How to simulate tcp connection loss on localhost -

I have a ASP NET Core web api that uses websockets. I am trying to find out if the server handles internet connection loss (client side) correctly.
However since I have only one machine on which both the server and the client run, i know that localhost does not use the Network Interface, and the desired handler is not triggered when I cut off the internet.
How can I thus have a server that runs a localhost, and a client that also runs on localhost but uses the network interface, so that I can cut the internet off and see how the server behaves for the given client?

I use TCPView to do this sort of testing. You can find the connection in the list, then right-click/close it:


Establishing a constant HTTPS connection between server and client using IIS

I have a single Windows application (.NET) on serving as a server and communicating with the database. I also have client Windows applications (.NET) which communicate with the server application. Pretty standard so far.
As of now, I am using the IP address of the server, say "", which I enter in my client software to establish the link. For instance, "".
Now, I am trying to change that connection to HTTPS. Is there any way I can do that without actually changing the codebase? (I don't have the source code)
Any IIS certificate? Require SSL? Machine Key? Binding? Anything! I just want those packets to not be transmitted with regular HTTP.
Thank you so much, dear Community.

How to forward data from desktop application through fiddler or mitmproxy?

I am using a win10 desktop app for which I know it is sending TCP packets in order to communicate with the server. The payloads are encrypted. There is a chance that if the app is using TLS, a proxy like mitmproxy or fiddler will be able to decrypt the data.
The app also gets assigned different port every time it launches. So far the only promising information was to use netsh:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=appPort listenaddress=appLocalIP connectport=fiddlerListeningPort connectaddress=fiddlerLocalIP
I ran this command after the app was already running because I can not determine its local port beforehand. But that did nothing. I was unable to find any other way to force the app to route the traffic through fiddler / mitmproxy.

Using Fiddler to intercept requests from Windows program

I am trying to intercept HTTP requests sent via an application I have installed on my Windows 7 machine. I'm not sure what platform the application is built on, I just know that Fiddler isn't correctly intercepting anything that this program is sending/receiving. Requests through Chrome are intercepted fine.
Can Fiddler be set up as a proxy for ALL applications, and if so, how would I go about doing this? I have no control over the application code, it's just something I installed. It is a live bidding auction program which seems to mainly display HTML pages inside the application window.
Fiddler isn't correctly intercepting anything that this program is sending/receiving
That means the program is either firing requests to localhost (very unlikely), or ignoring the proxy settings for the current user (most likely). The latter also means this application won't function on a machine where a proxy connection is required in order to make HTTP calls to the outside.
The alternative would be to use a packet inspector like Wireshark, or to let the application be fixed to respect proxy settings, or to capture all HTTP requests originating from that machine on another level, for example the next router in your network.

Can't open multiple connections with in IIS environment

I'm using the library to communicate with another server as part of a ASP.NET application.
I noticed using TCPView there is ever only one connection via SSH to the outgoing server at a time, the IIS server doesn't open one SSH connection per web request like I would expect. This is causing huge performance issues as only one request can be handled at a time - and must complete before a new one starts. Meanwhile, the other requests wait.
How can I allow the library or the IIS server to open as many connections as required?

Sockets server that handles system commands and http requests

i've been searching and trying for weeks now to find a solution to my issue that I can understand and easily implement but I had no joy. So i would be very grateful if someone could put me out of my misery.
I'm building an iphone app similar in functionality to apps like "Air Video" and "Air Playit". The app should communicate with a server running on a remote host. This server should be able to execute a command sent by the iphone to encode a video and stream it over http.
In my case, my iphone app sends commands to be executed on a remote host. the remote host is running a python socket server listening for example on port 3333.
On the iphone, i'm simply using
"CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost", "CFWriteStreamOpen" and
to connect, write and read data.
My remote host, successfully intercepts the commands and starts the encoding.
To serve the contents, I'm having to run a separate http server (i'm using Python simpleHTTPServer) which is listening on another port.
What I would like to do is use the same port for both system commands and http requests.
The apps I've mentioned above seem to do it that way and I've noticed they have their own build-in web server.
I'm sure I'm missing something but please bear with me this is my first attempt at building an app.
Encode your system commands into special HTTP requests. Decide which thing to do (execute command or serve the contents) based on HTTP request, not on the incoming port. If you need to use separate http servers (like you told), consider having a layer that receives everything from the devices and dispatches to other servers (or ports) based on the request.
