Juno won't open julia - julia

I am trying to run juno in atom because I hope it will be easier to debug code than it has been for me in vs studio but upon starting julia from juno I received the following error message in an orange box in the top right:
Julia could not be started.
Couldn’t resolve version.
We tried to launch Julia from: julia This path can be changed in the settings.
Where in settings can this be changed? It is not clear to me.

You need to open the Settings tab (Ctrl+,), then go to Packages > julia-client.
The path is the first setting:

In addition to Nils's suggestion, here's a lazy approach that has worked for me on MacOS BigSur and probably works on other systems.
Go to Juno Settings
Go to the Uber-Juno Settings (scroll down)
De-select: Disable (Don't run installation on Atom startup)
Exit Atom and re-start.
What this does is force Atom to run the installation script on startup. Atom then looks for Julia on your system and, in my case, found it easily. Problem solved.


atom julia syntax highlighting

im trying to set up an editor syntax highlighting scheme for julia in atom, (using juno although i do not know if that is relevant).
i have googled around for two hours and tinkered around in atoms' settings and in the https://atom.io/packages/language-julia specific settings too.
i've found mentions about running scripts (juno) https://github.com/JunoLab/Juno.jl/issues/15 etc but i think this is not a solution, a simpler way must exist.
i had expected to be able to find someones stylesheet for julia, adapt it with my preferred colors and plug it into atom...
please, i would be grateful if someone could indicate how to do this: configure colors in editor - syntax highlighting for julia (perhaps with juno). thanks!
If you install Juno with Atom the Julia syntax highlighting will just work. Perhaps something did not get installed? Here are the installation instructions that I have tested on lots of students:
Download and install Atom (available at https://atom.io/).
Start Atom and press Ctrl + , ( Ctrl key + comma key ) to open the Atom settings screen.
Select the Install tab.
In the Search packages field, type uber-juno and press Enter .
You will see the uber-juno package developed by JunoLab—click Install to install the package.
However, sometimes the Atom installation gets stalled. In that case you need to stop Atom, delete the .atom folder that is usually found in your user home folder and restart Atom. On very rare occasions I also had to reinstall Atom as well.
Finally, note that as of today the recommended IDE for Julia is VS Code and the support for Atom Juno development has stopped.

Error while loading the Code Generator toolbox in Scilab

I installed Scilab 5.5.2 on Windows 10, and then installed the Scilab Code Generator toolbox.
However, when I start Scilab, the following message appears and I can't use the toolbox. This problem occurs for every toolbox.
Start Scilab Code Generator
Version: 0.9.20190122
Load macros
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'xcos_code_generator-0.9.20190122':
File "C:\Users\光\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\SCILAB~1.2\atoms\x64\XCOS_C~1\09E129~1.201\macros\names" does not exist or read access denied.
(光 is my username.)
I suppose the problem comes from "\Scilab\SCILAB~1.2" in the middle of the file path. In my computer, the only folder in "Scilab" is "scilab-5.5.2", so indeed the software cannot find the file it's looking for.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I need to use the toolbox at work soon, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Note: I'm not using the latest Scilab 6.0.2 because it fails to work on my computer. It closes immediately after I open it.
I solved the problem by myself.
It was my user name "光" that caused the problem. I found people saying that user names in full-width characters such as Japanese sometimes cause problems like this.
The solution is to create another user account with a name in half-width characters and install Scilab in that account. (Just changing the full-width user name doesn't work because it doesn't change the filenames that already exist.)
I couldn't find the solution until today because I was searching for solutions only in the context of Scilab, not in the context of software in general.
I hope this answer helps someone.
I'm not sure why you are using an outdated version of Scilab. The latest version is 6.0.2 on Windows. If the newer version doesn't work properly then that's the problem you need to fix first. To test your Scilab installation you may run it in the terminal. Find the installation folder. For me, it is C:\Program Files\scilab-6.0.2\bin the on cmd go to the path and run Scilex.exe. If not uninstall everything and install it in a proper way. My recommendation is to uninstall the old Scilab you already have. Then:
Install Chocolatey package manager
Open PowerShell as Admin and run choco update all -y, once in a while update your packages this way.
run choco install Scilab -y
then open the Scilab software
run the atomsInstall("xcos_code_generator") in the console
runt the atomsLoad("xcos_code_generator") to make sure your package is installed properly. You should see this as a result:
--> atomsInstall("xcos_code_generator")
Scanning repository http://atoms.scilab.org/6.0 ... Done
ans =
!xcos_code_generator 0.9.201901 user SCIHOME\atoms\x64\xcos_code_generator\0.9.201901 I !
--> atomsLoad("xcos_code_generator");
Start Scilab Code Generator
Version: 0.9.20190122
Load macros
Load help
Load demos

Why can't I run TexMaker?

Currently workingh on an Arch Linux and I want to modify and edit tex documents. I though texmaker would be the best available tool for this.
It seems to have installed perfectly, but I get the error below whenever I try to run texmaker from the terminal. If I double click to the shortcut, I don't even get an error.
texmaker: /usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.8' not found
(required by /usr/lib/libQt5Sensors.so.5)
texmaker:/usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.8' not found
(required by /usr/lib/libQt5Positioning.so.5)
texmaker: /usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.8' not found
(required by /usr/lib/libQt5WebChannel.so.5)
Is this related to ROS that I have installed on my system?
Did a simple yaourt -Syu and now it works!

Cannot start Julia in Atom (LoadError: ArgumentError: Juno not found in path)

I installed Atom and uber-juno as instructed by Julia's homepage, but when I tried to start Julia in Atom, I was given the following error:
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Juno not found in path
in require at loading.jl:249
in include at boot.jl:261
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:320
in process_options at client.jl:280
in _start at client.jl:378
while loading C:\Users\think\.atom\packages\julia-client\script\boot.jl, in expression starting on line 36
I think you are doing using Juno inside Atom. Juno.jl is a separate package for developing Juno plugins.
Fist save a new file with a .jl extension and type some Julia code (or open an existing .jl file) in Atom, then press SHIFT + ENTER with the cursor in the block of code that you want to evaluate, you should see the result, ie.
1 + 1 # type SHIFT + ENTER
A bubble notification will pop up with the value 2 (when you just start Atom you will see a spinning gear icon until Juno is ready to evaluate a block of code).
This isn't really a question for StackOverflow, it's a package/installation discussion. There was a new version tagged this morning which makes use of the new Juno.jl package where the front end stuff is held (this will be useful for package developers since it will allow them to extend Juno / add extra functionality for their packages which interact with Juno, adding only a light dependency). However, Juno.jl is not yet a registered package, leading to this mess.
One way to deal with this problem is to install the development version of the package:
However, this is not recommended for most users since you'll be at the bleeding edge (you may also need to do [Pkg.checkout(x) for x in ["Media", "Blink", "Atom"]] and use the dev install. So while this would fix this for right now, this will put you on the bleeding edge, a version which does not have a guarantee of stability. Thus, don't do this unless you're really familiar with Julia. (If you didn't see this error and immediately know to check Github for Juno.jl and use Pkg.clone, then you likely shouldn't be using this solution because you will get many random errors coming up all the time due to being on the development version!)
Otherwise, wait for the fix. This error is known, someone opened the issue here. The standard uber-juno install should be fixed up shortly.
If you want more help see the Juno Gitter or the Juno discussion board.
I just re-installed Atom and ran into the same problem. The problem comes from line 31 of ~/.atom/package/julia-client/script/boot.jl which is using Juno. Comment out this line and then Packages > Julia > Start Julia works.
The best solution is to uninstall and reinstall package julia-client and uber-juno.

RStudio empty on startup - No windows, no menus, no rendering

When I start RStudio, none of the windows inside the main frame come up, and none of the menu options display menu options when clicked. It's just an blank page.
It feels like some kind of graphics rendering or window management problem.
I'm running Windows 7. I have the latest version of R, which is 3.1.1. I have the latest RStudio, which is 98.1062.
How to fix it?
Reset the RStudio state. Do this:
Close RStudio if open.
Go to this directory: %localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop
Rename that directory as a type of backup.
Start RStudio.
RStudio will see the configuration directory is missing and regenerate it with correct values.
Everything should work after that.
Other threads I found helpful here are:
Renaming the RStudio state by renaming %localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop did not work for me. However i made it work by renaming another config folder in %appdata% instead.
Close RStudio
Go to this directory: %appdata%\RStudio
Rename the folder
Restart RStudio
I faced the same issue when I downgraded my version of R.
I did try the above solutions. However, it didn't work for me.
After some googling, I found out that the issue was because now I had a different version of R installed. Here's how you can choose the version of R and rectify the issue.
Navigate to the RStudio installation folder. (C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin)
Press and hold Control Key
Double click on rstudio.exe
Choose a specific version of R (whichever you want to work with)
Click OK and RStudio should open without any issues.
NB: I use 64bit Windows 8.1.
I had the same issue and I almost gave up about solving it but then I found a suggestion that GitHub might be the problem. I am not sure how that is happening but the minute I uninstalled GitHub and re-launched Rstudio, it worked perfectly as nothing happened!? Here is the link for where I found the suggestion on Rstudio community page: (https://support.rstudio.com/hc/communities/public/questions/200983187-R-studio-0-98-797-for-mac-opens-as-blank-white-page)
I had the same problem and figured out that for some reason R was blocked on the step of loading my library from a website (I added it to Rprofile for auto-load). You can test the following:
1) Try to run just R console, not RStudio, and then click on blank space - normally some information should appear
2) Try to launch without network connection
On a Mac (Running Yosemite 10.10.3) this is what worked for me:
Move/Rename ~/.rstudio-desktop
(Many responses have mentioned this, but this by itself didn't help.)
Then I shutdown my Mac and restarted it. RStudio worked when I logged back in.
Before that, I tried every one of the steps mentioned here and in many other links, including re-downloading R and RStudio, but unfortunately none of those steps helped in my case.
Search this documentation for 'Blank GUI'.
This is what I found which worked for me:
In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Users\currentUser\AppData\Roaming\RStudio.
Delete the Desktop.ini file
This technique forces RStudio to refresh and default to open-source R as the engine
Same issue I faced so I unistalled the windows installer and downloaded zip version from this link https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/
Unziped It and pasted it into c drive and created shortcut from Rstudio/bin/rstudio.exe file.
Working properly after that no issue. In windows installer checked that r session is not working due to an missing dll.
So try to install from ZIP
I had the same problem like Thomas
When I start RStudio, none on the windows inside the main frame come up, and none of the menu options display menu options when clicked. It's just an blank page.
My problem was, that i uninstalled R because is thought RStudio will work on its own.
So i uninstalled RStudio and deleting every existing file which was created by R or RStudio.
In the next step i installed RStudio again.
It was asking for a Version of R (which i dont had in this state). So i installed R again and everything is working fine now. I hope this helps
I had a slight variation of the problem that might be of interest. I had set up an aliases.cmd to run my cygwin bash shell automatically upon launch of a cmd terminal as per:
What RStudio was doing was launching a few cmd windows in the background to (I assume) populate each pane and the console.
This was triggering a bash shell which wasn't returning and was hanging RStudio.
If you have this issue you can just manually kill the sub bash terminals spawned by cmd via ProcessExplorer/TaskManager and RStudio will continue to launch normally.
If anyone else has set anything to launch automatically on init of a cmd terminal then this could interfere in the same way with RStudio.
The RStudio devs could probably fix this behind the scenes by changing the way they spawn cmd terminals in the gui.
I had a similar problem. After trying the options above with no luck, I uninstalled Rx64 3.5.0 and installed an older version, R x64 3.2.2.
Rstudio then worked perfect.
