Microsoft Graph API delta query for channelMessages never returns a deltaLink - microsoft-graph-teams

I'm trying to use delta query to get teams channel messages updates according this documentation: HERE
This is the request url:<teamId>/channels/<channelId>/messages/delta
However, calling the returned nextLinks one after another never returns a deltaLink. There're too many pages of results and it causes my app to be throttled before ever getting a deltaLink from it.
In other delta query endpoints, $top is supported to limit the number of results returned. Usually I'm able to get a deltaLink after calling the nextLinks once or twice. But $top doesn't seem to have an effect in the channel messages endpoint.
So I tried appending another queryString ?odata.maxpagesize=10 to the request instead, and it seemed to work a week ago. I was able to get the deltaLink after 2 pages. But it looks like Microsoft might have changed the API and this workaround no longer works.
I also tried adding Prefer: odata.maxpagesize=10 in my request header according to this documentation: HERE
But the nextLink this generates is too long and it gives me this error instead:
HTTP Error 414. The request URL is too long.
Has anyone been able to use this delta for channel messages? Or have I done something wrong?


How to list all parameters available to query via API?

As a end-point user of an API, how can I list all parameters available to pass the query? In my case (stats about Age of Empires 2 matches), the website describing the API has a list with some of them but it seems there are more available.
To provide more context, I'm extracting the following information:
but for some reason the last condition, map_type=12 does nothing (output is the same as without it). I'm after the list of parameters available, so I can extract what I want.
PD: this post is closely related but does not focus on API. Perhaps this makes a difference, as the second answer there seems to suggest.
It is not possible to find out all available (undocumented) query parameters for a query, unless the API explicitly provides such a method or you can find out how the API server processes the query.
For instance, if the API server code is open source, you could find out from the code how the query is processed. Provided that you find the code also.
The answers in the post you linked are similarly valid for an API site as well as for one that provides content for a web browser (a web server can be both).
Under the hood, there is not necessarily any difference between an API server or a server that provides web content (html) in terms of how queries are handled.
As for the parameters seemingly without an effect, it seems that the API in question does not validate the query parameters, i.e., you can put arbitrary parameters in the query and the server will simply ignore parameters that it is not specifically programmed to use.
The documentation on their website is all any of us have to go by
You can't just add your own parameters to the URL and expect it to return a value back as they have to have coded it to work that way.
Your best bet is to just extract as much data as you can by increasing the count parameter, then loop through the JSON response and extract the map_type from there.
JavaScript example:
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var obj = json[i];
//do something with game_type 12 json object

Google Calendar - SyncToken is missing in API response

I don't see nextSyncToken in the response. I followed the doc( and paginated using nextPageToken but I couldn't see the nextSyncToken on the last page.
API Used: GET /calendars/primary/events?maxResults=10&singleEvents=true&pageToken=********
I don't know whether if I miss anything here. Could anyone help me with this?
I have seen from the response link on the other answer comment that you are using orderBy on the request.
This is why the nextSyncToken is not showing up.
As mentioned on the documentation on Events: list -> Parameters -> syncToken:
Token obtained from the nextSyncToken field returned on the last page of results from the previous list request. It makes the result of this list request contain only entries that have changed since then. All events deleted since the previous list request will always be in the result set and it is not allowed to set showDeleted to False.
There are several query parameters that cannot be specified together with nextSyncToken to ensure consistency of the client state.
These are:
If the syncToken expires, the server will respond with a 410 GONE response code and the client should clear its storage and perform a full synchronization without any syncToken.
Learn more about incremental synchronization.
Optional. The default is to return all entries.
You should remove the orderBy from the request to get the syncToken
Could you please provide the response from gcalendar API? It's hard to say more without detail information. I event don't know which language are you using.
Try to use a vendor library to sort that out:
a) (for PHP)
b) (for JavaScript)
Try to use alternative endpoint: GET

Paw app query request

Hi I am attempting to initiate a query to my backend on Kinvey which is backed by a MongoDB. They require passing URL parameters as such:
I have tried every imaginable way of setting up these parameters in PAW but either get a success response with no filtering of the data or an error message of URL not supported when I try using a Raw Query String.
I have ran the query using their (Kinvey) backend API interface and it works fine in filtering the results so the problem definitely lies within PAW. I am currently using version 3.0.9. Any suggestions or is this just a bug that needs to be fixed?
I've just tried this setup in Paw and I have a few recommendations:
Paw will URL-encode the chars { and " as you can see if you open the HTTP preview in the bottom panel
Trying to send a similar query via Chrome (to test with another app to make sure Paw behaves correctly), I see that the query is URL encoded (try this query{"firstName":"James"} you'll see that the browser actually URL-encodes the characters { and " when sending. So the behavior is the same with Paw.
I don't think these two chars ({ and ") are valid HTTP if they are not URL-encoded, so I'm sure your server is expecting them encoded anyway
Testing this exact query in Paw, works for me, so please try these exact steps: go to URL Params, in the first column enter query and {"firstName":"James"} in the second column. Then using the HTTP preview mentioned above, make sure Paw is sending the request you're expecting.
Lastly, it's more like a tip, but as your value is JSON, I recommend that you use the JSON dynamic value to generate the JSON. It will be visually better for you, and will make sure you send valid JSON. For that, right click on the value field, and select Values > JSON. Here's some example:

Custom text for HTTP API status code

I am writing a new endpoint in my HTTP service that is built on the Play framework, and am returning a custom status code for a particular error (442 in this case). When I test the endpoint with cURL, I receive the error code as expected:
< HTTP/1.1 442 Client Error (442)
And the same with Postman REST Client:
What I would like to do is customize the "Client Error" text, such that the response would actually read something like:
442 Forced Password Reset
Is this possible, or is it in the spec somewhere that any custom status codes of the 4xx class are to be interpreted by all clients simply as "Client Error"?
(I have been looking through the relevant Play documentation on Statuses but don't see any option to customize the text—only the status code integer itself.)
Looking through the source code it didn't take me long to find the following:
Play just stores the status code in the RepsonseHeader, not the string
Play uses Netty, and turns the status code into a HttpResponseStatus using valueOf, which is basically just a case statement over the status codes, with defaults based on the range if it isn't standard.
Although you could define a new Netty HttpResponseStatus with the reason phrase you want, there isn't any way to add it to the valueOf method (it's static).
So, there isn't any really good solution without rewriting some parts of Play!.
You might be able to use some sort of post-filter to modify the response and change the reason phrase, but I don't know how that would work, or even if it is possible to write those kinds of filters in Play!.
Finally, the reason phrase isn't really that important, as clients generally don't (and shouldn't) actually parse it.

JMeter "forgets" variable value defined via Regular Expressioin Extractor

I did create a simple testcase in JMeter.
Open a form and all it's content (css, images etc) :
GET /css/site.css
GET /favicon.ico
GET /fonts/specific-fonts.woff
GET /images/banner.png
Wait a little...
Post the values
Receive the "Thank You" page.
- GET /thanks
In the response on the first GET is a hidden input field which contains a token. This token needs to be included in the POST as well.
Now I use the "Regular Expression Extractor" of JMeter to get the token from the response. So far, so good.
Then, after retreiving all the other contents I create the POST message, using the variable name in the RegExp-Extractor in the value field of the token parameter.
But... when executing the testcase it fills in the default value given and not the actual value of the token.
So... first step in debugging this issue was to add a dummy-HTTP-GET request directly after I get the token. In this GET request I also add the token parameter with the token variable as value, but now I can easily check the parameter by looking at the access-log on my webserver.
In this case... the URL looks promising. It contains the actual token value in the GET, but it still uses the default value in the POST.
Second step in debugging was to use the "Debug Sampler" and the "View Results Tree".
By moving the Debug Sampler between the different steps I found out the value of the token-variable is back to the default value after I receive the CSS.
So... now the big question is...
How can I make JMeter to remember my variable value until the end of my test-script ?
JMeter doesn't "forget" variables. However variables scope is limited to the current Thread Group. You can convert JMeter variable to JMeter Property which have "global" scope by i.e. using Beanshell Post Processor with the following code:
props.put("myVar", vars.get("myVar"));
Or by using __setProperty() function. See How to Use Variables in Different Thread Groups guide for details.
As you found it your problem comes from a misunderstanding of scoping rules in jmeter.
In your case, just put the post processor of the request that will give you the response containing the child node.
Also I think you don't need to share this token with other threads so don't use properties as proposed in the alternate answer.
