How do I reverify domain? [closed] - firebase

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I received a notification from Firebase to reverify my custom domain. Going into the firebase hosting dashboard, I only have one button to press on
Once I press it, I get the error:
We couldn't verify your domain . Please check your settings and try again.
What settings is it referring to?
On the DNS provider side nothing changed. Still have the records as configured when I first set up firebase hosting.

Received official word from Firebase:
We are aware of the deep impact it might be having for your project,
but I assure you we are working on it as our top priority. Our
engineering team is aware of this problem and even though they are
already working on it, the issue is still affecting several projects.
I apologize for the inconvenience and will keep you updated as soon as
more information is available.

There is now an open ticket

Seems that they have fixed issue.
I just pressed "Verify" button again now and status says "Connected".


Tunnel not found [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am trying out Hidden Eye from GitHub as a test with my friends.
Hidden Eye works like this:
1. It makes a fake login page.
2. Uses ngrok to forward this to the people outside your network.
When my friend does it, it works but when I ask him to run for example it says Tunnel not found.
I have restarted, reinstalled and done everything under the moon.
I thought that ngrok passes firewalls but my only guess is maybe my firewall is blocking it so I added a firewall exception of the ngrok port but it still does not work.
Please help
The generated link is online as long as your terminal/shell is open once you generate link and turn terminal off then it won't work. So if you close your terminal you need to regenerate new link.
I had the same problem and here is the solution: The ngrok system fails many times when the user is not authenticated, I recommend that you log in to the official ngrok web, create an account, follow all the steps indicated in the page and it should work fine for you, I did that and solved the problem
I might be really late, but I came up with the same problem a few days ago, and solved it, the problem I had was that first my tunnel didn't work at all and after that only in local host, but I figured it is because I was using a virtual machine, so Use a dual boot and this should solve the problems, I have encountered a lot of people that says Virtual machines have a lot of bugs with different tools.

How to start using MongoDB and MongoVue? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am just trying to learn MongoDB. I followed this walktrough to install it:
Here is my screenshot for mongod.exe:
And here isthe screenshot of mongo.exe:
It seems everything is fine to me. Am I wrong?
During my googlings I decided that MongoVue is a good management application for MongoDB by a cool user interface. So I downloaded and installed it. Here is the screen I see when I opened it:
How do I have to fill these fields to create a connection from MongoVue to MongoDB? Do I have to do something else before that?
Assuming you haven't configured authentication within MongoDB, just give the connection a name and fill in the IP address of the server ( if it's local):
Click Test to test out the settings and then Save to create the connection. Then click Connect on the parent dialog to actually connect to the server.
MongoVUE doesn't work with 3.x MongoDB servers and hasn't been updated in almost two years. See here for alternatives.

How to remove Advertise banner from skype version 6.22.81? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have updated the Skype to latest version that is Skype 6.22.81.
I have already tried to option of control panel -> Internet Option -> blocked URL.
That is not disabling advertisement on Skype.
waiting for prompt and quick response.
Please try this link
It not only remove the ad but it removes the whole bar.
Overview of the steps listed in the link
Add in restricted sites
Open config file of skype. You can find the config.xml in directory similar to the below example
C:\users[your user name]\App Data\Roaming\Skype[your Skype username]
Example C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Skype\live#3aadmin101
Search for AdvertPlaceholder tag and remove the line
Then make the config.xml readonly to restrict skype from adding it automatically again.
I created a Windows Batch script to help remove the ADS from Skype, it can add a blacklist to Windows hosts file and also change a parameter on the Skype user settings file.
This way I was able to remove all ADS from Skype 7, including the ADS block that appears on the right side of the chat.
This script was tested on Skype and is intended to run on Windows Vista, 7 or 8.
You can get the script here:
Unpack the zip and read the readme.txt file to know how to use it.
If you find any bugs or have suggestions, please add a comment bellow, so I can fix/improve it.

Switching Azure website mode from FREE to SHARED fails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
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I have a BizSparks subscription to Windows Azure, I have created a website and deployed my MVC 4 app. All went well, the site running under :
Now, I am trying to set the CName and point my domain name to the site. I read and understood that in order to do this, I need to change the site mode from FREE to Shared. However, every time I try it says
Mode change could not be saved
The detail of the message reads
Please try again. If the problem persists, contact support.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It appeared to be an issue for certain websites. In particular websites in East Asia region. I first lodged a ticket to the billing support as advised by #David M. above. The Win Azure team responded:
Your question appears to require technical support for
instead of billing and subscription support for Azure as selected.
Then I kept trying differnt things, and I found that few other operations fail occasionally on that particular website (which is the only one in East Asia region in my account).
I created a new Azure website in East US region and everything went smooth from there on.

Is possible to get notification by e-mail when a site or app pool is down (using IIS7) [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to find out if I can get notified when a site is down, or when a service running under WAS is no longer running.
I don't want to code a monitoring tool, I am sure there must be something out there...
I'm using this
Beside the cool online tools you have a subscription for monitoring your site.
I found a couple more, haven't used them. These seem totally free while pingdom tools is only free for one site.
I also had this need, so I created an open source app called Pinger. You can do unlimited URLs with intervals of your choosing. The docs has instructions for getting running on Heroku quickly:
I personally use Content Site Monitor. It has a really simple and cool web interface that allows you to view your site’s up-time statistics on a desktop or mobile screen. It’s easy to configure your monitoring parameters as well.
It doesn't just ping your server to make sure that it's alive. It allows you to specify certain content/keywords that you want to monitor. It will send you alert email if the content/keywords are missing from your site or if your site goes down.
Best of all, it’s free to monitor up to 3 sites!
