Cloudways Hosting - application shows Website Unavailable - nginx

Website Unavailable
The website you are trying to reach is unavailable because it use security service to prevent unauthorized access and online attack.
No information in the Cloudways KB - a broad search returned nothing so I'm adding this here for others.

Hosting provider says: This is a new security feature that is recently added to avoid domain mapping attacks on the websites so server will not serve a website if the domain name is not present in the Nginx domain relevant file.
To fix, in your cloudways hosting account:
Choose the application experiencing the error message
Choose ‘Domain Management’
Make sure ‘primary domain’ value is set, if it IS, (as it was in my case), change it and change it back - I added the www. to mine then went back to my preferred domain name without the www. That fixed it for me.


having "https" at the beginning of URL without having to manually add it

I have a Comodo SSL certificate on my host plan, however when accesing my site from google, it sends me automatically to, Where the green lock doesn't appear.
If I manually add "https", like: it does show up!
Is there a way to access my website always with the green lock showing up? instead of manually having to write it everytime?
You can easily redirect to the https version of any page using rewrite rules/rewrite module of your web server (the exact way to do this depends on the webserver used). Ask your provider, this is a common case so there may even be a UI option in your console to do this.
Regarding google see this:
It may also be good form to verify the protocol used to access the site in your authentication module and refuse authentication if the wrong protocol is used. Assuming web rules are used to redirect traffic this would to prevent leaking information due to a misconfiguration/bug.

Firebase hosting using custom domain has SSL cert pointing to

I am able to complete the connect to custom domain step successfully and is correctly loading my static file app which is hosted on Firebase.
However, browser is warning about the site's SSL certificate is not matching I looked at the certificate and it is of, not
This certificate is provided by Firebase for (my custom domain name) and I expect it to be matching it. Is this expected?
I know the other solution is to get my own certificate for However, it seems that Firebase won't let me deploy my own cert.
I retried it some time back and it is fixed. And the whole suite of Firebase db/functions and corresponding sdk/cli are working really well. Great for small dev team.
Solution: Don't have to do anything about it other than just wait.
Faced the same problem when connecting to my custom domain on Firebase Hosting. However, it will only be insecure when the status is pending. The status can be found on your Firebase Hosting Dashboard.
My connection turned secured with a green lock after around 3 hours, and the status reflected in the dashboard changed to connected.
This error message called domain name mismatch warning that occurs because of the domain is pointed to a shared IP addresses.
You need to confirm that your hosting provider supports SNI technology which allows install different certificates on the same IP. Please ensure that the certificate is installed correctly on your desired server and enable SNI. If your hosting provider doesn’t support SNI technology, you should have to dedicated IP to host your SSL.
In the add custom domain menu, check by changing the setup mode to advanced and complete the provide token on existing domain task by copying the TXT value to your dns records according to the instruction.
This solved my problem.

SSL Certificate issue to the end user

I have a web site developed in Asp.Net and it is hosted in cloud. Site is running on https protocol and certificate is issued to domain (E.g. ) and subdomain (* It works well if user types or However some user types URL incorrectly. They type something like In this case browser displays warning about certificate. It states something like this “This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from * This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection”
This is perfectly fine since subject name (or issued to) is not matching since it involves two subdomains i.e. first subdomain is www and another subdomain is app. Many user scare to do that and they will leave the web site. By googling I found, problem can be fixed by regenerating the certificate with additional subject alt names such as * and But IT staff do not want to regenerate the certificate for some reason. Is there any alternative to fix this problem without regenerating certificate. Expectation is that any error message should not be displayed and any extra action should not to be required from the end user.
I have tried with redirect rules in IIS. But they are not working.
Platform details – Asp.Net MVC 5, IIS 7.5 and Windows Server 2008 R2 datacenter
Is there any alternative to fix this problem without regenerating certificate.
No. The certificate must match the name. If the certificate does not match user gets an error. There is no way around it and if there would be one this could be considered a security risk, because without a proper name check man-in-the-middle attacks would be possible.
I have tried with redirect rules in IIS. But they are not working.
Redirects are done at the HTTP level, which means with https it first needs to establish the SSL connections. If this fails because of the name mismatch then the redirect will not be reached.

Am I being hacked? Google Analytics shows PHP scripts as referrers

Google Analytics recently started showing PHP scripts as referrers to my website, for example:
EDIT: This is a recent surge in activity coming from India. It is not coming from our own services, such as our web host, or a backup service. It is also coinciding with spam users on my websites from India, so I know this is intentionally malicious behavior.
Any suggestions on how to investigate further and prevent it? We are running on Django, hosted on AWS, if that helps.
If the server have subnet or the server is on your system it may cause that kind of referrers if request from the subnet.
Well, In case of Django if somebody from your team is running a development version of your application with the Google Analytics tracking code, then things like this can show up. Not only will localhost show up in your Referrers, but your aggregate metrics like Bounce Rate, Time On Site, Conversion, and others will be incorrect because the unusual behavior of a developer's will be mixed in with that of normal users and skew our results. There are basically 3 steps to fix it :
Add a Google Analytics exclusion filter
1) Open Google Analytics and choose your property view.
2) Navigate to Admin.
3) Click on Filters under the View column.
4) Click on New Filter.
5) Create a new "Predefined filter" which excludes traffic to the "localhost" hostname.
Edit: Configure ALLOWED_HOSTS in Django settings
This is a security measure to prevent an attacker from poisoning caches and password reset emails with links to malicious hosts by submitting requests with a fake HTTP Host header, which is possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations. Django 1.5 introduced the allowed hosts setting that is required for security reasons. A settings file created with Django 1.5 has this new section which you need to add:
'', # Allow domain and subdomains
'', # Also allow FQDN and subdomains
Add your host here like [''] or ['*'] for a quick test, but don't use ['*'] for production.
Hope this helps ...!!
Cheers.. :)
If you have a website that is externally accessible, then yes- someone is trying to hack your website... and every other website in existence. It's a fact of life.
Your localhost referrer is not necessarily indicative of malicious behavior, however. It's more likely that your dev instance, or someone else's dev instance of their site with links to your site, is creating the entries in your analytics.
However, if it's a referer with a link to another site in the querystring, then what you're falling victim to is referer spam attempts. If you want to prevent them, you can block them via htaccess if you're running on Apache, or via web.config if you're running on IIS. Just replace the pertinent bits regular expressions, or better yet, add to them.

Can I detect if SSL/https is enabled for an ASP.NET website from within the site's code?

I'm working on a CMS that can run either with or without https enabled on the webserver. I'd like to be able to detect whether https is enabled or not, so that I can act accordingly (for example, display some https-related options to the administrator, and redirect to https for administrator logins).
I'm not looking for Request.IsSecureConnection because that only tells me if the current request is via https. I want something that will tell me whether the current bindings for the site in IIS include a binding for https at the same domain as the current request is on. So, for example, even if the current request is for and thus not secure, I want to know whether would work so I can (for example) redirect the user to it if they log in as administrator.
I've had no luck looking for anything in System.Web.Configuration that will tell me about the bindings of the current site, though.
My current workaround is just to require the administrator to set an appSetting in web.config if https is enabled, but I'd prefer if I could make it automatic. Having to set the same thing twice - once in IIS and once in web.config - is confusing.
The simplest way is to make an https request to the site from the site and if it succeeds then you know https is supported. Cache this in a static variable so it's only called once per app invocation.
Depending on your IIS version you can use managemed .net code to do administrative tasks in IIS7. This is an example of querying a site for its bindings to see if https is enabled
