"predict" function in R does not predict on test set - r

I was trying to fit the data on the training set, and then apply it to the full set to see the result. But the problem is that I have to use a data.frame to store the x and y, since I am planning on using bootstrap. I was doing some testing like so:
# generating the data
x_ = c(0.2, 0.9, 1.4, 1.7)
y_ = c(2.5, 4.3, 5.2, 2.5)
n = 50 - length(x_)
x = seq(0,3, length.out=n) + runif(n,0,0.1)
y = x*sin(3*x) + runif(n)
x = sort(c(x, x_))
y = c(y, y_)
df <- data.frame(x=sort(x), y=y)
# fitting the model
df1 <- df[c(2,4,6,8,16,20,25,30,35,40,45,50),]
ft <- lm(df1$y ~ bs(df1$x, knots=knots, degree=3))
pr <- predict(ft, df$x)
The problem is that predict does not like df$x, it only works with data.frame(df$x) (Why?). Also, it refuses to predict more than 12 values, which is extremely strange to me.

Because predict() is expecting an input as a data.frame() object which contains the column 'x'. So when you pass a vector, it doesn't recognize it.
ft <- lm(y ~ bs(x, knots=knots, degree=3),data=df1)
pr <- predict(ft, newdata=df)


Does caret::train() in r have a standardized output across different fit methods/models?

I'm working with the train() function from the caret package to fit multiple regression and ML models to test their fit. I'd like to write a function that iterates through all model types and enters the best fit into a dataframe. Biggest issue is that caret doesn't provide all the model fit statistics that I'd like so they need to be derived from the raw output. Based on my exploration there doesn't seem to be a standardized way caret outputs each models fit.
Another post (sorry don't have a link) created this function which pulls from fit$results and fit$bestTune to get pre calculated RMSE, R^2, etc.
get_best_result <- function(caret_fit) {
best = which(rownames(caret_fit$results) == rownames(caret_fit$bestTune))
best_result = caret_fit$results[best, ]
rownames(best_result) = NULL
One example of another fit statistic I need to calculate using raw output is BIC. The two functions below do that. The residuals (y_actual - y_predicted) are needed along with the number of x variables (k) and the number of rows used in the prediction (n). k and n must be derived from the output not the original dataset due to the models dropping x variables (feature selection) or rows (omitting NAs) based on its algorithm.
calculate_MSE <- function(residuals){
# residuals can be replaced with y_actual-y_predicted
mse <- mean(residuals^2)
calculate_BIC <- function(n, mse, k){
BIC <- n*log(mse)+k*log(n)
The real question is is there a standardized output of caret::train() for x variables or either y_actual, y_predicted, or residuals?
I tried fit$finalModel$model and other methods but to no avail.
Here is a reproducible example along with the function I'm using. Please consider the functions above a part of this reproducible example.
# data
df <- data.frame(y1 = rnorm(50, 0, 1),
y2 = rnorm(50, .25, 1.5),
x1 = rnorm(50, .4, .9),
x2 = rnorm(50, 0, 1.1),
x3 = rnorm(50, 1, .75))
missing_index <- sample(1:50, 7, replace = F)
df[missing_index,] <- NA
# function to fit models and pull results
fitModels <- function(df, Ys, Xs, models){
# empty list
results <- list()
# number of for loops
loops_counter <- 0
# for every y
for(y in 1:length(Ys)){
# for every model
for(m in 1:length(models)){
# track loops
loops_counter <- loops_counter + 1
# fit the model
set.seed(1) # seed for reproducability
fit <- tryCatch(train(as.formula(paste(Ys[y], paste(Xs, collapse = ' + '),
sep = ' ~ ')),
data = df,
method = models[m],
na.action = na.omit,
tuneLength = 10),
error = function(e) {return(NA)})
# pull results
results[[loops_counter]] <- c(Y = Ys[y],
model = models[m],
sample_size = nrow(fit$finalModel$model),
RMSE = get_best_result(fit)[[2]],
R2 = get_best_result(fit)[[3]],
MAE = get_best_result(fit)[[4]],
BIC = calculate_BIC(n = length(fit$finalModel),
mse = calculate_MSE(fit$finalModel$residuals),
k = length(fit$finalModel$xNames)))
# list bind
results_df <- list.rbind(results)
linear_models <- c('lm', 'glmnet', 'ridge', 'lars', 'enet')
fits <- fitModels(df, c(y1, y2), c(x1,x2,x3), linear_models)

Identify position of knots in a spline function

I have a linear regression model of y on x, with x coded using a natural spline function with 6 equally spaced knots. How can I find out the values of x corresponding to the knot positions?
data <- data.frame(y = rnorm(500,100:200), x = rnorm(500,5:40))
lm(y ~ ns(x, df = 7), data = data)
The ns function itself calculates the knot position and stores it as an attribute in the return value, so if you have:
data <- data.frame(y = rnorm(500, 100:200), x = rnorm(500, 5:40))
You can get the spline knots like this:
attr(ns(data$x, df = 7), "knots")
#> 14.28571% 28.57143% 42.85714% 57.14286% 71.42857% 85.71429%
#> 9.572589 14.592410 19.936425 24.812394 29.970179 35.084943
The numeric value tells you the knot positions, with the labels showing the "septiles" since you used df = 7
If you want a plain numeric vector of the knots (including the boundaries) you can do:
s <- ns(data$x, df = 7)
as.numeric(sort(c(attr(s, "Boundary.knots"), attr(s, "knots"))))
#> [1] 3.597769 9.572589 14.592410 19.936425 24.812394 29.970179 35.08494 40.91534

Simulating a mixed linear model and evaluating it with lmerTest in R

I am trying to understand how to use mixed linear models to analyse my data by simulating a model, but I can't reproduce the input parameters. What am I missing?
I want to start simulating a model with a random intercept for each subject. Here is the formula of what I want to simulate and reproduce:
If beta1 (<11) is small I find gamma00 as the intercept in fixed section, but I am completedly unaable to retrieve the slope (beta1). Also, the linear effect is not significant. Where is my conceptual mistake?
# Generating data set
# General values and variables
numObj <- 20
numSub <- 100
e <- rnorm(numObj * numSub, mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
x <- scale(runif(numObj * numSub, min = -100, max = 100))
y <- c()
index <- 1
# Coefficients
gamma00 <- 18
gamma01 <- 0.5
beta1 <- -100
w <- runif(numSub, min = -3, max = 3)
uo <- rnorm(numSub, mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
meanBeta0 <- mean(gamma00 + gamma01*w + uo) # I should be able to retrieve that parameter.
for(j in 1:numSub){
for(i in 1:numObj){
y[index] <- gamma00 + gamma01*w[j]+ uo[j] + beta1*x[i] + e[index]
index <- index + 1
dataFrame2 <- data.frame(y = y, x = x, subNo = factor(rep(1:numSub, each = numObj)), objNum = factor(rep(1:numObj, numSub)))
model2 <- lmer(y ~ x +
(1 | subNo), data = dataFrame2)
No conceptual mistake here, just a mixed up index value: you should be using index rather than i to index x in your data generation loop.
Basically due to the mix-up you were using the first subject's x values for generating data for all the subjects, but using the individual x values in the model.

Predict function for lm object in R

Why are prediction_me and prediction_R not equal? I'm attempting to follow the formula given by Lemma 5 here. Does the predict function use a different formula, have I made a mistake in my computation somewhere, or is it just rounding error? (the two are pretty close)
# genrate data
x <- rnorm(100, 10)
y <- 3 + x + rnorm(100, 5)
data <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
# fit model
mod <- lm(y ~ x, data = data)
# new observation
data2 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(5, 10))
# prediction for new observation
d <- as.matrix(cbind(1, data[,-2]))
d2 <- as.matrix(cbind(1, data2))
fit <- d2 %*% mod$coefficients
t <- qt(1 - .025, mod$df.residual)
s <- summary(mod)$sigma
half <- as.vector(t*s*sqrt(1 + d2%*%solve(t(d)%*%d, t(d2))))
prediction_me <- cbind(fit, fit - half, fit + half)
prediction_R <- predict(mod, newdata = data2, interval = 'prediction')
Your current code is almost fine. Just note that the formula in Lemma 5 is for a single newly observed x. For this reason, half contains not only relevant variances but also covariances, while you only need the former ones. Thus, as.vector should be replaced with diag:
half <- diag(t * s * sqrt(1 + d2 %*% solve(t(d) %*%d , t(d2))))
prediction_me <- cbind(fit, fit - half, fit + half)
prediction_R <- predict(mod, newdata = data2, interval = 'prediction')
range(prediction_me - prediction_R)
# [1] 0 0

Maximum likelihood estimation of the log-normal distribution using R

I'm trying to estimate a linear model with a log-normal distributed error term. I already have working code for a linear model with normally distributed errors:
# Load the data
# Check what R says
summary(lm(wage ~ school + exper + sex, data = Wages1))
# Use maxLik from package maxLik
# The likelihood function
my_log_lik_pos <- function(theta, data){
y <- data[, 1]
x <- data[, -1]
beta <- head(theta, -1)
sigma <- tail(theta, 1)
xb <- x%*%beta
are_equal(dim(xb), c(nrow(my_data), 1))
return(sum(log(dnorm(y, mean = xb, sd = sigma))))
# Bind the data
my_data <- cbind(Wages1$wage, 1, Wages1$school, Wages1$exper, Wages1$sex)
my_problem <- maxLik(my_log_lik_pos, data = my_data,
start = rep(1,5), method = "BFGS")
I get approximately the same results. Now I try to do the same, but using the log-normal likelihood. For this, I have to first simulate some data:
true_beta <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)
ys <- my_data[, -1] %*% head(true_beta, -1) +
rlnorm(nrow(my_data), 0, tail(true_beta, 1))
my_data_2 <- cbind(ys, my_data[, -1])
And the log-likelihood function:
my_log_lik_lognorm <- function(theta, data){
y <- data[, 1]
x <- data[, -1]
beta <- head(theta, -1)
sigma <- tail(theta, 1)
xb <- x%*%beta
are_equal(dim(xb), c(nrow(data), 1))
return(sum(log(dlnorm(y, mean = xb, sd = sigma))))
my_problem2 <- maxLik(my_log_lik_lognorm, data = my_data_2,
start = rep(0.2,5), method = "BFGS")
The estimated parameters should be around the values of true_beta, but for some reason I find completely different values. I tried with different methods, different starting values but to no avail. I'm sure that I'm missing something obvious, but I don't see what.
Am I right to assume that the log-likelihood of the log-normal distribution is:
sum(log(dlnorm(y, mean = .., sd = ...))
Unless I'm mistaken, this is the definition of the log-likelihood (sum of the logs of the densities).
I found the issue: it seems the problem is not my log-likelihood function. When I try to estimate the model with glm:
summary(glm(ys ~ school + exper + sex, family=gaussian(link="log"), data=Wages1))
I get the same result as with maxLik and my log-likelihood. It would seem the problem comes from when I tried to simulate some data:
ys <- my_data[, -1] %*% head(true_beta, -1) +
rlnorm(nrow(my_data), 0, tail(true_beta, 1))
The correct way to simulate the data:
ys <- rlnorm(nrow(my_data), my_data[, -1] %*% head(true_beta, -1), tail(true_beta, 1))
Now everything works!
