Thingsboard Arduino Client Library issues - arduino

So I've been working on modifying the thingsboard arduino library to support device provisioning. I've duplicated/renamed/modified a handful of functions in the library to support pointing to the correct topics, and added the supporting code in my main application to make use of them. However, I am now getting a compiler error in a section of the library code I did not touch. I'm hoping someone can point out what I goofed up, as it appears like it should be a fairly simple fix if I can find it.
This is the bit of code giving me the error-
inline Telemetry(const char *key, T val)
:m_type(TYPE_INT), m_key(key), m_value() { m_value.integer = val; }
Here is the error -
In file included from src\main.cpp:12:0:
.pio\libdeps\win\ThingsBoard\src/ThingsBoard.h: In instantiation of 'Telemetry::Telemetry(const char*, T) [with T = String; <template-parameter-1-2> = ArduinoJson6172_91::enable_if<false, void>]':
src\main.cpp:514:33: required from here
.pio\libdeps\win\ThingsBoard\src/ThingsBoard.h:46:64: error: cannot convert 'String' to 'int' in assignment
:m_type(TYPE_INT), m_key(key), m_value() { m_value.integer = val; }
Here's the bulk of what I added to my main code to handle device registration.
RPC_Response processDeviceRegistration(const RPC_Data &data)
Serial.println("Received the device registration response");
String credential = data["credentialsValue"];
EEPROM.write(10, sizeof(credential));
EEPROM.writeString(20, (String)credential);
return RPC_Response("registration response", true);
Serial.println("Device registration failed");
return RPC_Response("registration response", false);
const size_t callbacks_size = 2;
RPC_Callback callbacks[callbacks_size] = {
{ "device_registration", processDeviceRegistration }
void reinitialize()
if (!dr.RPC_Subscribe(callbacks, 1)) {
Serial.println("Failed to subscribe for RPC");
String IMEI = modem.getIMEI();
const int data_items = 3;
Telemetry data[data_items] = {
Telemetry("deviceName", IMEI),
Telemetry("provisionDeviceKey", provision_device_key),
Telemetry("provisionDeviceSecret", provision_device_secret),
if (!dr.sendDR(data, data_items)){
Serial.println("Device registration send failed");
If it would be helpful, I can fork and upload the full library code and post a link to my github.
----- Edit -----
Upon further investigation, it appears the template for the Telemetry class is detecting the IMEI variable as an integer rather than a string and trying to convert it for some reason. I have no idea why, or how to fix it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Well then, helps if I take a few minutes to actually understand the code I didn't write that is giving me grief. There was no handler in the Telemetry constructor for a character array or string type variable. Added that and now everything is working :)
Full Telemetry constructor below -
inline Telemetry()
:m_type(TYPE_NONE), m_key(NULL), m_value() { }
// Constructs telemetry record from integer value.
// EnableIf trick is required to overcome ambiguous float/integer conversion
typename T,
typename = ARDUINOJSON_NAMESPACE::enable_if<ARDUINOJSON_NAMESPACE::is_integral<T>::value>
inline Telemetry(const char *key, T val)
:m_type(TYPE_INT), m_key(key), m_value() { m_value.integer = val; }
// Constructs telemetry record from boolean value.
inline Telemetry(const char *key, bool val)
:m_type(TYPE_BOOL), m_key(key), m_value() { m_value.boolean = val; }
// Constructs telemetry record from float value.
inline Telemetry(const char *key, float val)
:m_type(TYPE_REAL), m_key(key), m_value() { m_value.real = val; }
// Constructs telemetry record from string value.
inline Telemetry(const char *key, const char *val)
:m_type(TYPE_STR), m_key(key), m_value() { m_value.str = val; }
// Constructs telemetry record from string value.
inline Telemetry(const char *key, char *val)
:m_type(TYPE_STR), m_key(key), m_value() { m_value.str = val; }


Is there a map-like tool in QT that can be iterated over inserted index?

From the Qt documentation about QMap::iterator :
Unlike QHash, which stores its items in an arbitrary order, QMap
stores its items ordered by key. Items that share the same key
(because they were inserted using QMap::insertMulti(), or due to a
unite()) will appear consecutively, from the most recently to the
least recently inserted value.
What I want is to interate a map by inserted index. For example this map.
const static QMap<QString, int> MEASUREMENT_COLUMNS{{"ID", MY_SQL_BIGINT}, {"logging_id", MY_SQL_INT}, {"calibration_id", MY_SQL_INT}, {"logging_comment", MY_SQL_VARCHAR255}, {"measurement_date_time", MY_SQL_DATETIME}, {"ADC0", MY_SQL_FLOAT},
But the problem is as the documentation says above about QMap and QHashmap. They will not work for be if I want to iterate a map by inserted index.
For example, first ID, then logging_id, then calibration_id etc.
So I need to select something else than QMap and QHash.
Is there a map-like tool in QT that can be iterated over inserted index?
You can use two QVector, or use QVector<QPair<QString, int> > instead.
Here's the start of a QHash derivative which provides this functionality. DISCLAIMER: This is not entirely perfected! Not every function / feature of QHash has yet been accounted for. As long as you only use the functions / operator overloads provided here, you'll be fine for sure. If someone wants to keep developing this and repost a truly "finished" class, that would be great!
Note that performance will of course be degraded a bit, and memory consumption will increase, using this vs the natural QHash, but for small data sets that should be negligible.
#include <QHash>
#include <QVector>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QDebug>
template<class K, class V>
class OrderedHash : public QHash<K,V>
using QHash<K,V>::QHash;
OrderedHash( std::initializer_list<std::pair<K, V>> list )
: QHash<K,V>::QHash()
{ foreach( auto p, list ) insert( std::get<0>(p), std::get<1>(p) ); }
// Returns the keys in the order they were inserted.
// If the ordered keys vector is blatantly out of sync with the hash
// (as may occur via the use of QHash functions not accounted for
// by this override!), this returns UNordered keys, since those are at
// least accurate.
QList<K> orderedKeys() const {
if( QHash<K,V>::size() != orderedKeys_.size() )
qWarning() << "OrderedHash keys are out of sync!";
return QHash<K,V>::keys();
return orderedKeys_.toList();
// This insert override "appends" to the "end" of the hash. If the key is
// already present, the entry is "moved" to the new end.
typename QHash<K,V>::iterator insert( const K &key, const V &value )
//qDebug() << "OrderedHash insert: " << key << ":" << value;
orderedKeys_.removeAll( key );
orderedKeys_.push_back( key );
return QHash<K,V>::insert( key, value );
// This additional update function perseveres the "key order" while
// modifying the value. If the key is not yet present, the entry is
// appended to the "end" of the hash.
typename QHash<K,V>::iterator update( const K &key, const V &value )
if( !QHash<K,V>::contains( key ) ) return insert( key, value );
return QHash<K,V>::insert( key, value );
int remove( const K &key )
orderedKeys_.removeAll( key );
return QHash<K,V>::remove( key );
void clear()
QVector<K> orderedKeys_;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, OrderedHash<Key, T> &hash)
QDataStream::Status oldStatus = in.status();
quint32 n;
in >> n;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (in.status() != QDataStream::Ok)
Key k;
T t;
in >> k >> t;
hash.insertMulti(k, t);
hash.insert(k, t);
if (in.status() != QDataStream::Ok)
if (oldStatus != QDataStream::Ok)
return in;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const OrderedHash<Key, T>& hash)
out << quint32(hash.size());
typename QHash<Key, T>::ConstIterator it = hash.end();
typename QHash<Key, T>::ConstIterator begin = hash.begin();
while (it != begin) {
out << it.key() << it.value();
const QList<Key> keys( hash.orderedKeys() );
foreach( auto key, keys ) out << key << hash.value(key);
return out;
Not in QT (to my knowledge, at least).
Can you use Boost, e.g. boost::multiindex? Another option is to combine map with vector in a class +- like this (this is likely to contain errors; it's supposed to illustrate the general idea, not to be a fully working piece of code):
template<typename K, typename V>
class indexed_map
map<K, V> m_map;
vector<K> m_insertionOrder;
void insert(const K& k, const V& v)
V byKey(const K& k) const {return};
V byOrder(size_t n) const {return;}
Of course you'll have to write some boilerplate (ok, lots of it in fact), iterators might be also tricky.

What is rosidl_runtime_c__double__Sequence type?

I'm trying to use a teensy 4.1 as an interface between an encoder and ROS thanks to micro-ros (arduino version).
I would like to publish position of a wheel to the /jointState topic with the teensy but there is no example on the micro-ros arduino Github repo.
I've tried to inspect the sensormsgs/msg/jointState message struct but everything is a bit fuzzy and I don't understand how to make it works. I can't understand what is rosidl_runtime_c__double__Sequence type.
I've tried several things but I always get an error about operand types
no match for 'operator=' (operand types are 'rosidl_runtime_c__String' and 'const char [18]')[0] = "drivewhl_1g_joint";
Here is my arduino code
#include <micro_ros_arduino.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rcl/rcl.h>
#include <rcl/error_handling.h>
#include <rclc/rclc.h>
#include <rclc/executor.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/msg/joint_state.h>
rcl_publisher_t publisher;
sensor_msgs__msg__JointState msg;
rclc_executor_t executor;
rclc_support_t support;
rcl_allocator_t allocator;
rcl_node_t node;
rcl_timer_t timer;
#define LED_PIN 13
#define RCCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){error_loop();}}
#define RCSOFTCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){}}
void error_loop(){
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !digitalRead(LED_PIN));
void timer_callback(rcl_timer_t * timer, int64_t last_call_time)
if (timer != NULL) {
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher, &msg, NULL));
//Do not work
//msg.position=["1.3","0.2", "0","0"]; = 1;[0] = "drivewhl_1g_joint";
msg.position.size = 1;[0] = 1.85;
void setup() {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
//create init_options
RCCHECK(rclc_support_init(&support, 0, NULL, &allocator));
// create node
RCCHECK(rclc_node_init_default(&node, "micro_ros_arduino_node", "", &support));
// create publisher
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(sensor_msgs, msg, JointState),
// create timer,
const unsigned int timer_timeout = 1000;
// create executor
RCCHECK(rclc_executor_init(&executor, &support.context, 1, &allocator));
RCCHECK(rclc_executor_add_timer(&executor, &timer));
void loop() {
RCSOFTCHECK(rclc_executor_spin_some(&executor, RCL_MS_TO_NS(100)));
I'm a beginner with Ros and C, it may be a very dumb question but I don't know how to solve it. Thanks for your help !
rosidl_runtime_c__String__Sequence is a structure used to old string data that is to be transmitted. Specifically it is a sequence of rosidl_runtime_c__String data. You're running into an error because rosidl_runtime_c__String is also a struct itself with no custom operators defined. Thus, your assignment fails since the types are not directly convertible. What you need to do instead is use the field. You can see slightly more info here
void timer_callback(rcl_timer_t * timer, int64_t last_call_time)
if (timer != NULL) {
//msg.position=["1.3","0.2", "0","0"]; = 1;[0].data = "drivewhl_1g_joint";[0].size = 17; //Size in bytes excluding null terminator
msg.position.size = 1;[0] = 1.85;
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher, &msg, NULL));
I also spent quite some time trying to get publishing JointState message from my esp32 running microros, and also couldn't find working example. Finally, i was successful, maybe it will help someone.
In simple words:
.capacity contains max number of elements
.size contains actual number of elements (strlen in case of string)
.data should be allocated as using malloc as .capacity * sizeof()
each string within sequence should be allocated separately
This is my code that allocates memory for 12 joints, named j0-j11. Good luck!
// Declarations
rcl_publisher_t pub_joint;
sensor_msgs__msg__JointState joint_state_msg;
// Create publisher
RCCHECK(rclc_publisher_init_default(&pub_joint, &node,
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(sensor_msgs, msg, JointState),
//Allocate memory = 12; = 12; = (std_msgs__msg__String*) malloc(*sizeof(std_msgs__msg__String));
for(int i=0;i<12;i++) {[i].data = malloc(5);[i].capacity = 5;
sprintf([i].data,"j%d",i);[i].size = strlen([i].data);
joint_state_msg.position.capacity=12; = malloc(joint_state_msg.position.capacity*sizeof(double));
joint_state_msg.velocity.capacity=12; = malloc(joint_state_msg.velocity.capacity*sizeof(double));
joint_state_msg.effort.capacity=12; = malloc(joint_state_msg.effort.capacity*sizeof(double));
for(int i=0;i<12;i++) {[i]=0.0;[i]=0.0;[i]=0.0;
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&pub_joint, &joint_state_msg, NULL));

Do I need to malloc C-style strings?

I recently started using Arduino so I still have to adapt and find the differences between C/C++ and the Arduino language.
So I have a question for you.
When I see someone using a C-style string in Arduino (char *str), they always initialize it like this (and never free it) :
char *str = "Hello World";
In pure C, I would have done something like this:
int my_strlen(char const *str)
int i = 0;
while (str[i]) {
return (i);
char *my_strcpy(char *dest, char const *src)
char *it = dest;
while (*src != 0) {
*it = *src;
return (dest);
char *my_strdup(char const *s)
char *result = NULL;
int length = my_strlen(s);
result = my_malloc(sizeof(char const) * (length + 1));
if (result == NULL) {
return (NULL);
my_strcpy(result, s);
return (result);
and then initialize it like this:
char *str = my_strdup("Hello World");
So here is my question, on C-style Arduino strings, is malloc optional or these people just got it wrong?
Thank you for your answers.
In C++ it's better to use new[]/delete[] and not mix it with malloc/free.
In the Arduino there is also String class, that hides those allocations from you.
However using dynamic memory allocations in such restrained platform has its pitfalls, like heap fragmentation (mainly because String overloads + operator, so everyone is overusing it like: Serial.println(String{"something : "} + a + b + c + d + ......) and then wonders about mysterious crashes.
More about it on Majenko's blog: The Evils of Arduino String class (Majenko has highest reputation on the arduino stackexchange)
Basically with the String class your strdup code would be simple as this:
String str{"Hello World"};
String copyOfStr = str;

using an integer function return value to return a pointer

I am writing a serial command interpreter. The user will send a text string to the interpreter and it will do stuff and return an integer (either data or a code depending on what the user requested). But I want to expand the interpreter and allow the user to get an array of data or other structure in response to their query.
Can I use the integer return value to return a pointer to EEPROM (or global variable) address? And have the user follow the pointer to the memory location? Based on the query they sent, they would know if the return value is a pointer or data integer.
for example if I want to return
struct curve_t {
int type; // (2 bytes) calibration type indicator
int ref[2]; // (4 bytes) calibration reference point2
float param[11]; // (11*4 bytes) curve fitting parameters
} theCurve;
can I use a function like this?
int serialResponse(char * command) {
// interpret command here
return &theCurve;
Can you send a memory address through serial interface?
Can your user access EEPROM through serial interface, using that address?
Not directly. Your MCU has to relay the data between your user and the EEPROM.
I wrote a small test program and confirmed that it is possible. I can pass the address from the function as an integer and then re-cast it in my calling function. It needs to address a global variable or at least on that is available in the calling function.
char res[10];
void loop {
b = function();
Serial.println((char *)b);
int function() {
return int(&res[0]);
I would not recommend casting a pointer into an integer because it won't work on computer architectures where an int has fewer bits than a pointer.
Lexical Parsers - like what you're writing - often arrange to return a token type, and place the token value in a union that the caller can access. The nice thing about structuring your code in that way is that it's extensible to whatever data types you want, and it will work no matter what C++ platform you're running on.
Here's an example of a token parser that can parse integers and your curve_t:
struct curve_t {
int type; // (2 bytes) calibration type indicator
int ref[2]; // (4 bytes) calibration reference point2
float param[11]; // (11*4 bytes) curve fitting parameters
union TokenValue {
int i; // type = TOKEN_TYPE_INT
struct curve_t *pCurve; // type = TOKEN_TYPE_P_CURVE
enum TokenType {
curve_t theCurve;
TokenValue tokenValue;
* Parses the given command,
* setting the parsed value in tokenValue,
* returning the type of value (a TOKEN_TYPE_*).
TokenType serialResponse(char * command) {
if (command[0] == 'a') { // TO DO: your code will test something else.
// We want to return an integer
tokenValue.i = 1234; // TO DO: in your code, instead set the integer value from command
if (command[0] == 'b') { // TO DO: your code will test something else.
// We want to return a pointer to theCurve.
// TO DO: Fill in the values of theCurve, for example theCurve.param[0]
tokenValue.pCurve = &theCurve;
// Else
void setup() {
//TO DO: move this code to where it belongs in your Sketch
//TO DO: parse a command
char command[10] = "and so...";
// TO DO: read the command.
// Process the command
enum TokenType t;
t = serialResponse(command);
if (t == TOKEN_TYPE_INT) {
// The command result is an integer
int i = tokenValue.i;
// TO DO: process the integer.
} else if (t == TOKEN_TYPE_P_CURVE) {
// The command result is a curve
curve_t *pCurve = tokenValue.pCurve;
// TO DO: process the Curve.
} else {
// unrecognized command. TO DO: handle the error.
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
If you insist on using the cast of an int to a pointer (which I admit is a lot simpler), you could add a test for int size problems to your setup():
void setup() {
if (sizeof(int) < sizeof(curve_t *)) {
Serial.println("cast won't work");
for (;;) {} // hang here forever.

Using valgrind - "Invalid read of size 1" for strlen

I'm trying to write code that sets the name of a Student object to a new name, but I'm coming across memory leak errors when creating a character array. I assume it has to do with /0 at the end of the array and isn't terminating properly, but I don't know how to properly fix this. Thanks for the help.
#include "student.h"
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Student::Student(const char * const name, int perm) {
int Student::getPerm() const {
return this->perm;
const char * const Student::getName() const {
return this->name;
void Student::setPerm(const int perm) {
this->perm = perm;
void Student::setName(const char * const newName) {
this->name = new char[strlen(newName)+1];
// this->name[srtlen(newName)+1] = '/0'; <---- My suggested fix, but doesn't work
Student::Student(const Student &orig) {
Student::~Student() {
delete this->name;
this->perm = 0;
This is the valgrind error:
==13814== Invalid read of size 1
==13814== at 0x4C2BA12: strlen (vg_replace_strmem.c:454)
==13814== by 0x4F56FD6: UnknownInlinedFun (char_traits.h:267)
==13814== by 0x4F56FD6: std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(char const*, std::allocator<char> const&) (basic_string.h:456)
==13814== by 0x401ED8: Student::toString[abi:cxx11]() const (student.cpp:64)
==13814== by 0x401A46: main (testStudent00.cpp:14)
==13814== Address 0x5302e8 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
Your assumption that you needed to add the 0 terminator is wrong, strcpy() will do that for you. Your attempt of doing so adds the 0 terminator one byte past the space you allocated (remember, array indexes start at zero), and the syntax is also wrong, you would need to do:
this->name[strlen(newName)] = '\0';
However, to fix your memory leak You need to delete the previous string, like
void Student::setName(const char * const newName)
delete [] this->name;
this->name = new char[strlen(newName)+1];
Student::Student(const Student &orig) :
name(0) {
Student::~Student() {
delete [] this->name;
this->perm = 0;
Now, for this to work, you also need to fix your constructor and copy constructor to initialize the name member, so it isn't an uninitialized pointer for the first call to the setName() function, and you need to add an assignment operator too, so you can properly handle assignments.
Student::Student(const char * const name, int perm) :
Student &operator=(const Student &orig) {
Also, consider using std::string instead of your current low level way of handling strings, that way you don't need to even implement a copy constructor, assignment operator and destructor for this class, nor deal with correctly managing memory.
