Vulnerable to Intent Redirection - android-security

I have recently published my Android App to the Playstore and I have received the below email from Google Play console.
We reviewed your App and found that your app uses software that contains security vulnerabilities for users. Apps with these vulnerabilities can expose user information or damage a user’s device, and may be considered to be in violation of our Malicious Behavior policy.
Your app(s) are vulnerable to Intent Redirection.
I am using the SMS Retriever API in my App for Reading the SMS- I have used one time consent to read the SMS using below link.
I have also added the exported="false" to the particular Activity in AndroidManifest. still the issue is not resolved.
If anyone has solution for this please let me know, Your help will be highly appeciated.


Firebase Accounts: potential service attack?

Could someone please explain to me why a bad actor could not create the following disruption for potential new users to my app?
The bad actor:
Obtains a list of emails from the dark web or some other nefarious source.
Acquires my Firebase keys by inspecting my app javascript -- yes my app is minified, but it would still be possible.
inserts malicious javascript code into my app sources on their local browser. The malicious code uses the Firebase sdk and my app keys to create accounts for each email address.
While there is no possibility that the bad actor could gain access to validated accounts;
nevertheless, creating these accounts would generate unsolicited email verification requests to the owners of the emails and it would also interfere with a smooth account-creation experience for those users when they actually do want to signup.
Am I missing something here?
firebaser here
As Dharmaraj also commented: the Firebase configuration that you include in your app is used to identity the project that the code should connect to, and is not any kind of security mechanism on its own. Read more on this in Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?
You already in your question noted that creating a flurry of accounts doesn't put user data at risk, which is indeed also correct. Creating an account in your project does not grant the user any access to other user accounts or data in your project yet. If you use one of Firebase's backend services, you should make sure that your security rules for that service don't do this either.
The final piece of the puzzle is that Firebase has many (intentionally undocumented or under-documented) safe guards in place against abuse, such as various types of rate limits and quotas.
Oh, and I'd recommend using the local emulators for most of your testing, as that'll be faster, doesn't risk accidentally racking up charges due to a quick coding mistake, and (most relevant here) doesn't have the rate limits in place that are affecting your e2e test.

firebase Auth / login Vulnerabilities?

Context: I just got an email which I believe is spam from saying my auth users accounts can be stolen and asked if there are security bounties. I use firebase auth, and it should be easy to see that checking client side JS code. Although I think it's spam, it leads me to ask:
Are there any known security vulnerabilities or ideal security related settings for firebase auth? Perhaps an article or documentation beyond or ?
PS: This is an auth-only question, but yes my Real-time DB restricts read access to the signed in user and doesn't allow write access. No other settings have been changed beyond this. My site uses SSL of course.
I know google limits individual IPs from making a bunch of failed login attempts and will block you temporarily.
I regularly get these types of emails (spam!) indicating that they have already found security flaws, or that they will, for a "finders fee". It is a marketing campaign trying to drum up sales activity.
Firebase Authentication has been designed and is in use by millions of apps. Hundreds of millions (or billions??) of accounts live in Firebase Auth. If there are vulnerabilities with the service, we will learn of it rapidly.
There is the potential that your particular use of Firebase Auth does not follow secure practices. For example, if you have your API keys checked into a publicly available code repository.
However if you follow the (fairly straightforward) "getting started" and recommendations docs from the Firebase team, odds are that your app is just fine.

Firebase authentication vulnerability. Unknown users in firebase

So I have an app where I have enabled google authentication in my firebase project. 25 people I know were authenticated. When I logged in the backend I saw atleast some 80 entries with some weird sounding email addresses which should not be there. I had to delete all the entries manually, known and unknown ones (didn't needed any after sucessful testing). Now that I want to go live, I am really concerned as to how unknown entires entered my firebase authentication records?
This has recently happened 'again' to another new app/project of mine. This time I disabled that unknown email address and took a screenshot (attached).
I really really need to know and understand how safe is data on firestore. If someone can manage to 'hack' the Authentication part and add thir email to Authenticated list of users they may also be able to penetrate the database somehow in future. Please help me in understanding what is happening?
While researching on this, I could only find this similar question but the answer was just not enough explanation for me.
Unknown user in my firebase user authentication (Flutter/firebase)
firebaser here
Since the configuration data for your project is embedded in the application that you send to your users, any user can take that configuration data and then start calling the API with it. This is not a security risk, as long as you secure access to the data within your project correctly for your requirements.
See Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?
What it means to correctly secure access to your data is hard to answer, as it depends completely on your use-case.
For example: the content-owner only access security rules allow a user to enter data in the database, and then they can access the data they entered. With these rules there's no risk if anyone uses the API (and not your app) to do the same. The security rules will ensure they only can access data they're authorized for, no matter what the source is the API calls is.
It may be related to the pre-launch report.
Step 1: Provide test account credentials if your app has a sign-in screen
If your app has a sign-in screen and you want the crawler to test the sign-in process or the content behind it, you need to provide account credentials. Note: You do not need to provide credentials if your app supports 'Sign in with Google', which enables the crawler to log in automatically.
So I guess it is safe.
The user is the apple testing when your application is in the process of validation from apple before deploy to TestFlight .

Adding account linking to my Actions on Google app

I created a Actions on Google app with the Actions SDK. For this i used as said before the Actions SDK, firebase function for the fulfillment and firestore for storing data. All works fine.
Now i want to implement account linking to provide user specific information. I start to read the full documentation for account linking with the refers to integrate a Oauth 2.0 Server and soon. That is my first time i working with account linking and Oauth servers and now i'm totally confused. I don't understand where my auth server have to sit, how to setup it and what parameters it have to process. After reading more and searching for results i found that firebase provide Account authentication. Is it right that this firebase product is similar a Oauth server?
My next big problem is how to enabling account linking in my Actions app. In the Actions on Google documentation i found a topic how to expand the Action Package for account linking. My problem is to unterstand which information the probiertes need.
So summary, if the firebase authentication is really a Oauth server what i need to do that my app and firebase authentication works together.
Maybe everyone knows a good website for understanding the process of account linking and how it can be implemented.
After getting the first answer for my question i started studying more about account linking and the authentication process.
After this i created following roadmap:
Create an website with a google account sing-in form and host it with firebase hosting
Set up the Oauth2 server
Interact with the linked account. Save account informations in my firestore database
So i started with step one. In the firebase authentication documentation i find a example for a google login form. After modifying and hosting the example i try it. It works fine. After sing in by using the hosted website, my google account linked with my project. I checked this in my google account settings. Also the example response with a lots of data like the profile name, email address and so on. So my question at this point is. Why do i have to set up a OAuth server now? After sign in with the example form i linked my account to my project successful. And so i can start saving the received data in my firebase database and act with them in my Actions app.
Okay . Maybey i have a general problem of understanding the right use of account linking. I try to identify the user who use my action to offer special content when he comes back next time. Or maybe create a question with his name from his google account inside the question. So in my understanding i have to link the users google account with my action and save the account information in a database to identify the use next time. So is account linking for this task the right way?
No, Firebase Authentication is not an OAuth2 server.
Firebase Authentication provides a way for you to manage user accounts for your Firebase-based web or mobile app. With the Auth UI it gives a way for users to log into that account using a variety of means (including their Google account, Facebook account, or phone number). It does not, however, provide components that an OAuth2 server provides.
Most notably, it does not provide any way for a user to log in through another client (like the Google Assistant) to gain authorization for that client. You cannot, with Firebase Authentication, issue a token to the Assistant, nor accept a token from the Assistant and verify if this is a user inside Firebase Authentication.
You need to build these components yourself. Google describes the minimum tasks that it needs to do as part of this authentication. You can use Firebase Authentication as part of this as you build such a server (for example, it is a great way to have people log in to their account and for you to verify that account), and it is reasonable to use a Firebase Database to store user tokens if you go that route, Firebase Functions might be a useful place to implement the token exchange point, and Firebase Hosting would be good to host the login page itself - but you'd need to write code that "puts it all together".
Your auth server can sit anywhere. As I said - you can do it through Firebase Functions, but you don't have it. It just needs to be able to provide some responses through web URLs at HTTPS endpoints.
Once you have done this, you need to configure the endpoints on the actions console and implement a request for account linking in your code or in the action package.
Response to Update 1
After sing in by using the hosted website, my google account linked with my project. I checked this in my google account settings.
From an OAuth perspective - no, the Google Account is not "linked" to your project.
Google has issued a token to you (that is to say, the service that you've written) that gives your service access to certain resources. Those resources include information about a particular user.
This may sound like I'm splitting semantics, but it isn't. It is fundamental to what OAuth is offering and what it means when you get an issue a token. You currently have authorization to do certain things.
Why do i have to set up a OAuth server now? After sign in with the example form i linked my account to my project successful. And so i can start saving the received data in my firebase database and act with them in my Actions app.
You haven't linked your account. You have permission to do certain things.
Furthermore, aside from "that's how they do it", you need to setup an OAuth server because you now need to do the same thing for Google - give them permission to do specific things on your server (like use it). Normally this would be involved with "logging in".
Account Linking is really a fancy term for "logging in". You need a way for users to be able to log into your server. You have an access token, but that is roughly the equivalent of having logged into Google's server.
So why do so many websites, for example, have things like "Log In using Google" or "Log In using Facebook"? Because those sites are willing to trust that if their servers can get permitted to certain information at Google or Facebook, then they can trust you. And you might be willing to accept that when they login to your site (either through the web or through Actions), but the Assistant can't assume that. They need to make sure users actually log into your site - that user's deliberately want to do so and that you deliberately want to let them in.

Access to connections denied

Anyone is having problems retrieving Likendin connections with new apps?
With old apps my hybridauth app is retrieving connections just fine. While with new apps (I created 3 different apps) I keep getting Access to connections denied
When authenticating I got the correct scopes on likedin login screen(r_basic_profile, r_network, w_messages, r_emailaddresses)
Im using free plugin which uses hybridauth
This is a recent problem with the linked. They have stopped providing member connection in their recent API change. Now you have to obtain a partner certificate in order to access member connection information. Even my production application has stopped this functionality to work. We might be removing linked from our application as it is of no use now with so much of restrictions.
Linkedin api changed recently, that's the reason scopes are not longer working
The get connections API in linked in has been deprecated follow this link to get the API' that are allowed as part of developers program right now.
