I stacked with trying to pass variable through few functions, and on the final function I want to get the name of the original variable. But it seems like substitute function in R looked only in "local" environment, or just for one level up. Well, let me explain it by code:
fun1 <- function (some_variable) {deparse(substitute(some_variable)}
fun2 <- function (var_pass) { fun1 (var_pass) }
my_var <- c(1,2) # I want to get 'my_var' in the end
fun2 (my_var) # > "var_pass"
Well, it seems like we printing the name of variable that only pass to the fun1. Documentation of the substitute tells us, that we can use env argument, to specify where we can look. But by passing .Global or .BaseNamespaceEnv as an argument to substitute I got even more strange results - "some_variable"
I believe that answer is in this function with using env argument, so, could you please explain me how it works and how can I get what I need. Thanks in advance!
I suggest you consider passing optional name value to these functions. I say this because it seems like you really want to use the name as a label for something in the end result; so it's not really the variable itself that matters so much as its name. You could do
fun1 <- function (some_variable, name=deparse(substitute(some_variable))) {
fun2 <- function (var_pass, name=deparse(substitute(var_pass))) {
fun1 (var_pass, name)
my_var <- c(1,2)
# [1] "my_var"
# [1] "my_var"
This way if you end up having some odd variable name and what to give a better name to a result, you at least have the option. And by default it should do what you want without having to require the name parameter.
One hack, probably not the best way:
fun2 <- function (var_pass) { fun1 (deparse(substitute(var_pass))) }
fun1 <- function (some_variable) {(some_variable))}
# "my_var"
And you could run get on that. But as Paul H, suggests, there are better ways to track variables.
Another approach I'd like to suggest is to use rlang::enexpr.
The main advantage is that we don't need to carry the original variable name in a parameter. The downside is that we have to deal with expressions which are slightly trickier to use.
> fun1 <- function (some_variable) {
message("Entering fun1")
> fun2 <- function (var_pass) {
message("Entering fun2")
eval(parse(text=paste0("fun1(", rlang::enexpr(var_pass), ")")))
> my_var <- c(1, 2)
> fun1(my_var)
#Entering fun1
> fun2(my_var)
#Entering fun2
#Entering fun1
The trick here is that we have to evaluate the argument name in fun2 and build the call to fun1 as a character. If we were to simply call fun1 with enexpr(var_pass), we would loose the notion of fun2's variable name, because enexpr(var_pass) would never be evaluated in fun2:
> bad_fun2 <- function (var_pass) {
message("Entering bad fun2")
> bad_fun2(my_var)
#Entering bad fun2
#Entering fun1
On top of that, note that neither fun1 nor fun2 return variable names as character vectors. The returned object is of class name (and can of course be coerced to character).
The bright side is that you can use eval directly on it.
> ret <- fun2(my_var)
#Entering fun2
#Entering fun1
> as.character(ret)
[1] "my_var"
> class(ret)
[1] "name"
> eval(ret)
[1] 1 2
Imagine you have a simple function that specifies which statistical tests to run for each variable. Its syntax, simplified for the purposes of this question is as follows:
test <- function(...) {
x <- list(...)
which takes argument pairs such as Gender = 'Tukey', and intends to pass its result to other functions down the line. The output of test() is as follows:
test(Gender = 'Tukey')
# $Gender
# [1] "Tukey"
What is desired is the ability to replace the literal Gender by a dynamically assigned variable varname (e.g., for looping purposes). Currently what happens is:
varname <- 'Gender'
test(varname = 'Tukey')
# $varname
# [1] "Tukey"
but what is desired is this:
varname <- 'Gender'
test(varname = 'Tukey')
# $Gender
# [1] "Tukey"
I tried tinkering with functions such as eval() and parse(), but to no avail. In practice, I resolved the issue by simply renaming the resulting list, but it is an ugly solution and I am sure there is an elegant R way to achieve it. Thank in advance for the educational value of your answer.
NB: This question occurred to me while trying to program a custom function which uses mcp() from the effects package in its internals. The said mcp() function is the real world counterpart of test().
EDIT1: Perhaps it needs to be clarified that (for educational purposes) changing test() is not an option. The question is about how to pass the tricky argument to test(). If you take a look at NB, it becomes clear why: the real world counterpart of test(), namely mcp(), comes with a package. And while it is possible to create a modified copy of it, I am really curious whether there exists a simple solution in somehow 'converting' the dynamically assigned variable to a literal in the context of dot-arguments.
This works:
test <- function(...) {
x = list(...)
names(x) <- sapply(names(x),
function(p) eval(as.symbol(p)))
apple = "orange"
test(apple = 5)
We can use
test <- function(...) {
x <- list(...)
if(exists(names(x))) names(x) <- get(names(x))
test(Gender = 'Tukey')
#[1] "Tukey"
test(varname = 'Tukey')
#[1] "Tukey"
What about this:
varname <- "Gender"
args <- list()
args[[varname]] <- "Tukey"
do.call(test, args)
Say I have two functions whose names are contained within a vector. I would like to test if each function works.
My approach, which I readily admit could be wrong, was to loop through the vector then paste () to the function name. But then I realized I have no idea how to evaluate the function call which is current stored as a string. Here is a reprex:
func1 <- function(){
message("func1 works")
func2 <- function(){
message("func2 works")
fv <- c("func1","func2")
for(i in seq_along(fv)){
fv_func <- paste0(fv[i],"()")
[1] "func1()"
[1] "func2()"
So in this context I am asking how to evaluate func1() and func2() though the ultimate goal is to evaluate function whose names are stored in a vector - meaning i'm open to better solution.
If you have the names of the functions as strings you can get() them:
fv <- c("func1","func2")
for(i in seq_along(fv)){
fv_func <- get(fv[i])
# Can just call normally, no need to paste () on
Try either of these:
out <- lapply(fv, do.call, list())
out <- lapply(fv, function(f) match.fun(f)())
We can do it in one line without a for loop if we use vectorised eval(parse):
eval(parse(text = paste0(fv,'()')))
Consider the following functions
f1 <- function(x) {
# do something
f2 <- function(x) {
# do something
Suppose I call these two functions separately and save their values.
a <- f1(1)
b <- f2(2)
Is there a way to know if a and b are invisibly returned?
The motivation is that I want to create a function in which if a value is invisibly returned the function also wants to return the value invisibly.
There's withVisible, which lets you do this:
> f3 = function(f, x){
> f3(f1,1)
[1] 1
> f3(f2,1)
There's no way of doing it once you've got a and b, since identical(a,b) is TRUE. You can only call withVisible on an expression. Unless something lazy or promisy is going on.
A possible alternative to Spacedman's (proper :-) ) solution is to put the following line inside your "outer" function.
if (grepl('invisible', body(inner_function) ) ) return(invisible(data)) else return(data)
Obviously this will fail if you do something creative like naming a variable "pinvisible"
I would like to pass the value of an object as an argument to a function.
# This is my object
anObject <- "an_unkown_string"
# I would like to do the equivalent of:
# .. by somehow calling on the object containing the string
someFunc( ??? (anObject) )
For example, with the sample function below (based on save()):
someFunc <- function(...) {
names <- as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
# Ideally, the output would be:
someFunc( ??? (anObject) )
[1] "an_unkown_string"
I do not have access to modify someFunc
I have tried the following, but with no success.
Any help is appreciated.
How about
> do.call(someFunc, list(anObject))
[1] "an_unkown_string"
Or you could make a wrapper
myWrap <- function(...) {
do.call(someFunc, as.list(...))
> myWrap(anObject)
[1] "an_unkown_string"
Another way to construct a call and evaluate it:
> call("someFunc", anObject)
> eval(call("someFunc", anObject))
[1] "an_unkown_string"
I suppose I should mention that ?do.call says
The behavior of some functions, such as substitute, will not be the same for functions evaluated using do.call as if they were evaluated from the interpreter. The precise semantics are currently undefined and subject to change.
Nevertheless, for now at least, anObject is evaluated when the call is constructed (in the call to call or do.call), so substitute finds "an_unknown_string" instead of "anObject".
I'm puzzled. Why are you trying to make this more complex than it realy is?
someFunc <- function(obj) {
> someFunc(anObject)
[1] "an_unkown_string"
this may seem like a overly complicated question, but it has me driving me a little nuts for some time. It is also for curiosity, because I already have a way of doing what I need, so is not that important.
In R, I need a function to return a named list object with all the arguments and the values entered by the user. For this I have made this code (toy example):
foo <- function(a=1, b=5, h='coconut') {
frm <- formals(foo)
parms <- frm
for (i in 1:length(frm))
parms[[i]] <- get(names(frm)[i])
So when this is asked:
> foo(b=0)
[1] 1
[1] 0
[1] "coconut"
This result is perfect. The thing is, when I try to use lapply to the same goal, so as to be a little more efficient (and elegant), it does not work as I want it to:
foo <- function(a=1, b=5, h='coconut') {
frm <- formals(foo)
parms <- lapply(names(frm), get)
names(parms) <- names(frm)
The problem clearly is with the environment in which get evaluates it's first argument (a character string, the name of the variable). This I know in part from the error message:
> foo(b=0)
Error in FUN(c("a", "b", "h")[[1L]], ...) : object 'a' not found
and also, because when in the .GlobalEnv environment there are objects with the right names, foo returns their values instead:
> a <- 100
> b <- -1
> h <- 'wallnut'
> foo(b=0)
[1] 100
[1] -1
[1] "wallnut"
Obviously, as get by default evaluates in the parent.frame(), it searches for the objects in the .GlobalEnv environment, instead of that of the current function. This is strange, since this does not happen with the first version of the function.
I have tried many options to make the function get to evaluate in the right environment, but could not do it correctly (I've tried pos=-2,0,1,2 and envir=NULL as options).
If anyone happen to know a little more than me about environments, specially in this "strange" cases, I would love to know how to solve this.
Thanks for your time,
Edit of 2013-08-05
Using sapply() instead of lapply(), simplifies this considerably:
foo4 <- function(a=1, b=5, h='coconut') {
frm <- formals(sys.function())
sapply(names(frm), get, envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0)), simplify=FALSE)
foo4(b=0, h='mango')
This, though, without sapply() or lapply() might be the more elegant solution:
foo5 <- function(a=1, b=5, h='coconut') {
modifyList(formals(sys.function()), as.list(match.call())[-1])
foo5(b=0, h='mango')
Original post (2011-11-04)
After casting about a bit, this looks to be the best solution.
foo <- function(a=1, b=5, h='coconut') {
frm <- formals(foo)
parms <- lapply(names(frm), get, envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0)))
names(parms) <- names(frm)
foo(b=0, h='mango')
# $a
# [1] 1
# $b
# [1] 0
# $h
# [1] "mango"
There's some subtle stuff going on here with the way that lapply scopes/evaluates the calls that it constructs. The details are hidden in a call to .Internal(lapply(X, FUN)), but for a taste, compare these two calls:
# With function matched by match.fun, search in sys.parent(0)
foo2 <- function(a=1, h='coconut') {
get, envir = sys.parent(0))
# With anonymous function, search in sys.parent(2)
foo3 <- function(a=1, h='coconut') {
FUN = function(X) get(X, envir = sys.parent(2)))
foo4(a=0, h='mango')
foo5(a=0, h='mango')
Just convert the current environment into a list:
foo <- function(a=1, b=5, h='coconut') {
foo(a = 0, h = 'mango')
This is adapted from #Josh O'Brien's solution above using sapply to automatically assign the correct names to the resulting list (saves one line of code):
foo <- function(a=1, b=5, h='coconut') {
frm <- formals(foo)
parms <- sapply(names(frm), get, envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(-1)), simplify=FALSE)