Change not-allowed cursor on drag in React - css

When I drag an image in react that has draggable set to true, I get not-allowed / no-drop cursor. I can't figure out how to target it with CSS to overwrite. The way I handle the drag is onDragStart then onDragEnd.

Without some reproducable code i just can try a shot in the dark: You have to call at the beginning of your drag handler e.preventDefault();.

I faced the same issue back when I was working on one of my React projects, so I did some research and tested several methods that I found, but nothing worked for me. You see there is a property named DataTransfer.effectAllowed that specifies the effect that is allowed for drag operation, and there is a limitation to this API as you can read here -
Changing the styles or attaching an eventListener won't work, you have to use a different backend for this. Use react-dnd and react-dnd-touch-backend or react-dnd-html5-backend npm packages as a custom backend.


FullCalendar does not apply css on changeView in Vaadin framework

I'm building a calendar plugin for Vaadin (see Everythng works fine, the stylesheets are applied EXCEPT when I programatically change the view. The view changes but the Fullcalendar styles do not apply correctly! See sample screenshot.List View after changeView called
I need to hit refresh for the styles to apply correctly.
(If I just change the view using the full calendar 'built in' buttons at the top right, the styles are applied.)
Using FullCalendar V3.7.0 and and Scheduler trial 1.9.0
Vaadin is a GWT framework, using V6.8.
GWT code for calling changeView:
private native void changeView(JavaScriptObject cal,String view,String nid)
//cal.trigger( "create" ); trying to fix the not-applying .css problem
'cal' is the original selector returned by jQuery.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Found the problem. It was due to the Vaadin framework removing FC's style class from the topmost element. To fix, I simply added these back using the framework's setStyleName("fc fc-unthemed fc-ltr");.

How can I display remote users cursor and selection in Quill

I've been working with Quill for a short time and have been focused on getting collaborative editing working. So far it's going well and I have a fully working collaborative editor!
I want to show the selection and cursor position of other users, but I can't think how to properly approach this problem with Quill.
I essentially want to add markup to the rendered document, without adding any content to the actual document model. Is this possible? Where should I start?
You need to use "quill-cursors" package and then listen to selection-change event:
editor.on("selection-change", function (range, oldRange, source) {
console.log("Local cursor change: ", range);
Then broadcast this data to other remote users, and then render the remote cursor:
const cursors = editor.getModule("cursors");
cursors.createCursor(id,, userColor);
cursors.moveCursor(id, cursorRange); // <== cursor data from previous step
cursors.toggleFlag(id, true);
In Quill 0.20, there was an example with multiple cursors working. The approach was a sibling absolutely positioned <div> that contained the cursors and synchronized with selection-change information from the editor. To not delay the 1.0 release this demo and feature was not updated with the new API but support is planned. You can try a similar approach in the meantime and of course the code is still available. You can also track the feature on Github Issues.

Impossible make a input or AtomTextEditor with React

I'm making a plugin that gets the actual panel or text selection and runs a command on the cli with that value and some params that the user adds in a input.
The idea is to have a similar view than find-and-replace package, but from the first beginning I wasn't able to use space-pane-views for a error on jQuery.
So I decided to make it with React and as far as I was making everything was okayish, but I found 2 big problems.
First I understand what's the View of space-pan and all the ShadowDOM that uses, I feel that is not compatible with React at all, is some kind of big Model that gets data from the dom and from some methods.
So I created a <input /> and I figuret out that you can't interact as normal as a website with that input, doesn't have the hability of delete normally the text and you can't use the atom-text-editor styles into it.
in another hand I try to create a Custom Web Component with React like:
data-grammar='text plain null-grammar'
and it works with inheriting the styles, but I can't access to the content of the Shadow DOM, neither add eventHandlers like onChange (onKeyPress works btw), this is basically a problem more than React that Atom, but is as far as I went in the intention to create a View in Atom.
Another option could be add draft-js from Fb, but it's a crazy idea for create a simple input.
Any idea to solve one of both problems?
If you add a normal input in React with className='native-key-bindings' the input contains the nativew key bindings, and you can attach the eventHandlers there.

Nightwatch Cannot Find/Click on Dropdown Option

I'm a backpacker and a programmer, trying to use the second skill to find openings in a full campsite. Rather than crawling fro scratch, I'm using the end-to-end testing framework nightwatch.js to navigate for me.
I've hit a roadblock, because nightwatch is having difficulty finding a specific element using css selectors.
Here are the elements and page:
Here is my test code:
Previous Attempts
My test code will click on the selection box with #permitTypeId. It will see that #permitTypeId option is visible. It will not see or click on any of the options when more specific values are specified. The five .click()'s are all css selectors I've already tried. None of the options are set to display:hidden or display:none. I have also tried all of the above without the .waitForElementToBeVisible() just in-case the waiting causes the dropdown to hide.
I've successfully clicked options from different dropdown menus on this website without any problem. Just this one is causing a headache.
The tests are running with the most current Selenium server and Firefox on Mac Yosemite.
Nightwatch.js/Selenium won't click on something from a dropdown menu.
The Path...
Cory got me thinking about jQuery and native DOM manipulation. Tried going that route and was successful selecting the correct option using Selenium's .execute() function:
However, it was not triggering the onchange event.
Saw this post which made me start thinking about using key-strokes and this one which suggested using arrow-keys to navigate down a <select> element to the option, then hitting enter. the Solution
.keys(['\uE015', '\uE006'])
I've found that this is an issue with Firefox. Chrome and PhantomJS operate well clicking <option> tags.
you should be able to click like this way'select[id="permitTypeId"] option[value="1451140610"]')
Additionally I was able to add a .click event for the specific option once I did a .click for the select. see my example below:
.click('option[value="America/Chicago"]') //selects the option but doesn't click
.keys(['\uE006']) //hits the enter key.
another solution:
Very simple way is to use .setValue('#element', 'value of option')

Flex: PopUpManager giving "...null object reference" error

I have a main application calling several ViewStack states, each with popup windows. If I don't open any popup windows, I can move between states fine. If I open a popup window then try to change the state using currentState=... I get the error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at spark.components::Scroller/focusInHandler()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\]
at flash.display::Stage/set focus()
at mx.core::UIComponent/setFocus() [E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
I see others having the same problem, for example here:
But I haven't figured out how to implement the recommended solution. It sounds like I should just include:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager; PopUpManager;
inside my main application and it should work, but it doesn't work for me.
My application has each view state in a different file, each defined using <views:View>. Also, all of the popups are separate files defined as <s:TitleWindow>. Each file includes this line:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
I wonder if this means each file is using a different popup manager(?), when it's a singleton and only one should be used for the whole app (how to set that up?).
The code I use to call a popup is:
var _popupName:MyTitleWindowFileName = MyTitleWindowFileName(
PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, MyTitleWindowFileName, true));
PopUpManager.centerPopUp(_popupName); // call popup
Note that when the main application (the one defined as <s:Application>) runs, the ViewStack states have not been loaded yet (since they get loaded when they are used the first time). Not sure if that has any cause/effect here.
I've tried to follow Adobe's example code in the "Passing data to and from a Spark pop-up window" section here:
Any ideas much appreciated.
Based on your comments, it seems like the error occurs because the focus remains in the popup. I would expect the PopUpManager and FocusManager classes to handle this better.
One thing I can think of is that the FocusManager may be trying to handle this. But since the state changes, the item that originally had focus (in the view stack child, before the pop up was opened) may no longer be there when the view state changes. Just a hunch, w/out seeing your code.
Here's some things you can do to either work around the problem (or better) further debug it to understand what is happening:
Use FocusManager.setFocus() to move the focus back to an object in the view stack child before closing the pop up
Use FocusManager.getFocus() to debug and see where it thinks the focus is at various stages (before opening popup, before/after changing state, and before/after closing pop up).
It appears this is the situation I'm experiencing:
Adobe Air: scroller throws error when changes focus between different applications
It's an Adobe bug. Solution from Adobe is:
This bug is easily fixed by changing Scroller to do a null pointer check on focusManager before using it.
which is what the first link above attempts to do.
Another link:
