How to denormalize an array recursively in Symfony 5? - symfony

I am currently trying to denormalize an array, which came out of an API as a JSON response and was JSON decoded.
The problem is, that I want it to be denormalized into a class and one of the properties is another class.
It feels like it should be possible to get such an easy job done with the Symfony denormalizer, but I always get the following exception:
Failed to denormalize attribute "inner_property" value for class "App\Model\Api\Outer": Expected argument of type "App\Model\Api\Inner", "array" given at property path "inner_property".
My denormalizing code looks like that:
$this->denormalizer->denormalize($jsonOuter, Outer::class);
The denormalizer is injected in the constructor:
public function __construct(DenormalizerInterface $denormalizer) {
The array I try to denormalize:
array (
'inner_property' =>
array (
'property' => '12345',
Finally the both classes I try to denormalize to:
class Outer
/** #var InnerProperty */
private $innerProperty;
public function getInnerProperty(): InnerProperty
return $this->innerProperty;
public function setInnerProperty(InnerProperty $innerProperty): void
$this->innerProperty = $innerProperty;
class InnerProperty
private $property;
public function getProperty(): string
return $this->property;
public function setProperty(string $property): void
$this->property = $property;

After hours of searching I finally found the reason. The problem was the combination of the "inner_property" snake case and $innerProperty or getInnerProperty camel case. In Symfony 5 the camel case to snake case converter is not enabled by default.
So I had to do this by adding this config in the config/packages/framework.yaml:
name_converter: 'serializer.name_converter.camel_case_to_snake_case'
Here is the reference to the Symfony documentation:
Alternatively I could have also add a SerializedName annotation to the property in the Outer class:
PS: My question was not asked properly, because I didn't changed the property and class names properly. So I fixed that in the question for future visitors.


Removing some schemas/models from API-Platforms Swagger/OpenAPI documentation output

API-Platform will generate Swagger/OpenAPI route documentation and then below documentation for the Schemas (AKA Models) (the docs show them as "Models" but current versions such as 2.7 show them as "Schemas").
Where is the content generated to show these schemas/models? How can some be removed? The functionality to display them is part of Swagger-UI, but API-Platform must be responsible for providing the JSON configuration and thus which to change API-Platform and not Swagger-UI. Note that this post shows how to add a schema but not how to remove one. Is there any documentation on the subject other than this which doesn't go into detail?
As seen by the output below, I am exposing AbstractOrganization, however, this class is extended by a couple other classes and is not meant to be exposed, but only schemas for the concrete classes should be exposed. Note that my AbstractOrganization entity class is not tagged with #ApiResource and is not shown in the Swagger/OpenAPI routing documentation but only the schema/model documentation.
Thank you
I am pretty certain there are better ways to implement this, however, the following will work and might be helpful for others.
namespace App\OpenApi;
use ApiPlatform\Core\OpenApi\Factory\OpenApiFactoryInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Core\OpenApi\OpenApi;
use ApiPlatform\Core\OpenApi\Model\Paths;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
class OpenApiRouteHider implements OpenApiFactoryInterface {
public function __construct(private OpenApiFactoryInterface $decorated, private TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
public function __invoke(array $context = []): OpenApi
$openApi = $this->decorated->__invoke($context);
$removedPaths = $this->getRemovedPaths();
$paths = new Paths;
$pathArray = $openApi->getPaths()->getPaths();
foreach($openApi->getPaths()->getPaths() as $path=>$pathItem) {
if(!isset($removedPaths[$path])) {
// No restrictions
$paths->addPath($path, $pathItem);
elseif($removedPaths[$path]!=='*') {
// Remove one or more operation
foreach($removedPaths[$path] as $operation) {
$method = 'with'.ucFirst($operation);
$pathItem = $pathItem->$method(null);
$paths->addPath($path, $pathItem);
// else don't add this route to the documentation
$openApiTest = $openApi->withPaths($paths);
return $openApi->withPaths($paths);
private function getRemovedPaths():array
// Use $user to determine which ones to remove.
$user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
return [
'/guids'=>'*', // Remove all operations
'/guids/{guid}'=>'*', // Remove all operations
'/tenants'=>['post', 'get'], // Remove only post and get operations
'/tenants/{uuid}'=>['delete'], // Remove only delete operation
'/chart_themes/{id}'=>['put', 'delete', 'patch'],

Out of range Ids in Symfony route

I have a common structure for Symfony controller (using FOSRestBundle)
* #Route\Get("users/{id}", requirements={"userId" = "(\d+)"})
public function getUserAction(User $user)
Now if I request http://localhost/users/1 everything is fine. But if I request http://localhost/users/11111111111111111 I get 500 error and Exception
ERROR: value \"11111111111111111\" is out of range for type integer"
Is there a way to check id before it is transferred to database?
As a solution I can specify length of id
* #Route\Get("users/{id}", requirements={"userId" = "(\d{,10})"})
but then Symfony will say that there is no such route, instead of showing that the id is incorrect.
By telling Symfony that the getUserAction() argument is a User instance, it will take for granted that the {id} url parameter must be matched to the as primary key, handing it over to the Doctrine ParamConverter to fetch the corresponding User.
There are at least two workarounds.
1. Use the ParamConverter repository_method config
In the controller function's comment, we can add the #ParamConverter annotation and tell it to use the repository_method option.
This way Symfony will hand the url parameter to a function in our entity repository, from which we'll be able to check the integrity of the url parameter.
In UserRepository, let's create a function getting an entity by primary key, checking first the integrity of the argument. That is, $id must not be larger than the largest integer that PHP can handle (the PHP_INT_MAX constant).
Please note: $id is a string, so it's safe to compare it to PHP_INT_MAX, because PHP will automatically typecast PHP_INT_MAX to a string and compare it to $id. If it were an integer, the test would always fail (by design, all integers are less than or equal to PHP_INT_MAX).
// ...
use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\OutOfBoundsException;
class UserRepository extends ...
// ...
public function findSafeById($id) {
if ($id > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new OutOfBoundsException($id . " is too large to fit in an integer");
return $this->find($id);
This is only an example: we can do anything we like before throwing the exception (for example logging the failed attempt).
Then, in our controller, let's include the ParamConverter annotation:
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\ParamConverter;
and modify the function comment adding the annotation:
#ParamConverter("id", class="App:User", options={"repository_method" = "findSafeById"})
Our controller function should look like:
* #Get("users/{id}")
* #ParamConverter("id", class="App:User", options={"repository_method" = "findSafeById"})
public function getUserAction(User $user) {
// Return a "OK" response with the content you like
This technique allows customizing the exception, but does not give you control over the response - you'll still get a 500 error in production.
Documentation: see here.
2. Parse the route "the old way"
This way was the only viable one up to Symfony 3, and gives you a more fine-grained control over the generated response.
Let's change the action prototype like this:
* #Route\Get("users/{id}", requirements={"id" = "(\d+)"})
public function getUserAction($id)
Now, in the action we'll receive the requested $id and we'll be able to check whether it's ok. If not, we throw an exception and/or return some error response (we can choose the HTTP status code, the format and anything else).
Below you find a sample implementation of this procedure.
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Get;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\FOSRestController;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\OutOfBoundsException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
class MyRestController extends FOSRestController {
* #Get("users/{id}", requirements={"id" = "(\d+)"})
public function getUserAction($id) {
try {
if ($id > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new OutOfBoundsException($id . " is too large to fit in an integer");
// Replace App\Entity\User with your actual Entity alias
$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('App\Entity\User')->find($id);
if (!$user) {
throw new \Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException("User not found");
// Return a "OK" response with the content you like
return new JsonResponse(['key' => 123]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return new JsonResponse(['message' => $e->getMessage()], 400);

PHP/Symfony - Parsing object properties from Request

We're building a REST API in Symfony and in many Controllers we're repeating the same code for parsing and settings properties of objects/entities such as this:
$title = $request->request->get('title');
if (isset($title)) {
$titleObj = $solution->getTitle();
$titleObj->setTranslation($language, $title);
I'm aware that Symfony forms provide this functionality, however, we've decided in the company that we want to move away from Symfony forms and want to use something simplier and more customisable instead.
Could anybody please provide any ideas or examples of libraries that might achieve property parsing and settings to an object/entity? Thank you!
It seems like a good use case for ParamConverter. Basically it allows you, by using #ParamConverter annotation to convert params which are coming into your controller into anything you want, so you might just create ParamConverter with code which is repeated in many controllers and have it in one place. Then, when using ParamConverter your controller will receive your entity/object as a parameter.
class ExampleParamConverter implements ParamConverterInterface
public function apply(Request $request, ParamConverter $configuration)
//put any code you want here
$title = $request->request->get('title');
if (isset($title)) {
$titleObj = $solution->getTitle();
$titleObj->setTranslation($language, $title);
//now you are setting object which will be injected into controller action
$request->attributes->set($configuration->getName(), $solution);
return true;
public function supports(ParamConverter $configuration)
return true;
And in controller:
* #ParamConverter("exampleParamConverter", converter="your_converter")
public function action(Entity $entity)
//you have your object available

how to use Symfony methods Action excluding the "Action" word

I am currently migrating an existent application to Symfony2 that has about 100 controllers with approximately 8 actions in each controller. All the current Actions are named as follow:
public function index(){}
However the default naming convention for Symfony is indexAction().
Is it possible to keep all my current actions and tell Symfony to use as it is without the "Action" word after the method name?
thank you.
Yes, this is possible. You should be able to define routes as normal, but you need to change the way the kernel finds the controller. The best way to do this is to replace/decorate/extends the service 'controller_name_converter'. This is a private service and is injected into the 'controller_resolver' service.
The source code of the class you want to replace is at 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerNameParser'.
Basically, the code runs like this. The 'bundle:controller:action' you specified when creating the route is saved in the cache. When a route is matched, that string is given back to the kernel, which in turn calls 'controller_resolver' which calls 'controller_name_resolver'. This class convert the string into a "namespace::method" notation.
Take a look at decorating services to get an idea of how to do it.
Here is an untested class you can work with
class ActionlessNameParser
protected $parser;
public function __construct(ControllerNameParser $parser)
$this->parser = $parser;
public function parse($controller)
if (3 === count($parts = explode(':', $controller))) {
list($bundle, $controller, $action) = $parts;
$controller = str_replace('/', '\\', $controller);
try {
// this throws an exception if there is no such bundle
$allBundles = $this->kernel->getBundle($bundle, false);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
return $this->parser->parse($controller);
foreach ($allBundles as $b) {
$try = $b->getNamespace().'\\Controller\\'.$controller.'Controller';
if (class_exists($try)) {
// You can also try testing if the action method exists.
return $try.'::'.$action;
return $this->parser->parse($controller);
public function build($controller)
return $this->parser->build($controller);
And replace the original service like:
public: false
class: My\Namespace\ActionlessNameParser
decorates: controller_name_converter
arguments: ["#actionless_name_parser.inner"]
Apparently the Action suffix is here to distinguish between internal methods and methods that are mapped to routes. (According to this question).
The best way to know for sure is to try.
// src/AppBundle/Controller/HelloController.php
namespace AppBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
class HelloController
* #Route("/hello/{name}", name="hello")
public function indexAction($name)
return new Response('<html><body>Hello '.$name.'!</body></html>');
Try to remove the Action from the method name and see what happens.

Facade pattern for Symfony2 services

New to Symfony2, I'm building an app that uses an external API to get data. I created a lot of client classes to retrieve and transform each entity from the API, and I defined those classes as services - e.g., I have a FooClient with methods like getAll() or getThoseThatInterestMe($me), which return data from the API.
Now I wanted to create a ApiClientFacade class, which acts as an interface in front of all the XxxClient classes, following the Facade Pattern - e.g., this facade class would have a method getAllFoo(), which in turn would call FooClient::getAll(), and so on...
I could define my facade class as a service as well, but it'd have too many dependencies - I have around 30 client classes. Also, afaik with this approach I'd be loading all 30 dependencies every time, while most of the times I'd only need one dependency...
So, is there a better way to do this?
Use additional ApiClientFactory to move responsibility about "instantiation of ApiClient objects" from your ApiFacade class (which is your initial idea, as I understood).
In some pseudo-php code my idea is:
$api = new ApiFacade(new ApiClientFactory);
$api->sendNotificationAboutUserLogin('username', time());
An example of method:
class ApiFacade {
private $apiFactory;
public function __construct(ApiClientFactory $factory)
$this->apiFactory = $factory;
public function sendNotificationAboutUserLogin($username, $timeOfOperation)
return $this->apiFactory
array('operation' => 'login', 'username' => $username, 'timeOfOperation' => $timeOfOperation)
In this case your Facade class stays injectable (testable), but also becomes simpler instantiatable (you don't need to pass all dependencies into it anymore).
The ApiClientFactory should look like that:
class ApiClientFactory {
private $apiBaseUrl;
public function __construct($apiBaseUrl)
$this->apiBaseUrl = $apiBaseUrl;
public function createApi($apiName)
switch ($apiName) {
case 'User': return new \My\UserApi($this->apiBaseUrl);
default: // throw an exception?
