does not have anything to do with the fact that you are not going to act as an authentication authority for others clients.
I can still support external logins without using IS4 right? I just need to handle redirect callback I can see there are methods such as GetExternalLoginInfoAsync, ExternalLoginSignInAsync which should make the job easier.
Yes you can, as long as you store the authorization code and the refresh token when the user successfully signed in using the external provider.
The reason why every SPA authentication tutorial recommends Auth Code + PKCE is because they assume you want to be authentication authority, don't have API on the same domain, or were written before SameSite cookies existed?
I would assume that they are oriented Oauth2 compliance. But if you don't need nor want to implement OAuth2 framework, then don't. But in my opinion you should, it is really easy to implement.


Is it possible to use an external Identity Provider in a Web API with ASP.NET 5?

Reading this question, #Pinpoint's answer and the further discussion on comments, I'm well aware that natively we can't add an identity provider to our apps developed with ASP.NET 5. One possible replacement for the legacy OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware is then provided by the AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server as I've found in many places.
Now, there is one point that I'm still unsure about all this because I'm really not an expert in security, so my knowledge about OAuth is not very deep. My doubt is the following: is it possible to use an external identity provider when using OAuth to protect one RESTful API?
Notice that I'm not talking about adding social login to one website, I'm talking about using one external identity provider in one RESTful API.
My point is, this makes me a little confused yet, because I always thought this should be a concern of my app.
So my question here is: when using OAuth and ASP.NET 5, is it possible to use an external identity provider, other than implementing one? If it is possible, how this works in short? I mean, my app still needs to be able to manage the identities of users, in the sense that it needs to manage claims and so on.
In that case, if it is really possible, how the flow would be? The external identity provider should issue the tokens? But how my app would be able to verify those tokens and manage users identities?
EDIT: One of the reasons I feel unsure about that is that when we use the UseOAuthAuthentication extension method, we set up one callback path which is described as
The request path within the application's base path where the user-agent will be returned. The middleware will process this request when it arrives.
Now, if we are developing a site, then this really does make sense. The person goes there, click a button to login with a provider like Facebook. The user is redirected to Facebook's page and then after he logs in, he is redirected to some page of the site.
On the other hand, with a RESTful API this is meaningless. There is no notion of being redirected.
This makes it seems that the usage of external providers is only for sites and not for RESTful API's. This is the main point of my question.
My doubt is the following: is it possible to use an external identity provider when using OAuth to protect one RESTful API?
Yes, it's definitely possible. This is exactly what you do when you use Azure Active Directory to protect your API endpoints:
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(options => {
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.Authority = "";
options.Audience = "";
The next legitimate question is: if you can use the tokens issued by AAD to protect your API, why couldn't you do the same thing with Facebook or Google tokens?
Unlike Facebook or Google, AAD issues completely standardized tokens named JWT tokens that the OAuth2 bearer middleware can "read" and "verify" to determine whether the token is still valid and was really issued for your API (i.e if the audience attached with the token corresponds to your API. You can control this value using the resource parameter when making your authorization request).
You can't do something similar with FB or Google tokens, since they are totally opaque. Actually, it's not really surprising since these tokens have only one objective: allowing you to query FB or Google APIs, not your own ones (these social providers don't allow to set the audience of the access token).
Since you can't read the token yourself, the only option is to ask FB or Google whether it is still valid to make sure your API doesn't accept invalid tokens. That's something you can (easily) do with Facebook as they offer a "token inspection endpoint" you can query for that: (see the Inspecting access tokens chapter). This way, you can ensure the token is not expired and determine the user corresponding to the token.
Sadly, this approach has two downsides:
You have to make an extra HTTP call to the Facebook endpoint to validate the access token, which implies caching received tokens to avoid flooding Facebook with too many requests.
As the access token is not issued for your own API, you MUST absolutely ensure that the access token was issued to a client application you fully trust, or it will allow any third party developer to use his own FB/Google tokens with your API without having to request user's consent. This is - obviously - a major security concern.
You can find more information in the last part of this SO answer (it's for Katana and about Dropbox, but you should get the idea): OWIN/OAuth2 3rd party login: Authentication from Client App, Authorization from Web API
So my question here is: when using OAuth and ASP.NET 5, is it possible to use an external identity provider, other than implementing one? If it is possible, how this works in short? I mean, my app still needs to be able to manage the identities of users, in the sense that it needs to manage claims and so on.
In that case, if it is really possible, how the flow would be? The external identity provider should issue the tokens? But how my app would be able to verify those tokens and manage users identities?
To work around the limitations mentioned in the previous part, the best option is - as you've already figured out - to create your own authorization/authentication server. This way, your API doesn't (directly) accept FB or Google tokens but the tokens issued by your own server, that can possibly redirect your users to FB or Google for authentication.
This is exactly what this sample does:
The user is invited by the client application (Mvc.Client) to authenticate with your authorization server (Mvc.Server) so he can get an access token to later query the API (also in Mvc.Server). For that, the user is redirected to your authorization server, which itself offers you to authenticate with Google or Twitter.
When this external authentication step is done, the user is redirected back to your authorization server (Mvc.Server), where he's asked to give his consent for the client app (Mvc.Client) to access his personal data.
When the consent is given, the user is redirected back to the client application with the access token you can use to query the API endpoint.

Mobile app Web API authentication

I'm building a mobile application (that might also later become a web application). The server side is a ASP.NET MVC + Web API application and I'm thinking about ways how I could implement the service's user management and authentication.
How should I implement the registration/login screen in the app? Offer native app forms, that will send just API requests to the service or is it preferable to show a web browser component and display the website's login page and then extract a token after the user logs in? I see the first option is more user friendly, but the second one will let me change the login / registration page (like for example adding external authentication providers) without breaking older versions of the app.
My second question is regarding the external authentication providers. ASP.NET Identity has good support for them and it is quite possible to let users register using Facebook or some other OAuth2 provider. Does it make sense to add support for external authentication providers when I plan to expose the app's API publicly? Are there any reasons why that is not a good idea?
Your first option is best if you believe your users will trust you to manage their passwords. You make a secure call to your service, have the service produce a bearer token as the result. That would be an anonymous call. I used the answer from this question to get me going down that path:
Get IPrincipal from OAuth Bearer Token in OWIN
If your users are less likely to trust you with their credentials, then the web view and external provider is a good alternative. You would need to work with providers that support the "Implicit Grant Flow" since don't want to share the apps clientid and client secret on the mobile device. This approach involves using a web view to login in, and then capturing the token on the client uri fragment on the response. I think it is on a location header, but don't have a working example in front of me. Something like: = 8473987927394723943294
you would pass that token with each api call afterwards .
Good luck!

MVC 4 Web Api Security

I am very new in web api security. I have used form authentication technique. when user logs in, a token is created and stored as a cookie in user's web browser. On each request the token is varified and if user is authenticated and authorized user is given access to the service.
but I think this approach does nothing in web api security. cookies can easily be copied and pasted in other browser and anyone can get the service.
I am thinking to use App key and secret along with form authentication. I am not suggested to use third party service like Oauth for authentication. I am not Sure about the Implementation of app key and secret that how it exactly works.
Please provide better way to secure my web api wihtout using third party services and to prevent cookie hijacking etc. What actions are performed to build a strengthly secure web api.
The forms authentication is good enough. You can also do the following:
Use anti-forgery (antifrogery) tokens. Check this or this
It will also be great if on sensitive actions you check if the call to the function was made from the same site or not.You can implement your own action filter for this. (check if the referral site is your site, or the expected site)
Thanks guys for your comments. I guess you are right. Well authentication cookies in ASP are created as httpOnly cookies which means even if the site had some XSS vulnerabilities it will still be safe and cant be stolen. I would also suggest to use https everywhere if the site is used for sensitive operations (like a bank) to make sure the cookies are perfectly safe.

How to consume Wcf rest servcie(Form authentication) from android client

I built a wcf rest service with form authentication. All the settings are set in config file. This service needs to be consumed by android client. So can any body please tell me how to send the request with log in credential to the rest service which is implemented using forms authentication.
Note: I know by implementing custom login service method we can validate the client and pass the cookie for the wcf rest method to authenticate.
I am looking for different solution like in single request we pass the credentials it validates the user with membership and gives the response. Please let us know if u need any further information.
This is a very broad question, so it will be difficult to answer completely. For the WCF side, you can follow this: How to Consume WCF Service with Android. The idea is to return a token, or session, ID when the user successfully authenticates in the system, and each subsequent request uses this token to identify itself. That approach uses SOAP, but you can also use REST too, which REST may be easier to consume in an Android client (REST worked great for me).
See this post, Need advice on authentication for android client connecting to the WCF Rest setup, for more guidance on the setup too. When I setup my authentication mechanism, I did a lot of research online to figure out the best approach to take. A lot of people mentioned just use OAuth 2, and make sure you are using HTTPS communication. So if you can use OAuth or Facebook/Twitter/Google+ for authenticating, that would be a good approach and take a lot of the headaches away.

Membership / Authorization over a REST service

I'm investigating creating a WCF REST service for an existing application to be consumed by various clients including Windows Phone 7, Android, iPhone apps etc.
Creating a simple WCF REST service and consuming it from the above platforms is not a problem and works really well. What I am struggling to get my head around is authorization.
The application uses the Membership provider to provide authentication and authorization and I'm comfortable in using that API from the REST service.
How do I secure my REST service so that the first call has to be to authenticate (passing the username and password) and following calls know who is 'logged in'. I'm guessing the authenticate method will have to pass back some sort of token to be used in subsequent calls identifying the caller. Is this secure enough as the whole site / service is over SSL?
Any suggestions welcome.
The more restful authentication scheme is to use HTTP Authentication, e.g. Basic or Digest. Since your service is over SSL, Basic should be sufficient. The authentification tokens (login/password) are sent with every request, so that the service can be stateless. Every client library that I'm aware of can deal with basic authentication.
In general the token approach is better then just sending username+password (Basic Authentication) in each request. The problem is to implement it correctly: while Basic Authentication is very easy to implement, and actually it's already implemented by most application and web servers, the token is something you'll need to implement yourself - it must be encrypted, so clients won't understand it, so you'll need some keys management, it also must have some expiration date and may be you'll want some revoke functionality.
In addition, it will make client's life harder: instead of just attaching basic authentication header to each request, client must first go to some authentication point, receive a valid taken and then use the token on the requests. If the token expires, the client will need to go to the authentication point again.
So if you have time and knowledge, and your clients are smart, it's better to use the token approach. Otherwise with SSL, basic authentication should be sufficient.
I've seen an example in the latest Windows Azure toolkit for WP7 that might be helpful for you. It basically uses the Membership Provider, logs in a person (the first time the person installs the app) and then generates a Ticket. It then Encrypts this ticket and sends it back as a TOKEN which is then stored on the phone in the isolated storage. The expiration of the ticket is set to int.MaxValue so that the token remains good for a long period of time.
Now, this token is passed over to the Web Services in the Authorization Header where it is decrypted, the identity of the user is verified and then the web service call is made.
Hoping this helps. I am trying to solve a similar scenario and trust me, there isn't much out there that points us in the right direction...which is a pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me.
