Display graph with ggplot in Shiny app with a function - r

I'm doing right now a shiny web app, in order to plot some data that comes from csv files.
Here my code concerning the shiny app :
# install.packages("shiny")
# library(...) that I need
# User Interface
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Affichage de l'indice EPU"),
helpText("Choix des paramètres"),
label = "Choisir une variable à afficher",
choices = list("Global",
selected = "Percent White"),
label = "Intervalle de temps : ",
format = "mm/yyyy",
start = "2018-01-01",
end = Sys.Date(),
startview = "year",
separator = " - ")
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram ----
server <- function(input, output) {
output$p <- renderPlot({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
For the moment, I don't use input in User Interface function, I just want to plot the data.
My function, inside the file test.R, do some things in order to generate a graph.
Here my function :
graph_epu <- function(){
# On importe les données du csv dans les dataframes
df_lesechos <- read.csv(file = "data/df_lesechos.csv", sep=",")
df_latribune <- read.csv(file = "data/df_latribune.csv", sep=",")
# On supprime le jour pour le remplacer par 01
df_lesechos$Date <- substr(df_lesechos$Date,1,7)
df_latribune$Date <- substr(df_latribune$Date,1,7)
df_lesechos$Date <- paste(df_lesechos$Date,"-01",sep="")
df_latribune$Date <- paste(df_latribune$Date,"-01",sep="")
# Transforme la colonne Occurences au format numérique
#df_lesechos <- transform(df_lesechos, Occurences = as.numeric(Occurences))
#df_latribune <- transform(df_latribune, Occurences = as.numeric(Occurences))
df_lesechos$Occurences <- as.numeric(df_lesechos$Occurences)
df_latribune$Occurences <- as.numeric(df_latribune$Occurences)
# On convertit la colonne date au format Date
df_lesechos <- transform(df_lesechos, Date = as.Date(Date))
df_latribune <- transform(df_latribune, Date = as.Date(Date))
# On élimine les valeurs datant d'avant 2018
df_lesechos <- df_lesechos[!(df_lesechos$Date < "2018-01-01"),]
df_latribune <- df_latribune[!(df_latribune$Date < "2018-01-01"),]
# On groupe par mois et on fait la somme des occurences
df_lesechos <- df_lesechos %>% group_by(Date) %>% summarise(Occurences = sum(Occurences)) %>% arrange(desc(Date))
df_latribune <- df_latribune %>% group_by(Date) %>% summarise(Occurences = sum(Occurences)) %>% arrange(desc(Date))
# Calcul de la variance pour chaque journal
echos_var <- var(df_lesechos$Occurences)
tribune_var <- var(df_latribune$Occurences)
# Divisions des occurences par l'écart type, ce qui nous donne un écart type unitaire
df_lesechos$Occurences <- (df_lesechos$Occurences) / sqrt(echos_var)
df_latribune$Occurences <- (df_latribune$Occurences) / sqrt(tribune_var)
# La normalisation de chaque série mensuelles des différents journaux nous permets de les combiner
# Création du dataframe qui va faire la somme des deux dataframes
df_france <- bind_rows(df_lesechos,df_latribune)
df_france <- df_france %>% group_by(Date) %>% summarise(Occurences = sum(Occurences)) %>% arrange(desc(Date))
# On divise par 2 la série obtenue car on a 2 sources d'informations
df_france$Occurences <- df_france$Occurences / 2
# Calcul de la moyenne de la série
moyenne <- mean(df_france$Occurences)
# On ramène la série à une moyenne de 100 afin d'obtenir l'indicateur EPU de chaque mois
df_france$Occurences <- df_france$Occurences*(100/moyenne)
# Visualisation de la série à l'aide ggplot2
p <- df_france %>%
ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Occurences, text = paste0("Date : ", format(Date, "%Y-%m"), "\n",
"EPU : ", round(Occurences)))) +
geom_area(fill="#5685D7", alpha=0.5, group=1) +
geom_line(color="#FF0000", size=0.2, group=1) +
ggtitle("FR Indice EPU") +
ylab("EPU") +
xlab("Années-Mois") +
geom_point(size=0.5) +
scale_x_date(breaks = df_france$Date, labels = date_format("%Y-%m")) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
plot.title = element_text(size=14, face="italic", family="Avenir Next"),
axis.title.x = element_text(family="Avenir Next"),
axis.title.y = element_text(family="Avenir Next"))
p <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")
The object p is the graph.
i really don't know how to proceed in order to display the graph. When I run the app, only the sidebar is display, and there is no graph. I have any errors in the consol...
If someone can help me, it would be really great.
Thanks a lot !!!

Reading in the csv files on the server side might help. Try this
server <- function(input, output) {
# On importe les données du csv dans les dataframes
df_lesechosi <- read.csv(file = "data/df_lesechos.csv", sep=",")
df_latribunei <- read.csv(file = "data/df_latribune.csv", sep=",")
mygraph <- reactive({
graph_epu(df_lesechos=df_lesechosi, df_latribune=df_latribunei)
output$p <- renderPlotly({
### Your function should be as follows, and no need to read in csv files within this function
graph_epu <- function(df_lesechos="", df_latribune=""){...


Problem with survival function in Shiny App

Recently I'm using the survival package in R, in order to be able to better measure the waiting time of patients in the Emergency Department of my Hospital, what I have achieved. However, it's complex to show the results and that can be understood by third parties from RStudio, so I'm developing a Shiny App to show the results without having to show the code and be able to modify certain elements quickly
When I create the app, I have the problem that when I request that you build a dataframe with the quantiles, I get the error: "Error in rep: invalid 'times' argument" in R#200. I have reviewed the code on multiple occasions, but I still can't find a solution. I enclose the complete code
Thank you
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Prototipo Tiempos de Urgencia"),
selectInput(inputId = "triage",
label = "Triage",
choices =c("Todos",listadotriage),
selectize = FALSE,
selected = "Todos"),
selectInput(inputId = "tiempo",
label = "Tiempo a analizar",
choices = c("Diferencia entre Hora de atención y hora de triage" = "60",
"Diferencia ente hora de atencón y hora de admisión" = "61",
"Diferencia ente hora de atencón y hora de alta" = "62",
"Diferencia ente hora de admision y hora de alta" = "63",
"Diferencia ente hora de admision y hora de triage" = "64"),
selectize = FALSE,
selected = "Diferencia entre Hora de atención y hora de triage"),
selectInput(inputId = "atencion",
label = "Área Atención",
choices = c("Todos",listadoatencion),
selectize = FALSE,
selected = "Todos"),
selectInput(inputId = "alta",
label = "Tipo de Alta",
choices = c("General" = "74",
"Hospitalizado" = "72",
"Altas" = "73"),
multiple = FALSE,
selected = "General"),
dateRangeInput(inputId = "fecha",
label = "Intervalo de fechas",
format = "dd-mm-yyyy",
start = "2019-11-01",
end = "2019-11-30",
weekstart = 1,
language= "es",
separator = "a")
mainPanel = dataTableOutput(outputId = "tabla1")
server <- function(input, output) {
output$tabla1 <- renderDataTable({
if (input$triage=="Todos") {
dat1<-subset(dat1,ifelse(input$atencion!="Todos",dat1$AREA_ATENCION==input$atencion & dat1$fechanormal>=input$fecha[1] & dat1$fechanormal<=input$fecha[2],
dat1$fechanormal>=input$fecha[1] & dat1$fechanormal<=input$fecha[2]))
gral<-Surv(dat3[[2]] ,event= as.numeric(dat3[[3]]))
fit1a<-survfit(gral ~ Medico, data = dat3)
d1<-as.data.frame(quantile(fit1a,c(0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9,1),conf.int = FALSE)) # estadísticas sobre tiempo de demora según modelo
setDT(data1,keep.rownames = TRUE)
setDT(d1,keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
datatable(data=datatota1l,caption =paste("Tiempos de atención en Servicio de Urgencia por Médico, por Atención en Servicio",input$atencion,"durante","el período",format(input$fecha[1], format= "%d-%m-%Y"),"a",format(input$fecha[2], format= "%d-%m-%Y"), sep=" "),
rownames = FALSE,extensions= "Buttons",options=list(pageLength=40,dom="Bfrtip", buttons = c("print")) )
} else {
dat1<-subset(dat1,ifelse(input$atencion!="Todos",dat1$AREA_ATENCION==input$atencion & dat1$fechanormal>=input$fecha[1] & dat1$fechanormal<=input$fecha[2],
dat1$fechanormal>=input$fecha[1] & dat1$fechanormal<=input$fecha[2]))
gral<-Surv(dat3[[2]] ,event= as.numeric(dat3[[3]])) ~ Medico
fit1b<-survfit(gral ~ Medico, data = dat3)
d2<-as.data.frame(quantile(fit1b,c(0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9,1),conf.int = FALSE)) # estadísticas sobre tiempo de demora según modelo
setDT(data2,keep.rownames = TRUE)
setDT(d2,keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
datatable(data=datatotal2,caption =paste("Tiempos de atención en Servicio de Urgencia por Médico, por Categorización",input$triage,"por Atención en Servicio",input$atencion,"durante","el período",format(input$fecha[1], format= "%d-%m-%Y"),"a",format(input$fecha[2], format= "%d-%m-%Y"), sep=" "),
rownames = FALSE,extensions= "Buttons",options=list(pageLength=40,dom="Bfrtip", buttons = c("print")) )
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)```
I resolved!!!!
I changed the next lines
dat1<-subset(dat1,ifelse(input$atencion!="Todos",dat1$AREA_ATENCION==input$atencion & dat1$fechanormal>=input$fecha[1] & dat1$fechanormal<=input$fecha[2],
dat1$fechanormal>=input$fecha[1] & dat1$fechanormal<=input$fecha[2]))
for the next lines:
dat3<-subset(dat3,dat3$fechanormal>=input$fecha[1] & dat3$fechanormal<=input$fecha[2])

how to debug R scripts

I´ve made a little simulator to teach the basics of population dynamics under stochasticity. This is a simple viz for the Ricker equation. It works in linux, however, I get a criptic error while running it under other environment (macos, win).
So, I wonder what my best options are to debug this error:
<simpleError in is.list(x): object of type 'closure' is not subsettable>
here is the code. I suspect on the plotly library in R... any hint?
# Ejercicio para ensenar curvas de crecimiento poblacional
# _author_ = horacio.samaniego#gmail.com
# _date_ = August 2018
# Check whether required packages are installed
list.of.packages <- c("manipulateWidget", "plotly")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
# librerias requeridas
# Simulador
crecLogistico <- function(t=80,r=1,n0=10,K=60,d=0){
# Simulacion de crecimiento poblacional con tasa de crecimiento (r) variable
# que simula variabilidad (estocasticidad ambiental)
# t, numero de generaciones a simular
# r, tasa intrinsica de crecimiento
# n0, abundancia inicial
# K, capacidad de carga
# d, estocasticidad
N <- matrix(n0,ncol=t,nrow=1) # vector con tamano poblacional (abundancia) inicial
R <- matrix(NA,ncol=t,nrow=1) # vector con tasas de crecimiento
for(i in 1:t) {
if(d>0) R[i] <- rnorm(1,mean=r,sd=d) else R[i] <- r
# N[i+1] <- N[i]+N[i]*R[i]*(1-N[i]/K) # Logistica
N[i+1] <- N[i]*exp(R[i]*(1 - N[i]/K)) # Ricker
res <- matrix(c(1:t,N[-(t+1)],R),ncol=3)
res <- as.data.frame(res)
names(res) <- c("t","Abundancia","r")
## Plot de Crecimiento Logistico
if ( require(plotly) ) {
# Modela abundancias
res = crecLogistico(n0=n0,t=t,r=r,K=K,d=d)
# Colecta informacion para construir mapa logistico
mapa = data.frame("N_1"=res$Abundancia[-t],"N_0"=res$Abundancia[-1])
combineWidgets( # crea ventanas donde plotear (proporcion 3:1). Una grande a la izq y otra con 2 lineas a la dcha (1:1)
ncol = 2,colsize=c(3,1),
# Evolucion temporal de poblacion
p = plot_ly(res[rango[1]:rango[2],],x=~t,y=~Abundancia,type="scatter",
mode="lines+markers",line=~r,color=~r), # %>%
# agrega linea para remarcar abundancia = 0
add_segments(p, x = rango[1], xend = rango[2], y = 0, yend = 0,mode="lines") %>%
# muestra escocasticidad a cada tiempo segun color
colorbar(title="Tasa de Crecimiento") %>%
layout(title="Crecimiento Logistico",showlegend = FALSE,yaxis=list(zerolinecolor=toRGB("red"))),
ncol = 1,
# histograma de estocasticidad a lo largo de todo el tiempo
plot_ly(res,x=~r,type="histogram") %>%
layout(title="Tasa de Crecimiento"),
# mapa logistico, muestra estados estacionarios en primer orden, de t-a a t
plot_ly(mapa,x=~N_1,y=~N_0,type="scatter",mode="markers") %>%
add_segments(x=0,xend=max(res$Abundancia),y=0,yend=max(res$Abundancia)) %>%
layout(title="Mapa Logistico", xaxis = list(title = "abundancia (t)"),
yaxis = list(title="abundancia (t-1)"))
n0 = mwNumeric(100, min = 2, step = 1 , label = "Poblacion Inicial"),
t = mwNumeric(100, min = 2, step = 1 , label = "Generaciones (t)"),
r = mwNumeric(0.9, min = -4, step = 0.05 , label = "Tasa de Crecimiento (r)"),
K = mwNumeric(60, min = 5, step = 2, label = "Capacidad de Carga"),
d = mwNumeric(0.05, min = 0, step = 0.05 ,label = "Estocasticidad"),
rango = mwSlider(0, t, c(1, t),label="Generaciones a Visualizar")
will report... thanks a bunch!!
Ok, I've got the issue... the problem is that plotly in R (or rstudio) for linux is not too picky about the 'line' flag in plot_ly, which macos strictly enforces.
I unfortunately have no training in debugging code and would not be able diagnose this using the standard tools mentioned here (will learn though!)
recasting the line to this:
plot_ly(res[rango[1]:rango[2],],x=~t,y=~Abundancia,type="scatter", mode="lines+markers",color=~r) %>%
did all the trick.
I'll copy my equation explorer here just in case:
# Ejercicio para ensenar curvas de crecimiento poblacional
# _author_ = horacio.samaniego#gmail.com
# _date_ = August 2018
# Check whether required packages are installed
list.of.packages <- c("manipulateWidget", "plotly")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
# librerias requeridas
# Simulador
crecLogistico <- function(t=80,r=1,n0=10,K=60,d=0){
# Simulacion de crecimiento poblacional con tasa de crecimiento (r) variable
# que simula variabilidad (estocasticidad ambiental)
# t, numero de generaciones a simular
# r, tasa intrinsica de crecimiento
# n0, abundancia inicial
# K, capacidad de carga
# d, estocasticidad
N <- matrix(n0,ncol=t,nrow=1) # vector con tamano poblaciona (abundancia) inicial
R <- matrix(NA,ncol=t,nrow=1) # vector con tasas de crecimiento
for(i in 1:t) {
if(d>0) R[i] <- rnorm(1,mean=r,sd=d) else R[i] <- r # adds stochasticity
# N[i+1] <- N[i]+N[i]*R[i]*(1-N[i]/K) # Logistica
N[i+1] <- N[i]*exp(R[i]*(1 - N[i]/K)) # Ricker
res <- matrix(c(1:t,N[-(t+1)],R),ncol=3)
res <- as.data.frame(res)
names(res) <- c("t","Abundancia","r")
## Plot de Crecimiento Logistico
if ( require(plotly) ) {
# Modela abundancias
res = crecLogistico(n0=n0,t=t,r=r,K=K,d=d)
# Colecta informacion para construir mapa logistico
mapa = data.frame("N_1"=res$Abundancia[-t],"N_0"=res$Abundancia[-1])
combineWidgets( # crea ventanas donde plotear (proporcion 3:1). Una grande a la izq y otra con 2 lineas a la dcha (1:1)
ncol = 2,colsize=c(3,1),
# Evolucion temporal de poblacion
plot_ly(res[rango[1]:rango[2],],x=~t,y=~Abundancia,type="scatter", mode="lines+markers",color=~r) %>%
# # muestra escocasticidad a cada tiempo segun color
colorbar(title="Tasa de Crecimiento") %>%
layout(title="Crecimiento Logistico",showlegend = FALSE,yaxis=list(zerolinecolor=toRGB("red"))),
ncol = 1,
# histograma de estocasticidad a lo largo de todo el tiempo
plot_ly(res,x=~r,type="histogram") %>%
layout(title="Tasa de Crecimiento"),
# mapa logistico, muestra estados estacionarios en primer orden, de t-a a t
plot_ly(mapa,x=~N_1,y=~N_0,type="scatter",mode="markers") %>%
add_segments(x=0,xend=max(res[[2]]),y=0,yend=max(res[[2]])) %>%
layout(title="Mapa Logistico", xaxis = list(title = "abundancia (t)"),
yaxis = list(title="abundancia (t-1)"),showlegend = FALSE)
n0 = mwNumeric(100, min = 2, step = 1 , label = "Poblacion Inicial"),
t = mwNumeric(100, min = 2, step = 1 , label = "Generaciones (t)"),
r = mwNumeric(0.9, min = -4, step = 0.05 , label = "Tasa de Crecimiento (r)"),
K = mwNumeric(60, min = 5, step = 2, label = "Capacidad de Carga"),
d = mwNumeric(0.05, min = 0, step = 0.05 ,label = "Estocasticidad"),
rango = mwSlider(0, t, c(1, t),label="Generaciones a Visualizar")

Dygraph with R - How to use axisLabelFormatter for label's character size?

I am new to Dygraph in R, that I use to plot my data (with xts). Everything is OK, it works well.
But the problem is: I'm not able to use axisLabelFormatter for making labels bold and bigger. How is that possible?
Further, can I add a frame around the chart (like the black line of x and y axis)?
The image here explain my 2 questions: click here for example image
Below is the code I am trying:
#------Importation des données contenues dans un .csv------
setwd("C:/Users") #attention,on ne peut pas faire créer à R un dossier, il faut le créer via windows
#----Importation données de qualité d'eau
TabSMP=read.csv2(file="Analyse R/MC1_MC2_SMP.csv",sep=";",dec=".",na.strings = "#N/A")
TabSMPMC1=read.csv2(file="Analyse R/MC1_SMP.csv",sep=";",dec=".",na.strings = "#N/A")
TabSMPMC2=read.csv2(file="Analyse R/MC2_SMP.csv",sep=";",dec=".",na.strings = "#N/A")
TabMC1Manu=read.csv2(file="Analyse R/MC1_Manu.csv",sep=";",dec=".",na.strings = "#N/A")
TabMC2Manu=read.csv2(file="Analyse R/MC2_Manu.csv",sep=";",dec=".",na.strings = "#N/A")
TabMC3Manu=read.csv2(file="Analyse R/MC3_Manu.csv",sep=";",dec=".",na.strings = "#N/A")
TabMC4Manu=read.csv2(file="Analyse R/MC4_Manu.csv",sep=";",dec=".",na.strings = "#N/A")
#-----Attribution du format de date et heure à la colonne date/heure pour chaque tableau------
TabSMP$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabSMP$DateHeure,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TabSMPMC1$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabSMP$DateHeure,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TabSMPMC2$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabSMP$DateHeure,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TabMC1Manu$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabMC1Manu$Date,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TabMC2Manu$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabMC2Manu$Date,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TabMC3Manu$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabMC3Manu$Date,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TabMC4Manu$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabMC4Manu$Date,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
#TabB5Manu$DateHeure=as.POSIXct(TabB5Manu$Date,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
ls.str()# vérification des reconnaissances par R des caractères numériques, textes, dates...
TabSMPMC1_xts_Temp <- xts(TabSMP$MC1_Temp,order.by=TabSMP$DateHeure,frequency=365)
TabSMPMC2_xts_Temp <- xts(TabSMP$MC2_Temp,order.by=TabSMP$DateHeure,frequency=365)
TabMC3Manu_xts_Temp <- xts(TabMC3Manu$MC3_Temp,order.by=TabMC3Manu$DateHeure,frequency=365)
TabMC4Manu_xts_Temp <- xts(TabMC4Manu$MC4_Temp,order.by=TabMC4Manu$DateHeure,frequency = 365)
Temperature <- cbind(TabSMPMC1_xts_Temp,TabSMPMC2_xts_Temp,TabMC3Manu_xts_Temp,TabMC4Manu_xts_Temp)
dygraph(Temperature,main="Evolution de la tempértaure") %>%
dyAxis("y", label = "°C ", valueRange = c(-1, 11)) %>%
dySeries("..1",label="MC1_Temp",strokeWidth=1.75) %>%
dySeries("..2",label="MC2_Temp",strokeWidth=1.75) %>%
dySeries("..3",label="MC3_Temp",pointSize=2.5) %>%
dySeries("..4",label="MC4_Temp",pointSize=2.5) %>%
dyOptions(colors = c("blue","orange","pink","green")) %>%
dyLegend(width=400) %>%
dyEvent(DebutVidange, "Ouverture Vanne de Fond", labelLoc = "top") %>%
dyEvent(FinVidange, "Fin Vidange", labelLoc = "top") %>%
dyShading(from =DebutVidange, to =FinVidange, color = "#F0F9FF") %>%
dyShading(from =DebutAssec, to =FinAssec, color = "#FFFFFF") %>%
try this:
axisLabelFormatter = 'function(d){return d.toString().fontsize(4);}', # makes them bigger
axisLabelWidth = 70
) %>%
and change the fontsize(4) to other numbers. An for bold tage the line: axisLabelFormatter = 'function(d){return d.toString().fontsize(4).bold();}',
dygraph(Temperature,main="Evolution de la tempértaure") %>%
dyAxis("y", label = "°C ", valueRange = c(-1, 11)) %>%
dySeries("..1",label="MC1_Temp",strokeWidth=1.75) %>%
dySeries("..2",label="MC2_Temp",strokeWidth=1.75) %>%
dySeries("..3",label="MC3_Temp",pointSize=2.5) %>%
dySeries("..4",label="MC4_Temp",pointSize=2.5) %>%
dyOptions(colors = c("blue","orange","pink","green")) %>%
dyLegend(width=400) %>%
dyEvent(DebutVidange, "Ouverture Vanne de Fond", labelLoc = "top") %>%
dyEvent(FinVidange, "Fin Vidange", labelLoc = "top") %>%
dyShading(from =DebutVidange, to =FinVidange, color = "#F0F9FF") %>%
dyShading(from =DebutAssec, to =FinAssec, color = "#FFFFFF") %>%
axisLabelFormatter = 'function(d){return d.toString().fontsize(4);}', # makes them bigger
axisLabelWidth = 70
) %>%
I got also the x-axis, but it chages to numbers: 2017.3 etc, note that you need to add 1 to months since months Jan-Dec are 0-11 in Javascript, here:
# label = "Number",
axisLabelFormatter = 'function(d){ var month = (d.getMonth() +1).toString().fontsize(3) ;var year = d.getFullYear().toString().fontsize(3); return year + "."+ month}', ## + 1 since months jan-dec are 0-11 in Javascript
axisLabelFontSize = 20,
axisLabelWidth = 70 ## gets them apart, but not bigger
) %>%

Update the axis labels with rChart

I just discovered rChart and googleVis and i want to thank developers for their job.
My problem is simple, i want to add a variable label to my axis for nplot?
I also want to know if it's possible to add variable like sizevar and colorvar of gvisBubbleChart to nplot ?
Thank you.
VehiculeFunction <- function(data, gamme, absciss, ordinate){
# Aim: Permet de visualiser les données sous la forme de nuages de points
# croisant GMF*Coût, Ratio K * Ratio Coût ou bien GMF*Ratio en
# choisissant la gamme qu'on désire
# Input: data.frame avec notamment GAMME, PROJET, PERIMETRE, NITG, GMF.24,
# Cout.24 et libele
# Output: Graphique avec le croisement choisi ainsi que le libellé étiquetté
# sur le point qu'on voudra identifier
if(absciss == "GMF.24"){
my.data <- data[data$RANG_NITG_PROJET_K %in% c(1, 2, 3),]
} else if(absciss == "Ratio.K") {
my.data <- data[data$RANG_NITG_PROJET_C %in% c(1, 2, 3),]
my.data2 <- my.data[my.data$GAMME == gamme,]
X <- my.data2[[absciss]]
Y <- my.data2[[ordinate]]
SIZEVAR <- my.data2$Ratio.K
df <- data.frame(X,Y,SIZEVAR)
plot <- nPlot(x = "X", y = "Y", size = "SIZEVAR", data = df, type = "scatterChart")
plot$xAxis(axisLabel = 'X')
VehiculeFunction(data.vehicule, gamme = "M1", "GMF.24", "Cout.24")
gvisBubbleChart(data, idvar = "", xvar = "", yvar = "",
colorvar = "", sizevar = "",
options = list(), chartid)
## Set color and size
bubble2 <- gvisBubbleChart(Fruits, idvar="Fruit", xvar="Sales", yvar="Expenses",
colorvar="Location", sizevar="Profit",
options=list(hAxis='{minValue:75, maxValue:125}'))
SEE http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/googleVis/docs/gvisBubbleChart

rChart in a function

I need help about this function, i try it with plot (R) and googleVis, it works perfectly; now i want to use rChart but when i launch the functions it returned me a simple grid with no points on it.
VehiculeFunction <- function(data, gamme, absciss, ordinate){
# Aim: Permet de visualiserles données sous la forme de nuages de points
# croisant GMF*Coût, Ratio K * Ratio Coût ou bien GMF*Ratio en
# choisissant la gamme qu'on désire
# Input: data.frame avec notamment GAMME, PROJET, PERIMETRE, NITG, GMF.24,
# Cout.24 et libele
# Output: Graphique avec le croisement choisi ainsi que le libellé étiquetté
# sur le point qu'on voudra identifier
if(absciss == "GMF.24"){
my.data <- data[data$RANG_NITG_PROJET_K %in% c(1, 2, 3),]
} else if(absciss == "Ratio.K") {
my.data <- data[data$RANG_NITG_PROJET_C %in% c(1, 2, 3),]
my.data2 <- my.data[my.data$GAMME == gamme,]
X <- my.data2[[absciss]]
Y <- my.data2[[ordinate]]
plot <- nPlot(Y ~ X, data = data, type = 'scatterChart')
VehiculeFunction(data.vehicule2, gamme = "M1", "GMF.24", "Cout.24")
data.vehicule2 is a dataframe.
Thank you.
In the dataframe, i have 18 variables and 36 000. This code works perfectly, but my problem is the plot appearance.
VehiculeFunction <- function(data, gamme, absciss, ordinate){
# Aim: Permet de visualiser les données sous la forme de nuages de points
# croisant GMF*Coût, Ratio K * Ratio Coût ou bien GMF*Ratio en
# choisissant la gamme qu'on désire
# Input: data.frame avec notamment GAMME, PROJET, PERIMETRE, NITG, GMF.24,
# Cout.24 et libele
# Output: Graphique avec le croisement choisi ainsi que le libellé étiquetté
# sur le point qu'on voudra identifier
if(absciss == "GMF.24"){
my.data <- data[data$RANG_NITG_PROJET_K %in% c(1, 2, 3),]
} else if(absciss == "Ratio.K") {
my.data <- data[data$RANG_NITG_PROJET_C %in% c(1, 2, 3),]
my.data2 <- my.data[my.data$GAMME == gamme,]
X <- my.data2[[absciss]]
Y <- my.data2[[ordinate]]
SIZEVAR <- my.data2$Ratio.K
df <- data.frame(X,Y,SIZEVAR)
plot <- nPlot(x = "X", y = "Y", size = "SIZEVAR", data = df, type = "scatterChart")
VehiculeFunction(data.vehicule, gamme = "M1", "GMF.24", "Cout.24")
Could i add a size variable because on the plot nothing appears, how could i have my variable "GMF.24" and "Cout.24" on the axis ? and the last question, is it possible to add label when i place the mouse above a point ?
Thank you in advance.
