is it possible to make the lineseries as dotted
If not supported is there any alternative like plotting the line chart on alternate X values.
LightningChart JS doesn't yet support dotted line styles. We hope to implement dotted line style in future.
I am trying to draw wide lines like(50 pixel wide) on screen with transparent filling and solid colored edge lines.
Transparent fill with solid edge lines
Any suggestions on how to implement this in Qt?
create a QPainterPath
add the desired shapes to it, like QPainterPath::addRoundedRect()
use QPainter::strokePath(yourpath, yourpen) to draw just the outline
Does anyone know how to make a 3D line plot where the lines are semi-transparent using Plotly or a different tool?
The 3D plot I am trying to create is here:
A 2D example of the transparency is here:
This was achieved by adjusting the opacity parameter of the line in Plotly. I have tried changing the line opacity in the 3D plot but it doesn't seem to do anything,
Are you looking for something like this?
If yes, you can adjust your opacity by setting your own 'rgba' color ('a' stands for Alpha and defines the opacity).
From your workspace go to
TRACES => Style
under the Line section, click on the color button and set your desired 'rgba' color
When using a Flex chart, the y-axis is drawn as a thick (about 8px) grey line. Is it possible to change this to be just a thin line like the x-axis?
Yes. You need to set your own LineSeries with a custom SolidColorStroke that you specify.
Draw rectangle with dashed border in flex ?
There is no built-in method for this in the drawing API unfortunately. You can Google for some workarounds like this one:
Hopefully helps,
Personally, if you're using Flex4, I would create a new Skin for whichever component you're trying to style (or just BorderContainer if you just want a blank rectangle). And from within the skin, I would pogrammically add the 4 dashed lines.
How can I create a rounded rectangle with a dashed line? I've seen several routines that draw their own straight lines, but nothing for rounded rectangles.
There used to be (probably still is) a great AS 2/3 library for this but I can't find it.
This looks pretty promising: