My single page website doesn't have API calls and url paramaters. Can I Implement Angular Universal with firebase hosting without using cloud function - firebase

I have an angular 9 application deployed in firebase. I am planning to implement Angular Universal SSR for SEO.
Could anyone please clarify my doubts regarding Angular 9 Universal + Firebase hosting.
(I am currently using Spark plan which does not includes cloud functions.)
Can I implement SSR without Firebase cloud functions ?
My website doesn't have API calls(other than Google Analythics on index.html), no database connectivity and no query string parameters. That means, my home page contents are always same**. In this case, can I use static server side rendering without cloud functions.
If this is possible, How to deploy the output to firebase ?
3.1, Will copy the dist folder contents to server works?
3.2 How to run SSR and non SSR version in my local?
Note: **My website is not static html page, I am providing some client side fuctionality using javascript/typescript code which does not have server calls.
Other than implementing Angular Universal, Is there any way to to achivbe SEO with Angular Apps?

This can be done via Angular pre rendering.
Prerendering does not requires cloud function or node support in server.
It is easy and Angular CLI version > 11 directly supports it.
Now Web crawlers can able to read the entire HTML content. Because the output of prerender is a rendered HTML file.
Install Angular Express Engine using the below command
ng add #nguniversal/express-engine --clientProject project-example
Run the below command
npm run prerender
Goto dist folder
Copy/deploy contents from the folder 'Browser' to server environment
Note that any code related to window, document, navigator will throw error and should be wrapped inside if condition like this.
// your code accessing window, document, navigator.


Deploy a Next.js App to Cloudflare Pages with LaunchDarkly

I have a Next.js 13 app that was deployed to the Edge on Cloudflare Pages with experimental: { runtime: 'experimental-edge' }, but requirements were updated and I need to include our feature flag dependency LaunchDarkly - and retrieve the feature flags via getServerSideProps.
Inside getServerSideProps I tried launchdarkly-node-server-sdk, launchdarkly-node-client-sdk, and launchdarkly-js-client-sdk, but they either require a Node specific library (fs and others) or window.
launchdarkly-cloudflare-edge-sdk with #cloudflare/kv-asset-handler looks promising, so I followed the template, but I'm not sure how to extend a Next.js app to have this functionality. For example, do I put the worker into a middleware.ts function or somehow extend the vercel build step to include this functionality.
I haven't tested this out but I am guessing you may need to use the Cloudflare SDK throughout since Cloudflare would deploy the functions as Cloudflare Workers, which is a non-Node runtime.
In a typical Next.js deployment, you'd use the Node server SDK for any server side code (like getServerSideProps) but my assumption is that this may cause errors due to the fact that it relies upon some Node-specific APIs that I am not sure the Workers runtime supports. We (LaunchDarkly) are working on updates to our JavaScript SDKs to better support non-Node runtimes but I don't have an ETA on their release.

How can we get Relay to work in production with NextJS?

I have a NextJS project using Relay. I have it working fine in development, but when I build, it is building static pages and is trying to access my GraphQL server (in dev it is pointed to https://localhost:3000/api/graphql), but I don't want it to since it should be a dynamic page.
With that, I also can't seem to get SSR working with Relay since a lot of functionality in Relay requires hooks and we can't use hooks in non React components (like getServerSideProps()). I got as far as using loadQuery from Relay in getServerSideProps but now my issue is that I need to get the Relay environment somehow, but again, can't use getRelayEnvironment() in there either. I import it from the createRelayEnvironment file but then I'm not using my App's environment (RelayEnvironmentProvider at the root of my App).
Anyone have success with using Relay in NextJS?
I don't know how I missed this, but I followed along with NextJS's example for using Relay Modern on GitHub.
I didn't do everything the same - I don't have a .babelrc file, for example, because that info is in the next.config.js file (thanks to NextJS 12.1).
What I really used from here was how they were starting and using relay in their relay.js file. Then I used that in a getServerSideProps function in my page just like how they did in their index.js file.

JavaScript requesting file with inherited protocol

I have a titanium app that is embedding some third-party JavaScript code that is making a request for more files that it uses. The problem is that these file are being requested with the inherited-style protocol (// and it seems Titanium is attempting to reference this request as a local file. If I run the app in an iOS simulator and debug in Safari, the following console message is shown:
[Error] Failed to load resource: resource unavailable file://
Has anybody else ran into this issue or know of a way to solve it?
Please keep in mind, the final app is a native app. It is not possible to include external JavaScript files like it is in a browser/webview.
Yes, there still is JavaScript in the final, native, app. But it does not come with anything for you to load external Javascript.
If you want to include an external javascript file you will need to package it with the app.
It might also be possible to fetch an external Javascript file using the http client and storing it locally, however I have not tried this and do not recommend this.
In your case, just fetch the data as JSON by changing the .js in the url to .json:
You can then just fetch this with http client and use the data as usual

cloning a meteor app

Copying a static website, i.e., HTML, CSS, JS is very simple.
Copying a dynamic website, i.e., is difficult due to the server-side scripts.
I'm concerned about cloning any meteor app as most of the server-side scripts are eliminated and the only thing which needs to be copied is the database, the schema can be easily obtained from the meteor live app and data can be easily scraped from the existing meteor app.
If a successful meteor app can be easily cloned, no one would prefer to develop an app on meteor.
Is there a way to stop cloning an existing meteor app?
Well, technically a meteor app can be cloned it depends on your directory/file structure & whether you're using it in development mode. If you're using one file and this sort of structure to seperate your code:
if(Meteor.isClient) {
if(Meteor.isServer) {
Because this file would be sent down to the client so someone can fetch it.
So it might be better to move to this structure
/client - Place stuff in Meteor.isClient in a new js file
/server - Place your server side code in a new js file
/public - Place other public folder stuff
So no one will see the server side scripts, so they can't clone the backend of your app.
Production mode/Dev mode
In addition if you run your Meteor app in 'production mode' the Javascript is packed, handlebars & handlebars templates are precompiled.
In my opinion, it might be actually harder to copy a Meteor app to the previous types of web apps because HTML is rendered on the client side, fetching the html files will actually get back empty html files, if you even prettify the large JS file still leaves back precompiled handlebars templates. In addition files are merged into one!
So thats when it comes to cloning it to another meteor app. Even if getting the client script is available (as with any other stack) there are even more hurdles with Meteor when it comes to replicating the server script:
Attempting to clone it to a PHP/Server side script stack might be even harder because POST/GET aren't even used, DDP is used instead.
Width regards to the schema, you can control what the client sees via Meteor.publish, so they won't actually see the whole schema

Using flash builder 4.5 for php wizard for remote object

I'm fairly new to Flex\AS3
I'm using flash builder 4.5 for php and I'm trying to connect to my DB via remote objects.
I'm following adobes instructions as listed here:
I've created the php service, and successfully finished the wizard.
I've tested my service with the Test tool and it is indeed returning my results.
My problem is that it seems that flash builder didn't create the service's files(super+base) at all. For example, when I drag the service into a dropdown component I get an error saying that the service component can't be found.
Does anyone know this issue happens? how can the test tool work if the service classes don't exist?
Thanks in advance,
The problem was that I didn't checkout the files before using the wizard so flash builder didn't have write permissions on the files and therefore didn't create the necessary files.
once he had the write permissions - everything worked just fine
