Ada for I2C on the BBC Micro:Bit with the MCP23017 - ada

I am trying to set up a very simple example using the ada I2C library with the MCP23017 IO expander on the micro:bit (V1.5) but I can't figure it out. For now, all I want to do is turn on an LED that is connected to a GPIOA pin. I have it working in python with the following:
from microbit import i2c
while True:
# set pins to output
# 0x20 is the address of the MCP23017
# the first 0x00 is the IODIRA address for setting pin direction (input/output)
# the second 0x00 sets all the pins to be outputs
i2c.write(0x20, bytes([0x00, 0x00]))
# set outputs to true to turn on led
# 0x14 is the OLATA address for outputs
# 0xFF sets all outputs to true
i2c.write(0x20, bytes([0x14, 0xFF]))
and here is my attempt in ada:
with MicroBit.Display; use MicroBit.Display;
with MicroBit.I2C;
with HAL.I2C; use HAL.I2C;
procedure Main is
I2C_Controller : constant HAL.I2C.Any_I2C_Port := MicroBit.I2C.Controller;
I2C_Slave_Address : constant HAL.I2C.I2C_Address := 32;
Pins_Out : constant I2C_Data (0 .. 1) := (0, 0);
Outputs_On : constant I2C_Data (0 .. 1) := (20, 255);
Status : HAL.I2C.I2C_Status;
Display ('I');
I2C_Controller.Master_Transmit (Addr => I2C_Slave_Address,
Data => Pins_Out,
Status => Status);
I2C_Controller.Master_Transmit (Addr => I2C_Slave_Address,
Data => Outputs_On,
Status => Status);
end loop;
end Main;
I tried to translate the inputs from hex in the python example to the decimal that the ada library needs. So 0x20 in the python corresponds to 32 decimal for the ada. Similarly, 0x00 -> 0, 0x14 -> 20 and 0xFF -> 255. I must be missing something because this isn't working. I display the 'I' to make sure that it flashes successfully, but nothing happens other than that. Any help would be greatly appreciated,

I had an MCP23017 in 2012; can’t find it, so hard to help other than by suggesting lines of approach.
Have you tied the three settable address lines in the datasheet Fig 3.6 (pins 15, 16, 17 in the diagram on the first page) to ground?
You don’t check that the returned Status from the Master_Transmit calls is HAL.I2C.Ok.
Looking at line 135 of nrf-twi.adb
This.Periph.ADDRESS.ADDRESS := UInt7 (Addr / 2);
and comparing it to Fig 3.6 again, I strongly suspect that the chip address you pass to the Ada Drivers Library should be 16#40#. There’s controversy as to whether the address you specify to your support library is bits 1..7 or 0..6, i.e. whether the library expects to divide or multiply it by 2 before sending to the hardware. To confuse the picture further, Table 272 in the nRF51 RM suggests that only the 7 bits of the address are written to the ADDRESS register, with the read/write bit sent after the address bits by the nRF51 hardware; while for the STM32 range, it’s up to our software to put the address bits in the right place (bits 1 .. 7), and the library software twiddles the read/write bit (0).
Guessing here, but it looks as though the Python library writes the value you give it straight into the ADDRESS register.
See this Ada Drivers Library issue.


Correct data for 0x29AD BLE Weight Measurement? Currently seeing no value

Working with Arduino ESP32.
I managed to implement Environment temp + humidity using the specified BLE spec service and characteristic UUID's. I got lucky as I could see that the values were presenting wrong and could figure out what inputs were needed for correct outputs.
Now working with weight I am getting no value displaying for my weight measurement characteristic. I have the weight scale service (0x181D), Scale Feature (0x2A9E) and Weight Measurement (0x2A9D). I can send 0000 or 1111 to 2A9E to get a a formatted display of what the scale features are. Cool! I saw elsewhere on stack that having this characteristic set was required for the weight measurement to show.
I'm using 0000 as I don't need the timestamp or multi user. I've also read both datasheets (WSS_V1.0.0 & WSP_V1.0.0) for the characteristics I'm using and am still stuck. (WSS_V1.0.0 & WSP_V1.0.0)
WSS states the first byte sets the flags and the following bytes are for the weight. I've tried using
0000101010101010 == {0x0A, 0xAA} == 0000(flags) 1010(weight) ...
Which fits the format of 4 flag bytes followed by weight, followed by optionals.
still no luck. Online resources are limited, I've tried reading the docs and no examples are given.
Any help would be much appreciated and would assist in other looking for a similar answer
There's an example that has working code for those who stumble into this thread later down the line.
A weight measurement has it's first byte dedicated to flags
* Set the flags:
* bit 0 = 0 means we're reporting in SI units (kg and meters)
* bit 1 = 0 means there is no time stamp in our report
* bit 2 = 0 means User ID is NOT in our report
* bit 3 = 0 means no BMI and Height are in our report
* bits 4..7 are reserved, and set to zero.
flags |= 0x0 << 0;
flags |= 0x0 << 1;
flags |= 0x0 << 2;
flags |= 0x0 << 3;
and the following two bytes contain the weight in big Endian.
bytes[0] = flags;
// BLE GATT multi-byte values are encoded Least-Significant Byte first.
bytes[1] = (unsigned char) newVal;
bytes[2] = (unsigned char) (newVal >> 8);
chrScaleValue->setValue(bytes, sizeof(bytes));

I noticed something in the optiboot bootloader hex file for Arduino. Why so?

When I look at the bootloader hex file, the starting address from the word type of the program is 7E00 according to intel-hex format. This is the 3F00. The interesting part starts right now. According to the Atmega328p datasheet, the BOOTS1 and BOOTS2 registers must be set for this to start from 3F00. But when I look at the Arduino Uno fuse settings,
lfuse = 0xff
hfuse = 0xde
efuse = 0x05
is defined as such. In this case . The BOOTS1 and BOOTS2 parameters in the High fuse settings parameter are set as not set.
Is there something I'm missing?
Here is the optibootbootloader.hex file
You are correct that this high fuse byte of the Arduino Uno is 0xDE; I confirmed that by checking boards.txt.
That means that BOOTSZ is set to 11, which means the bootloader size is 256 words and starts at word 0x3F00 (byte address 0x7E00), as documented in the ATmega328P datasheet (Table 26-7). There is no contradiction.


I've wrote my very first MSP-EXP430F5529LP LED on/off program.
and I wanted to analyze my program. but I had problem at my first step.
I extracted my LED program from board and I've got unclear data. (3)
that's my first question. what is that file format? I mean I want to know file format for my memory dump file. (3)
my second question is that why CCS 6 doesn't indicate memory address properly?
I know that MSP430 is 16 bit MCU. so every memory address should be 16 bit-width. but my assembly code(2) which is copied from CCS6 Disassembly View show me address just like 01XXXX format.
relative data dereference and execution flow branches work well. but why CSS6 make me confused? I mean I want to know that why CCS6 display memory addresse 24 bit-width??
anyone who know where is TI document which explain what I want to know, please let me know. please just don't mention MSP430xxxx User's Guide.
sorry for my english :(
1.c code
#include <msp430f5529.h>
volatile unsigned int i;
void main(void) {
P1DIR |= 0x01;
P1OUT ^= 0x01;
for(i = 20000;i > 0; i--);
2.assembly code
0100c2: 40B2 5A80 015C MOV.W #0x5a80,&Watchdog_Timer_WDTCTL
0100c8: D3D2 0204 BIS.B #1,&Port_A_PADIR
0100cc: E3D2 0202 XOR.B #1,&Port_A_PAOUT
0100d0: 40B2 4E20 2400 MOV.W #0x4e20,&i
0100d6: 3C02 JMP (0x00dc)
0100d8: 8392 2400 DEC.W &i
0100dc: 9382 2400 TST.W &i
0100e0: 27F5 JEQ (0x00cc)
0100e2: 3FFA JMP (0x00d8)
0100e4: 4303 NOP
0100e6: D032 0010 BIS.W #0x0010,SR
0100ea: 3FFD JMP (0x00e6)
0100ec: 431C MOV.W #1,R12
0100ee: 0110 RETA
0100f0: 4303 NOP
0100f2: 3FFF JMP (0x00f2)
3.memory dump (MAIN)
If one reads the User Guide (which is why they exist) then one is informed that the Program Counter is 20-bit. So, now you know why you see an address in the 20-bit range.
Link to the MSP430 User Guide:
The 20-bit PC (PC/R0) points to the next instruction to be executed.
Each instruction uses an even number of bytes (2, 4, 6, or 8 bytes),
and the PC is incremented accordingly. Instruction accesses are
performed on word boundaries, and the PC is aligned to even addresses.
Figure 6-3 shows the PC.
The above is an excerpt from the User Guide. I cannot emphasis this enough - but you really need to read the User Guide. Not doing so and attempting to program microcontrollers is perlious to your mental health.
The memory dump seems to be in the Intel hex file format

MSP540F5438A Clock Bringup

I'm new to the MSP430 and I am trying to better understand the clock bring-up process. For my current purpose I'm going to take PMMCOREV out of the equation by using a 4 MHz MCLK which is within the 0-8 MHz range for PMMCOREV = 0.
Will someone knowledgable about these parts please check my logic and assumptions:
When the part boots XT1 is selected as the FLL reference and DCOCLKDIV is selected as the MCLK input. DIVM is 0 so the MCLK source is not divided.
When the system boots the crystal is not yet stable so I'm assuming the UCS moves in to fail-safe mode and uses REFO (internal trimmed 32K) as the FLL reference.
Already I'm a bit confused. If the divided DCO is used for MCLK how are we assured that the FLL is stable? So how is the core functioning at all?
It seems to me that MCLK should be either VLO or REFO until you can bring things up gracefully.
Can someone clarify these details and steer me in the right direction to properly initialize these clocks?
Per your comment, yes.
At startup DCO will be the clock - so you just need to modify the UCSCTL registers and wait for the oscillators to settle and you are good to go.
Here are the steps in general:
Change the vcore level in steps (if necessary - in your case its not)
Enable XT1
Configure the drive strength
Select your clock sources for MCLK, SMCLK, and ACLK and do any source division that you need to do
Allow XT1, XT2 and DCO to stablize by checking for fault flags.
Your external crystal is 4Mhz - Are you wanting to use it as MCLK directly? Or is your angle to use it as a reference to the FLL for DCO, and use DCO for MCLK (to achieve a higher MCLK frequency)? The core volatage that you will need depends on whatever your MCLK frequency is, not your external crystal's frequency. So if you are wanting to use a MCLK rate of higher than 8Mhz you will need to consider stepping up PMMCOREV to 01.
For convenience, here is a reference for UCS registers from SLAU208M.
Based on your OP, I think you should do the following if you want to use XT1 are your MCLK:
//1) Enable XT1 - XT1 will be off by default. You may not need to explicitly
// perform this step. According to pg. 162 in SLAU208M, XT1 will be
// enabled when you select it as the source for one of the clocks. But I
// like being explicit!
UCSCTL6 &= ~XT1OFF //XT1OFF= 0x0001u
//2) Clear the XT1DRIVE bits - it may not be necessary to clear these bits
// explicitly, but XT1's drive strength can be reduced to 0 w/ a 4MHz
// crystal. By default, this will be b11, full scale, which will consume
// more power, but result in a quicker settling time.
UCSCTL6 &= ~XT1DRIVE0; //XT1DRIVE0 = 0x0040u
UCSCTL6 &= ~XT1DRIVE1; //XT1DRIVE1 = 0x0080u
//3) Select XT1 as the clock source for XT1. UCSCTL4 defaults to 0x44 at
// power on - DCOCLKDIV (b100). SELM_XT1CLK = b000.
UCSCTL4 &= SELM__XT1CLK; //SELM__XT1CLK = 0x0000u
//4) Wait for XT1 to stabilize
//Explicitly clear the XT1 low and high frequency fault flasg, XT2 fault flag,
//and DCO fault flag. 0X0008u, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0001 respectively.
//Clear the oscillator fault interrupt flag in the special function interrupt
//flags register.
SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; //0X0002U
} while (SFRIFG1&OFIFG); //Test to see if any oscillator fault flags are asserted.
I am using IAR systems, not sure if you are using CCS if those definitions will be named differently. I went ahead and typed out the hex for each of the operands.
On the msp4305438A you do not have to do anything with bypass.
Does that answer your question?
Also, in your OP you mention wanting to use XT1 as a reference for an FLL. That is accomplished using UCSCTL3. SELFREF is the field you want to set to b000 to use XT1,
Here's the definitions for the MSP4305438A header in IAR:
#define SELREF0 (0x0010u) /* FLL Reference Clock Select Bit : 0 */
#define SELREF1 (0x0020u) /* FLL Reference Clock Select Bit : 1 */
#define SELREF2 (0x0040u) /* FLL Reference Clock Select Bit : 2 */

How to measure the amount of memory or RAM consumed by a code on Arduino Mega or Due

Can anybody tell me how to measure the consumed RAM for a particular code running on Arduino Mega or Due.
There is two kinds of numbers to this question:
Global static usage and current run time.
The static estimated usage can be determined by adding the following line to (if it does not already exist)
This then allows the compiler to output the additional 2nd line in the following example in the IDE's result window
Binary sketch size: 25,880 bytes (of a 32,256 byte maximum)
Estimated used SRAM memory: 990 bytes (of a 2048 byte maximum)
To see the amount of memory used at any given point. Including memory space currently in use, that exists while only in functions and members. This includes the HEAP and such. I use the following MemoryFree library at specific points in the code to reveal the high-water. The readme explains how to save unnecessarily/unintentionally used RAM by prints.
Note: That while the original Arduino IDE 1.0.5's boards.txt files does contain these ram_sizes, it does not actually use display usage. Where the original Arduino IDE 1.5.5 does, along with Arduino ERW 1.0.5 does (an non-supported fork).
In my Arduino IDE 2.1.0
I edit the file: /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/boards.txt
but the second line don't appear
After read:
I tried:
Show vervose output during compilation
and use avr-size /tmp/build4042914391435450796.tmp/XXXXXXX.cpp.elf
then i get my memory used
Best Regards!
int freeRam () {
extern int __heap_start, *__brkval;
int v;
int fr = (int) &v - (__brkval == 0 ? (int) &__heap_start : (int) __brkval);
Serial.print("Free ram: ");
