How to use fine-tuned bert model in other tasks? - bert-language-model

I fine-tuned a bert (or roberta) model for sequence classification. Can I fine-tune the same model for a different task (QA or Sentiment Analysis)?


BERT classification on imbalanced or small dataset

I have a large corpus, no labels. I trained this corpus to get my BERT tokenizer.
Then I want to build a BertModel to do a binary classification on a labeled dataset. However, this dataset is highly imbalanced, 1: 99. So my question is:
Does BertModel would perform well on imbalanced dataset?
Does BertModel would perform well on small dataset? (as small as less than 500 data points, I bet it's not..)
The objective of transferred learning using pre-trained models partially answers your questions. BertModel pre-trained on large corpus, which when adapted to task specific corpus, usually performs better than non pre-trained models (for example, training a simple LSTM for classification task).
BERT has shown that it performs well when fine-tuned on small task-specific corpus. (This answers your question 2.). However, the level of improvements also depend on the domain and task that you want to perform, and how related was the data used for pre-training is with respect to your target dataset.
From my experience, pre-trained BERT when fine-tuned on target task performs much better than other DNNs such as LSTM and CNNs when the datasets are highly imbalanced. However, this again depends on the task and data. 1:99 is really a huge imbalance, which might require data balancing techniques.

sLDA for predicting categorical response instead of continuous in R

I have a collection of documents, that might have latent topics associated with them. It is likely that each document might relate to one or more topics. I have a master file of all possible "topics"/categories and descriptions to these topics. I am seeking to create a model that predicts the topics for each document.
I could potentially use Supervised text classification using RTextTools, but that would only help me categorize documents to belong to one category or another. I am seeking to find a solution that would not only help me determine the topic proportions to the document, but also give the term-topic/category distributions.
sLDA seems like a good fit, but it seems to only predict continuous variable outcomes instead of categorical.
LDA is more of a classification method, predicting classes. other methods can be multinational logistic regression. LDA could be harder to train compared to Multinational, given a possible little improved fit it can provide.
update: LDA is a classification method where unlike logistic regression that you directly predict Pr(Y = k|X = x) using the logit link, LDA uses the Bayes theorem for prediction. It is normally a more popular compared to logistic regression (and its extension for multi-class prediction, namely multinational logistic regression) for multi-class problems.
LDA assumes that the observations are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with a common covariance matrix in each class, and so can provide some improvements over logistic regression when this assumption approximately holds. in contrast,it is suggested that logistic regression can outperform LDA if these Gaussian assumptions are not hold. To sum up, While both are appropriate for the development of linear classification models, linear discriminant analysis makes more assumptions about the underlying data as opposed to logistic regression, which makes logistic regression a more flexible and robust method when these assumptions are not hold. So what I meant was, it is important to understand your data well, and see which might fit your data better. There are good sources on read you can read and comparison of classification methods:
I suggest Introduction to statistical learning, on classification chapter. Hope this helps

identifying key columns/features used by decision tree regression

In Azure ML, I have a predictive regression model using boosted decision tree regression and it is reasonably accurate.
The input dataset has over 450 columns and the model has done a good job of predicting against test data sets, without over-fitting.
To report on the result i need to know what features/columns the model mainly used to make predictions but i cant find this information easily when looking at the trained model data.
How do i identify this information? Im happy to import the result dataset into R to help find this but I just need pointers on what direction to start working in.
Mostly, in using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, when looking at the features that is mainly used to make predictions, it is found on the output of the Train Model module.
But on using Decision Trees as your algorithm, the output of your Train Model module would be the constructed 'trees' of the algorithm, and it looks like this:
To know the features that made impact on predictions while using Decision Trees algorithms, you can use the Permutation Feature Importance module. Look at the sample experiment below:
The parameters of Permutation Feature Importance are Random Seed and Metric for Measuring Performance (in this case, Regression - Coefficient of Determination)
The left input of Permutation Feature Importance is your trained model, and the right input is your test data.
The output of Permutation Feature Importance looks like this:
You can add Execute R Script to extract the Features and Scores from Permutation Feature Importance module.

Chain Classifiers in R

Is there any way to perform chain classification in multi-label classification problem. I have created a binary relevance model using mlr package which uses learners to achieve the same. But all the classification models in binary relevance are independent of each other and does not take into consideration the inter-dependencies of variables.
It would be really helpful if I can perform chain classification along with binary relevance method to improve my model.
We have multilabel classification with other algorithms like Classifier Chains now available in mlr, checkout the updated tutorial:

prediction intervals with caret

I've been using the caret package in R to run some boosted regression tree and random forest models and am hoping to generate prediction intervals for a set of new cases using the inbuilt cross-validation routine.
The trainControl function allows you to save the hold-out predictions at each of the n-folds, but I'm wondering whether unknown cases can also be predicted at each fold using the built-in functions, or whether I need to use a separate loop to build the models n-times.
Any advice much appreciated
Check the R package quantregForest, available at CRAN. It can easily calculate prediction intervals for random forest models. There's a nice paper by the author of the package, explaining the backgrounds of the method. (Sorry, I can't say anything about prediction intervals for BRT models; I'm looking for them by myself...)
