Google Analytics segment to exclude source not working, though reverse does - google-analytics

Trying to create a simple segment to excludes a referral source retrospectively (a spam site called from all analytics views.
I can:
…set Traffic Sources > Source > contains / starts with / exactly matches, and it will correctly show ONLY the spam/fake accesses (the percentage of users and sessions on the right is refreshed in real time).
I can't:
…do it the other way around, i.e. use does not contain / does not exactly match / is not one of.
The total stays stuck on 100% of sessions.
Am I missing something obvious?
I note this answer which has no input other than from the original questioner, suggesting Google say it's "not possible" to exclude existing requests - surely it is? Isn't that the whole point of segments? How are you supposed to filter out spam otherwise?
(I'm aware analytics filters isn't retrospective.)

You are talking about segments but the link you entered refers to filters.
Anyway, retroactively you can apply a segment to see the data without the spam one, you can use an advanced segment, choose conditions and exclude sessions that contain for example browser size equal to (not set).


Google Analytics - Language (not set) &

I currently manage quite a few Google Analytics accounts for different websites and am trying to work out how to remove certain Anayltics spam from these accounts. I have previously added filters like excluding Russia visitors as the businesses are local UK based but I am now getting a lot of traffic from:
Language - not set
Page -
If i was to exlucde the above would that get rid of any actual visitors as well as spam or will it get rid of 100% spam?
If someone could help with this that would be brilliant.
Many Thanks
Filters based on countries or the name of the spam are not efficient because both can be easily changed by the spammers.
Also, it isn't possible to filter the (not set) entries in Analytics, this label is added after the visit is recorded when Analytics doesn't find a value for that dimension.
Instead what you should use
One hostname filter, this will help prevent the majority of the spam, whether it shows as referral, page, language, etc. and independently of the name used by the spammer.
A source filter for the sneaky crawlers which are far less frequent.
Here you will find detailed instructions on how to create the hostname filter and other measures you can take to prevent fake traffic.

Google Analytics goal/segmenting set up to track traffic from a single website/URL?

How can I set up Google Analytics goal to track traffic from a single website and track whether the user ends up on specific pages (as in, track how they move through the funnel/website) as well if they convert to a subscriber (I can put that tracking code on a signup / thank you page).
But I am concerned about traffic only from a single domain, as a specific and unique measuring statistic, in addition to overall traffic tracking, obviously.
I can't figure it out for the life of me....
The filtering would not be a goal setting. Set up, either:
A custom segment that filters users based on the referrer / hostname / whatever you need. It sounds like you are looking to filter on the referrer or referrerPath. Then set up the goal and when you report, change the segment
Or set up a separate view that filters for traffic based on the criteria above. That view can then have the goal, inclusive funnels, set up.
Both methods have drawbacks, the second method is cleaner if that goal is something you plan on reporting on for the foreseeable future.

Can I filter a Google Analytics segment based on content grouping pageview count?

I want to create a Google Analytics segment for our users who view at least a certain number of pages on our site. From what I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong) this is easy to do if you don't care about what kind of page they view: you create a filter for the segment that checks to see if Unique Pageviews is greater than some value such as 4. However our site has a whole bunch of pages that I don't really care if someone reads (our "about page" for example). So what I'm trying to do is create a segment of how many people view at least X pages of what we call "Learning Content" (basically two specific page types on our site). How can I segment the users who read a certain amount of learning content?
Two types of pages fit into our definition of learning content. The first one has a URL matching a regex that sort of looks like /learning_content_1/.* and the second matches regex /learning_content_2/.*. I've already created a content group for learning content that correctly identifies these two content groups. However I wasn't able to find any way to filter a segment based on how many unique pageviews (or even just pageviews) come from a specific content grouping. Is this even possible? If not, how might I work around that?
The research I've done so far: Google Analytics: How to segment by many groups of pages was somewhat helpful but didn't address the question of how to create an actual GA segment based on pageview information for a content grouping or content group.
The only way I can think of handling this, is by associating a specific custom event that gets triggered on this page. Then you can create a segment that matches users who have that event category:
and total events greater than 4:
It's a workaround, and it doesn't work if you are tracking other events, but maybe that works for you?

Cross domain tracking - Report per domain?

I am implementing cross domain tracking for a client. We will be using Universal Analytics with Google Tag Manager.
Let's say the client has three domains:, and We would like to have a master account that tracks everything, but we would also like to be able to drill down and see a single domains stats. Perhaps this already exists without any customization but I have been unable to find anything on how though.
What I can see there are two ways to go about:
Create a filter that automatically appends the domain to the tracked data. So instead of /about in my view, I would get and But how would this work with event tracking? Is it possible to get a report the way the client want's?
Use custom variables and dimensions. This way I could set up a variable for Domain and send in before tracking the data. But will it be sufficient to get the reports wanted?
Appreciate any help.
Thank you,
Hostname ist already tracked, you can set it as second dimension to break down pageviews etc. by domain (works with events, too). However that is really cumbersome and most people follow the route you have outlined in Point 1. (Google suggest that themselves in their filter documentation) - however you'd still need hostname set as second dimension to break down by domain in the events report (or you create custom reports filtered by hostname for events for each domain).
Or you create segments based on hostname (since you can compare up to for segments that would allow you to compare the overall performance and domain performance).
Plus of course you can create additional views filtered by hostname and add the domain name only in the rollup-profile for all domains.
So there are several ways to do this somehow okay-ish, but nothing really better than the solutions you already came up with yourself.

How to combine/gather "medium"s in Google Analytics?

I'm struggling with GA and how to combine two mediums.
More specifically, I have traffic from two versions of the same newsletter appearing in GA:
10122013_This-Is-My-Newsletter-Title. / newsletter_ubivox
10122013_This-Is-My-Newsletter-Title. / (newsletter_ubivox)
Obviously, this is not desirable. How can i setup a filter (maybe with regex) to combine these two versions into one?
Hopefully, this makes sense!
Past data is locked down so you can't touch that.
Instead of going into the regex world, could you not edit the tags so the campaign name and medium match? As soon as they match they will start to show as combined in GA.
Easier than filters and new code.
To further expand my answer, you can use an advanced Search and Replace filter to do what you want -
I'd set up a test profile first though to make sure that this works as expected.
