Minimum number of steps to convert the matrix by swapping - graph

I stumbled upon the below question and was unable to solve it, can someone tell whats the approach here

There's no way to do this except by brute force, recursively. For each tile that's not in the right position, there are at most 4 possible swaps to make. You make a swap, then add this new position to the list of ones you haven't tried, making sure not to go back to any position you've seen before. Track the depth of the recursion, and when you get a final position, the depth is the answer.
incoming = (7,3,2,4,1,5,6,8,9)
answer = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
primes = (2,3,5,7,11,13,17)
def solve(base, depth):
seen = set()
untried = [(base,0)]
while untried:
array,depth = untried.pop(0)
print(depth, array)
if array == answer:
print( "ANSWER!", depth )
return depth
if array in seen:
seen.add( array )
for n in range(9):
if array[n] == n+1:
for dx in (-1, -3, 1, 3):
if 0 <= n+dx < 9 and array[n]+array[n+dx] in primes:
# attempt a swap.
a = list(array)
a[n],a[n+dx] = a[n+dx],a[n]
print( "fail" )
return -1
solve( incoming, 0 )


Max Recursion Depth Error With Grid Search Problem

I've written out a potential solution to a Leetcode problem but I get this error involving maximum recursion depth. I'm really unsure what I'm doing wrong. Here's what I've tried writing:
def orangesRotting(grid):
R,C = len(grid), len(grid[0])
seen = set()
min_time = 0
def fresh_search(r,c, time):
if ((r,c,time) in seen or r < 0 or c < 0 or r >= R or c >= C or grid[r][c] == 0):
elif grid[r][c] == 2:
elif grid[r][c] == 1:
seen.add((r,c, time + 1))
for i in range(R):
for j in range(C):
if grid[i][j] == 2:
for _,_,t in list(seen):
min_time = max(min_time,t)
return min_time
Even on a simple input like grid = [[2,1,1], [1,1,0], [0,1,1]]. The offending line always appears to be at the if statement
if ((r,c,time) in seen or r < 0 or c < 0 or r >= R or c >= C or grid[r][c] == 0):
Please note, I'm not looking for help in solving the problem, just understanding why I'm running into this massive recursion issue. For reference, here is the link to the problem. Any help would be appreciated.
So let's trace through what you are doing here. You iterate through the entire grid and if the value for that cell is 2 you call fresh_search for that cell. We'll start with [0,0]
In fresh_search you then add the cell with times seen = 0 to your set.
Now for all neighboring cells you call fresh_search so we'll just look at r+1. For r+1 your method fresh_search adds the cell to your set with times seen = 1 and then calls fresh_search again with all neighboring cells.
Next we'll just look at r-1 which is our origin and now fresh_search is being called with this cell and times seen = 2. Now this value isn't in the set yet because (0,0,0) != (0,0,2) so it adds it to the set and again calls fresh_search with the r+1 cell but now times seen = 3
and so on and so forth until max recursion.

DFS to get all possible solutions?

I have these Circles:
I want to get the list of all possible solution of maximum non-intersecting circles. This is the illustration of the solution I wanted from node A.
Therefore the possible solutions from node A:
1 = [A,B,C], 2 = [A,B,E], 3 = [A,C,B], 4 = [A,E,B] ..etc
I want to store all of the possibilities into a list, which the will be used for weighting and selecting the best result. However, I'm still trying to create the list of all possibilities.
I've tried to code the structure here, however I still confused about backtracking and recursive. Anyone could help here?
# List of circle
# List of circle
list_of_circle = ['A','B','C','D','E']
# List of all possible solutions
result = []
# List of possible nodes
ways = []
for k in list_of_circle:
if len(list_of_circle)==0:
for j in list_of_circle:
if k.intersects(j):
return result
Here is a possible solution (pseudocode).
def get_max_non_intersect(selected_circles, current_circle_idx, all_circles):
if current_circle_idx == len(all_circles): # final case
return selected_circles
# we recursively get the biggest selection of circles if the current circle is not selected
list_without_current_circle = get_max_non_intersect(selected_circles, current_circle_idx + 1, all_circles)
# now we check if we can add the current circle to the ones selected
current_intersects_selected = false
current_circle = all_circles[current_circle_idx]
for selected_circle in selected_circles:
if intersects(current_circle, selected_circle):
current_intersects_selected = true
if current_intersects_selected is true: # we cannot add the current circle
return list_without_current_circle
else: # we can add the current circle
list_with_current_circle = get_max_non_intersect(selected_circles + [current_circle], current_circle_idx + 1, all_circles)
return list_with_current_circle + list_without_current_circle

Given two lists(A,B) with same length, How can I find the index(i) which makes the max(sum(A[:i],B[i:]),sum(A[i:],B[:i])) smallest?

I am working on an online challenge problem, and I can solve this problem with brute force, but when the length became very large, the runtime is significantly increased, I believe there must be a better algorithm to solve this problem, but it is just out of my hand. I appreciate any brilliant ideas.
If you are allowed to use numpy, by using numpy.cumsum method you can find store sum(A[:i]), sum(A[i:]), sum(B[:i]), and sum(B[i:]) values in four different arrays as follows
import numpy as np
A = [] # Array A
B = [] # Array B
A_start_to_i = np.cumsum(A) # A_start_to_i[i] = sum(A[:i])
A.reverse() # Reverse the order
A_i_to_end = np.cumsum(A) # A_i_to_end[i] = sum(A[i:])
B_start_to_i = np.cumsum(B) # B_start_to_i[i] = sum(B[:i])
B.reverse() # Reverse the order
B_i_to_end = np.cumsum(B) # B_i_to_end = sum(B[i:])
Now all you need to do is to create sum(A[:i], B[i:]) and sum(B[:i], A[i:]) and find the index with the minimum element.
first_array = A_start_to_i + B_i_to_end # first_array[i] = sum(A[:i], B[i:])
second_array = A_i_to_end + B_start_to_i # second_array[i] = sum(B[:i], A[i:])
# Find which array has the minimum element
idx = np.argmin([min(first_array), min(second_array)])
if idx == 0:
# First array has the minimum element
i = np.argmin(first_array)
# Second array has the minimum element
i = np.argmin(second_array)

For-loop where index does not start at 1 or 0 and is incremented by 30 instead of 1

I have the following:
solvetimes = 50:200
timevector = Array{Float64}(undef,length(solvetimes))
for i in solvetimes
global T
T = i
m, x, z = build_model(true,true)
setsolver(m, GurobiSolver(MIPGap = 2e-2, TimeLimit = 3600))
timevector[i-49] = getsolvetime(m)
title = "solvetimes vs T", xlabel = "T", ylabel = "log(t)")
And this works great as long as my solvetimes vector is incremented by only 1. However, I'm interested in an 30-increment and it obviously does not work then since my timevector then goes out of bounds. Is there any way of solving this issue? I read about and attempted to use the push! function but to no avail.
I apologize if my question is not good but I don't see how to improve it. The question is essentially about for loops where the index does NOT start at 1 and is only incremented with 1 up to an upper bound, but rather a non-one increment and a start different from 0 or one, if that makes sense.
The : syntax in 50:200 or 50:30:200 creates a range object in Julia. These range objects are not only iterable but also implement the method getindex which means that you can simply access the steps in the range with a[index] syntax as if it is an array.
julia> solvetimes = 50:30:200 # 50, 80, 110, 140, ...
julia> solvetimes[3]
You can solve your problem in several ways.
First, you can introduce an itercount variable to count the number of iterations and know at which index of timevector you will put the solve-time.
solvetimes = 50:30:200 # increment by 30
timevector = Vector{Float64}(undef,length(solvetimes))
itercount = 1
for i in solvetimes
timevector[itercount] = getsolvetime(m)
global itercount
itercount += 1
Other way would be to create an empty timevector and push!.
solvetimes = 50:30:200 # increment by 30
timevector = Float64[] # an empty Float64 vector
for i in solvetimes
push!(timevector, getsolvetime(m)) # push the value `getsolvetime(m)` into `timevector`
push! operation may require julia to allocate memory and copy data to compensate increasing array size, hence might not be very efficient, although it does not really matter in your problem.
Another way would be to iterate from 1 to length of solvetimes. Your loop control variable is still incremented one-by-one but now it represents the index in solvetimes rather than the time point.
solvetimes = 50:30:200 # increment by 30
len = length(solvetimes)
timevector = Vector{Float64}(undef, len)
for i in 1:len
global T
T = solvetimes[i]
timevector[i] = getsolvetime(m)
With these modifications, kth value in timevector, timevector[k] stands for the solve-time for solvetime[k].
You might also find other ways to solve the issue, like using Dicts etc.

iterative version of easy recursive algorithm

I have a quite simple question, I think.
I've got this problem, which can be solved very easily with a recursive function, but which I wasn't able to solve iteratively.
Suppose you have any boolean matrix, like:
I know this is not an ordinary boolean matrix, but it is useful for my example.
You can note there is sort of zero-paths in there...
I want to make a function that receives this matrix and a point where a zero is stored and that transforms every zero in the same area into a 2 (suppose the matrix can store any integer even it is initially boolean)
(just like when you paint a zone in Paint or any image editor)
suppose I call the function with this matrix M and the coordinate of the upper right corner zero, the result would be:
well, my question is how to do this iteratively...
hope I didn't mess it up too much
Thanks in advance!
ps: I'd appreciate if you could show the function in C, S, python, or pseudo-code, please :D
There is a standard technique for converting particular types of recursive algorithms into iterative ones. It is called tail-recursion.
The recursive version of this code would look like (pseudo code - without bounds checking):
paint(cells, i, j) {
if(cells[i][j] == 0) {
cells[i][j] = 2;
paint(cells, i+1, j);
paint(cells, i-1, j);
paint(cells, i, j+1);
paint(cells, i, j-1);
This is not simple tail recursive (more than one recursive call) so you have to add some sort of stack structure to handle the intermediate memory. One version would look like this (pseudo code, java-esque, again, no bounds checking):
paint(cells, i, j) {
Stack todo = new Stack();
while(!todo.isEmpty()) {
(r, c) = todo.pop();
if(cells[r][c] == 0) {
cells[r][c] = 2;
todo.push((r+1, c));
todo.push((r-1, c));
todo.push((r, c+1));
todo.push((r, c-1));
Input: Startpoint (x,y), Array[w][h], Fillcolor f
Array[x][y] = f
bool hasChanged = false;
for every Array[x][y] with value f:
check if the surrounding pixels are 0, if so:
Change them from 0 to f
hasChanged = true
until (not hasChanged)
For this I would use a Stack ou Queue object. This is my pseudo-code (python-like):
while stack.size() > 0:
p = stack.pop()
matrix[p] = 2
for each point in Arround(p):
if matrix[point]==0:
The easiest way to convert a recursive function into an iterative function is to utilize the stack data structure to store the data instead of storing it on the call stack by calling recursively.
Pseudo code:
var s = new Stack();
s.Push( /*upper right point*/ );
while not s.Empty:
var p = s.Pop()
m[ p.x ][ p.y ] = 2
s.Push ( /*all surrounding 0 pixels*/ )
Not all recursive algorithms can be translated to an iterative algorithm. Normally only linear algorithms with a single branch can. This means that tree algorithm which have two or more branches and 2d algorithms with more paths are extremely hard to transfer into recursive without using a stack (which is basically cheating).
listsum: N* -> N
listsum(n) ==
if n=[] then 0
else hd n + listsum(tl n)
listsum: N* -> N
listsum(n) ==
res = 0;
forall i in n do
res = res + i
return res
treesum: Tree -> N
treesum(t) ==
if t=nil then 0
else let (left, node, right) = t in
treesum(left) + node + treesum(right)
Partial iteration (try):
treesum: Tree -> N
treesum(t) ==
res = 0
while t<>nil
let (left, node, right) = t in
res = res + node + treesum(right)
t = left
return res
As you see, there are two paths (left and right). It is possible to turn one of these paths into iteration, but to translate the other into iteration you need to preserve the state which can be done using a stack:
Iteration (with stack):
treesum: Tree -> N
treesum(t) ==
res = 0
while not stack.isempty()
t = stack.pop()
while t<>nil
let (left, node, right) = t in
res = res + node + treesum(right)
t = left
return res
This works, but a recursive algorithm is much easier to understand.
If doing it iteratively is more important than performance, I would use the following algorithm:
Set the initial 2
Scan the matrix for finding a 0 near a 2
If such a 0 is found, change it to 2 and restart the scan in step 2.
This is easy to understand and needs no stack, but is very time consuming.
A simple way to do this iteratively is using a queue.
insert starting point into queue
get first element from queue
set to 2
put all neighbors that are still 0 into queue
if queue is not empty jump to 2.
