PHPExcel - cell formating - phpexcel

if I fill a cell with the value "0.07" and then define it as a percentage, excel turns this value into "7,00". Can someone tell me how to work correctly? thanks
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($col.$rowCount)->getNumberFormat()->applyFromArray(array('code' => PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00));
if i change and set the value to "0,07" - excel means that the value is formatted as text.

ok, i found a simple solution:
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($col.$rowCount, 0.07/100);
i am happy if it helps others.


Display cumulative value of each column in balloon text

I built a cumulative line graph using context.cumulativeCol() in the Value field and I am interested in displaying the cumulated value of the current column in the ballon text.
This is what I have, which only shows the value of the column:
I tried to change the default value [[Row]], [[Column]]: [[Value]] from the Ballon Text field and tried to use something like context.cumulativeCol() but I could not achieve my goal.
If it is possible, how am I supposed to do it?
I've just tried to put:
return "Cumulative: " + context.cumulativeCol();
to the balloon function and it worked fine in the latest version. Perhaps you are trying to return a number instead of a string from the balloon function?

PHPExcel format dates occuring this week

PHPExcel conditional formatting has some helpful conditions and operators...
I applied a condition like so:
$aCondition = new PHPExcel_Style_Conditional();
$conditionalStyles = $sheet->getStyle('B2')->getConditionalStyles();
array_push($conditionalStyles, $aCondition);
However, when I get to the excel document... it marks the cell yellow even though it should not be... but if I then go to the cell and press enter... the cell then loses its yellow... and then the conditional formatting works correctly...
I apply formatting for that cell's rows like so:
I found this little doozy:
PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel( strtotime( "03/25/2014" ) )
As soon as you apply this, the issue goes away.. This is because the formatcode is just a mask... the underlying data has to be of a special Excel date type.

Change number_format datatype

How do I convert to double the returned value of the php function, number_format();
Here's my code:
I need number_format($items[0][1],2) for the purpose of displaying it nicely in Excel. But
I the sum function of excel doesn't work because $items[0][1] is formatted to string.
I need somehow to format it just like the number_format do but with a datatype of double / float.
Thanks for your help.
$items[0][1] = 12345.678;
->setCellValue($colmun_alpha[$col_count+1].$row, $items[0][1]);
you can use typecasting to ensure that the variable has a float type.
number_format( (float) $items[0][1],2)
if this doesnt work then maybe something else is not working properly in your code

PHPExcel Accounting Formats

I'm working with PHPExcel and I'm trying to format a cell using Excel's built-in "Accounting" format. I'm aware of the Format Code:
But this simply formats to two decimal places and adds a $ in front of the number. The result I'm looking for is the right aligned cell with the $ on the left. $0 values should be listed as "-" and negative values should be $ (1.11)
As far as I can tell there are no other currency formats in the documentation (though I may have missed it, this documentation is horrendous). Am I looking in the wrong place? Can this be achieved with regular cell formatting or is Excel doing something unique for Accounting?
I reverse engineered the format code from an existing spreadsheet using PHPExcel and got this:
_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(#_)
This is the code Excel places on the cell when you select the "Accounting" format... or click that "$" toolbar button in Excel 2007.
If you didn't need currency symbol :
->setFormatCode("_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* \"-\"??_);_(#_)");
or use
Set in getStyle CELL.
There are no other pre-defined formats beyond those listed in PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat, but you should be able to set the format code to any string that you could use when setting an MS Excel custom format...
As regards cell alignment, set this to right yourself, or don't set it at all.

Finding First Row in a RDLC Table

I have a table in a RDLC report which is utilized as a subreport, and the first column of this table is a static string. Does anyone know how I can determine if a row is the first in the table. I tried using "=First("My String")" but it didn't work.
Looking at the link supplied by ThatBloke in his answer, I found the RowNumber command.
Which means that this worked:
=IIf(RowNumber(Nothing)=1,"myString", "")
Aggregate functions work with "Scope', referring to the paragraph scope in this MSDN article, might help..."
From what I understand you may have to define a scope or try =First("MyString", Nothing).
=IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod <>)=0)
<> Indicate No of Rows Which you want To Display
