In asynchronous messaging, is client-broker communication synchronous? - asynchronous

While discussing asynchronous messaging on page 67 of the Microservices Patterns book by Chris Richardson (2019), the author writes:
Synchronous—The client expects a timely response from the service and might even block while it waits.
Asynchronous - The client doesn’t block, and the response, if any, isn’t necessarily sent immediately
Given that, it seems that moving from "synchronous" to "asynchronous" communication actually just swaps one synchronous service (e.g., Service A) with a different synchronous service (e.g., a listening port on the message broker like Active MQ, Kafka, IBM MQ, AWS Kinesis, etc.).
That's because the client, presumably, must still block (or at least use 1 thread or connection from a pool) while communicating with the broker, instead of communicating directly with Service A--especially since the client probably expects a broker response (e.g., SUCCESS) for reliability purposes.
Is that analysis correct?

Yes, your analysis is correct.
Working on your case, the broker's client library provides the asynchronous functionality to the caller code (ServiceA for example), which means that it doesn't block the ServiceA's thread until the operation is finished, but it lets you provide a callback that will be invoked (with the results of the async operation) when it is finished.
Now the question is: who will invoke that callback? Well, some code from the broker's client library, which runs on a thread that presumably does some periodic checks to see if the operation is finished (or any other logic that will eventually emit this result).
So yes, there has to be some background thread that does some synchronous work to grab those results.


Multiple consumer on single JMS queue

JMS Queue is having 2 consumers, synchronous and asynchronous Java application process waiting for the response.
1)Synchronous application send request and will be waiting for the response for 60 seconds based on the JMS correlation ID.
2)Asynchronous thread will be constantly listening on the same queue.
In this scenario, when the response is received on the queue within 60 second I would expect load is distributed on both synchronous and asynchronous application. However, for some unknown reason almost all the response messages are consumed by synchronous process. And,only in some cases the messages are picked up asynchronous process.
Are there any factors that could cause only synchronous application to pick almost all the messages?
There is usually no guarantee that the load will be distributed evenly, especially if its synchronous versus async. consumer. The synchronous consumer will have to poll, wait, poll, wait while the async. consumer is probably waiting on the socket in a separate thread until a message arrives and then call your callback. So the async. consumer will most always be there first.
Any chance you can change to Topics and discard messages you don't wont ? Or change your sync. consumer to be async ? Another alternative would be to build a small 'asnyc' gateway in front of your synchronous consumer: a little application that makes an async consumption and then copies each message received to a second queue where the sync. consumer picks it up. Depending on your JMS provider it might support this type of 'JMS bridge' already - what are you using ?

How to serve synchronous client server communication with asynchronous Inter-service communication?

We have a service which communicates with another service using asynchronous communication(message queue) but still the client server communication happens through REST. Now we have a requirement that when user perform a persists call on service A it should trigger some modification on service B. Client should get success response only if both services successful completed their respective tasks. Reason for that is we need to make sure that user should not able to perform next step on partially completed data. We are not interested in concurrent users due to nature of the domain. We have very limited capability on replacing REST client server implementation with a protocol such as web socket, AMQP
What are the ways to achieve this type of a scenario with asynchronous interservice communication? Is there any reputed pattern/style of programming for implementing this type of requirement? Any framework or lib on Java?
Or is it a bad idea to rely on asynchronous communication to achieve blocking business requirement?

RabbitMQ synchronous messaging pros and cons

as we all know message bus like rabbitMQ is mainly meant for asynchronous messaging so standard approch is to fire and forget like publish something on bus and don't worry about who will process published message or when. But i'm thinking about latest talk in our development team about synchronous processing of message: case would be to publish message to service bus and as as publisher i want to wait for any subscriber to process message and return results to me - so it looks rather as request-response model. I'm thinking now of one con like degrading performance in this model. What are your thoughts? When to use async and when sync? What are the tradeoffs?
Synchronous messaging is possible but impacts scalability. If a publisher has to wait for its recipients to respond, then it will be limited in how much it can achieve at any given time.
However, you can achieve request-response using asynchronous messaging. In RabbitMQ, you do this by means of the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) pattern.
To put it simply, your publisher publishes a message, but doesn't wait for the response; it can continue doing other stuff in the meantime. The publisher does keep track of it though, by putting a CorrelationId on the message, and storing it locally. The message eventually reaches a consumer, who processes it and responds back to the publisher on a different queue. The reply has the same CorrelationId. When the publisher receives the reply, it can then mark that particular call (via the CorrelationId) as processed.
If you want, you can also do other things with the CorrelatonId, such as timeout those messages for which we haven't received a reply after e.g. 30 seconds.

Using asynchronous API to create nodes in Zookeeper

While looking for zookeeper, the accepted answer says that concurrent writes are not allowed.
Explaining Apache ZooKeeper
Now my question is as Zookeeper has linear writes, that does not stop me to use Asynchronous APIs to create nodes and take the response in a callback ? Though internally it may not allow concurrent writes , or am I missing something ?
Even though zookeeper operates in an ensemble, writes are always served through the leader. Therefore, leader is capable of queuing write requests and completing them sequentially.
Using the asynchronous API will not do any harm to the above mentioned approach. Even though the write requests are asynchronous (from the client side), leader will always make sure that they are served sequentially. Once a asynchronous write request is served, client will be notified through the callback. It is simple as that. Remember, the requests are asynchronous as viewed by the client. But from the leader's point of view, they are served sequentially.

Tornado and asynchronous requests handling

My question is two-part:
What exactly does it mean by an 'asynchronous server', which is usually what people call Tornado? Can someone please provide an concrete example to illustrate the concept/definition?
In the case of Tornado, what exactly does it mean by 'non-blocking'? is this related to the asynchronous nature above? In addition, I read it somewhere it always uses a single thread for handling all the requests, does this mean that requests are handled sequentially one by one or in parallel? If the latter case, how does Tornado do it?
Tornado uses asynchronous, non-blocking I/O to solve the C10K problem. That means all I/O operations are event driven, that is, they use callbacks and event notification rather than waiting for the operation to return. Node.js and Nginx use a similar model. The exception is tornado.database, which is blocking. The Tornado IOLoop source is well documented if you want to look at in detail. For a concrete example, see below.
Non-blocking and asynchronous are used interchangeably in Tornado, although in other cases there are differences; this answer gives an excellent overview. Tornado uses one thread and handles requests sequentially, albeit very very quickly as there is no waiting for IO. In production you'd typically run multiple Tornado processes.
As far as a concrete example, say you have a HTTP request which Tornado must fetch some data (asynchronously) and respond to, here's (very roughly) what happens:
Tornado receives the request and calls the appropriate handler method in your application
Your handler method makes an asynchronous database call, with a callback
Database call returns, callback is called, and response is sent.
What's different about Tornado (versus for example Django) is that between step 2 and 3 the process can continue handling other requests. The Tornado IOLoop simply holds the connection open and continues processing its callback queue, whereas with Django (and any synchronous web framework) the thread will hang, waiting for the database to return.
This is my test about the performance of and tornado.
how is cherrypy working? it handls requests well compared with tornado when concurrence is low
