Some URL is missing on referral channel on Google analytics - google-analytics

How can i fix this (/) in referral path?
enter image description here

You have to pass document.referrer as custom dimension (hit level). Then you can see this information more reliably.


Google Analytics track to Initial Referrer

A user clicks on a referring link to visit our eCommerce website, but does not yet place an order. Then the user goes back directly to our website at a later point and places an order. How can we set up in google analytics / tag manager that the initial referrer should stay the referrer for this user?
Example: A customer visited and clicked on a link to our website. Then the customer bookmarked our website url. Then at a later point, the customer visits our website through the bookmark or through a Google search. How do we track that was the original referrer for this customer?
Thank you for your help.
If the user returns with the bookmark, the previous source will automatically result as a consequence of the standard Google Analytics attribution model. While if accessed from organic search this will overwrite the previous source.
What you can do to save the first source is to install a cookie on the user's browser so that the first time it saves the source in a custom dimension, while if the cookie already exists it does not save it.

How to Set up Google Analytics / google Tag Manager for Payment referral sites

I have just changed my sites payment gateway from embedded ( inside my site ) to redirect to the payment gateway site.
The problem now is that all my conversions are coming from the bank secure site - and there are a LOT of them it's not just one URL. If it was just one URL I could put that URL into the referral exclusion list. but I don't think that is the correct way to do this.
What is the correct way to implement a payment that goes off to another site and then returns so that it registers the correct starting point ( in most cases adwords )
You have to use Referral Exclusion list by entering the domain to exclude, not the entire URL. If there are several third levels of the same domain you have to enter the main domain.

Google Analytics Referral Path Empty When Using Campaign URL Builder

A URL was generated using Google Analytic's (GA) URL Builder (
The URL includes the utm_source and other required params for GA.
When clicking on a link with this URL the Referral Path is not available. Instead only the Source shows with an empty Referral Path. The Source is set to the value of utm_source.
However, when visiting the page WITHOUT the custom URL via a link the Referral Path is set correctly.
Why does this happen? How can I fix this?
You cannot fix this. Referral Path is available for referral traffic. If you use campaign parameters you turn your link into campaign traffic (this is obviously some unusal use of the word referrer, but Google is thinking in terms of marketing channels instead of the technical definition).
The way around would probably be a custom dimension that stores the referring url.
First you'd have to create a custom dimension in the property settings - I'd go for session level, since the referrer that brought a visitor to your site does not change during the visit.
Then you check (in the source code of your website) window.document.referrer to see if originates from your own domain (in which case you dismiss it) or from another domain, in which case you set it as a dimenson. Basic example (not production code):
if(window.document.referrer.indexOf('mydomain') == -1) {
ga('set', 'dimension1', window.document.referrer);
(meaning: if the name of my domain is not a part of the string that makes up the referrer url; and this would be followed by your usual page tracking).
This will store the referrer regardless and you can select your custom dimension as a second dimension or use it in custom reports (of course for CPC traffic or dispay advertising you will get or the adress of the adserver as referrer which isn't that helpful, but for your use case it should work).

UTM source getting overriden with referral when going to subdomain

I have a site Potential customers are sent to that site with AdWords with a UTM source, so for example, Now if the customers decide to register, they are sent to a page at I've configured Google Analytics to work cross domain using _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']);, but the problem I'm having is that my source gets lost and replaced with a referral to the original domain when I go to the subdomain's page. I tried adding a _gaq.push(['_addIgnoredRef', '']);, but that only causes my source to be set to (direct).
I will be trying to save the __utmz cookie's value and restore it on the other domain, but are there any other proper solutions to the problem of the UTM source getting overriden by the referrer on a domain change?
If you have cross-domain tracking correctly implemented, you should see the original utm parameter when you get to the register page. For cross domain tracking to work, BOTH top-level domain and subdomain must have _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']);,.

How google analytics get a new vistor

I want to know if I delete my cookies or I change the browser google anlytics will show +1 vistor or I must change the ip too ?
GA visitors are based on cookie, not IP.
