Should the 2sxc app need to be fully translated into the target language? - 2sxc

I've created basic 2sxc app and now trying to translate it into russian.
I've started with translating labels for entity properties and translated all of them (and only them), leaving all other stuff like placeholders in the default "auto" state.
But then I try to open entity edit form, it displays the following message: "We have switched language to default en-us because it's missing some or all values". And displays all labels in english - as it says.
Is this an expected behavior? Maybe I miss some setting which affect it?
2sxc version is 11.4.0.
DNN version is 9.8.0.
Language pack for russian language for DNN is installed and working (though not 100% complete).
DNN UI language switching for other components are working as expected.
Both en-us and ru-ru languages are enabled in App Management/Languages.
2sxc extension itself is not translated into russian, AFAIK.

You probably started with a website where the initial content was added without a language specified. Because of this, the data has no language assigned - so when the form opens it has (default) content but doesn't have it saved in a way with a language assigned.
It should then just auto-assign the first language, but that has a bug which we haven't found time to fix yet. So for now, make sure you save the item once and then you should be able to edit additional languages for that item.


Change fullscreen message language

I have two problems with my javafx application if I switch to fullscreen.
1) My application is completly written in english, and a language apart from english should never be supported. The FULLSCREEN-Message is displayed in german (my OS language). Can I change the language of this message for all Plattforms, no matter what language the user has?
2) The font-size is a way too big, can I change it via CSS? What css class selects this text?
Here is a screenshot to visualize my problem(s).
Thank you for reading =)
I don't think the message can be styled or disabled in JavaFX 2.2, see here.
For the language, use Locale.setDefault(...), if it does not interfere with other aspects of the application. If the langauage you set is supported, it will work (works for me on Windows 7 - Java 7 - JavaFX 2.2).
And to nag a bit: If I set Locale to GERMAN it does indeed display outside the box, just like your picture >:(

ASP.NET dynamic localization for English and one more language

I'm creating a website template where the owner of the site will be able to choose a native language other than English and localize some content by themselves. Let me explain it better with the real situation right now: My site will have English and Turkish (my native language is Turkish, but THIS should be changeable and applied to any non-English language) versions of the main content titles, such as BLOG, PROJECTS, ABOUT, CONTACT etc, but number and name of these are completely dependent to the choice of the user, so I could open a new section named MySection, and it's title and it's native translation to Turkish will be stored in my DB (using EF). Also in my settings at the DB, the native language's code (in this case "tr") is stored. What is the most modular/organized way of sending the webpage content according to browser, just like this:
In DB, sections are organized this way (titles and their Turkish translations) (all these will be at arbitrary number and completely user created):
Title NativeTitle
Also I have my native language setting (that I've created) setting as tr (which is up to the site owner and can be changed too). So, depending on the user's browsers preferred language setting, I want to show the Turkish content, and for all the other language preferences, including (obviously) English, I want to show the default English content. Localization for a specific language of static content is pretty straightforward with RESX files, but in my situation, I neither have static content nor a specific known native language, so all my data comes from the DB. I want to code this as less as possible and as declarative as possible. What is the best practice of doing this? Is checking the setting of the native language and the Current Culture in a page and if they are equal sending the native else sending the default title the only way? It WILL definitely work, but what if I want to extend it to other parts of the site? I don't want if's and else's everywhere around the site, I need some kind of a centralized string mapping system. What's the best way?
You can override the InitializeCulture ( ) method in your base Page to dynamically load your localized content by checking the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture property ( )

Multilingual drupal website with views

I'm trying to make a multilingual website in Drupal. My languages that I need are german, dutch, english and french. I've added the i18n module and added the languages.
I work with views to show my content on the website. For the moment I have one page that I want to translate in the 4 languages. I've created a view for each translation. Now I want to link my view to the correct node. Therefore I use a view field in my content node.
My problem lies in the url. The first time everything is fine.
my url: localhost/?q=nl/activiteiten
Now when I select english in my language bar the language changes but not the url. my url: localhost/?q=en/activiteiten
Here "activiteiten" must be "activities". How do I solve this?
I've searched a while for this problem on the drupal forums but I can't seem to find a good solution to this problem. The only thing I've found is working with a view field in the content node or with input_views in the body of your node. These two won't work for me.
i18 module with no need to create a view for each
language, you have to translate content using the i18, then
charge between changing the language.
You can have problems from the beginning did not use the module
all languages ​​declared, you have to edit each
content and save it to associate it well.
Well, just reading your own answer I think you've taken a wrong turn somewhere (or you're trying to do something else and I didn't quite catch on).
To create multilingual views for pages (which is what I think you want to do) you would first create a page view (duh), specify what you want to be shown and define a path to it. Then you enable (if it's not enabled already) the URL-alias ("URL-aliassen") module and define aliases for each language (ie. FR : activites - I don't like accents in URLs :p - NL : activiteiten, DE : aktivitaten - if memory serves me right anyway, again with accents removed :p). These aliases will be used as the path from that moment on.
For an article describing this process refer to : Translating Views paths in Drupal.
BTW You could also use the Pathauto module to create these aliases based on the title of your nodes of course instead of defining them manually, you can even (re)create them in batch when you alter the settings.
Eventually I've solved my problem with a view field. I've made my view and in my node I've selected that view in the list. Then in the body you can type something for that language.

Language neutral content in Linguaplone 4.02 / Plone 4.0.4 is invisible

We have a Plone site that is primarily in English but has some content translated to French, and to a smaller degree had some pages originally in French and translated to English. In Plone 3, this has been working fine.
In Plone 4, a user whose language is set to "fr" can see virtually nothing - only those pages with a translation to French.
If we run ##language-setup-folders it gets worse - now anything that is defined as "language neutral" is invisible to English users too.
Surely, the intended behaviour is that a user whose language is set to English will see folders in "/Plone/en/...", and a French user will see "/Plone/fr/...", but if the page is not found it should fall back to /Plone. This is not happening.
Should it?
If so, under what conditions?
The language-neutral thing is a known bug, I believe. As to the fallback: as I understand it, the current behaviour is as follows: if you switch from en to fr and the current object does not have a fr translation the user is returned upwards towards the site root until there is a fr folder. (Or the root is reached.) No, I don't think that makes too much sense either, but at least a fr user will never see an en page. ;)
If you run ##language-setup-folders, you intitiate a setup that assumes that all content lives in the content-specific trees. The language folders are marked as INavigationRoot and will have the navtree and all anchored to the language folder.
You should basically assume each language to act as its own site with its own root.
— Except that translation management will keep "links" between translated versions of content and folders.
LinuaPlone only supports "full translations", that is, for every article there must be a translation. Very bad for many use cases where you only have one main language and only a subset of all articles actually needs to be translated... :(
You should have a look at (and its dependency These addons do what you want :)
You can still make items language neutral. And this way they can still appear in the site of the other language via a collection.
I think setting items to Language Neutral used to work via "manage translations", but now it still works via:
Edit > Categorization > language
Select language neutral

Drupal I18N - Default language of View elements

I am working on a bilingual site in the latest version of Drupal 6. I installed the Internationalization module and the Views translation module, among many others.
The problem: On /admin/build/translate/search, some elements (e.g. the view title) appear in the text group "Views" and Drupal assumes they are in German, requiring an English translation.
Other elements (e.g. exposed filter labels) appear in the text group "Built-in Interface" and Drupal assumes they are in English, requiring a German translation. But in fact all the strings are in German:
To be clear, I am not seeing an issue with the language selection or the display of the view. The issue is when the page is first parsed by the language system and any translatable strings are inserted into the translation table. Drupal assignes different source languages for elements on the same page. The result is a mix of languages, once these strings are translated.
I thought that maybe it is the language preference of the user who hits the page first that interferes with this, but once I started changing it, I ran into this issue (reading the thread was eye-opening - it should be mandatory reading for anyone considering Drupal for enterprise-class solutions). Ok, now I have the URL prefix in the mix, which means that when a user changes the language preference, the site language does not change until they manually change the URL.
Once I managed to get the page rendered in English, it turned out that Drupal does not pick up the translation strings when the display language equals the source language. So no luck there.
I am ready to code my view in 2 languages, depending on what Drupal thinks the source language is for the various elements, but even that won't work. Has anybody else experienced this?
I think that you probably had basic mistake in how Drupal multilingual system work. I did the same mistake in the first multilingual Drupal site that I've built.
The most important thing to do is - if one of your languages is English - Use English in your code. if you need to put the word 'room' in one of the template use t('room') and not t('zimmer'). Your view titles? use English. Tag names and description? use English. The primary language should be English. After you setup your English site, you can translate your site using translate interface. I know it sound strange to one that his mother tongue is other than English, but I made several multilangual sites with i18n and it is the right way to do it with minimal complications.
Changing the admin interface language only change the interface - not the value. If you change the interface to German (i.e it doesn't mean that you are on 'German views'. It is the same view.
There are some exceptions - Multilingual variable as I explained here: How can I set a different homepage per language in Drupal?
I hope that is helpful.
