I am trying to draw a subplot that contains 2 plots. Each inner plots have two y-axis and two x-axis. I also want to match each y label with his lines color.
First I want to start with a simple example. Consider following code
p1 <- economics %>% plot_ly()%>%
add_trace( x = ~date, y = ~unemploy,yaxis='y1',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers")%>%
add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~uempmed,yaxis='y2',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers") %>%
layout( yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y1",side = "right"))
The output:
subplot(p1, p2 , nrows = 2 , shareX = TRUE)
The output:
So the subplot does not work fine. How to fix it?
With a little change to the code as shown below and it work!
R code
p1 <- economics %>% plot_ly()%>%
add_trace( x = ~date, y =~unemploy,yaxis='y',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers")%>%
add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~uempmed,yaxis='y2',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers") %>%
layout( yaxis = list(side = "left"),yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y",side = "right"))
p2<-economics %>% plot_ly()%>%
add_trace( x = ~date, y = ~unemploy,yaxis='y',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers")%>%
add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~uempmed,yaxis='y2',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers") %>%
layout(yaxis = list(side = "left"), yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y3",side = "right"))
The output now is as follows:
To extend for have 3 plots:
p1 <- economics %>% plot_ly()%>%
add_trace( x = ~date, y = ~unemploy,yaxis='y',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers")%>%
add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~uempmed,yaxis='y2',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers") %>%
layout( yaxis = list(side = "left"),yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y",side = "right"))
p2<-economics %>% plot_ly()%>%
add_trace( x = ~date, y = ~unemploy,yaxis='y',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers")%>%
add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~uempmed,yaxis='y2',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers") %>%
layout(yaxis = list(side = "left"), yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y3",side = "right"))
p3<-economics %>% plot_ly()%>%
add_trace( x = ~date, y = ~unemploy,yaxis='y',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers")%>%
add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~uempmed,yaxis='y2',type='scatter',mode="lines+markers") %>%
layout(yaxis = list(side = "left"), yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y5",side = "right"))
The output:
I would like to plot a sphere in the following plot:
And that is the code for it:
fig <- plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~wt, y = ~hp, z = ~qsec,
marker = list(color = ~mpg, colorscale = c('#FFE1A1', '#683531'), showscale = TRUE))
fig <- fig %>% add_markers()
fig <- fig %>% layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'Weight'),
yaxis = list(title = 'Gross horsepower'),
zaxis = list(title = '1/4 mile time')),
annotations = list(
x = 1.13,
y = 1.05,
text = 'Miles/(US) gallon',
xref = 'paper',
yref = 'paper',
showarrow = FALSE
)) %>% add_markers(x = 2.8, y = 120, z = 20, color="red", marker=list(size=30,
opacity = .65,
At the moment my best version only contains a 2D circle. How could I integrate a 3d/wireframe sphere into it using plotly R-version?
A sphere is an isosurface. You can plot an isosurface with plotly but it is a bit slow, I prefer to use the misc3d package.
f <- function(x, y, z){
x^2 + y^2 + z^2
R <- 2 # radius
x <- y <- z <- seq(-R, R, length.out = 100)
g <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y, z = z)
voxel <- array(with(g, f(x, y, z)), dim = c(100, 100, 100))
cont <- computeContour3d(voxel, level = R^2, x = x, y = y, z = z)
idx <- matrix(0:(nrow(cont)-1), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
x = cont[, 1], y = cont[, 2], z = cont[, 3],
i = idx[, 1], j = idx[, 2], k = idx[, 3],
type = "mesh3d"
) %>% layout(scene = list(aspectmode = "data"))
I am using the R programming language. I am following this tutorial over here:
I tried to create my own data and run the same procedure:
# create data
x <- sample( LETTERS[1:4], 731, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25) )
y <- rnorm(731,10,10)
z <- rnorm(731,5,5)
date= seq(as.Date("2014/1/1"), as.Date("2016/1/1"),by="day")
df <- data.frame(x,y, z, date)
df$x = as.factor(df$x)
#create plot
fig <- plot_ly(df, x = ~y, z = ~z )
fig <- fig %>% plot_ly(df, y = ~y, color = ~x, type = "box")
fig <- fig %>% plot_ly( data = df, type = "scatter", mode = "markers", x = ~ y, y = ~z)
fig <- fig %>% layout(
title = "Drop down menus - Styling",
xaxis = list(domain = c(0.1, 1)),
yaxis = list(title = "y"),
updatemenus = list(
y = 0.8,
buttons = list(
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("line.color", "blue"),
label = "Blue"),
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("line.color", "red"),
label = "Red")))
But this produces the following error:
Error: First argument, `data`, must be a data frame or shared data.
I tried to add another plot to this "fig"
# time series plot
aggregate = df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
group_by(month = format(date, "%Y-%m")) %>%
summarise( mean = mean(y))
ts_1 <- ggplot(aggregate) + geom_line(aes(x = month, y = mean, group = 1)) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) + ggtitle("time series 1")
plot_1 = ggplotly(ts_1)
fig <- fig %>% plot_1
But this also does not work.
Can someone please show me what I am doing wrong?
I am not sure which plot from that page you are trying to implement. Here is a way to implement first 2 of them.
Data :
x <- sample( LETTERS[1:4], 731, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25) )
y <- rnorm(731,10,10)
z <- rnorm(731,5,5)
date= seq(as.Date("2014/1/1"), as.Date("2016/1/1"),by="day")
df <- data.frame(x,y, z, date)
df$x = as.factor(df$x)
Simple Dropdown :
fig <- plot_ly(df, x = ~y, y = ~z)
fig <- fig %>% add_markers(marker = list(line = list(color = "black", width = 1)))
fig <- fig %>% layout(
title = "Drop down menus - Plot type",
xaxis = list(domain = c(0.1, 1)),
yaxis = list(title = "y"),
updatemenus = list(
y = 0.8,
buttons = list(
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("type", "scatter"),
label = "Scatter"),
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("type", "histogram2d"),
label = "2D Histogram")))
For the 2nd plot :
fig <- plot_ly(df, x = ~date)
fig <- fig %>% add_lines(y = ~y, name = "A")
fig <- fig %>% add_lines(y = ~z, name = "B", visible = F)
fig <- fig %>% layout(
title = "Drop down menus - Styling",
xaxis = list(domain = c(0.1, 1)),
yaxis = list(title = "y"),
updatemenus = list(
y = 0.8,
buttons = list(
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("line.color", "blue"),
label = "Blue"),
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("line.color", "red"),
label = "Red")))
I want to set a minimum value on the secondary y-axis. This is my code :
# my data
value <- c(300000,400000,500000,600000,500000,600000)
x1 <- c(3,4,5,5,4,3)
x2 <-c(3,4,5,5,4,3)
name <- c("martin","john","marc","igor","thea","julia")
df <- data.frame(value, x1, x2, name)
# graph with plotly
graph=df %>%
plot_ly(x = ~name) %>%
add_bars(y = ~x1,
name = "bar1") %>%
add_bars(y = ~x2,
name = "bar2") %>%
add_lines(y = ~value,
name = "line",
yaxis = "y2") %>%
layout(barmode = "bar",
yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y",
side = "right"),
barmode = "bar",
legend = list(x = 1.1, y =1))
# showing graph
and i get this :
but i want the secondary y-axis start at 200k (or 100k) instead of 300k.
How can we fix it ? Some help would be appreciated
Generally, if you've already got a fig set up:
fig <- fig %>% layout(yaxis2 = list(range = c(<min>, <max>)))
And in your specific case:
graph <- graph %>% layout(yaxis2 = list(range = c(200000,600000)))
Complete code:
# my data
value <- c(300000,400000,500000,600000,500000,600000)
x1 <- c(3,4,5,5,4,3)
x2 <-c(3,4,5,5,4,3)
name <- c("martin","john","marc","igor","thea","julia")
df <- data.frame(value, x1, x2, name)
# graph with plotly
graph=df %>%
plot_ly(x = ~name) %>%
add_bars(y = ~x1,
name = "bar1") %>%
add_bars(y = ~x2,
name = "bar2") %>%
add_lines(y = ~value,
name = "line",
yaxis = "y2") %>%
layout(barmode = "bar",
yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y",
side = "right"),
barmode = "bar",
legend = list(x = 1.1, y =1))
# showing graph
graph <- graph %>% layout(yaxis2 = list(
#scaleanchor = "x",
#scaleratio = 0.2,
range = c(200000,600000)
#title = "1:5"
Is there a way to change the order of subplots in plotly for R? Is there a way to manually change the levels of a factor in this code?
I want a plot with Weight in the first plot followed by a,b,c in order above it. But what I get as output is Weight, c, a and b as shown in the image graph
Here is my code
df<-data.frame("time"= seq(0.01,10,length.out=100),"Weight"=1:100, "a"=rnorm(100),"b"=rnorm(100),"c"=rnorm(100))
q <- df%>%
tidyr::gather(variable, value, -time) %>%
transform(id = as.integer(factor(variable))) %>%
plot_ly(x = ~time, y = ~value, color = ~variable, colors = "Dark2",
yaxis = ~paste0("y", id)
) %>%
xaxis = list(title = "Time,s",tickfont = list(size = 17),titlefont = list(size = 20)),
yaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 17), title="DP"),
hoverlabel = list(font=list(size=20))
) %>%
add_lines() %>%
subplot(nrows = length(df)-1, shareX = TRUE)
One way to do this is re-ordering factor levels as below:
# set.seed to keep the exact same results
df<-data.frame("time"= seq(0.01,10,length.out=100),"Weight"=1:100, "a"=rnorm(100),"b"=rnorm(100),"c"=rnorm(100))
DF <- df%>%
tidyr::gather(variable, value, -time) %>%
transform(id = as.integer(factor(variable)))
DF$variable <- factor(DF$variable, levels = c("Weight", "a", "b", "c")) #re-order
q <- DF %>%
plot_ly(x = ~time, y = ~value, color = ~variable, colors = "Dark2",
yaxis = ~paste0("y", sort(id, decreasing =F))) %>% #sort the order
xaxis = list(title = "Time,s",tickfont = list(size = 17),titlefont = list(size = 20)),
yaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 17), title="DP"),
hoverlabel = list(font=list(size=20))
) %>%
add_lines() %>%
subplot(nrows = length(df)-1, shareX = TRUE)
You will need sort(id, decreasing =F) to get exact same order of what you set in factor(DF$variable, levels = c("Weight", "a", "b", "c")).
Exchange the data, the name, and the line features of the top and bottom subplots as following code,
#assign q$x$data to one template variable p
p = q$x$data
#exchange the data, name, and line features of q$x$data[[1]] and q$x$data[[4]]
q$x$data[[1]]$x = p[[4]]$x
q$x$data[[1]]$y = p[[4]]$y
q$x$data[[1]]$name = p[[4]]$name
q$x$data[[1]]$line = p[[4]]$line
q$x$data[[4]]$x = p[[1]]$x
q$x$data[[4]]$y = p[[1]]$y
q$x$data[[4]]$name = p[[1]]$name
q$x$data[[4]]$line = p[[1]]$line
The problem might have been caused by yaxis = ~paste0("y", id). I replaced it with yaxis = ~paste0(id, "y") to get the correct order. You may need to change some code to get the right format.
df<-data.frame("time"= seq(0.01,10,length.out=100),"Weight"=1:100, "a"=rnorm(100),"b"=rnorm(100),"c"=rnorm(100))
q <- df%>%
tidyr::gather(variable, value, -time) %>%
transform(id = as.integer(factor(variable))) %>%
plot_ly(x = ~time, y = ~value, color = ~variable, colors = "Dark2",
yaxis = ~paste0(id, "y")
) %>%
xaxis = list(title = "Time,s",tickfont = list(size = 17),titlefont = list(size = 20)),
yaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 17), title="DP"),
hoverlabel = list(font=list(size=20))
) %>%
add_lines() %>%
subplot(nrows = length(df), shareX = TRUE)