Plotting missing data - r

I'm trying plotting the following imputed dataset with LOCF method, according this procedure
> dati
# A tibble: 27 x 6
id sex d8 d10 d12 d14
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 F 21 20 21.5 23
2 2 F 21 21.5 24 25.5
3 3 NA NA 24 NA 26
4 4 F 23.5 24.5 25 26.5
5 5 F 21.5 23 22.5 23.5
6 6 F 20 21 21 22.5
7 7 F 21.5 22.5 23 25
8 8 F 23 23 23.5 24
9 9 F NA 21 NA 21.5
10 10 F 16.5 19 19 19.5
# ... with 17 more rows
dati_locf <- dati %>% mutate(across(everything(),na.locf)) %>%
mutate(across(everything(),na.locf,fromlast = T))
apply(dati_locf[which(dati_locf$sex=="F"),1:4], 1, function(x) lines(x, col = "green"))
Howrever, when I run the last line to plot dataset it turns me back both these error and warning messages:
Warning in xy.coords(x, y) : a NA has been produced by coercion
Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : has not been called yet
Called from: plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...)
Can you explain why and how I could fix them? I let you attach the page I has been being address to after running it.
enter image description here

If you just want to plot the LOCF imputation for one variable to see how good the fit for the imputations looks for this one variable, you can use the following:
# Example 1: Visualize imputation by LOCF
imp_locf <- na_locf(tsAirgap)
ggplot_na_imputations(tsAirgap, imp_locf)
tsAirgap is an time series example, which comes with the imputeTS package. You would have to replace this with the time series / variable you want to plot. Imputed values are shown in red. As you can see, for this series last observation carried forward would be kind of ok, but there are algorithms tat come with the imputeTS package, that give a better result (e.g. na_kalman or na_seadec). Here is also an example of next observation carried backward, since you also used NOCB.
# Example 2: Visualize imputation by NOCB
imp_locf <- na_locf(tsAirgap, option = "nocb")
ggplot_na_imputations(tsAirgap, imp_locf)

There are several problems here:
apply will convert its first argument to matrix and since the second column is character it gives a character matrix. Clearly one can't plot that with lines.
presumably we want to plot columns 3:6, not 1:4
na.locf will produce multiple values that are the same wherever there is an NA but what we really want is to connect non-NA points. Use na.approx instead.
lines can only be used after plot but there is no plot command. Use matplot instead.
Making these changes we have the following.
# see Note below for dati in reproducible form
matplot(na.approx(dati[3:6]), type = "l", ylab = "")
legend("topright", names(dati)[3:6], col = 1:4, lty = 1:4)
(continued after plot)
We could alternately use ggplot2 graphics. First convert to zoo and then use na.approx and autoplot. Omit facet=NULL if you want separate panels.
autoplot(na.approx(zoo(dati[3:6])), facet = NULL)
We provide dati in reproducible form below. Note that the sex column only contains NA and F so in the absence of direction it will assume those are a logical NA and FALSE. Instead we specify that the sex column is character in the read.table line.
Lines <- "
id sex d8 d10 d12 d14
1 1 F 21 20 21.5 23
2 2 F 21 21.5 24 25.5
3 3 NA NA 24 NA 26
4 4 F 23.5 24.5 25 26.5
5 5 F 21.5 23 22.5 23.5
6 6 F 20 21 21 22.5
7 7 F 21.5 22.5 23 25
8 8 F 23 23 23.5 24
9 9 F NA 21 NA 21.5
10 10 F 16.5 19 19 19.5"
dati <- read.table(text = Lines, colClasses = list(sex = "character"))


LOCF and NOCF methods for missing data: how to plot data?

I'm working on the following dataset and its missing data:
# A tibble: 27 x 6
id sex d8 d10 d12 d14
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 F 21 20 21.5 23
2 2 F 21 21.5 24 25.5
3 3 NA NA 24 NA 26
4 4 F 23.5 24.5 25 26.5
5 5 F 21.5 23 22.5 23.5
6 6 F 20 21 21 22.5
7 7 F 21.5 22.5 23 25
8 8 F 23 23 23.5 24
9 9 F NA 21 NA 21.5
10 10 F 16.5 19 19 19.5
# ... with 17 more rows
I would like to fill the missiningness data via the Last Observation Carried Forward method (LOCF) and the Next Observation Carried Backward one (NOCB) and report also a graphic representation, plotting the individual profiles during age by sex, highlighting the imputed values, and compute the means and the standard errors at each age by sex. May you suggest a way to set properly the argument in plot() function?
Someone may have any clue about this?
I let you below some code, just in case they could turn out as useful, drawn from other dataset as example.
Oz <- airquality$Ozone
locf <- function(x) {
a <- x[1]
for (i in 2:length(x)) {
if ([i])) x[i] <- a
else a <- x[i]
Ozi <- locf(Oz)
colvec <- ifelse(,mdc(2),mdc(1))
### Figure
plot(Ozi[1:80],col=colvec,type="l",xlab="Day number",ylab="Ozone (ppb)")
Next Observation Carried Backward / Last Observation Carried Forward is probably a very bad choice for your data.
These algorithms are usually used for time series data. Where carrying the last observation forward might be a good idea. E.g. if you think of 10 minute temperature measurements, the actual outdoor temperature will be quite likely quite similar to the temperature 10 minutes ago.
For cross sectional data (it seems you are looking at persons) the previous person is usually no more similar to actual person than any other random person.
Take a look at the mice R package for your cross-sectional dataset.
It offers way better algorithms for your case than locf/nocb.
Here is a overview about the function it offers:
It also includes different plots to assess the imputations e.g.:
Usually when using mice you create multiple possible imputations ( is worth reading about the technique of multiple imputation ). But you can also just produce one imputed dataset with the package.
There are the following functions for visualization of your imputations:
bwplot() (Box-and-whisker plot of observed and imputed data)
densityplot() (Density plot of observed and imputed data)
stripplot() (Stripplot of observed and imputed data)
xyplot()(Scatterplot of observed and imputed data)
Hope this helps a little bit. So my advice would be to take a look at this package and then start a new approach with your new knowledge.

How to prevent R from rounding in frequency function?

I used the freq function of frequency package to get frequency percent on my dataset$MoriskyAdherence, then R gives me percent values with rounding. I need more decimal places.
The result is:
The Percent values are 35.5, 41.3,23.8. The sum of them is 100.1.
The exact amounts should be 35.5, 41.25, 23.75.
What should I do?
I used sprintf,,formatC, and some other function to deal with it.But...
The function freq returns a character data frame, and has no option to adjust the number of decimal places. However, it is easy to recreate the table however you want it. For example, I have written this function, which will give you the same result but with two decimal places instead of one:
freq2 <- function(data_frame)
df <- frequency::freq(data_frame)
lapply(df, function(x)
n <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x$Freq))
sum_all <- as.numeric(x$Freq[nrow(x)])
raw_percent <- suppressWarnings(100 * n / sum_all)
t_row <- grep("Total", x[,2])[1]
valid_percent <- suppressWarnings(100*n / as.numeric(x$Freq[t_row]))
x$Percent <- format(round(raw_percent, 2), nsmall = 2)
x$'Valid Percent' <- format(round(valid_percent, 2), nsmall = 2)
x$'Cumulative Percent' <- format(round(cumsum(valid_percent), 2), nsmall = 2)
x$'Cumulative Percent'[t_row:nrow(x)] <- ""
x$'Valid Percent'[(t_row + 1):nrow(x)] <- ""
Now instead of
#> Building tables
#> |===========================================================================| 100%
#> $`x:`
#> x label Freq Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
#> 2 Valid High Adherence 56 35.0 35.0 35.0
#> 3 Low Adherence 66 41.3 41.3 76.3
#> 4 Medium Adherence 38 23.8 23.8 100.0
#> 41 Total 160 100.0 100.0
#> 1 Missing <blank> 0 0.0
#> 5 <NA> 0 0.0
#> 7 Total 160 100.0
you can do
#> Building tables
#> |===========================================================================| 100%
#> $`x:`
#> x label Freq Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
#> 2 Valid High Adherence 56 35.00 35.00 35.00
#> 3 Low Adherence 66 41.25 41.25 76.25
#> 4 Medium Adherence 38 23.75 23.75 100.00
#> 41 Total 160 100.00 100.00
#> 1 Missing <blank> 0 0.00
#> 5 <NA> 0 0.00
#> 7 Total 160 100.00
which is exactly what you were looking for.
Two (potential) solutions:
Solution #1:
Make changes inside the function freq. This can be done by retrieving the function's code with the command freq (without round brackets), or by retrieving the code, with comments, from
My hunch is that to obtain more decimals, changes must be implemented at this point in the code:
# create a list of frequencies
message("Building tables")
all_freqs <- lapply_pb(names(x), function(y, x1 =, maxrow1 = maxrow, trim1 = trim){
makefreqs(x1, y, maxrow1, trim1)
Solution #2:
If you're only after percentages with more decimals, you can use aggregate. Let's suppose your data has this structure: a dataframe with two variables, one numeric, one a factor by which you want to group:
Var1 <- sample(LETTERS[1:4], 10, replace = T)
Var2 <- sample(10:100, 10, replace = T)
df <- data.frame(Var1, Var2)
Var1 Var2
1 B 97
2 D 51
3 B 71
4 D 62
5 D 19
6 A 91
7 C 32
8 D 13
9 C 39
10 B 96
Then to obtain your percentages by factor, you would use aggregatethus:
aggregate(Var2 ~ Var1, data = df, function(x) sum(x)/sum(Var2)*100)
Var1 Var2
1 A 15.93695
2 B 46.23468
3 C 12.43433
4 D 25.39405
You can control the number of decimals by using round:
aggregate(Var2 ~ Var1, data = df, function(x) round(sum(x)/sum(Var2)*100,3))

Applying a label depending on which condition is met using R

I would like to use a simple R function where the contents of a specified data frame column are read row by row, then depending on the value, a string is applied to that row in a new column.
So far, I've tried to use a combination of loops and generating individual columns which were combined later. However, I cannot seem to get the syntax right.
The input looks like this:
# A tibble: 10 x 5
Patient T1Score T2Score T3Score T4Score
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 3 96.4 75 80.4 82.1
2 5 100 85.7 53.6 55.4
3 6 82.1 85.7 NA NA
4 7 82.1 85.7 60.7 28.6
5 8 100 76.8 64.3 57.7
6 10 46.4 57.1 NA 75
7 11 71.4 NA NA NA
8 12 98.2 92.9 85.7 82.1
9 13 78.6 89.3 37.5 42.9
10 14 89.3 100 64.3 87.5
and the function I have written looks like this:
#make an empty data frame for the output to go
#making sure the rest of the commands only look at what I want them to look at in the input object
#here I'm gathering the columns necessary to perform the calculation
#quick aside to make the first two thirds of the output file
#Now I need to define the class based on the referenceValue, and here is where I run into trouble.
apply(output, 1, FUN =
for (i in Difference) {
I also tried...
if (i>referenceValue) {
}else(print("LOW")) {}
Regardless, both end up giving me the error message,
c("'for (i in Difference) {' is not a function, character or symbol", "' ifelse(i > referenceValue, \"HIGH\", \"LOW\")' is not a function, character or symbol", "'}' is not a function, character or symbol")
The expected output should look like:
Patient Difference Toxicity
3 21.430000 LOW
5 46.430000 HIGH
6 3.570000 LOW
7 57.140000 HIGH
8 42.310000 HIGH
10 28.570000 HIGH
11 0.000000 LOW
12 16.070000 LOW
13 51.790000 HIGH
14 35.710000 HIGH
Is there a better way for me to organize the last loop?
Since you seem to be using tibbles anyway, here's a much shorter version using dplyr and tidyr:
> d %>%
gather(key = tscore,value = score,T1Score:T4Score) %>%
group_by(Patient) %>%
summarise(Difference = max(score,na.rm = TRUE) - min(score,na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(AvgDifference = mean(Difference),
Toxicity = if_else(Difference > mean(Difference),"HIGH","LOW"))
# A tibble: 10 x 4
Patient Difference AvgDifference Toxicity
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 3 21.4 30.3 LOW
2 5 46.4 30.3 HIGH
3 6 3.6 30.3 LOW
4 7 57.1 30.3 HIGH
5 8 42.3 30.3 HIGH
6 10 28.6 30.3 LOW
7 11 0 30.3 LOW
8 12 16.1 30.3 LOW
9 13 51.8 30.3 HIGH
10 14 35.7 30.3 HIGH
I think maybe your expected output might have been based on a slightly different average difference, so this output is very slightly different.
And a much simpler base R version if you prefer:
d$min <- apply(d[,2:5],1,min,na.rm = TRUE)
d$max <- apply(d[,2:5],1,max,na.rm = TRUE)
d$diff <- d$max - d$min
d$avg_diff <- mean(d$diff)
d$toxicity <- with(d,ifelse(diff > avg_diff,"HIGH","LOW"))
A few notes on your existing code:,maxValue))) is not an advisable way to create data frames. This is more awkward than simply doing data.frame(minValue = minValue,maxValue = maxValue) and risks unintended coercion from cbind.
ave is for computing summaries over groups; just use mean if you have a single vector
The FUN argument in apply expects a function, not an arbitrary expression, which is what you're trying to pass at the end. The general syntax for an "anonymous" function in that context would be apply(...,FUN = function(arg) { do some stuff and return exactly the thing you want}).

combined barplots with R ggplot2: dodged and stacked

I have a table of data which already contain several values to be plotted on a barplot with ggplot2 package (already cumulative data).
The data in the data frame "reserves" has the form (simplified):
The first column (period) is the geological epoch. It will be on x axis, and I needed to have no extra ordering on it, so I prepared appropriate factor labelling with the command
reserves$period <- factor(reserves$period, levels = reserves$period)
The column "amount" is the main column to be plotted as y axis (it is percentage of hydrocarbons in each epoch, but it could be in absolute values as well, say, millions of tons or whatever). So basic plot is invoked by the command:
ggplot(reserves,aes(x=period,y=amount)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
But here is the question. I need to plot other values, that is a1-a2, b1-b2, and h1-h4 on the same bar graph. These values are percentage values for each letter (for example, a1=60, then a2=40; the same for b1-b2; and for h1-h4 as well they sum up to 100. So: I need to have values a1-a2 as some color, proportionally dividing the "amount" bar for each value of x (stacked barplot), then I need the same for values b1-b2; so we have for each period two adjacent columns (grouped barplots), each of them is stacked. And next, I need the third column, for values h1-h4, perhaps, also as a stacked barplot, but either as a third column, or as a staggered barplot above the first one.
So the layout looks like this:
I learned that I need first to reshape data with package reshape2, and then use the option position="dodge" or position="fill" in geom_bar(), but here is the combination thereof. And the third barplot (for values h1-h4) seems to need "stacked percent" representation with fixed height.
Are there packages which handle the data for plotting in a more intuitive way? Lets say, we just declare, that we want variables ai,bi, hi to be plotted.
First you should reshape your data from wide to long, then scale your proportions to their raw values. Then split your old column names (now levels of "lett") into their letters and numbers for labeling. If your real data aren't formatted like this (a1...h4) there's ways to handle that as well.
reserves <- read.csv(text = "period,amount,a1,a2,b1,b2,h1,h2,h3,h4
reserves.tidied <- reserves %>%
gather(key = lett, value = prop, -period, -amount) %>%
mutate(rawvalue = prop * amount/100,
lett1 = substr(lett, 1, 1),
num = substr(lett, 2, 2))
period amount lett prop rawvalue lett1 num
1 J 18.1 a1 30 5.430 a 1
2 K 29.0 a1 65 18.850 a 1
3 P 13.3 a1 94 12.502 a 1
4 N 21.6 a1 95 20.520 a 1
5 J 18.1 a2 60 10.860 a 2
6 K 29.0 a2 35 10.150 a 2
7 P 13.3 a2 6 0.798 a 2
8 N 21.6 a2 5 1.080 a 2
9 J 18.1 b1 40 7.240 b 1
10 K 29.0 b1 75 21.750 b 1
11 P 13.3 b1 85 11.305 b 1
12 N 21.6 b1 80 17.280 b 1
13 J 18.1 b2 60 10.860 b 2
14 K 29.0 b2 25 7.250 b 2
15 P 13.3 b2 15 1.995 b 2
16 N 21.6 b2 20 4.320 b 2
17 J 18.1 h1 15 2.715 h 1
18 K 29.0 h1 5 1.450 h 1
19 P 13.3 h1 10 1.330 h 1
20 N 21.6 h1 10 2.160 h 1
21 J 18.1 h2 50 9.050 h 2
22 K 29.0 h2 50 14.500 h 2
23 P 13.3 h2 55 7.315 h 2
24 N 21.6 h2 55 11.880 h 2
25 J 18.1 h3 30 5.430 h 3
26 K 29.0 h3 40 11.600 h 3
27 P 13.3 h3 20 2.660 h 3
28 N 21.6 h3 20 4.320 h 3
29 J 18.1 h4 5 0.905 h 4
30 K 29.0 h4 5 1.450 h 4
31 P 13.3 h4 15 1.995 h 4
32 N 21.6 h4 15 3.240 h 4
Then to plot your tidied data, you want the letters across the x axis, and the rawvalue we just calculated with amount*proportion on the y axis. We stack the geom_col up from 1 to 2 or 1 to 4 (the reverse=T argument overrides the default, which would have 2 or 4 at the bottom of the stack). alpha and fill let us distinguish between groups in the same bar and between bars.
Then the geom_text labels each stacked segment with the name, a newline, and the original percentage, centered on each segment. The scale reverses the default behavior again, making 1 the darkest and 2 or 4 the lightest in each bar. Then you facet across, making one group of bars for each period.
aes(x = lett1, y = rawvalue, alpha = num, fill = lett1)) +
geom_col(position = position_stack(reverse = T), colour = "black") +
geom_text(position = position_stack(reverse = T, vjust = .5),
aes(label = paste0(lett, ":\n", prop, "%")), alpha = 1) +
scale_alpha_discrete(range = c(1, .1)) +
facet_grid(~period) +
guides(fill = F, alpha = F)
Rearranging it so that the "h" bars are different from the "a" and "b" bars is a bit more complex, and you'd have to think about how you want it presented, but it's totally doable.

Match two data frames by two columns and extract values from third column

I apologize if is a basic or duplicate question, but I am a beginner R user.
I am attempting to match every row in Dataframe A by Sex and Age to the two corresponding columns in Dataframe B. I know there will be a match for sure, so I want to extract values from the matching rows of two different columns in Dataframe B and store them in Dataframe C.
Dataframe A Dataframe B
ID Sex Age Weight Row Sex Age X1 X2
1 1 24 36 1 1 24 18.2 12.3
2 1 34 56 2 2 87 15.4 16.5
3 2 87 12 3 1 64 16.3 11.2
4 2 21 08 4 2 21 15.6 14.7
5 1 64 33 5 1 34 17.7 18.9
Dataframe C
ID Age Sex Weight Y1 Y2
1 1 24 36 18.2 12.3
2 1 34 56 17.7 18.9
3 2 87 12 15.4 16.5
4 2 21 08 15.6 14.7
5 1 64 33 16.3 11.2
There are 9000 IDs in my dataframe. I've looked at similar questions like this one
Fill column values by matching values in each row in two dataframe
But I don't think this I am applying this code correctly. Will a for loop be useful here?
for(i in 1:nrow(ID){
dfC[i,Y1] <-df2[match(paste(dfA$Sex,dfa$Age),paste(dfB$Sex,dfB$Age)),"X1"]
dfC[i,Y2] <-df2[match(paste(dfA$Sex,dfa$Age),paste(dfB$Sex,dfB$Age)),"X2"]
I know the merge function was also suggested, but these two variables are not actually named the same way in my data set.
Try this bro... reduce function in R for such operations
set.seed(1) = list(data.frame(id=1:10, sex=1:10 , age =1:10 , weight=1:20), data.frame(row=5:14, sex=11:20 , age :1:20 , x1:1:10, x2:1:10), data.frame(id=8:14, sex=11:20 , age :1:20 ,weight:20:30, y1:1:10, y2:1:10)) = Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T),
