How to setup a function for multiple ADC input channels on PIC18F26K22? - microcontroller

I'm using a PIC18f26k22 to simply read two potentiometers (connects to analog pin AN0 and AN1). Working with a single pot is easy but more than one pot requires a bit-shifting technique which I haven't understood clearly. I did look around the internet and found an ADC_Read() function. I made some changes to the code so that I could use it for PIC18F26K22.
The problem is that even though I use that function in main, only the ADC channel AN0 works but the AN1 channel doesn't respond (i.e. it won't toggle LEDs).
unsigned int ADC_Read (unsigned char channel). In the main function int 'num' and 'den' are used to read each analog input AN0 and AN1, respectively. The only response that I get is from num (AN0).
unsigned int ADC_Read(unsigned char channel)
if(channel > 7) //Channel range is 0 ~ 7
return 0;
ADCON0 &= 0b11000000; //Clearing channel selection bits
ADCON0 |= channel<<2; //Setting channel selection bits
ADCON2bits.ACQT = 0b001; // 2 Aquisition Time
GO_nDONE = 1; //Initializes A/D conversion
while(GO_nDONE); //Waiting for conversion to complete
return ((ADRESH<<8)+ADRESL); //Return result

The ADON bit off the ADC is in bit 0 of the ADCON0 register so
you will switch off your ADC here:
ADCON0 &= 0b11000000; //Clearing channel selection bits AND ADON
change it to:
ADCON0 &= 0b10000011; //Clearing channel selection bits
This will only reset the cannel bits. Know you are able to select a new channel.
ADCON0 |= channel<<2; //Setting channel selection bits


12-bit ADC in MSP430FR2476 seems to only work in 10-bit mode

Here is the problem: I am trying to initialize the 12-bit built-in ADC on MSP430FR2476, but no matter what I do it seems to work at 10 bits. I change the resolution bits in a control register and alas, to no avail. No matter what I have tried nothing helps, always 10 bits. The most significant byte never gets higher than 3. Please help, here is a snippet of the code:
//Configuring ADC
PMMCTL2 |= (INTREFEN); //Internal reference, default 1.5V
ADCCTL0=ADCCTL1 = 0; //Ensuring that the ADC is off
ADCCTL0 |= (ADCSHT_7 + ADCMSC); //sample and hold = 64clk, multiple conversion
ADCCTL1 |= (ADCSHP + ADCSSEL_2 + ADCCONSEQ_1 + ADCDIV_7); //Conversion is triggered
//manually, ADC clock source - SMCLK/8 ~ 2Mhz, sequence of
//channels single conversion,
ADCCTL2 |= (ADCRES_2); //12 bit resolution, no matter what setting I have, no change
ADCMCTL0 |= (ADCSREF_1 + ADCINCH_1); //Employing the internal reference and starting
//conversion from A1 (P1.1)
ADCIE |= ADCIE0; //Activate interrupt
ADCCTL0 |= (ADCON); //Switching ADC on
SYSCFG2 |= (BIT1); //Activate ADC module on the pins (this line
//doesn't do anything for some reason
void adc_convert_begin(){
ADCCTL0 |= ADCSC; //Start conversion
//The interrupt simpy send the most significant byte over UART
void ADC_ISR(void){
switch(__even_in_range (ADCIV, 0x0C)){
case 0x0C:
adc_data[adc_index] = ADCMEM0;
UCA1TXBUF = (unsigned char)(ADCMEM0>>8);
The error happens to be here:
The idea is the default value is 1, so when I perform an |= operation on the register, the final value turns out to be 3, instead of 2. I need to zero that bit field first!

How do make code compatible to ESP32 board?

I'm trying to get a GY-US-42 ultrasonic sensor working on the ESP32. However, I keep getting an error while compiling. For and Arduino Board it is not a problem, but for the ESP32.
My code:
#include "Wire.h"
//The Arduino Wire library uses the 7-bit version of the address, so the code example uses 0x70 instead of the 8-bit 0xE0
#define SensorAddress byte(0x70)
//The sensors ranging command has a value of 0x51
#define RangeCommand byte(0x51)
//These are the two commands that need to be sent in sequence to change the sensor address
#define ChangeAddressCommand1 byte(0xAA)
#define ChangeAddressCommand2 byte(0xA5)
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); //Open serial connection at 9600 baud
// changeAddress(SensorAddress,0x40,0);
void loop(){
takeRangeReading(); //Tell the sensor to perform a ranging cycle
delay(50); //Wait for sensor to finish
word range = requestRange(); //Get the range from the sensor
Serial.print("Range: "); Serial.println(range); //Print to the user
//Commands the sensor to take a range reading
void takeRangeReading(){
Wire.beginTransmission(SensorAddress); //Start addressing
Wire.write(RangeCommand); //send range command
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop and do something else now
//Returns the last range that the sensor determined in its last ranging cycle in centimeters. Returns 0 if there is no communication.
word requestRange(){
Wire.requestFrom(SensorAddress, byte(2));
if(Wire.available() >= 2){ //Sensor responded with the two bytes
byte HighByte =; //Read the high byte back
byte LowByte =; //Read the low byte back
word range = word(HighByte, LowByte); //Make a 16-bit word out of the two bytes for the range
return range;
else {
return word(0); //Else nothing was received, return 0
sketch/GY-US42_I2C.ino.cpp.o:(.literal._Z12requestRangev+0x0): undefined reference to `makeWord(unsigned short)'
sketch/GY-US42_I2C.ino.cpp.o: In function `requestRange()':
/Users/Arduino/GY-US42_I2C/GY-US42_I2C.ino:42: undefined reference to `makeWord(unsigned short)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The word() is for casting a variable or literal into a 16-bit word, it does not add two bytes into a 16-bit word as you do word(HighByte, LowByte), I'm actually surprise this even compiled in Arduino.
To get the range value, you could do:
int range = HighByte * 256 + LowByte;
int range = ((int)HighByte) << 8 | LowByte; //cast HighByte to int, then shift left by 8 bits.
But since is returning an int instead of a byte(you can see its function prototype definition here), therefore you code can actually be written like this:
int reading =; //read the first data
reading = reading << 8; // shift reading left by 8 bits, equivalent to reading * 256
reading |=; // reading = reading |
By the way, when you use #define, you don't need to specifically cast the const value into specific data type, the compiler will take care of the optimization and the right data type, so:
#define SensorAddress byte(0x70)
would be just fine by defining like this:
#define SensorAddress 0x70
You also do not need to cast const value with byte(2) or return word(0). In the latter case, your function prototype already expect the return would be a data type of word.

“Read Analog Voltage” sample rate

I want to make sure my code looks like working, since I don't have a lot of time with a signal generator tomorrow and I want to know how to set the sample rate.
I want to sample a 2kHz signal with a samplerate of 6kHz with a Arduino MEGA 2560.
It, doesn't have to be in real time, so i'm thinking of filling a buffer and then sending those over the serial connection.
Can anyone say if this code defenitly wouldn't work for this?
And how could i set the samplerate to 6kHz?
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(int x = 0; x < 1000; x++){
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue[x] = analogRead(A0);
for( x = 0; x < 1000; x++){
// Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023) to a voltage (0 - 5V):
float voltage[x] = sensorValue[x] * (5.0 / 1023.0);
// print out the value you read:
Thank you.
Well, as I've mentioned in another thread, you can use auto triggering mode of ADC (for UNO and ATMega328p based Arduinos):
void setup() {
// ADC setup is done by arduino framework, but it's possible to change it slightly (for ATMega328) :
ADCSRB = _BV(ADTS2) | _BV(ADTS1) | _BV(ADTS0); // ADTS2..0 = 111, Timer 1 input capture event trigger source
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADATE); // enable auto trigger mode
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADIF); // reset conversion end flag (= interrupt flag)
// timer 1 setting:
TCCR1A = 0; // clear all
ICR1 = F_CPU/6000U; // 1 should be substracted here but result is about 2665.7 and it will be truncated to 2665
TCCR1B = _BV(WGM12) | _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS10); // CTC mode with ICR1 as TOP value, enabled with no prescaling
TIMSK1 = _BV(ICF1); // not working without this... Flag must be cleaned up after the trigger ADC, otherwise it's stucked
analogRead(A0); // dummy read to set correct channel and to start auto trigger mode
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if (ADCSRA & _BV(ADIF)) {
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADIF); // reset flag by writing logic 1
ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) { // to clear flag
PINB = _BV(PB5); // and toggle d13 so frequency can be measured (it'd be half of real rate)
// it might be enabled on PWM pin too by setting force output compare and some compare register to half of value ICR1
This sketch uses baud rate 250000 but it's still too slow. The space character can be used as an separator, this'll save one character (as new line are usually two characters: \r\n). One value can be 1 to 4 characters long so for values:
0-9 - 3B you need baud rate 3*10*6000 = 180000
10-99 - 4B and you need baud rate 240000
and for the rest of cases you're too slow.
So the only way is sending those integers binary and without separator it'd be even better. The 2B per value results into minimal baud rate around 120000 baud/s.

Using Atmega TCNT1

I'm trying to use an arduino uno to show some students how to make their own 'auto tune' however the code that I wrote is not outputting any signal. The goal is to sample values into an array at one rate and output the data from the array(FIFO)at a slower rate. My understanding is that TCNT1 increments each clock tick, I'm using 16 MHz in my case, and that I can base if logic on the value of TCNT1, I use a mod function here to take and store a single adc value and then play that value to the dac at a later time. acdT dacT represent my timing logic. I've built an external DAC to read only 8 (of 10) bit values from d0-d7 (PORTD). Why am I not seeing a signal?
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int adcT = 328; // 329 clock tics
int dacT = 349; // 350 clock tics
int buff[15]; // 16 length buffer to store adc values
void setup ()
PRR &= ~(1<<PRADC); //ADC turned on
ADMUX = 0x60; //AVcc, left adjusted, ADC0 pin
ADCSRA = 0xC0;//ADC Enabled, no auto trigger
DDRD=0xFF; // set portd to d0 thru d7 digital pins
DDRC=0x00; // accept input from any analog input
TCCR1B |= 1<<CS10; // sets the clock to the system clock ie no pre scaler
void loop ()
if((TCNT1%acdT == 0) || TCNT1 == 0) // execute at 0 and mod329 clock tics
ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC); // take one adc reading
while(!(ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF))); // wait until the reading is complete
ADCSRA|=(1<<ADIF); //reset adc for next command
buff[i] = ADCH; // take the adc value into the array
i++ // increment
if((TCNT1%dacT == 0)) %% TCNT1 ~= 0// execute at mod350 clock tics
PORTD = buff[j]; // send the adc reading to digital output
if(TCNT1 == 5262 ) // LCM/3 of 329(16samples) and 350(15samples)
TCNT1 = 0;// reset ticker
i = 0;
j = 0;
if(TCNT1 == 336)
PORTD = buff[15]; // play 16th adc sample to clear array
TCCR1B |= 1<<CS10; // sets the clock to the system clock ie no pre scaler
And there's your problem. You're attempting to find the modulus of a counter that runs faster than your code. Use the output capture and other features of the timer to trigger interrupts and reset the timer at the appropriate times instead of trying to catch a passing bullet with your bare hands.

Programming Arduino with ADXL345 to raise interrupt on inactivity

I need to use a sparkfun breakout board ADXL345 to detect when my motor system has stopped vibrating. I am also using a Sparkfun RedBoard (Arduino uno).
Things I am doing to configure for this behavior:
enable INACTIVITY event
route INACTIVITY events to INT 1 (pin 2 on the RedBoard)
raise INACTIVITY interrupt without delay
set low threshold for INACTIVITY (rule out too high of a setting)
INACTIVITY considers all axes
clear interrupt data register
Having done all these things I do not receive interrupts after going from shaking the devise to setting it down.
//Add the SPI library so we can communicate with the ADXL345 sensor
#include <SPI.h>
//Assign the Chip Select signal to pin 10.
int CS=10;
//This is a list of some of the registers available on the ADXL345.
//To learn more about these and the rest of the registers on the ADXL345, read the datasheet!
char POWER_CTL = 0x2D; //Power Control Register
char DATA_FORMAT = 0x31;
char DATAX0 = 0x32; //X-Axis Data 0
char DATAX1 = 0x33; //X-Axis Data 1
char DATAY0 = 0x34; //Y-Axis Data 0
char DATAY1 = 0x35; //Y-Axis Data 1
char DATAZ0 = 0x36; //Z-Axis Data 0
char DATAZ1 = 0x37; //Z-Axis Data 1
char THRESH_ACT = 0x24; // Activity threshold
char THRESH_INACT = 0x38; // Inactivity threshold to 3g
char TIME_INACT = 0x26; // time before raising interrupt
char INT_ENABLE = 0x2E; // Enabling the interrupt lines
char INT_MAP = 0x2F;
char ACT_INACT_CTL = 0x27; // mask byte for controlling
char INT_SOURCE = 0x30;
//This buffer will hold values read from the ADXL345 registers.
char values[10];
//These variables will be used to hold the x,y and z axis accelerometer values.
int x,y,z;
void setup(){
//Initiate an SPI communication instance.
//Configure the SPI connection for the ADXL345.
//Create a serial connection to display the data on the terminal.
//Set up the Chip Select pin to be an output from the Arduino.
pinMode(CS, OUTPUT);
//Before communication starts, the Chip Select pin needs to be set high.
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
// Create an interrupt that will trigger when inactivity is detected
attachInterrupt(0, interruptHandler, RISING);
//Put the ADXL345 into +/- 4G range by writing the value 0x01 to the DATA_FORMAT register.
writeRegister(DATA_FORMAT, 0x01);
//Put the ADXL345 into Measurement Mode by writing 0x08 to the POWER_CTL register.
writeRegister(POWER_CTL, 0x08); //Measurement mode
// Send the inactivity && activity to PIN 1
// 0xF7 && 0xEF
writeRegister(INT_MAP,0xF7 && 0xEF);
// Set the inactivity threshold to 3g (0x38)
// writeRegister(THRESH_INACT,0x38);
// Raise the inact interrupt immediately after going below threshold
// Map INACT event (only) to PIN 1
writeRegister(ACT_INACT_CTL, 0x0F);
// Enab le inactivity to generate interrupts
writeRegister(INT_ENABLE, 0x08);
readRegister(INT_SOURCE, 1, values); // Clear the INT_SOURCE register
Serial.println("Waiting for interrupt!");
void interruptHandler(){
// readRegister(INT_SOURCE, 1, values); // Clear the INT_SOURCE register
Serial.println("something raise an interrupt!");
void loop(){
//Reading 6 bytes of data starting at register DATAX0 will retrieve the x,y and z acceleration values from the ADXL345.
//The results of the read operation will get stored to the values[] buffer.
readRegister(DATAX0, 6, values);
//The ADXL345 gives 10-bit acceleration values, but they are stored as bytes (8-bits). To get the full value, two bytes must be combined for each axis.
//The X value is stored in values[0] and values[1].
x = ((int)values[1]<<8)|(int)values[0];
//The Y value is stored in values[2] and values[3].
y = ((int)values[3]<<8)|(int)values[2];
//The Z value is stored in values[4] and values[5].
z = ((int)values[5]<<8)|(int)values[4];
//Print the results to the terminal.
Serial.print(x, DEC);
Serial.print(y, DEC);
Serial.println(z, DEC);
//This function will write a value to a register on the ADXL345.
// char registerAddress - The register to write a value to
// char value - The value to be written to the specified register.
void writeRegister(char registerAddress, char value){
//Set Chip Select pin low to signal the beginning of an SPI packet.
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
//Transfer the register address over SPI.
//Transfer the desired register value over SPI.
//Set the Chip Select pin high to signal the end of an SPI packet.
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
//This function will read a certain number of registers starting from a specified address and store their values in a buffer.
// char registerAddress - The register addresse to start the read sequence from.
// int numBytes - The number of registers that should be read.
// char * values - A pointer to a buffer where the results of the operation should be stored.
void readRegister(char registerAddress, int numBytes, char * values){
//Since we're performing a read operation, the most significant bit of the register address should be set.
char address = 0x80 | registerAddress;
//If we're doing a multi-byte read, bit 6 needs to be set as well.
if(numBytes > 1)address = address | 0x40;
//Set the Chip select pin low to start an SPI packet.
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
//Transfer the starting register address that needs to be read.
//Continue to read registers until we've read the number specified, storing the results to the input buffer.
for(int i=0; i<numBytes; i++){
values[i] = SPI.transfer(0x00);
//Set the Chips Select pin high to end the SPI packet.
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
Here is a tutorial, arduino library and example sketch. If you haven't run through something like this, might be worth a try starting with someone else's code that is working (maybe you've already done that).
In the example sketch from above, they are enabling interrupts in the code, they just don't seem to tie them into the Arduino's external interrupt system. Once you verify that the example code is working, you can call attachInterrupt() and abandon the polling approach (as you are doing in your example).
