Gremlin OLAP traversal query error regarding local star-graph - olap

I'm trying to execute an OLAP traversal on a query that needs to check if a vertex has a neighbour of certain type.
i keep getting
Local traversals may not traverse past the local star-graph on GraphComputer
my query looks something like:
I'm using the TraversalVertexProgram.
needless to say, when running the same query in oltp mode there is no problem
is there a way to execute such logic?

That is limitation of TinkerPop OLAP GraphComputer. It operate on 'star-graph' objects. The vertex and connected edges only. It uses message passing engine inside. So you have to rewrite you query.
Option 1: start from label2 and go t label1. This should return the same result
Option2: try to use unique edge labels and check edge label instead


Azure cosmosDB gremlin - how to update vertex property with another vertex's property

On an Azure cosmosDB gremlin instance,
I have 2 vertices A and B linked by and edge E.
Both vertices has a 'name' property.
I'd like to run a query which will take A's name and put it in B
when I run
I get the following error :
GraphRuntimeException ExceptionMessage : Gremlin Query Execution Error: Cannot create ValueField on non-primitive type GraphTraversal.
It looks like the select operator is not correctly used.
Thank you for your help
EDITED based on discussion in comments
You have oute and inv in lower case. In general, the steps use camelCase naming, such as outE and inV (outside of specific GLVs), but in the comments it was mentioned that CosmosDB will accept all lower case step names. Assuming therefore, that is not the issue here, the query as written looks fine in terms of generic Gremlin. The example below was run using TinkerGraph, and uses the same select mechanism to pick the property value.
gremlin> g.V(3).as("a").outE().inV().has('code','LHR').property("name",select('a').values('city'))
gremlin> g.V(49).values('name')
What you are observing may be specific to CosmosDB and it's probably worth contacting their support folks to double check.

Create Vertex only if "from" and "to" vertex exists

I want to create 1000+ Edges in a single query.
Currently, I am using the AWS Neptune database and for creating it.
The issue I am facing is related to the speed. It took huge time because of HTTP requests.
So I am planning to combine all of my queries in a string and executing in a single shot.
_g.AddE("allow").From(_g.V().HasLabel('person').Has('name', 'name1')).To(_g.V().HasLabel('phone').Where(__.Out().Has('sensor', 'nfc'))).Next();
There are chances that the "To" (target) Vertex may not be available in the database. When it is the case this query fails as well. So I had to apply a check if that vertex exists before executing this query using hasNext().
So as of now its working fine, but when I am thinking of combining all 1000+ edge creation at once, is it possible to write a query which doesn't break if "To" (target) Vertex not found?
You should look at using the Element Existence pattern for each vertex as shown in the TinkerPop Recipes.
In your example you would replace this section of your query:
_g.V().HasLabel('person').Has('name', 'name1')
with something like this (I don't have a .NET environment to test the syntax):
__.V().Has('person', 'name', 'name1').Fold().
coalesce(__.Unfold(), __.AddV('person').Property('name', 'name1')
This will act as an Upsert and either return the existing vertex or add a new one with the name property. This same pattern can then be used on your To step to ensure that it exists before the edge is created as well.

How to get the list of all incoming intermediate vertices between a source vertex and target vertex of specific label using Gremlin query?

The Gremlin query that I use to get the list of all outgoing vertices (with edge label “has”) from a selected vertex “P1” until it reaches the vertex with specific label “L3” is this:
As expected, the query above returns me the list of all intermediate nodes between selected vertex and target vertex labeled “L3”.
However, when using the same query (changing the ‘out’ to ‘in’) in opposite direction, i.e., to get the list of all incoming vertices from a selected vertex to the target vertex with specific label, i get a gremlin query error straight away.
Here is the query:
The error looks like this:
Failure in submitting query:
Error: Script compile error: Missing ')'
I don’t see any missing brackets in the query though and the only change between the queries for incoming or outgoing vertices i made is using ‘in’ instead of ‘out’.
In the official tinkerpop documentation (, in traversal strategies, I cannot find any example with repeat(in()), only with repeat(out()). Is there a special query or method to get all the incoming vertices from a selected vertex until it reaches the vertex with a specific label?
I'm not sure if this is your problem or not, but I could see where you would get an error because "in" is a reserved word in Groovy so, you have to explicitly spawn it using the anonymous traversal class with:, therefore:
This issue is documented in a number of places in the Reference Documentation, but perhaps you missed it (you referenced a fairly old version of the documentation as well) - described here in a NOTE in the Vertex Steps for example.

Gremlin: Rollback the query if an exception occurs

I am trying to submit a batch like operation for creating multiple vertices and edges in the same query.
g.addV('os').property('name', 'linux').as('linux').
addV('os').property('name', 'windows').as('windows').
addV('os').property('name', 'mac').as('mac').
addE('competitor').from('linux').to('UNEXISTING OS'). # fail here
The query is constructed to intentionally fail, however all vertices before the failing line are being created.
Is it possible to achieve a kind of transaction for the whole query? So that if one subquery fails, it should rollback the ones that were previously executed.
The query could not be executed in the Gremlin Console using TinkerGraph,
as per TinkerPop documentation, there isn't support for transactions for built-in TinkerGraph object.
But, as cygri pointed out, AWS Neptune offers support for transactions (see here), that can be executed under the form of original query from OP or by separating queries by a semicolon (;) or a newline character (\n)
g.addV('os').property('name', 'linux').next();
g.addV('os').property('name', 'windows').next();
You can also use Gremlin Sessions; create a sessioned-connection and it'll rollback queries in case of an error.

Gremlin parameterised query for addV() with unbounded number of property

How do I write a parameterised gremlin query to add a vertex with many number of properties. I want to parameterise the property in such a way that.. I should be able to pass the properties in a Map and the query to read and insert all those into the vertex. Is this possible at all?
It is only possible with a script where you construct the traversal on the remote side and, then, only possible for graph systems that support scripts in that way (e.g. wouldn't work on CosmosDB). You would just send your script as the following where m is your Map:
t = g.addV()
m.each{k,v -> t=,v)]
