When attempting to evaluate a .envrc file I get the error "emulate: command not found" or "cd: -q: invalid option" or any number of various possible errors in my completely valid zsh/fish/elivsh/tcsh script.
direnv uses only bash to evaluate your .envrc file. It then exports the changes back to your original shell. You'll have to rewrite your .envrc in bash.
Also check out direnv stdlib for the utility functions that direnv gives you access to from within any .envrc file.
shell_exec("Rscript C:\R\R-3.2.2\bin\code.R ");
This is the call to script.On calling the above script, the error occurs.
I am trying to call my R script from the above path but no output is being shown. While checking the error logs of PHP, it says 'Rscript' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.' The script is working fine on the Rstudio but not running on the command line.
Add the Rscript path to your environment variables in Windows:
Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System and click Advanced System Settings, then environment variables, click on path in the lower box, edit, add "C:\R\R-3.2.2\bin"
Restart everything. Should be good to go. Then you should be able to do
exec('Rscript PATH/TO/my_code.R')
instead of typing the full path to Rscript. Won't need the path to your my_code.R script if your php file is in the same directory.
You need to set the proper path where your RScript.exe program is located.
exec ("\"C:\\R\\R-3.2.2\\bin\\Rscript.exe\"
C:\\My_work\\R_scripts\\my_code.R my_args";
#my_args only needed if you script take `args`as input to run
other way is you declare header in your r script (my_code.r)
and call it from command line
If you are running it in Git Bash terminal, you could follow a revised version of the idea suggested by #user5249203: in the first line of your file my_code.R, type the following
I assumed that your path to Rscript.exe is the one listed above C:\R\R-3.2.2\bin. For anyone having a different path to Rscript.exe in Windows, just modify the path-to-Rscript accordingly. After this modification of your R code, you could run it in the Git Bash terminal using path-to-the-code/mycode.R. I have tested it on my pc.
I faced the same problem while using r the first time in VS Code, just after installing the language package (CRAN).
I restart the application and everything worked perfectly. I think restarting would work for you as well.
In R packages there can be a directory exec which contains some executable scripts. I have such a script called json_merge.R in my package numericprojection. This gets installed to ~/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.6/numericprojection/exec/json_merge.R.
To execute it I can of course specify that particular path and call it with Rscript from the command line. I was wondering whether there is some way to have R resolve this path such that I could just specify json_merge.R and numericprojection.
In the meantime I constructed this here:
r_libs_user="$(Rscript -e "cat(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'))")"
script="${script/#\~/$HOME}" # https://stackoverflow.com/a/27485157/653152
That's what the system.file command is for. In your case that command should look like this:
system.file("exec", "json_merge.R", package = "numericprojection")
And will return:
If that is where the file was installed.
However, I think that your question is likely based on a misunderstanding as outlined in the comments.
I am trying to remap the command of running my python source file, which is from the atom-python-run package to the shortcut cmd+r, which is currently used by the replacement function.
if I type:
'cmd-r': 'unbind!'
It says the command is not found. So I can unbind it.
Do I need to unbind the command or can I somehow assign the new command without doing all of that stuff.
I found this online to remap another command of another package, just as a scheme of how to remap.
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
'ctrl-j': 'unset!'
However I could not figure out how to rewrite that for my purpose. Is there a way to rewrite this for my purpose or is that something different?
Thanks for your time.
You don't need to unset the keymap, you can simple overwrite it by assigning the name of the run command to it:
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
'ctrl-r': 'Python run: run-f5'
The author of this made the command a bit hard to guess, since it's more common to use a slug of the command (e.g. python-run:run-f5).
You can get a full list of available commands by running atom.commands.registeredCommands in the console.
OS: UNIX Solaries, Oracle Application Server 10g
To run shell script from Oracle Forms, I used the following host('/bin/bash /u01/compile.sh') and it works well
Now, I need to run unix command something like
host('mv form1.fmx FORM1.FMX') but it's not working
I tried to append the command mv form1.fmx FORM1.FMX' to the compile.sh shell script but also it's not working although the rest lines of the shell script is running well
The solution is to just add the full path of the mv command and it worked well, as follow
/bin/mv /u01/oracle/runtime/test/form1.fmx /u01/oracle/runtime/test/FORM1.FMX
In case anyone else encounters the same problem, the cause is that Forms process creates a subprocess to execute host() command, and that subprocess inherits environment variables of the parent process, which are derived from default.env (or other env file as defined in server config). There is a PATH variable defined in that file, but it doesn't contain usual /bin or /usr/bin, so the commands will not execute unless full path is specified.
The solution is to set the correct PATH variable either in the executed script (via export PATH=$PATH:...) or in default.env. I set it in the script, since, knowing Oracle, there's no guarantee that modifying default.env won't break something.
I'm trying to call a script in Tcl with the command:
exec source <script path>
and I get the error
couldn't execute "source": no such file or directory
How can I call another script from tcl?
Edit: I am running a command I got from another person in my office. I was instructed to run "source " explicitly with source. So in other words, how would I run any command that would work in cshell, in Tcl?
If the script you were given is a cshell script, you can exec it like this:
exec /bin/csh $path_to_script
In effect, this is what the 'source' command does from within an interactive shell. It's not clear whether this is really what you want to do or not (not exactly, but close enough for this discussion).
The reason you can't exec the source command is that exec will only work on executable files (hence the name 'exec'). The source command isn't implemented as an exectuable file, it is a command built-in to the shell. Thus, it can't be exec'd.
If you really feel the need to exec the source command or any other built-in command you can do something like this:
exec /bin/csh -c "source $path_to_script"
In the above example you are execing the c shell, and asking it to run the command "source ". For the specific case of the source command, this doesn't really make much sense.
However, I'm not sure any of this will really do what you expect. Usually if someone says "here's some commands, just do 'source ', it usually just defines some aliases and whatnot to be used from within an interactive shell. Those aliases won't work from within Tcl.
source in csh, like . in bash, executes a script without spawning a new process.
The effect is that any variable that is set in that script is available in current csh session.
Actually, source is a built-in command of csh, thus not available from tcl exec, and using exec without source would not give the specific source effect.
There is no simple way to solve your problem.
source load the source file
you should do:
source <script path>
If you want to execute it, then you need to call the main proc.
another option would be to do:
exec [info nameofexecutable] <scritp path>
Some confusion here. exec runs a separate program, possibly with arguments.
source is not a separate program, it is another Tcl command which reads a file of Tcl commands and executes them, but does not pass arguments. If the other script you are trying to call is written to be run on from the command line, it will expect to find its arguments as a list in variable argv. You can fake this by setting argv to the list of arguments before running source, eg.
set argv {first_arg second_arg}
source script_path
Alternatively you could use exec to start a whole separate Tcl executable and pass it the script and arguments:
exec script_path first_arg second_arg
the error speaks for itself. Make sure you give the correct path name, specify full path if necessary. and make sure there is indeed the file exists in that directory
Recently I wanted to set some UNIX environment variables by sourcing a shell script and stumbled across the same problem. I found this simple solution that works perfectly for me:
Just use a little 3-line wrapper script that executes the source command in a UNIX shell before your Tcl script is started.
source SetMyEnvironment.csh
tclsh MyScript.tcl