Why does SimulatorTrampoline.xpc request access to my main Documents folder? - ios-simulator

It alarms me that SimulatorTrampoline.xpc requested access to the main Documents folder of my Mac.
Nothing in my app code requires such access. So why is the simulator attempting to access my main Documents folder. Is it possible the simulator has been hacked?
Can I find out what process on the iOS simulator initiated this request?


Version maintenance in firebase hosting while using both firebase CLI and REST API for hosting

Our app hosted on firebase hosting is currently updated via firebase CLI. However, our app may get a feature where a user can create some custom static web files and upload a zip file containing those files to our site, after which these files are available as part of the site. (like a wiki/news article). For example: if a user uploads a zip file file which contains an index.html and some images that are linked to the html file, then the site will get updated with these materials and will show them at: oursite.com/username/somearticle/index.html
Through info gathered via this page , it appears that using the Hosting REST API would be able to get the job done. However I have a few questions about the functionality offered by this solution:
To start using the API, we firstly need an access token to authenticate and authorize API requests. Is there a way to get this token for a standard user who's logged in to our site using firebase authentication?
It says in this part of the article that you need the list of all currently existing files and new files in order to update the site. How do I access the list of files that are currently a part of the site?
On a similar note like the above question, we may need to update the app functionality from time to time and those updates are done via the CLI. How do I ensure that these functionality updates don't overwrite updates made by the user? In other words, is there a way to merge updates into the hosting site using CLI commands?
Firebase Authentication users don't have enough privileges to deploy to hosting. The users will need to be collaborators on the Firebase project, which means they'll need to have a Google account.
I recommend checking out my Gist that shows how to deploy a single files, which does something quite similar that what you're trying to accomplish. It gets the list of existing files (and their hashes) in this code fragment.
"When a user uploads a file" doesn't exactly sound alike "version control" to me ...
better use Cloud Source Repositories and add a Build Trigger, which deploys to Firebase Hosting.
Here it's explained: https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/deploying-builds/deploy-firebase
I mean, how else would you'd be able to keep a version history? And if you really want to upload something, just upload, unzip, also commit to git. HTML files are perfectly suitable for that.
The general idea is to have a continuous version history, which automatically deploys itself on change.

How can I change permission for an Azure Web App, so I can actually upload files via FTP to it?

How can I change permission for a Web App, so I can actually upload files via FTP to it?
What is it I need to change in order to have permissions to upload via FTP?
I have a running site that runs ASP.Net Core. Everything works.
For debugging purposes on a weird js issue, I need to be able to edit a few js files directly on the site via FTP.
When I connect via FTP (with the credentials from the "publish profile") I can connect just fine and download files - I use Filezilla.
But if I try to upload anything, I get "550 Access is denied."
I have full access to Azure Portal etc for the site, incl. Kudu.
It does not matter if you can upload files via KUDU or some other thing - I specifically need FTP.
Thanks for asking question! Could you please check if your firewall is blocked outgoing FTP writes.
Also, make sure you're not trying to write to a read-only file. For this suggest using the Kudu Console (https://[sitename].scm.azurewebsites.net/DebugConsole) to look at your files and check their permissions (e.g. using 'attrib' command).
For more information about KUDU, please refer to this document
Refer to this document link might be helpful: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/deploy-ftp#get-ftp-connection-information
Try checking the ftp link which is provided by deployment center, For this Go to your web app, click Get publish profile, choose the Publish URL under tag <publishProfile profileName="your-webapp"

HTML 5 audio with src to virtual directory with credentials

I have an asp.net application which does the following: loads data about audio files (file name, path and so on) from DB and shows them in table on the page. Application uses windows authentication (this cannot be changed).
I've added html 5 audio controls to my table cells so that users could play audio files without downloading them - actually, I don't want them to be able to download files at all.
Audio files come from two network-shared directories - one is accessible by all domain users, the second one is accessible only to specific user. Audio control requires the src to be a relative url - ok, fine, so I went to IIS manager and created two virtual directories under my application. For the second, highly protected directory, I'd set credentials which should have helped my application to access files.
Result seems quite strange to me: users see audio files from the first (accessible) directory preloaded and can play them; users cannot preload and cannot play files from the second directory with preset credentials.
Problem is definitely not in the audio src itself - it is well-formed. Seems like IIS is trying to access data in the second virtual directory under credentials of current domain user and not the one, whose login and password were set on folder setup.
Is there any way to overcome this problem? Unfortunately, granting access to this directory to all users is not a chance. Changing app pool identity to that same specific user also gave no results. App users and user account for the second folder are all in the same domain.
IIS access file via application pool identity not login user. So when you are running an application with network share directory, please change the app pool identity to a domain user that have permission to access both. Then you can restrict login user permission via authorization rule.

iOS simulator permission denied and not showing permission alert dialog

I'm working on iOS simulator and am facing issues for requesting permissions.
My app was working properly and it could access to photo library, camera and location service. But after installing new XCode (8.1), I run the app on simulator, the app is not allowed to use photo library or camera or location service any more.
I tried to ask the permission programmatically, but it did not show permission request dialog and always return denied status even though I added the privacy descriptions and bundle display name.
I found the issue. This is because your Xcode is not put in Applications folder. Move Xcode to this folder and enjoy.
Make sure your .plist looks like this
<string>This app needs access to the camera to take photos.</string>
<string>This app needs access to photos.</string>
And also if you disabled any changes to photo library privacy in your restrictions your app won't be able to use your photo library (it won't even ask for permission) until you turn off restrictions.
Try to delete the simulator in ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/xxxxx-xxx-xxxx, and copy a new one from other machine

Access to the path is denied error

There's a lot of questions floating around on here and the web, however I couldn't resolve my issue with them.
My app pool user is set to NETWORK SERVICE, and I've verified on the folder that it is has full access (Every permission is checked). However, when I initiate a GET request to download a file it says Access to the path is denied.
I'm using .NET 4 and webforms on IIS6.
So the problem ended up being that the file itself didn't have the NETWORK SERVICE user assigned to it as I dragged the files into that directory without having the web site create them.
I was under the impression that setting the user on a directory would affect files within.
