Round numbers in R correctly [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
Round up from .5
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
There are a number of threads about this question. None seems to answer the simple question: why does R round incorrectly and how can I let it round correctly?
Correct rounding to the i-th decimal x considers the i+1-th decimal. If it is 5 or larger then x is is set to x+1. If it is 4 or smaller then x is returned. For example 1.45 is rounded to the first decimal as 1.5. 1.44 is rounded 1.4. However, in R
> round(1.45,1)
[1] 1.4
> round(1.46,1)
[1] 1.5
So it changes the convention to 'if the i+1th decimal is 6 or larger, then x is set to x+1'. Why? And how can I change this to the convention I am familiar with?

Most decimal fractions are not exactly representable in binary double precision
Learned here:
Section "Warnings":
Rounding to decimal digits in binary arithmetic is non-trivial (when digits != 0) and may be surprising. Be aware that most decimal fractions are not exactly representable in binary double precision. In R 4.0.0, the algorithm for round(x, d), for d > 0, has been improved to measure and round “to nearest even”, contrary to earlier versions of R (or also to sprintf() or format() based rounding).


Sum function in R not giving the expected answer [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I disable scientific notation?
(4 answers)
Why are these numbers not equal?
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have just started with R and am stuck on this bug.
fuel_efficiency<-c(28.2, 28.3, 28.4, 28.5, 29.0)
I have written this code to subtract the mean from the elements of the fuel efficiency vector to get the deviation vector. Then am trying to get the sum of the updated deviation vector.
The sum answer should return 0 but instead gives something like -3.552714e-15
The deviation vector is printed properly as expected.
#[1] -0.28 -0.18 -0.08 0.02 0.52
This are just rounding errors, -3.552714e-15 is a very, very small number:
Computers are notoriously bad at handling decimal numbers, (one could even say they are just not able to do it exactly). To overcome this R provides a function to check for equality:
all.equal(sum(deviation), 0)
This returns:
[1] TRUE
format(sum(deviation), scientific = FALSE)
Your answer is very close to zero. It's a rounding error. R uses IEEE 754 double-precision floating point numbers. Read more here:

R (and python) rounding up starting at 5 or 6 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Round up from .5
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I saw already a question with very large number of decimal digits R rounding explanation.
round(62.495, digits=2)
gives me 62.49. I would expect already 62.5, but it seems, R (3.4.3, 3.5.0) rounds up only starting at 6, e.g.,
round(62.485, 2) == 62.48
round(62.486, 2) == 62.49.
For other reasons, I am using the option
From what I have learnt, one rounds up starting at 5. I tested also with Python and Matlab. Matlab rounds up, Python 3.5.4 down.
How can I change the behaviour or is this definition different, e.g. between Europe and US?
This is a floating point representation issue, 62.495 is actually represented by a slightly smaller number which then gets rounded downwards.
[1] 62.49499999999999744205
R's rounding is statistical rounding, or round half to even. It should round halves up or down to an even number, eg
round(0.5) # rounds the half down to 0
[1] 0
round(1.5) # rounds the half up to 2
[1] 2

Is there an error in round function in R? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Round up from .5
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
It seems there is an error in round function. Below I would expect it to return 6, but it returns 5.
# 5
Other then 5.5, such as 6.5, 4.5 returns 7, 5 as we expect.
Any explanation?
This behaviour is explained in the help file of the ?round function:
Note that for rounding off a 5, the IEC 60559 standard is expected to
be used, ‘go to the even digit’. Therefore round(0.5) is 0 and
round(-1.5) is -2. However, this is dependent on OS services and on
representation error (since e.g. 0.15 is not represented exactly, the
rounding rule applies to the represented number and not to the printed
number, and so round(0.15, 1) could be either 0.1 or 0.2).
round( .5 + 0:10 )
#### [1] 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10
Another relevant email exchange by Greg Snow: R: round(1.5) = round(2.5) = 2?:
The logic behind the round to even rule is that we are trying to
represent an underlying continuous value and if x comes from a truly
continuous distribution, then the probability that x==2.5 is 0 and the
2.5 was probably already rounded once from any values between 2.45 and 2.54999999999999..., if we use the round up on 0.5 rule that we learned in grade school, then the double rounding means that values
between 2.45 and 2.50 will all round to 3 (having been rounded first
to 2.5). This will tend to bias estimates upwards. To remove the
bias we need to either go back to before the rounding to 2.5 (which is
often impossible to impractical), or just round up half the time and
round down half the time (or better would be to round proportional to
how likely we are to see values below or above 2.5 rounded to 2.5, but
that will be close to 50/50 for most underlying distributions). The
stochastic approach would be to have the round function randomly
choose which way to round, but deterministic types are not
comforatable with that, so "round to even" was chosen (round to odd
should work about the same) as a consistent rule that rounds up and
down about 50/50.
If you are dealing with data where 2.5 is likely to represent an exact
value (money for example), then you may do better by multiplying all
values by 10 or 100 and working in integers, then converting back only
for the final printing. Note that 2.50000001 rounds to 3, so if you
keep more digits of accuracy until the final printing, then rounding
will go in the expected direction, or you can add 0.000000001 (or
other small number) to your values just before rounding, but that can
bias your estimates upwards.
When I was in college, a professor of Numerical Analysis told us that the way you describe for rounding numbers is the correct one. You shouldn't always round up the number (integer).5, because it is equally distant from the (integer) and the (integer + 1). In order to minimize the error of the sum (or the error of the average, or whatever), half of those situations should be rounded up and the other half should be rounded down. The R programmers seem to share the same opinion as my professor of Numerical Analysis...

R largest/smallest representable numbers

I'm trying to get the largest/smallest representable number in R.
After typing ".Machine"
I got:
[1] 2.225074e-308
[1] 1.797693e+308
However even if I type 2.225074e-309 in R command prompt I get 2.225074e-309 instead of the expected 0
How can I find the largest/smallest number for which adding or subtracting 1 would lead to either Inf(Adding 1 to largest number) or 0(subtracting 1 from smallest number) ?
.Machine$double.xmin gives the value of the smallest positive number whose representation meets the requirements of IEEE 754 technical standard for floating point computation. As is mentioned in the Wikipedia article on double-precision floating point numbers, that standard requires that:
If a decimal string with at most 15 significant digits is converted to IEEE 754 double precision representation and then converted back to a string with the same number of significant digits, then the final string should match the original. If an IEEE 754 double precision is converted to a decimal string with at least 17 significant digits and then converted back to double, then the final number must match the original.
The same article goes on to note that, by compromising precision, even smaller positive numbers (which do not meet the standards' precision requirements) can be represented:
The 11 bit width of the exponent allows the representation of numbers between 10-308 and 10308, with full 15–17 decimal digits precision. By compromising precision, the subnormal representation allows even smaller values up to about 5 × 10-324.
R's doubles behave in exactly this way, as is noted in the Details section of ?.Machine:
Note that on most platforms smaller positive values than
‘.Machine$double.xmin’ can occur. On a typical R platform the
smallest positive double is about ‘5e-324’.
To confirm that that is the smallest positive value that can be represented using R's doubles and to see the cost in loss of precision, try out a few operations like this:
# [1] 4.940656e-324
# [1] 0
1.4 * 5e-324
# [1] 4.940656e-324
1.6 * 5e-324
# [1] 9.881313e-324
Here are some representations using SAS, IEEE 754 Big Endian?
data _null_;
put y hex16.;
put y E21.3;
data _null_;
put y hex16.;
put y E21.3;
I am not sure the smallest because SAS may set aside some values for missings.

Logic regarding summation of decimals [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why are these numbers not equal?
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Does the last statement in this series of statements make logical sense to anybody else? R seems to give similar results for a small subset of possible sums of decimals under 1. I cannot recall any basic mathematical principles that would make this true, but it seems to be unlikely to be an error.
> 0.4+0.6
[1] 1
> 0.4+0.6==1.0
[1] TRUE
> 0.3+0.6
[1] 0.9
> 0.3+0.6==0.9
Try typing 0.3+0.6-0.9, on my system the result is -1.110223e-16 this is because the computer doesn't actually sum them as decimal numbers, it stores binary approximations, and sums those. And none of those numbers can be exactly represented in binary, so there is a small amount of error present in the calculations, and apparently it's small enough not to matter in the first one, but not the second.
Floating point arithmetic is not exact, but the == operator is. Use all.equal to compare two floating point values in R.
isTRUE(all.equal(0.3+0.6, 0.9))
You can also define a tolerance when calling all.equals.
isTRUE(all.equal(0.3+0.6, 0.9, tolerance = 0.001))
