How to place a new line via select statement in teradata? - teradata

Suppose there is string = 'Hello how are you? Are you there?'
I want the string to be splitted into 2 lines, basically want to put a new line character in between, so that the export file (from bteq) captures it.
o/p in export file expected:
how are you? Are you there?
None of the below solutions could generate the expected output.
.EXPORT FILE=xyz.txt;
sel 'Hello \n how are you? Are you there?'
sel 'hello Chr(10) how are you? Are you there?'
Any suggestions? Can anyone help with a way to print a newline into the export file?


String Formatting with python3

Ok so basically I have the following code:
name=raw_input("What is your name?")
quest=raw_input("What is your quest?")
print ("As so your name is %s, your quest is %s ") %(name,quest)
This runs perfection in Python 2.7.9
I have tried to run this same exact code in Python 3.4.2 and it does't work (figured), so I modified it to this thinking it would work:
name=input("What is your name?")
quest=input("What is your quest?")
print ("As so your name is %s, your quest is %s ") %(name,quest)
And this:
name=input("What is your name?")
quest=input("What is your quest?")
print ("As so your name is {}, your quest is {} ") .format(name,quest)
And of course that didn't work either, I have searched for over an hour now multiple sites, what am I missing here? How do you do this in Python 3.4.2, all I keep getting is sites and answers showing you the first way (I listed), and all it does is work on the older version python 2.
print is a function in Python 3. Thus, doing print(...).format(...) is effectively trying to format the return value of the print() call, which is None.
Call .format() on the string you want formatted instead:
print("As so your name is {}, your quest is {} ".format(name,quest))
Your modified code was nearly right, you just needed to move a bracket to apply the % operator to the string instead of the print function result.
So change this:
print ("As so your name is %s, your quest is %s ") % (name, quest)
to this:
print ("As so your name is %s, your quest is %s " % (name, quest))
and it runs fine in Python 3.

How to condense a file: uniq occurences and sum another field

I have a very large file that looks something like this:
The second column tells me how many instances of the third column there are. So I want to collapse the third column (so that it is effectively uniqued), but add up the second column values. Desired output would be something like:
I can come up with some rather complicated ways to do this, but it seems like it ought to be rather simple...
I'm not sure what kind of "math" answer you would expect...
Given you have a file input.txt with the following content:
Create a new file with the following script in Ruby, put in the same directory as your input.txt, and run ruby script.rb from the console:'output.txt', 'w+') do |file|
result = {}
File.readlines("input.txt").each do |line|
values = line.split(',')
letter = values[2]
letter_value = values[1].to_i
result[letter] ||= 0
result[letter] += letter_value
result.each do |letter, value|
file << [value, letter].join(', ')
Then, look for your result in output.txt in the same directory.

pattern matching and delete all the lines except the last occurence

I have a txt file which is having 100+ lines, i want to search for pattern and delete all the lines except the last occurrence.
Here are the lines from the txt file.
my pattern search is "string1=" , "string2=", "string3=" , "string4=" and "string5="
i want to go through the each line and keep "string3=" is empty on the file and remove the "string3=welcome" ,"string3=welcome1"
please help me.
For a single pattern, you can start with something like this:
grep "string3" input | tail -1
my %h;
while (<STDIN>) {
my ($k, $v) = split /=/;
$h{$k} = $v;
foreach my $k ( sort keys %h ) {
print "$k=$h{$k}";
The perl script here will take your list as stdin and process output as you mention. This assumes you want the keys (string*) as sorted output.
If you only wants the values that start with string1-5 only then you can put a match in the beginning of your while loop as so:
next if ! /^string[1-5]=/;

Escape Spaces in QT

I want to use the QString.split(' ') method to split a input command into the command
QStringList commandList = command.split(' ');
however command has a UNIX path at the end of it. i.e. it looks something like
QString command = new QString("caommand -a -b /path/to\ specific/file");
the path command is specified by the user at runtime(the user escapes any spaces in the path). For some reason command.split(' '); does not escape the spaces.
I am new to QT, how does it escape spaces?
Thanks for any help
You can use QDir::toNativeSeparators() to convert it to unix style. And split received result by spaces, though you have got to figure out where are the spaces between commands and where are the possible spaces in filename
For example:
QString myUnixPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators("/home/path with spaces/");
will return unix style path, while
QString qtPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators("/path/with\ spaces/");
will return /path with spaces/

Looping through and combining two files in UNIX

This should be simple for those of you who have some programming knowledge... Unfortunately I don't.
I'm trying to iterate through a text file of image captions and add them as title tags to an html file. The image captions file has 105 captions (each is separated by a carriage return) and the gallery file has blank alt tags on each a tag (set up like alt="#"). The order of the captions corresponds with the order of the images in the html file.
So in other words... the psuedo code would be: "Loop through every line in captions.txt and for every alt="#" inside the gallery.html file, replace the # with the corresponding caption."
I'm on a Mac so I'd like to use UNIX.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
If all the alt="#" are on separate lines, you can use ed:
while read cap
do echo "/alt=\"#\"/ s//alt=\"$cap\"/"
done < captions.txt
echo wq
} | ed gallery.html
This assumes none of your captions contain a slash.
There are many ways to accomplish this goal. awk is the classic text manipulation program. (Well, awk and sed, for different purposes, but sed won't help here.)
awk '
caps = ARGV[1]
delete ARGV[1]
/#/ {
getline cap < caps
gsub("#", cap)
{ print }
' captions.txt gallery.html
You could put it into a script to avoid having to type it more than once. Just start a plain text file with "#!/usr/bin/awk -f", put the "BEGIN ... { print }" below it, and give the file execute permissions.
This translates trivially into most scripting languages. Perl:
#!/usr/bin/perl -p
BEGIN { open CAPS, shift }
if (/#/) {
chomp($cap = <CAPS>);
Almost the same in Ruby:
caps = IO.readlines(ARGV.shift).each {|s| s.chomp!}
while gets
$_.gsub!(/#/, caps.shift) if $_ =~ /#/
And Python:
import sys
caps = [s.strip() for s in file(sys.argv[1]).readlines()]
for f in [file(s, 'r') for s in sys.argv[2:]] or [sys.stdin]:
for s in f:
if s.find('#') > 0: s = s.replace('#', caps.pop(0))
print s,
